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Realpolitik CIV - An Interactive AAR

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Welcome aboard Duke Blackstone, I am happy you decided to join this movement as it slowly starts to pick up speed and recognition.

I must have forgotten, but I obviously cast my first vote for my own party and retain my other until the outcome is more apparent.
EDIT: Missed a page. Also, is the Greens still a one-man-party?

It wasn't a stupid, idiotic reason, it was a good idea to have a prison colony so that England wouldn't have rioters, and the rioters would have nothing to riot against.

The Greens are still a one man party. The closest Presidential Candidate to your aims is Twinkletoes Sanity Party. He seems to want peace ASAP with the Arabs after taking Moscow to bring them to the negotiation table.

The only parties large enough to put a Candidate into power are the Imperials (Whosit), The IngSoc (Aysee), The Jokers (Arya), and the Party to Restore Sanity (Twinkletoes)

Unless someone else gets some backing those are the only possible candidates and the Jokers and Ingsoc Alliance is holding strong.
Hmmm I hence post my vote for sanity and green party requesting both of them to think about corporations asap to gain more money and peacefully outtech the world ;)
Well, well, perhaps we'll have a legitimate three-way tussle. Very interesting. Could there be a guiding force here? :mischief: Just kidding! :lol:

In other news, I'll have my platform published later today.
I'm still here - just haven't had much time recently. I will wait a while until I vote. On the subject of Ireland, I agree that we should return it to the Khan. I'll post more later.
Ignore this post

Posting Without Thinking :hmm:
Im really busy at the moment guys. I am sorry for not posting my platform yet. Its already made. I just have to type it up in a speech. It will be up by tomorrow night at the latest EST time.
Election Summery
The Last update is on Post #8811 & Election ends Monday evening

Twinkletoes has managed to forge a fast coalition and the election has turned into a 3-way vote. Each Coalition is now made up of 2-party systems with the unaligned parties, Veternari and Co-Op, and The Independents able to have more say over events.

Both the Imperial-War Coalition and the Green-Sanity Coalition have made clear their aims for if they get into power.

The Patriot Coalition Leader has not yet given a public declaration, but the strong IngSoc-Joker Alliance means they are still winning by one vote.

Election Concepts:
Here are some concepts that the Presidential Candidates should state their aims and thoughts upon.

Spoiler :
Government Spending
Science vs Money - With our clear tech advantage we could try to gain a even larger lead or cut back a bit to upgrade all out units

Capitalism vs Communism - The Final technologies are nearly there so the next leader must make a choice. Do we support communism with its free state and large land. Or Capitalism with it’s corporations and money.

War vs Peace - Although we hurt Russia we have not hurt the Arabs… they will not talk to us about peace until we bloody their nose. But do we do just that? Or try to drive them all the way back to the middle east before we talk peace?

Indepence vs Vassal vs Ally vs Rebels - Do we let Ireland stand alone with the risk that it falls once again to a foreign power? Do we demand they bow to us in servitude yet also protection? Or do we try to bind them to us as equals, through a Defensive Pact or Alliance? Do we bring them into our war? Or do we tell them enough is enough, that they are English not Irish and tell them they are a separate peoples no more?

Intervention vs Isolation - We saw during Aysee’s term the flaws of concentrating on one target. While we stared down the Norse Vikings the Arabs declared war on the Russians and Indians to claim their holy cities. They claimed the Buddhist holy city and Capitluated Russia, but India managed to force the Arabs into a Cease Fire. (Most likely through the Aposalistic Palace) The Egyptians bowed to Shaka. The Americans became Christian and the Eastern Korea and Japan went to war. Thus what shall we do this time?

We are at a point where every tech helps. So which will you go for?
Democracy gives us civics and a wonder,
Communism gives us civics and a free Great Spy,
Corporations gives us it’s namesake and a +100% Gold national wonder,
Physics gives us Spy Airships and a Great Scientists,
Railroad gives us the possibility of Mining Inc. Railroads with x10 movement and the perfect defence in Machine Gunners,

Great People
Scientist & Engineer & Merchant
We soon have Corporations, Representation and a few wonders coming up. Will you found corporations pursuing capitalistic aims? Settle them with Representation? Quickly Grab a wonder?

Manifest Destiny vs War with Primitive Natives vs Peaceful Colonization - We can expand continuously to the east till the Great British Empire stretches from shore to shore. Or we can strike a boundary in Asia then turn our eyes elsewhere, either to the primitive natives overseas or too unclaimed land elsewhere to create colonies around the world.

Politician Votes:
Ravus = Jokers & IngSoc
Aysee = Jokers & IngSoc
Mechaerik = Jokers & IngSoc
Twinkletoes = Sanity & Green
Dukeblackstone = Sanity
Fellow = Sanity & Green
West India Man = Sanity & Green
Gruekiller = Jokers & IngSoc

Jokers = 4
IngSoc = 4
Sanity = 4
Green = 3

Patriots (Jokers / IngSoc) = 8
Current Candidate = Arya
Current Views = Not yet spoken

Green-Sanity (Green Party / Party to Restore Sanity) = 7
Current Candidate = Twinkletoes
Current Views = See Full Post #8839
  • Spending = Technology
  • Technology = Railroad, Physics & Communism
  • Economy = Communism
  • Military = Moscow then Peace ASAP
  • Ireland = Returned to Khan, but bound to us in some way.
  • Foriegn = Secure the Empire, then turn eyes to The America for future expansion.
  • Great People = Engineer for Statue of Liberty, Merchent for money trip, Scientist for Settling
  • Expansion = Secure Europe, Sail to America

Sith Imperial-War Coalition (Imperial / War Party) = 0
Current Candidate = Whosit
Current Views = See Post #8855
  • Spending = Technology & Minor Money for Upgrades
  • Technology = Railroad, Physics, Communism & Aim for Industrialism for more Military Techs
  • Economy = Communism
  • Military = Push back the Arabs, Secure the Empire then continue pushing as long as we hold Military Supremacy.
  • Ireland = Independence for Khan, Not Vassal-hood.
  • Foreign = Focus on our Arab Enemy. Play nice and keep an eye on Ragnar and other Rival Powers (E.g. Shaka). Befriend Americas.
  • Great People = No Corporations, Settle or build the Scientist, Send Merchant overseas, Use Engineer for Statue of Liberty or Pentagon
  • Expansion = Expand via our conquered enemies land first. Only then when the threat is removed turn expansive eyes elsewhere.


PS: Well... no wonder Twinkle is getting of to a good start, he's currently the only Candidate who has spoken on their views. There is an element of power about being the first to speak up.

PPS: The Imperial and War Coalition didn't have a name... and seeing as how the Imperials allways seem to have a small party as a side kick it reminded me of the whole "there is only ever two... a Master... and a Apprentice" speech. Combined with the Imperials name...
I can allways change it if the two parties come up with a new name.
Oy. Ravus, tsk tsk. :nono: I can't let that stick. It's certainly dangerous for one's political opponent to control the media.

We have a name in the works, but I'm waiting for NinjaCow to return this weekend before officially adopting it. Just... use Imperial-War Coalition as a placeholder, I guess.
Sorry for the delay. Here is my official position on the matters at hand:

Spoiler :
Government Spending

Science is the foundation of a strong nation. It is through our technological superiority that we shall shepherd the lesser nations. Therefore, we must continue to make strides towards greatness. However, I also support analyzing our income to see if it would be cost-effect to re-equip any of our soldiers, especially in vital areas such as the Home Island or Iberia. It is possible we may be able to afford a few upgrades, but if done, it would only be in select areas.


Communism will best serve our growing nation. The State is best equipped to manage our vast and growing territories. In addition to the financial savings this method of government promises, we can expand production. Combine this with a switch to Caste System, and we can construct grassland workshops that produce 2 food and 4 hammers--better than a plains hill mine! Our superior technology plus an unequaled production capacity will ensure our Empire's future.


We must use this opportunity to drive the Arabs out of the east. It is not enough to stop them, we must push them back. Having done so, we will have captured two valuable holy cities that will nicely fund our economy. The territory we gain will also serve as a point for future expansion. Our army is more powerful than the enemy's, and to hold back when opportunity has not only opened the door, but laid down a welcome mat would be foolishness!


Return the island to the Khan. I am sure that our relations will be friendly, but there's no point in taking on the administrative cost of managing them as vassals. The island will be a hotbed of revolt if we try to hold it, and that's a headache we do not need.


We do not yet have the capacity to be true world leaders, and dividing our attention too much will leave us ineffective in anything we try to do. For now, our main focus should be the drive against the Arabs. Secondarily, we must try to improve relations with the Vikings to prevent them from using this opportunity to strike against us. Since the Americas have adopted Christianity, we should try to build closer bonds with our brothers and sisters in faith. We must keep an eye on Shaka, but aside from possible talks, expending significant effort on him would be wasted.

*Steam Power
*Press towards Industrialization

Great People
Corporations are useless under Communism. Our Scientist could either be settled in our best science city, depending on modifiers, or used to partially bulb Physics (which will grant us another Great Scientist if we get it first). Assuming we still have some Caravels, our Great Merchant can be sent overseas. Our Engineer should be saved for a Wonder. The Statue of Liberty is a possibility, as is the Pentagon. The Statue would require a technological detour, but it is quite powerful, while the Pentagon would allow us to better train our soldiers.

Turning our attention to foreign shores while threats still surround us at home would be foolish. We must secure ourselves here first, and only then consider expanding elsewhere. A base on the distant eastern seacoast would facilitate planting colonies in distant lands. We have much land to claim from the remnants of Russia and their Arab overlords, and laying down rail lines will allow our soldiers and citizens to speedily travel to wherever they need to be.
I’m back everybody! BLU!

Anyway, I vote Imperial and IMWP. I will talk to Whosit about the coalition.

To those who haven't voted, I implore you to look at the now clear alternative.

We have two coalitions who are set on splitting our empire in two, going after an enemy far away and relying on 'neutral' powers not to exploit our vulnerable divide. Using St Petersburg as an isolated starting point for a war against Arabia is sheer folly, as the Vikings could easily divide our forces into defending our current european holdings or St Petersburg, without the security of supply routes and our major army fighting miles away from home.

I do not deny that Arabia is a power which could do with knocking down. However this is not the time! We must have a solid empire which is not divided before we can push so far into Arabia. We overstretch ourselves and we lose the technological edge we have worked so hard to gain.

Vote for sensible, pragmatic decisions; not foolish imperialistic pipe dreams which threaten our future.

Vote for the Party to Restore Sanity and the Green Party
Gonna think this one through Carefully before I post It :p

@TT- We're trying to restrain the beast before it becomes too powerful. We have to stop arabia Snowballing or we're ALL GOING TO DIE!!! :lol:
Didn't Think This Through!!!
Okay I see where you're coming from, but Ragnar has to be at least as worried about the Arabs as we are, he'd be insane to attack us now, and We have seen that this is not the case. We might even be able to persuade him to help us deal with the HEATHENZ, who are defiling his holy city.

@Politics- NC Isn't a sidekick!!! He'z a trusted ally of the Party!!! We support him often due to our similar Ideals. (WAR!!! :c5war: KILL!!! :ar15: BURN!!! :devil: :nuke:)

OOC-There's no Fire smiley :( :sad:

@More Politics- I vote Imperial! I'll use my second vote when I see more how the election is going.

Playing Politics :cool:
I vote Imperial and IWMP.

To respond to the issue that the honorable Twinkletoes brought up: The Greek Divide will not be ignored. As you say, it would be foolish to rely on the good will of our neighbors to protect our security. However, as you have also acknowledged, we'll have to bloody the Arabs before they will talk peace. Why not take valuable territory while we are at it? We current have Right of Passage through Greek territory, so we can continue to reinforce our eastern front for the time being. Once we have secured our gains, we can build forces up west and east of the Greeks, and secure our middle in one swift stroke. Surely you can see the pragmatism of this approach.
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