Realism Invictus

Dang it - then I'll never see the Seaside_Resort as an improvement and supplement to the building with the same name.

An improvement solely for a desert-tile at the "beach" of either a saltwater- or freshwatertile, giving happiness and gold (and a little pollution of course :) ) in the late modern era.

Then why do we see all of the real seaside resorts along the coasts of lush places like Mexico and Marseilles and none in desert coastlands like Mauretania? :lol:

To me, it makes much more sense as a building.
Then why do we see all of the real seaside resorts along the coasts of lush places like Mexico and Marseilles and none in desert coastlands like Mauretania? :lol:
I want it both as a building and an improvement - maybe with slightly different names. My thoughts are towards places like Playa del Inglés on Gran Canaria and Sharm el-Sheikh, Sinai or Mellieha Bay, Malta. Places developed almost exclusively for the sake of the tourist industry.
In my special setup, I can't use the desert for anything unless they have a bonus or if a river runs through the area (which seldom happens as I handmake my maps). I'm limited in the use of the cottage/hamlet/village/town improvement, as the setup demands at least 2 food for this (also my choice I know).

But we have the flood-plains. This is a terrainfeature I seldom uses on my map - they are all but a few handfull placed carefully along rivers, where I think it makes sense to me (then the AI must take it as it is - I do not care what it thinks.....). The few handfull of flood-plain not placed "naturally" are used close to where I think a city will be placed sometimes in the future. It's not exactly the prettiest graphical solution - but it works for lack of better. Unfortunately, it cannot be limited to late modern times.



Above 2 screenshots with such desert tiles, prepared with some flood-plains for the work-a-round.
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I just got the "hamburger joint" and "radio advertising" event right at the beginning of the industrial age. Like, mid-18th century. No radios in my empire anywhere. Not sure what the trigger for it is, this is the first time I've ever seen it. Running 3.6(?) I think -- latest full release, no SVN so if there's been an update I've missed it.
One question about Tech Diffusion in RI ... how do I actually change the impact of tech diffusion? I thought to change the "TECH_DIFFUSION_KNOWN_TEAM_MODIFIER" values in the TechDiffusion_GlobalDefines.xml file but there seems to be no effect of my changes? Also I noticed that "TECH_DIFFUSION_ENABLE" is 0 by default, so I wanted to ask if there is another modifier? (and, if so, where can I find it?)

(The background for the question is that in the Huge world map scenario civs can easily reach the early industrial era centuries too early - so my idea was I might prevent this with decreasing the effect of tech diffusion as I thought the problem here could be that in this scenario are so many civs so tech diffusion might work too easy)
One question about Tech Diffusion in RI ... how do I actually change the impact of tech diffusion? I thought to change the "TECH_DIFFUSION_KNOWN_TEAM_MODIFIER" values in the TechDiffusion_GlobalDefines.xml file but there seems to be no effect of my changes? Also I noticed that "TECH_DIFFUSION_ENABLE" is 0 by default, so I wanted to ask if there is another modifier? (and, if so, where can I find it?)

(The background for the question is that in the Huge world map scenario civs can easily reach the early industrial era centuries too early - so my idea was I might prevent this with decreasing the effect of tech diffusion as I thought the problem here could be that in this scenario are so many civs so tech diffusion might work too easy)
Do you play with the option that makes technologies more expensive if you research them ahead of time? (I forget the exact name of that option).
One question about Tech Diffusion in RI ... how do I actually change the impact of tech diffusion?
Why try to make it diffecult when a useful solution is easy.......

Ohh, did I really answer that on a really-really longlasting annoying problem??? I, who have tried - I do not remember how many different ways - to overcome situations like "Battleships and airplanes (not UFO's :D) in the 10th century"?

Hmmm, yes I did. See I guess I finally found a very useful place to make a change, that both is easy to understand and implement. And best of all - it works perfect with the excellent change Walter made a couple of years ago - the "time-ahead penalty" (No Ahead of Time Technology Cost Adjustment in the OptionMenu when you create a new game).

Only problem I see is, that "some" has to find the best value for the <iResearchPercent>975</iResearchPercent> in the ...\Realism Invictus\Assets\XML\GameInfo\CIV4GameSpeedInfo.xml file for each value of the gamespeed. The longer games, the higher value.

I'm using above value "975" for the GAMESPEED_EPIC in my games now - this value might be a little too low (just a little - time will show). Default value is <iResearchPercent>465</iResearchPercent>, so a little more than double. Can't say that would fit for the other gamespeeds, but it's worth a try since it's easy to change. You can even change the value during the game if you want - it will work after next restart....
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Do you play with the option that makes technologies more expensive if you research them ahead of time? (I forget the exact name of that option).
Yes, I alwas play with the research penalty for research ahead of time. Actually, I didn't change any of the research/tech options (except my experiments with TECH_DIFFUSION_KNOWN_TEAM_MODIFIER)

Only problem I see is, that "some" has to find the best value for the <iResearchPercent>975</iResearchPercent> in the ...\Realism Invictus\Assets\XML\GameInfo\CIV4GameSpeedInfo.xml file for each value of the gamespeed. The longer games, the higher value.

Thanks for the advice! I'll definitely try it .... but I'm wondering what exactly does this value? After a quick research I got the impression it simply makes techs more expensive .... like, you double the value here, your techs will be double expensive? Doesn't that mean it will make the exact same like TECH_COST_MODIFIER value in the TechDiffusion_GlobalDefines.xml ? Like, when I put the value 100 for TECH_COST_MODIFIER, each single tech will be 100% more expensive (and so, doubling the tech costs)?
Hmmm - I have not tried to look at the Tech_Cost_Modifier (yet), but from what you write, I guess the answer is a "Yes".

But I'm not sure if you can set different values for the different gamespeeds.

Anyway, I would recomend, that you only use one of the two different ways. Just to avoid to it up by accident.

EDIT: Hey - wait a minute. TechDiffusion.... that is the alternative to TechTrading between nations - isn't it?!?! If so, then it's not 100% compareable with my suggestion I think.

I would be a little careful to change in that file...... unless I was totally sure, that I knew what I was doing....... And I'm not right now.
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This has been mentioned deep in the thread before, but does anyone share my opinion that Planned Economy should reduce city maintenance from number of cities rather than from distance to capital? City maintenance from distance tends to be a far smaller number anyway, and in my most recent game I won on Monarch, I experimented switching out of Free Market while having a large empire of 30ish cities, and it absolutely tanked my economy which just prior was roaring. It wasn't immediately apparent, but the 5 Year Plan is a large enhancement which has the civic as a prerequisite (and Motherland Calls could be incredibly powerful in certain situations, while definitely scaling positively with one's number of cities), though I still don't see how this would be a better choice overall than FM in all but rare circumstances. Reducing maintenance from number of cities likely would not overpower the trade route benefits of Free Market in a strictly economic sense, but it does retain benefits for waging war which FM penalizes, so I think that would bring it into better balance. As it is, I don't think they're strategically rich alternatives of one another the way that the game intends to model the 20th century ideology struggle corollary to the in-game civic choice. Thoughts?

EDIT: I've gone ahead and swapped it in the XML and made number of cities -50% rather than mirroring the prior distance bonus of -75%, while reducing the latter to zero. The fact that you can't wage total war in FM without great difficulty due to WE is a real drawback, so I think FM should be economically more powerful for peaceful situations, but distance maintenance makes no sense for communism from a historical standpoint IMO (I'm not sure what the rationale for that was), and it needs to be at least not economic suicide in the late game to switch to PE. (After all, the Soviet Union was the United State's rival in research throughout the whole cold war where each one represented one of these economic systems, and neither state was decisively ahead of the other across the board throughout the whole modern era as it's represented in the game - though through that lens, losing over half of your commerce would certainly invalidate that possibility.) I'm not sure if this will throw it out of balance, but I think it's a positive change, and I'll play a game and see how it goes. It seems that AIs' preferences for it is already strong enough in spite of this, so I bet it will get plenty of use-cases in even a single game.
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Also, I attempted this and it didn't work: could someone show me which XML value determines a unit targeting a certain unit first? I want Skirmishers to target recon units first in combat, so that the defending stack can plausibly also use them as a screen to protect their infantry.
Would it be possible to add an era based weight/leash on the call to arms diplomatic ask based on era? Would be nice for huge maps to not have the other side of the world hate you for not picking sides in their bush wars in ancient era
So a bunch of us were running an RI multiplayer game yesterday(7 players) on a Pitboss server and the strange thing is that we went out of sync many times- but at specific events: namely, each time a city is conquered, and each time a doctrine is founded. Anyone experienced with this?
@Walter Hawkwood: first of all: massive thank you and the team for the dedication over the years creating this amazing mod! RI and FfH2 combined are responsible for hundreds of brilliantly "wasted" hours of my life. :)

Do you mind me asking: what happened to It seems to be down although the DNS record still exists but points to the non-responsive IP.

Have you taken it down for good? There was a ton of valuable information in the forum threads there.

Thank you!
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One question about Tech Diffusion in RI ... how do I actually change the impact of tech diffusion? I thought to change the "TECH_DIFFUSION_KNOWN_TEAM_MODIFIER" values in the TechDiffusion_GlobalDefines.xml file but there seems to be no effect of my changes? Also I noticed that "TECH_DIFFUSION_ENABLE" is 0 by default, so I wanted to ask if there is another modifier? (and, if so, where can I find it?)
Ugh. Since nobody here gave you the right answer: look in CIV4CommerceInfo.xml
Do you mind me asking: what happened to It seems to be down although the DNS record still exists but points to the non-responsive IP.
It was set up, paid for and maintained by another former RI team member, whom I could not get in touch with for the last several years, so it just died for good at some point with no way for me to bring it back.
The tooltip on the era icon has industrial/modern costing +200/300 in 1260AD but the tech tree has them at 100/200. Is this a known bug maybe from an earlier version? and if I read upthread correctly it takes a DLL recompiling to change those numbers in case I wanted to spike them up more or what have you

e. the odds for cattle trek (and presumably other unique improvements like grazing grounds?) seems off, I've gotten ~5 pulls from half as many mines and zero from 80 treks on realistic 1500. Without looking at the code im guessing its because mines roll more often for each of the types it can pull, while single resource uniques only have the one resource to roll and so have way smaller odds as a result. Maybe up their chances a bit, or was that too op?
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Difficulty is way up in the new patch cuz of separatism nerfs AI "snowballs" a lot now, or aims mainly for domination/conquest.And maybe some AI coding buff. Last patch was more balanced in terms of "deity/titan" difficulties. Manage to beat the AI on titan from the 6-7 attempt when in 3.57 it was 50/50 and some times if i got big motivation to play beat it on deity. Deity is unthinking now at least for me


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Yeah I haven't managed a diety giant game yet either, it's just super difficult to keep up with the jonses without collapsing to overextension when they can maintain empires multiple times your size. Definitely a change of pace from the usual civ experience in the mid to late game though.

Unrelated, but have a "waiting on civ" bugged save.


  • Mutoting AD-1753-January waiting on civ bug.CivBeyondSwordSave
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i don't know if it's the right place, but i have a bug. hit enter and it never gets to the following turn. Version 5382
Unfortunately, I've hit the same situation with the latest mod version - the game was very smooth until that one turn when trying to end the turn hangs the game indefinitely. I've removed all wars in World Builder and apparently it fixed everything for now, but I can't say it's the ideal solution. Is it possible to avoid it somehow in the future or it's just randomly happening and nothing can be done? I've played a few games in the past with RI but it's the first time it occurred to me. I'm including a save just before the bug so maybe it will be potentially helpful for someone.


  • Casimir III AD-0982.CivBeyondSwordSave
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Have anybody found solution for mac? Is it possible to play this mode on mac?
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