Religion and Corporation Screens

johny smith

Mar 10, 2007
Well want I can say these are the scrolling screens I made for religions and corporations. Jeckel is one that made the city screen as it is. It automatically adjust to the amount of religions and corporations you have in your city. It does not display ones that are not there.

And here is the link to download all of the screens.

I just update these screens October 10, 2008.

Added three ways of displaying the adviser screens.
1. Showing all of the icons as before
2. Showing only icons that have been founded
3. Showing only icons that are selectable in the religion screen

So it is up to the individual to decide what they want.
I made some updates to the files. Just mainly adding some comments. I am still new to python so I would like to know if there are any problems with the screens.
Great, this is just what I've been looking for!

I do have one question though. Is it possible to implement both the Religion and Corporation screens so that those that have not been founded do not show up either?

This way when playing with your 47 religions, and combined with other religion-limiting mods, the one that have not been founded and will never be founded won't clutter up the interface.
I do have one question though. Is it possible to implement both the Religion and Corporation screens so that those that have not been founded do not show up either?

I second that! I like the idea of the religions showing up later.

can I request that the Corporation and religion screen tell how many cities they are in, instead of th list at the bottom just : 11 cities under the % would be cool.

I'd also like to see if you can have how much gold is the corp HQ genertaing. that way you know how valuable it is.

cool stuff!
Sorry updated the file noticed one small thing I missed with the nationalities not being centered. I for some reason did not get updates by email that you guys posted.

Well anyway I would love to do a lot of other things with the screen, but I am not really that much of a python guy. I may look at only showing what is available on the screen.

Ekmek I see your point but I will have to find something for it read to find that count. I may try in the future but right now I have other things I am trying to do like the civics screen.

I have a one small text display problem on the civics screen now. I will give you guys a screen shot but I need to fix it. I just do not know C++ that well to squash it fast. So trying to figure how to fix it first. Well anyway thanks for the good remarks.

loosing the overall view !

Yes you will loose the overall view in a way maybe, but you do not need a scrollbar probably if that is what you are going for. The reason I did it this way was because of the text in the help panels are a real pain to have to read if left horizontal.

Anyway it would not be hard for me to do two versions, but I need to get this text issue figured out first. If anyway wants to help here is a link.
hey johny smith,

can you say approximetly, when will you reease your civic screen scroll bar??

im lokking forward to it!!!

Well what I have is available to download is at the link I gave above, but still trying to fix the text issue.
yeah, i saw it,

i really hope you fix it,

though i have a quastion,
wasnt it better if the scale of the civics was horizantel?
just like we had at visa 3?

and if your with woc,
then try to ask for mrgenie help (if you know his name), if hes still working on woc, he is a master of coding :) speak with tafirehawk about it.

good luck man,
i really want your work in my overlord2 mod.

yeah, i saw it,
though i have a quastion,
wasnt it better if the scale of the civics was horizantel?
just like we had at visa 3?

No not really. You do not have the very large screen this way and you don't have to scroll through the text in a small box for info. MrGenie wants me to do it this way as well. But either way it is easy for me to adapt the original from the ViSa if I get this fixed.

yeah, i saw it,
and if your with woc,
then try to ask for mrgenie help (if you know his name), if hes still working on woc, he is a master of coding :) speak with tafirehawk about it.

He has just too much to do at the moment. He probably can lend me a hand later of course. I am just trying to get this thing out fast for everyone, and learn some SDK myself.
Wow, these are really useful screens! Just what I needed for a mod I'm working on. :thanx: I have also made a custom Civics screen that allows for up to 10 different categories. Maybe I'll upload that here, too, if there is a big demand.

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