Realism Invictus

I actually had a recent game where the AI appropriately used desert promotions on some of their units when our border was a large desert and it made dealing with them challenging. I haven't seen it favored in general, though.

By the way, has anyone else noticed that the parentheses unit tags for category aren't showing up anymore? The last time I updated the SVN, they were working, but now they seem to have disappeared. I like the culture-specific names for units but it's handy to be able to see in parentheses what category it is.
I have had (still have actually) something like this rumbling in my head for some time.

But I also know, that Walter "demands" good reasons just to consider changes like this - I do remember some of his questions/comments (fx. back on page 415 about using Highways as a new route for all and not just for the germans):

Have to admit, that all above are reasonable questions/views.

My wish is that each and every bonus becomes so valuable, that a civ is ready to go to war if it really are in needs of it and can't get it by trade.

Fundamentally an improvement shouldn't give anything but access to the associated bonus. That bonus has to be ....needed..... in one (or more different) specific workshop(s), where the bonus is consumed and - eventually - a new bonus produced in "a number", These new bonuses should also be used ...... eventually even a third or fourth time when a "reasonable" production-line is "available". As we already have for some bonus.

My reason for suggesting all this is not simply to put extra on. But for all bonuses to be used for its purpose. And not just to make more-or-less useless farms/what-ever. I want to "force" the human/AI to take active "meassures" when a ressource is used up.

Next step - plan for testing.

Edit: Test postponed. I found info on how-to add new buildings in the section for graphics modpacks, but nothing on new bonuses/ressources. So I'll wait for next official release of R:I and takes this up later (if needed).

Spoiler :

1: Start some tests made on present game I'm playing... it's suitable for the ancient, classical and medieval eras.
Guess if I export/save some "key-turns" in WB, then I should be able to reload those turns in WB even after adding new bonuses/buildings and make the needed tests......

2: Start with timber.
New bonus "Tree_Trunks" should be much more common than Prime_Timber. Improvement_Camp_Timber should require Feature_Forest.
Guess a new building - could be Timber_Yard or Lumber_Camp could be used side-by-side with the Carpenter in the tech-tree.
Lumber_Camps should use Bonus_Tree_trunks to produce new Bonus_Lumber (find a better name). 1 Bonus_Tree_Trunk gives 5 (or more?) Bonus_Lumber.
Carpenters should use Bonus_Prime_Timber to produce new Bonus_Prime_Timber_(something good name). 1 Bonus_Prime_Timber gives 2 (or more?) Bonus_(something good name).
Bonus_Tree_Trunks, Bonus_Lumber and/or Bonus_Prime_Timber is required alone or in combination for any building except those, that can be made without use of "manufactured timber" (always available, not a bonus).

It might also be worth testing the values of <PrereqAndBonuses/> and <PrereqOrBonuses/> in the unit files for higher levels of naval- and siege-units - and maybe other places too.

3: Problems (they will surely come faster than expected) - contact Walter :old:

4: If I totally fail - abandon this test :sad:

5: If successfull after all? Stop testing and wait :confused: - no need to do a lot of changes before "one" knows what's with the next release :thumbsup:.
Could you point me where the files for modding resources are? I'm not quite good at programming, but I'd like to give it a try.
As for need for different resources, I'd like to add that it simply follows real world. Lot of countries build cars, firearms or export natural gas, yet even though they build cars, they still import other cars, other firearms etc. I think it would increase immersion level
revision 5358 irome ww1 infantry "Regia Fanteria" no art in the game


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how it is possible to steal tech from AI where your spy has no such option but the computer does steal the tech from me - I got such info ?
how it is possible to steal tech from AI where your spy has no such option but the computer does steal the tech from me - I got such info ?
Either you don't have enough espionage points to do that or there are no techs to steal. To learn how many espionage points spy tasks require open espionage window and select a civ that you're interested in.
Could you point me where the files for modding resources are? I'm not quite good at programming, but I'd like to give it a try.
As for need for different resources, I'd like to add that it simply follows real world. Lot of countries build cars, firearms or export natural gas, yet even though they build cars, they still import other cars, other firearms etc. I think it would increase immersion level

I'm not good at it either - it's the reason why I decided to postpone my own plans.

I was not able to find a guide on how to add a bonus/ressource like the one I found for the buildings.

But if you want to try, you might find most here in this forum: . Besides you can always ask there.
Last edited:
Why are the city names so weird? A lot of obvious city names have just been removed and what's left are really minor cities. And some of them are misspelled ("Kostantiniyye") or just wrong ("Atina" for Turks. Sure, Athens belonged to Ottomans, but to have them settle the most famous Greek city is just wrong wrong wrong).

How can I edit them? Or revert to BTS vanilla?
More_or_less_useless building????

Iron_works. It comes later than Steelworks. The Heavy Siege Howitzer, that it allows to be made, doesn't exist as a unit and it doesn't produce anything special.

Production is very important. This is a production building first and foremost. And Heavy Siege Howitzer exists, it's a world unit - so it might have already been built in the particular game you're referencing.

I frequently found Holy War myself, but of course not every game. I haven't noticed the AI avoiding it but I will keep an eye out for that.

In the upcoming revision I seem to have overcome AI reluctance to build it, should now see AI make good use of it as well.


My changes if any have interest in that.

TBH, there is a common opinion on events that they are too... random. Basically, the amount of rewards and (especially) punishment being handed out can severely skew the flow of any particular game. Lots of people prefer to play with them off. Hence I'm not sure it's a good idea to make them even more punishing.

- I had a city undergo an epidemic at size 1, while I thought the minimum for this was supposed to be 4. I bookmarked a save in case Walter would like to look at it.

Nope, they can undergo epidemics at any size, it's the population that can't drop below 4 due to an epidemic.

- In my current game, religious shock seemed to take effect and remove all of my cities' religions for every single newly-founded religion. Granted, I believe the founder was somewhat near (7 or so tiles away) to my capital, but it applied to all of my cities, not just the capital, with each new religion. It makes enough sense, although it did not seem variable or randomized as I've encountered before. Just want to make sure this is along the lines of what is intended.

Proximity is the main factor. If you're unlucky enough to have your neighbors found a lot of religions, you'll have a bad time.

- The Chivalry promotion from Code of Honor was not applicable to the Conquistador NU, although it worked for all of my other cavalry, as Spain.

While the conquistador has a horse, it is technically a recon unit, not a mounted one.

- Would it be possible to list building destructions from conquest similarly to how this is shown for natural disaster events? It can be tedious doing mental algebra with newly-available buildings upon reconquering a city and trying to remember what you already had before, and I think this would streamline and improve play a little bit if it is possible.

Probably. As it's an interface thing though, I probably won't get to it - but I made a mental note just in case.

why AI dont use additional espionage points in modern era? in my last game on monarch difflucty i won, because in 1960 all four main civs start to fight each other starting a first world war and turn into barbarism - literally ~35%, maybe 50% of world belong to barbs after that. in modern era with security beauro and all this stuff they had a power to prevent it, or at least to prevent enough to not be so drastic in the end

I mean, did AI use spy buttons, like humans? they can umm swap from 0% to 20% when they need? why they dont try maintain public order when they see that half of their empire start to rebel?

It kinda should; the code is there - but it might not be doing enough. I can't really do much more to force them at this stage...

One puzzling question left in my mind after many games, is why revolutions were turned off by default. My (now 400+ XP) cuirassier is absolutely a game-breaking unit and I can conquer empires almost single-handedly with it, but I have not been able to hold my conquests together. They keep collapsing, rioting, and several cities re-joining their culture-dominant civ. While one would expect that that should feel frustrating, it actually feels deeply gratifying to the sense that this is how that should function. It always felt cheap and exploitive in Civ that your people were forever locked into perpetual loyalty to you, no matter how unhappy or unproductive they become from being abused or exploited. Unless I have the civic infrastructure and institutional strength to maintain large and unruly populations, I shouldn't be able to hold onto a large empire, no matter how powerful my units themselves are. I am very glad for this feature and know that I can simply play with it on as I prefer, but I fail to see how others don't appreciate the strategic balance and historicity that this adds, as it is probably the most glaring omission from vanilla civ of all the things that this mod brings to the game.

I put a lot of effort into the revolutions component, much more than I even thought myself to be capable of. I modelled the balancing bits extensively, I basically learned to program to create this component, I spent literal months of my free time refining it. So you can probably guess that turning it off by default was not an easy decision for me. The truth is, it is simply not good enough for my own standards and at this point, it will never be. It's performance-heavy, the AI can't properly handle it, the interface is not comfortable, there's too much micromanagement involved... It's not something I'm satisfied with, nor can I see any way I'd be able to bring it to that state. Still, it's an option for those who want new ways to play - I didn't remove it altogether.

1. air combat experience, including experience for bombing missions / striking units. currently, it's practically impossible to level up bombers (be it tactical or strategic) and merely difficult to improve fighters. I do believe that bombing missions and partial interceptions should give at least some experience to units. Even bombers should get at least some experience for being intercepted, especially if they survive, also planes unable to sink ships... ruins immersion slightly.

Yeah, I wanted to get into that, but it's a major undertaking and I'm not sure I'll ever find it in myself to get started on it at this point.

2. Great general can join the city and provide bonus +2 experience to units built in that city. Up to 5 generals can join, giving rather large boost. Perhaps it could be limited by requiring
pentagon or west point wonder. To prevent exploiting

I specifically removed this vanilla feature. I was never comfortable with an ability to infinitely stack free experience. One can still get an occasional settled general via events, but it's unlikely to be more than one per game.

3. Spy handling - dune wars has extensive set specializations and promotions for spies, some enabling defensive bonuses, some enabling mission specific bonuses. makes spies much more valuable, as well as building (bulit by great spy) that gives bonus of +2 expereince to new spies. Would be great to have, but don't know if it's too much work.

It is.

4. air unit limit in cities /outpost (forts) - while technically mod has limits, they are not enforced, I can mass 50 planes in city. Not so in dune wars, there's strict limit of 3(7 with appropriate tech/building) for cities and 3 for outposts - forts. Perhaps limit should be higher for Realism invictus, with 4(11 with tehc/airport building).

Already implemented in SVN and will be in the next major version.

Is "anti-clerical" really an accurate negative trait for Akhenaton? True, he strongly objected to the Egyptian priests, to put it mildly. But he rejected the pagan religion (which aren't represented in Civ as religions at all, mechanically) and forced everyone to follow his new monotheist religion instead, which came with its own priests and clerics and was - at the time - the closest thing in the world to a religion in the Civ 4 sense. That sounds like a closer match for fanatical than anti-clerical.

Mechanically, anti-clerical also really doesn't mesh well with spiritual, one of his other traits.

I feel it works. While he did found a religion, it didn't really work out for him, and mostly because of the resistance of the old clergy. And from purely mechanical perspective, I don't see how these two traits interact at all - Spiritual is mostly about free civic changes.

I was similarly confused why Theodore Roosevelt's favorite civic is Free Market, since he's well-known for being a trust-buster. I think a more appropriate favorite civic for him would be environmentalism, due to his conservationism and program of creating national parks.

Explained well by others already. At least from my perspective, Free Market as a civic is about promoting free competition (as opposed to Protectionism, which is about providing an unfair advantage). From this point, trust-busting is very much a free market policy. Environmentalism might have been a good civic for him if there were such a civic, which there isn't.

Are saves from 3.55 meant to compatible for 3.57? I installed the latest version from (what I assume to be) 3.55, but I get a CTD when I try to load an old save. (Also, how do you see what version you're in? I think I was in 3.55 but I'm not absolutely sure).

No. No major versions are save-compatible between each other.

On another note: @Walter Hawkwood, could you use French translations? I had been filling up missing translations in the text files with Google Translate, so I could practice my French reading in-game material. It's not everything I've translated into French, but it is a fair amount.

If you're doing this to 3.57, they'd be very outdated in many places (especially units) by now.

I was thinking about goods produced, such as motor vehicles, pharmaceuticals, fuel, basically, later stage derived resources. It hit me that it would be great if each nation or maybe each grouping of nations could have their distinctive variety of produced good. For example when English build Vauxhall, they wouldn't produce motor vehicles, but rather Rolls Royce or Aston Martins or whatever that could be exported to other countries for happiness. Additionally, some civs exports could generate built in improvements in units, for example importing Japanese motor vehicles, could give flanking promotion or something similar.
Same with furniture and clothing, maybe Swedish could produce IKEA Furniture, each nation could produce it's own consumer goods etc, so that while I could build my own civilization flavor of each specific resource, I could also import other nations and export my own. Additionally, I don't know if it's possible, but maybe importing other natural gas could decrease maintenance in my cities by 1% or such similar number or give a single hammer boost.
There issue of "decaying" resources. For example, elephants lose function in later stages, but could allow building of Zoos that while decrease health, give happiness boost. Horses could give hippodromes that give commerce. Also hemp has so many modern industrial applications that it should be processed into something useful, such as biofuel or textiles or something similar.
I imagine it's a lot of work, but I think it could give a nice late game boost and add additional flavor.

It is a lot of work. I wouldn't even know where to start on this one.

If Barbarians can get mounted riders without a source of horses, why can't I?😩

Because it would be absolutely barbaric of you.

The canals - not forts, but real canals like the Panama- or Suez-canal with proper functionality and graphic. Last time we had it up here was on page 418..

Seems like a modder have found a practical way to solve the movements of both ships and landunits, that also seems to be realistic - take a look here: , However the graphic part is not existing.

So some graphic work is still needed - but if the canals is limited to 1 tile from the sea (or lake(!)) - as Samson wrote it might be and that I can confirm is so - then.... I say the Chineese Canal as we have it already could partly be used as master- just 2 or 3 times as wide and with no crossings and no sharp 90°angles (30° - 45°angles or soft bends would be perfect I think - afterall the canal can only be 1 or 2 tiles). And maybe an graphic-option, so a river can end into a canal - think that could look nice too - but this is not a strong wish.........

I know there are a few other different graphic solutions on canals already. There is even made a canal with a railroadbridge. Use this link to see more.[child_nodes]=1&c[nodes][0]=172&o=relevance

AI. AI should be able to use it in a meaningful way - such as being able to evaluate where those are needed and construct them there and only there. Otherwise, it's a non-starter.

I've not seen anyone mention this, but in my games the AI doesn't build any seige units at all. I don't know how to correct this. In previous versions of RI the AI would build seige units but now, nothing.

Which version are you on?

One more thing I noticed is that the AI regularly chooses the desert upgrade for units when there are no/few deserts nearby. If the AI was restricted to the combat upgrade line it would probably be much stronger.

AI promotion logic is generally very murky - I'll try having a look at some point, but I'm not sure anything will come of it.

By the way, has anyone else noticed that the parentheses unit tags for category aren't showing up anymore? The last time I updated the SVN, they were working, but now they seem to have disappeared. I like the culture-specific names for units but it's handy to be able to see in parentheses what category it is.

Nothing has been intentionally removed - can you illustrate what's not there that was before?

revision 5358 irome ww1 infantry "Regia Fanteria" no art in the game

Thanks, fixed.

Why are the city names so weird? A lot of obvious city names have just been removed and what's left are really minor cities. And some of them are misspelled ("Kostantiniyye") or just wrong ("Atina" for Turks. Sure, Athens belonged to Ottomans, but to have them settle the most famous Greek city is just wrong wrong wrong).

How can I edit them? Or revert to BTS vanilla?
Leaders found cities that are appropriate to them - the ones they historically held/founded/conquered. Lots of cities will change names to reflect their current owners - so Turkish Kostantiniyye would turn into Constantinople if conquered (or founded - say, by Justinian) by Romans or Konstantinoupolis if conquered/founded by Greeks (and Istanbul if the Turk leader in question were Ataturk). In the case of Athens in your particular example, it likely means there's no actual Greek civ in that game, as they'd be almost guaranteed to found it first.

Anyway, if you want old static per-civ city names, you can just turn dynamic city names off as a custom game option.
Leaders found cities that are appropriate to them - the ones they historically held/founded/conquered. Lots of cities will change names to reflect their current owners - so Turkish Kostantiniyye would turn into Constantinople if conquered (or founded - say, by Justinian) by Romans or Konstantinoupolis if conquered/founded by Greeks (and Istanbul if the Turk leader in question were Ataturk). In the case of Athens in your particular example, it likely means there's no actual Greek civ in that game, as they'd be almost guaranteed to found it first.

Anyway, if you want old static per-civ city names, you can just turn dynamic city names off as a custom game option.
Ok, thanks! Yeah, I'm fine with dynamic city names, like it how it's in RFC for example. But in RI it's always seems to be these random city names and missing a lot of really obvious ones. So I'm just wondering if that's really intentional. I have to try turning the option off then and see if I like that better.

And oops, I checked again and apparently "Kostantiniyye" is the correct spelling, my bad!

Another question, not necessarily only concerning RI: If I let the AI choose their leaders and civs randomly, is it really random or is there an algorithm to for example choose X number of warmongering leaders for the AI, Y religious leaders, Z tech loving leaders etc? Or is it just completely random?
Ok, thanks! Yeah, I'm fine with dynamic city names, like it how it's in RFC for example. But in RI it's always seems to be these random city names and missing a lot of really obvious ones. So I'm just wondering if that's really intentional. I have to try turning the option off then and see if I like that better.
It's not random. There's quite a lot of research that went into giving each leader the cities that they historically held - and were important/relevant at the time. That obviously means that, for instance in a case of a medieval leader, you won't get cities that were founded after his lifetime - even if the territory in question is roughly the same, city lists of Alfred the Great and Churchill would differ greatly, as cities important in medieval times and in XX century are not necessarily the same. It's a different approach to vanilla, and as I mentioned it can be turned off, but to me, it helps give the leaders an authentic feel. No Stalin with St. Petersburg or Catherine with Moscow as a capital...
Another question, not necessarily only concerning RI: If I let the AI choose their leaders and civs randomly, is it really random or is there an algorithm to for example choose X number of warmongering leaders for the AI, Y religious leaders, Z tech loving leaders etc? Or is it just completely random?
Completely randomly, to my knowledge.
I'm using the most recent SVN downloads. Increasing battering rams to strength 3 appears to help. Not yet at Catapults, which I've increased to strength 5.
OK, this prompted me to go and double-check, and boy did I screw up with AI unit roles. It's a wonder that you made AI build any at all. Will be fixed in the upcoming revision.
More comments from various games. I have saves listed for each of these which might require one:

- In a recent game, India briefly received one of my major cities in a separatist revolt, but only held it for about 15 turns. Once I had reconquered it, I had found that they ended up with a cultural majority, making the city much harder to hold onto thereafter. I'm not even sure how that happened but in lieu of a city being razed, accumulated culture should stay constant and have to be slowly replaced by the conquering civ, no?

- The Pedia description for the forum still says that it boosts GP birthrate as it did in vanilla. Also, it seems like a fairly weak UB now. I know this is the resultant headache associated with tweaking other buildings, but buffing the city square a while back came at the expense of the forum, which is now only marginally better as a multiplier by 5%. I'm not sure if you want to do anything with it at this point but it doesn't currently seem like a lucrative build. Maybe actually do bring back the GP birthrate bonus as before, to compensate? Would that make Rome OP?

- I had made a note to ask why Smyrna was Rome's second default city name, but I didn't realize until reading this page that the city names are leader specific. Thought they were just particular to that civ. I find that rather cool and a personalizing touch on the immersion.

- I was not able to proceed through coast with a work boat despite having open borders with the civ in question. (Nevermind, I remember now that this was disabled for work boats so that you have to build proper naval units for exploration.)

- Pillagers don't show blood spatter in combat.

- Regarding the unit tags, I last updated my SVN (don't have the actual number on hand and I am away from my laptop, or I'd check) when Walter originally made the announcement to tag the unit class alongside the culture-specific title that it also has. In one game, that worked as described, but in every one following, it did not. For example, English militia would say "Geoguth (Militia)" and Russian line infantry would say "Petrine Infantry (Line Infantry)," etc., but in every following game, they would lack the unit class part of the description. That's what I was referring to.

- Second border pop in coastal cities occurs in awkward, non-uniform fashion. Since making this note, I found out that apparently borders do not spread more than two tiles away from the coast, which would probably explain this. Is that understanding correct?

- The word "swamp" is repeated twice as a title in its Pedia description. (By the way, do you want feedback on Pedia typos? I know it's a low-priority fix and going to have relatively many of them, but if it's not really important, I can either keep them to myself or actually edit the text entries manually and let you know afterwards.

- As Rome, my polybian legionaries started with the cover promotion. That would make sense for their use of the testudo formation, but the Pedia does not describe this. Also, I think that would be more applicable to Marian legionaries, since if I remember correctly, Rome did not use this formation during the era of the Punic Wars and expansion into Greece, and it might have actually been directly implemented during the Marian Reforms. Been a while since I've studied Rome with any kind of seriousness, though.

- Workers were consistently not cycling to the next unit after I gave them an order.

- I discovered (likely due to rounding from the game) that the happiness bonus for theaters from the culture slider effectively applies at 5%, while ostensibly it should be at 10%, as described. That's quite convenient and significant, especially around the time that theaters become available in early classical. I'm not complaining nor opining that this is necessarily a problem or out of balance, just bringing it to your attention as this was likely not the intended result, anyway.
First, I can't believe that there is a mod with such quality that surpasses the original in this way, I love the mod
Thank you very much for the passion you have put into it.

I'm not sure if I should post this here, but it seems that a texture of a nordic unit is not rendered correctly

Civ4BeyondSword 2022-08-10 13-55-13.png
- In a recent game, India briefly received one of my major cities in a separatist revolt, but only held it for about 15 turns. Once I had reconquered it, I had found that they ended up with a cultural majority, making the city much harder to hold onto thereafter. I'm not even sure how that happened but in lieu of a city being razed, accumulated culture should stay constant and have to be slowly replaced by the conquering civ, no?
Separatist revolts are a special case; the majority of culture converts to the recipient civ - otherwise, it would simply flip back once the initial grace period is over.
- The Pedia description for the forum still says that it boosts GP birthrate as it did in vanilla. Also, it seems like a fairly weak UB now. I know this is the resultant headache associated with tweaking other buildings, but buffing the city square a while back came at the expense of the forum, which is now only marginally better as a multiplier by 5%. I'm not sure if you want to do anything with it at this point but it doesn't currently seem like a lucrative build. Maybe actually do bring back the GP birthrate bonus as before, to compensate? Would that make Rome OP?
It's not Rome's real UB, which is Castrum. It was just a nice additional goodie. Still is, even if less so.
- I had made a note to ask why Smyrna was Rome's second default city name, but I didn't realize until reading this page that the city names are leader specific. Thought they were just particular to that civ. I find that rather cool and a personalizing touch on the immersion.
Rome in general was tricky to make city lists for. Post-Punic wars, aside from Rome itself, most important cities in the Republic/Empire were located outside Italy and usually pre-dated Roman influence. So I actually cheated a bit and inserted more Italian cities into the lists than would be there normally. Still, a lot of Smyrnas, Alexandrias etc.
- Pillagers don't show blood spatter in combat.
As I'm sure some other units too. I have long wanted to go over all the custom animations and ensure blood is everywhere. One day I will.
- Regarding the unit tags, I last updated my SVN (don't have the actual number on hand and I am away from my laptop, or I'd check) when Walter originally made the announcement to tag the unit class alongside the culture-specific title that it also has. In one game, that worked as described, but in every one following, it did not. For example, English militia would say "Geoguth (Militia)" and Russian line infantry would say "Petrine Infantry (Line Infantry)," etc., but in every following game, they would lack the unit class part of the description. That's what I was referring to.
You misunderstood a bit - in the latest revision available to you, the new naming is only in place for armoured and air units. It's a rather involved manual process and I'm getting there slowly.
- Second border pop in coastal cities occurs in awkward, non-uniform fashion. Since making this note, I found out that apparently borders do not spread more than two tiles away from the coast, which would probably explain this. Is that understanding correct?
Yes, it is.
- The word "swamp" is repeated twice as a title in its Pedia description. (By the way, do you want feedback on Pedia typos? I know it's a low-priority fix and going to have relatively many of them, but if it's not really important, I can either keep them to myself or actually edit the text entries manually and let you know afterwards.
Fixed. Pedia stuff is non-critical but really easy to fix. So please report to your heart's delight.
- As Rome, my polybian legionaries started with the cover promotion. That would make sense for their use of the testudo formation, but the Pedia does not describe this. Also, I think that would be more applicable to Marian legionaries, since if I remember correctly, Rome did not use this formation during the era of the Punic Wars and expansion into Greece, and it might have actually been directly implemented during the Marian Reforms. Been a while since I've studied Rome with any kind of seriousness, though.
Likely the result of an event/quest.
- Workers were consistently not cycling to the next unit after I gave them an order.
Noticed that too sometimes. Don't know how to fix.
- I discovered (likely due to rounding from the game) that the happiness bonus for theaters from the culture slider effectively applies at 5%, while ostensibly it should be at 10%, as described. That's quite convenient and significant, especially around the time that theaters become available in early classical. I'm not complaining nor opining that this is necessarily a problem or out of balance, just bringing it to your attention as this was likely not the intended result, anyway.
I'll let it be. :)
I'm not sure if I should post this here, but it seems that a texture of a nordic unit is not rendered correctly
Hm... I double-checked that particular unit and it displays well on my side, nor has it ever had any problems like that. From what I see, your version is rather heavily modified (non-standard terrain, formations etc.) - could it be you are missing some files? Alternatively, are you running RI on decent enough hardware? It does require shader-2.0 compatible videocard, unlike regular Civ 4. Almost all modern ones would work, but an old laptop with onboard Intel video chipset would cause all kinds of visual glitches.
Hm... I double-checked that particular unit and it displays well on my side, nor has it ever had any problems like that. From what I see, your version is rather heavily modified (non-standard terrain, formations etc.) - could it be you are missing some files? Alternatively, are you running RI on decent enough hardware? It does require shader-2.0 compatible videocard, unlike regular Civ 4. Almost all modern ones would work, but an old laptop with onboard Intel video chipset would cause all kinds of visual glitches.
ok, I also thought that it could be because of the terrain textures that I added, the other files I only edited the texts of the formations, size and number of units, nothing else, I did not touch any textures or that type of files
then I dedicated myself to removing the textures of the terrain and putting the backups of the files that I modified to try again, the textures bug continued
then I reinstalled the mod completely and still the bug continued every time I loaded the game
funny thing is i remembered using that unit in the past but it was ok
i reinstall the complete game from scratch along with the mod, load the savegame and the error continued
here comes what ''solved'' the problem, restart the game, this time I started a quick game selecting the Germans and generating the unit, everything was fine, load the save game and now the unit was with its correct texture
The funny thing is that if I enter the game for the first time and load my savegame first, the texture appears white, it doesn't matter if I then start a new game, the problem persists, but if i first open the game and then start a game from scratch, load the unit (the unit loads fine) and then load my game, the unit loads fine too
my setup is
gtx670 video card, it is old but it is not forced at all in this game and Intel Core i5-9600K CPU 3.70GHz 3.70 GHz
my processor is fairly new, I doubt that is the problem
anything, I leave my savegame here in case it is useful, I am using the latest version of the mod 3.57

I want to thank you again for such a beautiful mod and all the work you have put into it i'm really enjoying it


  • Dudas Ana.CivBeyondSwordSave
    477.2 KB · Views: 6
I found out that apparently borders do not spread more than two tiles away from the coast, which would probably explain this. Is that understanding correct?
The exact rule, in vanilla at least, is that your borders cannot spread further than the big fat cross from every tile on the continent that the city is on. So if you had a city on every tile of a continent, your culture could spread to every tile that could be worked by one of the cities and no tiles that cannot.
hi. after last svn game dropped/ Start new game on huge earth scenario but game closed on turn 2105 bc/
Probably the problem is

[Aug 12, 2022 - 19:49:07] Messages while processing 'Mods/Realism/Resource/Realism.thm'

Error : Decl - ('Civ4Theme_Common.thm', Ln:401, Col:13) Assignment source propertyId 'SF_CtrlTheme_Civ4_Control_Font_Size3_Italic' not found
Error : Decl - ('Civ4Theme_Common.thm', Ln:402, Col:13) Assignment source propertyId 'SF_CtrlTheme_Civ4_Control_Font_Size3_BoldItalic' not found
Error : Decl - ('Civ4Theme_Common.thm', Ln:408, Col:13) Assignment source propertyId 'SF_CtrlTheme_Civ4_Control_Font_Size1_Bold' not found
Error : Decl - ('Civ4Theme_Window.thm', Ln:3048, Col:9) Assignment source propertyId 'SF_CtrlTheme_Civ4_Control_Font_Size1_Bold' not found
Error : Syntax - ('Civ4Theme_HUD.thm', Ln:887, Col:13) Unexpected '.' in the identifier assignment statement
Error : Syntax - ('Civ4Theme_HUD.thm', Ln:927, Col:13) Unexpected '.' in the identifier assignment statement

can i somehow fix it?
Can I see the save and, ideally, the logs?

Other than what?
i want to play austria instead of germany. or the US is missing... can i change the pre selected civs?
like in "Custom Game"... but unfortunetly there is only the "RI earth evolution3" earth map (which is a lot smaller then the "RI World Huge" map)
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