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Recently Watched Movies


Jan 17, 2007
Having not seen a thread like this when using the search engine so hopefully I am good. :)

What movies have you watched recently?

Fight Club - 10/10 - Watched it for the first time recently, WOW, just wow. I may have to rewatch it a twice or thrice to see everything. Highly recommend.
Hmmm, the search engine´s not that good I reckon, but I´ll honour you:

Star Trek: Nemesis and simply

Star Trek.

Both pretty entertaining, though I prefer the second over the first, as Nemesis´ plot involves (yes, again) a villain out to destroy Earth, and I´m not sure how many prequels Star Trek really needs.
I just watched the Hunger Games. And I must say, what's the big deal? Why did this movie make so much money? What's wrong with me that I don't like this movie as much as the rest of the country? Why is extreme violence suitable for teenagers?

The movie wasn't bad, mind you. It just wasn't good. I liked the buildup to the actual start of the game. But the game or contest itself was kind of a letdown. I expected a better contest than that.

I'll never understand why these type of movies make so much money. Same thing with Avatar. It was okay, but extremely overrated as well. And Titanic as well.

On a side note, I did like the soundtrack, even though I don't normally like that type of music. So that's saying something.
Iron Sky
Not sure yet what to make of it. I tended to like the humor, but at times it also just seemed flat. I liked the images and the characters. But there was no suspense, nothing that really graped me. It all seemed a bit mumbo-jumbo. This movie is for me neither here nor there.
There are not many movies that I think to be able to better appreciate high, but this may be one of those. Thinking of it, it seems kind of perfect... Dame.
Watched Hot Fuzz again recently. I was impressed at how seriously they took the action sequences. They didn't stop for slapstick as often as American action comedies do. Sorta made the bits they did through in more appealing.
One for the Money. I would say disapointing except that I wasn't really hopeful going in. :p

The stabbing the guy in the forehead was kind of funny but I got the impression it was supposed to be shocking. ...Well it was funny! The effect and execution was funny. Not that getting stabbed in the head is funny.
Just streamed Slither(2006) over Netflix. Alien/Zombie invasion - it's a Hoot. Nathan Fillion (Firefly) and Elizabeth Banks (The Next Three Days) have great chemistry together. I think Fillion is a lot like Leslie Nielsen, delivering hilarious lines with a straight face.

Apparently, the Aliens have a political agenda...
I just watched the Hunger Games. And I must say, what's the big deal? Why did this movie make so much money? What's wrong with me that I don't like this movie as much as the rest of the country? Why is extreme violence suitable for teenagers?

The movie wasn't bad, mind you. It just wasn't good. I liked the buildup to the actual start of the game. But the game or contest itself was kind of a letdown. I expected a better contest than that.

I'll never understand why these type of movies make so much money. Same thing with Avatar. It was okay, but extremely overrated as well. And Titanic as well.

On a side note, I did like the soundtrack, even though I don't normally like that type of music. So that's saying something.

I think the hype must have been due to the book the movie was based on.

Saw Prometheus. Meh.

Meh exactly.

It's like movies nowadays don't even attempt at character development.
Watched Hot Fuzz again recently. I was impressed at how seriously they took the action sequences. They didn't stop for slapstick as often as American action comedies do. Sorta made the bits they did through in more appealing.

Crusty Jugglers.
If Willy Wonka can punish kids for their sins, why can't John Doe?

Willy Wonka doesn't punish any of them, though. They all just suffer the consequences of their own actions.

On the topic, I saw Abraham Lincoln vampire hunter the other day. It was a lot less fun than I had hoped. Also, I suspect they may have made some stuff up.
Watched Casino all the way through. This is a movie that I've seen most or all of before but in bits and pieces, never front to back. Great movie, a little longer than it needed to be maybe but still solid. De Niro and Pesci are of course always great and make a great duo on screen.
Excellent move Casino is. I'm biased of course. :)

Ahh I miss the 90's movies. They seemed so much better back then. I even miss the 70's and 80's movies. I miss the times when gratuitous nudity and violence were accepted and right.
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