Remember when you where young?


Dec 7, 2004

Fourteen years ago sitting in front of a 486 and a 14' monitor? After a 10 minute long installation followed by an atmospheric intro music, and the words " the beginning, the earth was without form" flashed before your eyes for the very first time?

What is this strange game? And what is Stalin doing here?

A couple of more hours later you slowly began to understand the concept of the game. And a few more hours there where no turning back, you where completely and utterly hooked. And not only for a couple of days, weeks or months. But for years.

Now fourteen years later, today to be exact, the fourth version of this masterpiece of a game is upon us.

For me at least, this is a big day :D

Happy civing civ'ers!!!
Haavards said:
What is this strange game? And what is Stalin doing here?

Priceless. :king:

Happy Civ'ing to all.
Well I don't think I was playing Civ quite that early, me being 5 at the time.

But yes, it has been a long journey, and will hopefully be longer yet. SMAC 2, I'm looking at you.
Uh, people didn't have computers in their homes when I was 14.
...brings a tear to my eye remembering those early days of Civ ;)

I also remember that I han almost unlimited time to play back then as well. Now, there is too much non-civ activities taking up my time.

I will find the time for 24 hours straight civIV marathon!!
You lucky butt! Our family was too poor to afford one of those fancy 486's. Nope I was stuck with a piece of crap Packard Bell 286 for quite sometime :(
i was one year old when civ 1 came out. Yet i still became the only one year old player to win the toddler civilization tournament......those where the rattle shaking years....
raving drug addict - living on streets beggin for spare change at the time - no computer nor a place to put itt. amazing how much change can come in 14 years if you apply yourself. oh would have been 39 14 years ago not young not old.
Well, over 3 years ago I got Civ III for my birthday. I stayed up until about 2:00 A.M. until I collapsed from utter exhaustion, and the next day I spent every free minute of the day civving, and since then I have been a hopeless addict. Look at me now! 11:30 P.M. (in Chicago) and after a long day of hard work and being very tired, I am still up waiting for beta testers to tell me everything I want to know.
I was there with you 14 years ago. I remember getting the game at Sam's Club. I probably got it because there were Pyramids on the front and I was into Egypt at the time. I would have been 11 if it really was 14 years ago. I remember memorizing what two technologies led to all the others so I didn't have to take the time to look them up for the security code. And those big, square knights... ah, good times.
Those where the days. I also remember other great strategy games that led me to CIV.

Colonial Conquest from SSI
Empire I and II
Defender of the Crown (The original one)
Railroad Tycoon
Balance of Power
...and others that I dont remember anymore.

But the BEST and GREATEST of them all CIVILIZATION and a new version is coming out tomorrow. :crazyeye:

I wont be able to sleep tonight. If I dont get it tomorrow I dont know what to do I need my civ fix..

Good civing to everybody.
When I was 14, we thought the Commodor 64 was the top of the line. My first tase of Civ was in 1994 actually. It was my addiction when Doom hit. Yeah, I played Doom, but Civ was my addiction. That and beer of course. Now I don't drink, so Civ 4 will rule my time for some time...
I was in elementary school when I was playing Civ I. It's scary the kind of great memories a simple video game can invoke. I had a close friend that I used to play it with whom I lost touch with and have no idea where he is now, but it's reassuring to know that most likely, somewhere out there, he will be playing Civ IV too :lol:
I remember the good old days, when the game came on six diskettes.
warpstorm said:
Uh, people didn't have computers in their homes when I was 14.

*sigh* ain't that the truth... unless you count the LED calculator (slimline model,...about the size of a housebrick:eek: ) that resided in my house:D
I played Colonial Conquest and Mule too. But Ultima IV was the coolest. And now we have another IV!
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