Realism Invictus

I played a game where both “AI plays to win” and “Aggressive AI” options were OFF. That game was too boring and too peaceful for me - there were very few wars in early game.
Then I tried a game where “Aggressive AI” is ON (but not “AI plays to win”) - that game went perfect, just as I wanted - dynamic gameplay and appropriate amount of wars both in early and late game.
But now I want to try a game where both “AI plays to win” and “Aggressive AI” options will be ON. My question is - wouldn’t it be too much (too crazy, too many wars)?
I may be wrong (please correct me if it is the case) but I think “AI plays to win” makes AI more aggressive especially in the late game when it is close to a domination victory (not affecting too much it’s aggressiveness in early game). While “Aggressive AI” affects both early and late game. So, if I play with only “AI plays to win” option - early games maybe will still be too peaceful for my taste?
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You can change the value here: ....\Assets\XML\GameInfo\CIV4CultureLevelInfo.xml, last section "CULTURELEVEL_LEGENDARY".
Thank you very much for your answer. Now I have another question - does changing this value also makes AI aware of how far it is from cultural victory when choosing its victory path with “AI plays to win” option on? Meaning AI will choose cultural victory path a little bit less often overall? 🤔
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Ouuuuhhhh:rolleyes:. You never know with the AI:nope:. Sometimes I believe it knows too much:borg:, sometimes that it doesn't know anything:sleep:...... But back to an answer to your question: Yes, I do believe so.
some weird glitch, i concquer peru city and moment later i get 50+ anti-tank units
btw it is possible make and turn on "global warming" additional option when you start the new game - globalwaming like it was made in "next war" mod for BtS ?
i wish to try and test it and at least try to make it realistic
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Next step is CTD, no matter what I do. I play on 3.601


  • Oleg AD-1388.rar
    1.8 MB · Views: 13
Is it a Windows computer? Windows Firewall might be turned on. I would be surprised if Macs didn't have something similar.
Well, when I turned it off it worked, tried letting the app work through but that didn't happen. Wondering if there's any way to run RI while having the firewall on
I played a game where both “AI plays to win” and “Aggressive AI” options were OFF. That game was too boring and too peaceful for me - there were very few wars in early game.
Then I tried a game where “Aggressive AI” is ON (but not “AI plays to win”) - that game went perfect, just as I wanted - dynamic gameplay and appropriate amount of wars both in early and late game.
But now I want to try a game where both “AI plays to win” and “Aggressive AI” options will be ON. My question is - wouldn’t it be too much (too crazy, too many wars)?
I may be wrong (please correct me if it is the case) but I think “AI plays to win” makes AI more aggressive especially in the late game when it is close to a domination victory (not affecting too much it’s aggressiveness in early game). While “Aggressive AI” affects both early and late game. So, if I play with only “AI plays to win” option - early games maybe will still be too peaceful for my taste?
In my experience with AI plays to win it made the AI significantly more aggressive as early as the mid classical era and even more so with each age. Every AI seemed focused on a military victory, every single game. I was playing on Monarch if that is relevant and, regardless of the fact that I was doing everything to gain friendly relations with the most powerful neighboring civs, the instant they ran out of less friendly targets I was next to get attacked almost immediately even if we were the same religion with +15/+16 relations. Obviously this will depend how good you are at the game, but for me I could not keep up with my industry enough to defend myself unless I only played games with massive geographical defensive advantages in my favor. Even then, often times I would just get whittled down repeatedly by one enemy, either slightly winning or slightly losing the current war until a second or third civ would come after me, guaranteeing a game over war, usually in the Ren era. In my opinion, AI plays to win is like turning up the difficulty 1 or 2 notches and shutting off all potential forms of victory in the AI's mind except domination and conquest.

That all being said I am not amazing at this game, highest level I play this mod on is Emperor with AI plays to win turned off which is a good challenge for me, a solid 50/50 depending on my starting location. Maybe I will go back and try AI plays to win on Monarch again. How would you say Aggressive AI is compared to having it off?
I would like to play with Brazilian civilization but it does not appear in the choice option, but it does appear in the game's encyclopedia, how can I solve this problem?
Afaik Brazil is a minor civ that is only in the scenarios. It is not implemented as a fully fledged player civ
Afaik Brazil is a minor civ that is only in the scenarios. It is not implemented as a fully fledged player civ
Brazil belongs to the civ-group called "Derivative CIV", but should be playable.


2nd. section is this (original) file: ....\Assets\XML\Civilizations\Derivative_CIV4CivilizationInfos.xml.

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Wait, you can make secondary civs playable?!
Wait, you can make secondary civs playable?!
Sure. It's easy.

This is the line to change if you want to play a secondary nation:

<bPlayable>1</bPlayable> (you change the 0 to 1 - and that's that).

But be warned. Some derivative and "other" nations often have less types of units, buildings and some also have changes in what they can do or when they "arrives on the stage" (fx. workers from "other" nations might come later - see one of my recents posts
i'm fully aware not every civ works fully, mainly "tribal" ones.
i'm fully aware not every civ works fully, mainly "tribal" ones.
I will not write it's nothing but "a piece of cake", but I think I have found most of the tricky parts by now.

I still miss to "update" some nations, but I do not consider it as a problem anymore. But it takes time, both for the basic work and for what I call "fine-tuning of the Civ".

Unique buildings and units might not all be totally unique in my games. Some are more "unique" for a region or a few nations.

Fx. do some native indian tribes have the unique american "Indian Scout" too. Finland have the same obelisk (monument) as the Inuits, giving some of their units the snow-promotion. The african nations shares the Chartage monument giving their earliest sailing ship units a small advange, the Austrian have the same special Hot-spring improvement as the german. All nations can make the german highway.... Just remember to update the respective workers when you add something the workers do.

There's a lot more smaller changes in my setup, but I have not written all down........

Below as a example the Apache Tribe.

Pls note:
  • When a building- or unitclass is not mentioned, the default value is used.
  • When a building- or unittype have the value "NONE", the civ can't build that building or train that unit.

That I consider the "order" - or should I write dis-order - the buildings and units are listed in the original files as a complete mess, I have re-arranged them for the nations I have changed.
  • Alphabetical for the buildings
  • Time- and type order for the units.
I have used the normal <!-- and --> to place my comments, fx. like this: <!-- Tipi replaces warehouse -->

Spoiler Apache civilization :

<City>Silver City</City>
<City>Wolf Mountain</City>
<City>Dragoon Mountains</City>
<City>Aspen Mountain</City>
<City>Mogollon Mountains</City>
<City>Whitewater Baldy</City>
<City>Middle Fork Hot Springs</City>
<City>Jordan Hot Springs</City>
<City>Red Hill</City>
<City>Black Mountain</City>
<!-- Tipi replaces warehouse -->
<!-- .GREAT PEOPLE. -->
<!-- .EARLY SCOUTS. -->
<!-- .SIEGEUNITS. -->
<!-- .TANKS. -->
<!-- .NAVAL-UNITS. -->
<!-- Coastal Submarines: England, France and Germany only -->
<!-- Early Battleship Asian only -->

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I have found a flaw in the culture meter. Theatres are supposed to give 1 happiness per 10% but they actually give 1 happiness per 5%. With arenas, this means you can get 5 happiness per 20% culture. I don't think anyone else uses this feature but its always worth it if you have a strong economy imo.
I have found a flaw in the culture meter. Theatres are supposed to give 1 happiness per 10% but they actually give 1 happiness per 5%. With arenas, this means you can get 5 happiness per 20% culture. I don't think anyone else uses this feature but its always worth it if you have a strong economy imo.

I actually discovered this and mentioned it earlier in the thread, and Walter said he liked that functionality IIRC.
While more experienced players of the mod can already "read" the tech tree this way, it might be a helpful UI tweak to shade or color code groups of entire technology branches (i.e., perhaps something relatively simplistic like military techs being shaded red and economic-oriented ones shaded green) so that the meaningfully divergent tech paths appear more visibly. I realize that this wouldn't be perfect, and several techs have blended utility, but some kind of visual aid which would make considering meaningful research decisions more streamlined seems fairly simple to implement and would streamline gameplay and approachability for new players, as becoming familiar with the tree is a fairly steep aspect of the learning curve. Thoughts on this?

Also, wanted to quickly point out that Air Superiority has Flight listed as a non-linear prerequisite, but linearly follows Radio, which also requires Flight. Perhaps remove the requirement for Radio to eliminate the redundancy? (It doesn't really make sense to me on its own, anyway.)
A new testgame is started.

Screenshots and comments to this game starts here:

Let me quote myself:
I think and hope this will be my last test-game.

Many-many changes have been made up-to-and-including the Rennaissance Era. I haven't made many changes for the last 2 Eras, but I have "found room" for a few... But more on this, when the test game gets here in terms of time.
Since this hopefully will be the last testgame, I will allow myself to make serious map-changes in case the game reach its memorylimits - or make other serious "interventions" if - for one or another reason - the game freezes or quits without I'm able to fix the problem. Only problem I will not try to solve is, if the AI defeats me.

This time I will do my best to provide a screenshot when-ever I think this could become interesting to any "followers".
hi. I wanted to understand how the Orthodox religion works, I don't see the great shism technology in the technology tree, it's in the civpedia and in the text files. Thank you
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