Realpolitik CIV - An Interactive AAR

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If Ilduce is killed, he takes up the role of this brother of his, who will surely do exactly what Ilduce is doing now.
There's an easy solution to that - we don't kill Ilduce, we just confine him in such a way that he is completely incapacitated but not dead, which isn't difficult to do. There are multiple ways to do so.
There's an easy solution to that - we don't kill Ilduce, we just confine him in such a way that he is completely incapacitated but not dead, which isn't difficult to do. There are multiple ways to do so.
This is an issue that has been brought up between me and MN. MN wants to sink the ship, and leave me at the bottom of the ocean until the industrial age. I don't want the ship to be sunk due to the fact that I AM ON BOARD!!!!! However, I am allowed to transition to the brother if Ilduce is eliminated from the game. Being incapacitated is one way of eliminating me from the guy.
As LH said, the stories are to be interesting and add a fun plot to the roleplaying, they wont prevent someone from roleplaying unless the person (in this case me) consents to it :)
That's stupid. That essentially means that players now have no punishment if they commit crimes; as they can just simply pull another character out of their hat.

How about we just forgot about it? There really is no reason to have PC's killed off except for narrative purposes, and right now that does not seem like an adequate reason to allow all this confusion. LH can still write a wonderful narrative without all this. There is no need to convolute an already complex situation.
Firstly, I leave the green opposition and join the FIRE opposition.

Posted by:Lighthearter
NinjaCow64 - I believe that this is the "new rule".

No, it isn’t the one I’m talking about. Sorry for the confusion, but in Ravus’s bio of me, he says:

Founder: NinjaCow64
NinjaCow is a brand new politician that is looking to make his mark via war and a civic shake up. He will probably be looking for allies with the new shake up in the rules looking to limit the powers of One-Man-Parties.

I don’t think the True Player Measure effects one man parties at all. I think that Ravus wants a new shake up in the rules. My question is, what are the new rules? Most likely I will be against it, but I would still like to know what it is. I am going to PM Ravus & LH very soon with a compromise agreement that will power up Indies for balance.

Lastly, I am disappointed with Ilduce and MN’s actions. They will significantly hurt England and you are possibly hurting your own reputations by doing this. Please PLEASE PLEASE stop. New people should be advised as well, don’t do this.
I'm sorry but this has gone beyond the realms of insanity and is just highly annoying.

How can we just allow people to do terrorist attacks, and then when they get caught let them get away with changing characters with no tangible punishment.

This destroys the credibility of the entire game if it is allowed to pass.

Ilduce AND MathNerd must be banned from all OAs and elections for at least 1 cycle if not 2 if we are truly to show that this is about serious realpolitik rather than farce.

If nothing is done, the game will just descend into further ridicule and I will lose a lot of respect for it. What's to stop terrorists sabotaging anything and everything if there are no penalties for when they are caught?
Quite right Twinkle. It's no fun for anyone but trolls if people are allowed to go around destroying everything we've built without consequence.

Punishment MUST be enacted. Proper punishment.
Also, there's a difference between making the game more interesting or challenging in a fun way, and just making the game frustrating and irritating.
The character dying things is only for the narratives. I almost want to just drop it and march on, at this rate.

I am a bit noneplussed by the sudden introduction of language issues. It was never an issue before... so are things being retconned so that translators were allways present in those events or something? :rolleyes:

AHA! I wondered when someone was going to bring THAT up!

Peter never liked us, and made it a point to become conversationally fluent in English prior to the Baltic Crisis. Ragnar picked a little up from him, but when during the War it looked like we might be a threat he redoubled his efforts in time for the negotiations. And JC always was a knowledgeable man - know thine enemy.

Athers roared and leapt forward into the flow of enemies. His blade snaked out, slicing cleanly through one. Another man swung a cutlass at him. The Night Eagle parried, then punched the man in the face and ran him through. He stepped back slightly, for an instant taking in the scope of the fight.

For that first instant it looked like the mass wave would break through. The HDO and the Eagles were still rushing on deck and the crew of the Glory was overmatched. This was before the rushing pirates ran headlong into a volley from the Eagles and HDO that had gotten organized. It was like watching a man slam into a brick wall. Hordes of them crumpled then, and as the next groups pumped coordinated volleys into them, and as the light swivel guns on the rails, packed with musket balls, erupted into them like shotguns. A wave of blood seared the deck and the pirates looked to be on the edge of breaking.

Then the other enemy ship slammed into the first, using it as a bridge. Another wave of pirates came over, yelling and waving their weapons wildly. That was when it became a brutal melee, knots of men battling each other across the decks. Bayonets stabbed, musket butts collided with skulls, fists flew and swords slashed. Screams broke the still night air, as did the crack! of muskets firing.

Athers was in the middle of it, his sword flashing as it struck and parried with equal aplomb. He blocked a slash from one vicious-looking man, then twisted the strike away and counter-thrust. The man crumpled. Athers smiled, then looked up. He saw Alex rushing out of the doorway to join in the battle, a musket in hand. Above him on the stern, he saw Captain Drashgorth and Sir Arya battling to hold. Arya had two pistols, one in each hand, and he discharged both at close range into his attackers while Drashgorth engaged with a cutlass. Arya then seized a musket and fired before advancing with his bayonet. Athers snarled, then jumped to avoid an axe and turned. He sprinted up the stairs, avoiding combat as he could, and joined the captain and Arya.

Hell of a fight. He thought as he decapitated a man coming up behind the Lord.


Alex Armitage rushed back inside the Glory, trying to move faster. He had seen a group of men shove their way in, and in his humble opinion, the last thing anyone wanted was Ilduce or Catherine in the enemy's hands. He rushed past Anna's closed door and hit the stairs at a dead run.

Below he saw a dead pirate on the stairs. He swore, drew his sword, and leapt down to the bottom.

He saw a scene of chaos below. There were four more pirates that had cornered guard, who pointed a sword at them. Any minute now they would charge. Alex landed behind them and ran one through without pausing. The others began to turn around, causing the guard to lash forward and catch one in the arm. He let out a bloodcurdling screech and dropped to the deck.

The third man swore much more colurfully then Alex, and lashed out at the guard, his blade biting into the man's leg. The soldier screamed and went down. Alex snarled and punched the fourth man in the face, then ran him through and shoved his body away. He parried a strike from the last man, then slammed him into the wall in a brutal shove and brought his sword up. The other man ducked out and stabbed at Alex. The commander of the HDO jumped away, then swept into the attack and sliced his opponent's hand off at the wrist. A quick thrust and it was over.

The third man, on the ground, tried to rise. Instead, the guard yelled and planted his bayonet firmly in the pirate's spine. The man jerked convulsively before thudding to the deck. Alex turned to the guard.

"Did anyone get through?"

"No, sir." The guard replied. "That was the last of them."

"Good." Alex said. "Can you make it to the surgeons?"

The man thought that over. "Sir, Captain Athers told me to guard this room with my life and that's what I aim to do. I don't think that it's that bad, though, all-told."

Alex raised an eyebrow at how the man had dodged the question. But someone did need to guard Catherine. "Right. How will you fight?"

"Just help me get all the powder and shot and guns around here."

Alex grabbed a few pistols and helped the man to a position with decent cover. He then grabbed a few more guns and some powder, then paused.

"I don't think I should leave you alone." he said. "There's only one of you and-" And then he remembered Anna. He swore. "Never mind. Watch the door!"

"Yes, sir." The man said with a salute. Alex didn't pause to listen. He had a charge to protect, too.

He practically vaulted the stairs on his way back up, a loaded pistol in one hand and his sword in the other. He came up the top of the stairs and saw that Anna's door was open.

"Oh, no." he whispered. He heard a hoarse cry come from inside, then Anna scream in pain. Alex tore over to the door and looked inside.

Anna lay on the bed, her face white with agony and a stream of tears visible on her face. A knife was on the deck beside the bed, and one of the four pirates kicked it away contemptuously. One of the others was standing over her, returning his pistol butt to his side. He hit her. He hit her in her wound! She must have drawn the knife to try and fight!

Alex didn't pause. He stepped almost casually into the room as the one that had hit Anna grabbed her by the front of her shirt and heaved her upper body off the bed with an angry snarl. Alex didn't pause to listen to what he said, didn't pause to even look at him. He just ran the first man through. He stiffened and issued a choking gasp. The other men - save the one holding Anna - turned. Alex didn't really see that. Everything was in slow-motion, and a red haze filled his vision.

His sword licked out again, neatly slicing open the belly of the next man, who screamed. Alex skittered forward and ran him through the back of his neck. The second man shouted for his living comrade, who dropped Anna and turned. Anna yelped again as her head slammed into the wall. Alex stepped forward smoothly, parried an overhead strike from the first man, then shot the other from under the parry and kicked the survivor in the groin. As that pirate staggered back Alex slammed him in the face with his sword hilt and then cut his throat. It was only then that time came back to full meaning.

It was like a wave of blood had burst in through the window. Everything was coated, up to and including Alex and Anna themselves. Her bandage was rapidly turning crimson again and her hair was dyed with the red liquid. Her face was also dripping blood. It belonged to the carcass with a bullet lodged in his skull that had collapsed onto the bed, at least, and not her. She was still white beneath the red, though, and when she spoke, Alex could hear the pain in her voice that she fought to keep under control.

"Now you've gone and ruined my hair! Thanks a lot."

Alex was breathing like he'd run a marathon, and yet he'd fought harder and killed more in his life before. He said the first thing he could think of.

"You still look beautiful to me." That had the virtue of being true - he could still see her eyes amidst the carnage and they still had the same light as always, even if married to sharp, agonizing pain.

She froze and looked at him. For an instant she said nothing. Then she reached up and grabbed him, dragging his head down and kissing him.

An explosion rocked their world and a flash lit up the night.


Athers and Arya roared together and shoved. The barrel of gunpowder lurched, slamming down the stairway and into the charging group of pirates like a bowling ball scoring a strike. Substantially more then ten pirates were slammed in all directions, however. It crashed through the railing, rolling straight onto the first pirate ship. Drashgorth laughed like a crazy man. Then he tossed the flaming bottle of rum.

The explosion send a blast of light searing out hundreds of yards, and the pirate was set merrily burning, all his canvas turned into kindling. The pirates aboard the Glory screamed in terror - if the first ship burned, so would the second.

Coincidentally, so would the Morning Glory, but Athers, Arya and Drashgorth were prepared to take that risk.

A voice echoed above the chaos. "Retreat! Fall back to the Victorious!"

"Dammit!" Arya swore. "That's Lord MathNerd! Bloody traitor!"

Athers was inclined to agree. That was when he noticed the group of men coming from the hold. He pointed. "Isn't that Ilduce!?"

Arya swore again and pounded his fist against the railing. "It is indeed! Damn! Those traitors are winning!"

Athers snarled. Drashgorth clapped them both on the shoulders. "We canna' worry 'bout that right now. You two lads set fire to the pirate's o'ter ship, so we got ta' cut ourselves free and let 'em burn before we join 'em!"

Arya looked ready to argue. Athers simply leapt over the railing to the lower deck, landing in the rapidly downsizing melee and racing for the rail. Once he got there his sword rose and fell, slashing line after line. After a few moments, he noticed other crewmen and a steadily swearing Arya had joined him.

A flaming piece of canvas landed on the deck. Athers rushed over and seized it by one of the non-flaming parts, then raced for the deck. He pitched it not just over the side, but right onto the already-burning enemy ship. He laughed as the last of the lines was severed and the vessel drifted away from the Morning Glory. Then he and Arya turned to the last knot of pirates. They were making for the rail themselves, probably to swim away.

Arya and Athers bulled into them, swords drawn. Arya decapitated one man in an instant, while Athers ran another through. Athers saw another man, and grabbed his throat before stabbing him in the base of the spine. Arya, however, came face-to-face with what looked to be the captain of the pirate ship.

Arya slashed high first, and the captain parried. Arya hacked again, then stabbed. Both times the pirate simply parried. With a gruff shout he then attacked, pushing the English Lord back several paces through sheer ferocity. Arya dodged a thrust, then slid a cut in on his opponent's thigh. The man ignored it completely and swung again. Arya managed to block, sweat running down his face. The Lord then thrust again, catching the man in the same spot as he had before. He grunted and punched Arya in the face. Arya recoiled against the rail. With a shout of victory, the burly captain jumped in.

Arya dropped to the deck and seized the pistol abandoned there in the same motion. The captain slammed into the railing with a whoof, but made no sound when Arya shot him through the chest, the bullet emerging from the top of the man's head. Instead, the pirate simply leaned over the rail, as though looking at the sea, and fell into the water soundlessly.

Athers turned and saw Arya heaving himself upright a moment later. The last of the pirates were surrendering, and the commander of the Eagles felt sure that the second enemy ship - which was visibly disconnected from the raging inferno to port that masqueraded as a vessel - would pull back. It had done all it could do.

Now to find out what Alex had gotten himself into. And to check on Anna.

I must have missed this earlier:
As LH said, the stories are to be interesting and add a fun plot to the roleplaying, they wont prevent someone from roleplaying unless the person (in this case me) consents to it :)
I don't want to prevent you from playing the game completely; I just meant that if you're incapacitated, you can't do things like sabotage or terrorist attacks.

Great update as always, LH. Good to see we are regaining some control over the situation.
Yeah. We can't really blame him, especially after I sent him 5 billion clarifications to our PM, many of which conflicted.
At the Terrorists
Wow how many PM's do you need to send? Just Send one with everything laid out neatly in a nice organised fashion. If know all the angles you shouldn't need to send more then one. Unless you are just trying to re-act to everything :lol:

Story Summery
Ilduce escapes, broken out by Mathnerd, but they fail to kidnap (re-kidnap? or re-re-kidnap?) Catherine. They remain at large and have promised to continue breaking things. Is this right? Good.

Punishment Issue
It was discussed last time this happened that we could lock someone up. Making them loose the ability to perform opposition actions. there was also talk on whether it could stop voting rights and whether a fellow opposition member could break out the imprisoned and how hard that would be percentage wise.

Personally i'm in agreement with the "jail" issue. I don't mind leaving the "jailed" the ability to vote but just denying them opposition actions would be useful. I support the calls to make this official and the administration be able to "Jail". In my mind this should make people more wary of giving Emergency Powers and Martial Law to the government as they could instantly go on a "jailing" spree and lock up all the counter revolutionaries and rule as a Dictator.

I would however prefer "jailing" be available normally and not have to declare Emergency Powers and Martial law just to keep the streets safe. We should be able to lock up our criminals to protect our people.

To NinjaCow
i've replied to your PM but basically the rule i'd like in place is this;

Party Rule: A leader (or member) of a Party cannot put himself forward for the position of President unless he has another member (not counting himself) within his own party.

One person is technically not a full party untill they have another member. So just like the Independents can't become president so shouldn't the One-Man-Parties

I'm not looking to destroy parties consisting of one person just making sure you don't get something like this happening, because ilduce considered it his RIGHT to be president when Imperials had 4-5 people and he was just himself. When the Imperials refused to back him fully he realised he was basically just one man. His party was meaningless alone and he had no support.

All parties can still keep the higher say in government (voting rights in calls for re-elections and support for Emergency Powers etc.) But this rule amendment will encourage people to try and make their parties larger if they wish to launch a bid to become our leader. It should be interesting as i envision lots of the smaller parties merely swelling together only when they need to and breaking apart just as quickly when they arn't needed. It should be Interesting.

Fire Opposition
Can we get an official ruling on whether this is real then? As i don't think we've had THREE Oppositions active all at once before and it wasn't updated onto the Front Page.
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