
Mr. Dictator

A Chain-Smoking Fox
Jul 27, 2003
Murfreesboro, TN
Just an idea, dont know where it should go though, so this seemed right

how about when you build a cultural improvement or wonder, or maybe every advance could have a attribute like Military, Commercial, etc. and Civs of that attribute would research them faster.

but back to my idea, when you build anything cultural, their is a chance you can start a Renaissance where every city generates +2 culture and every Metropolis +3

hope you got the point, i came up with the attribute idea mid-thread.


In the average civ game players are going to build many many buildings that are cultural, so having the chance of cities producing +2 or +3 culture that often would be unbalancing.
I think a better idea would be that during a Golden Age, all of your culture producing buildings should generate 50% more culture per turn during that time.

To represent all the increased fancypants art and learning and whatnot.
This would be cool.. . .but do it like a cultural golden age, where you get more culture for a period of turns. I don't like the idea of it being permanent, tho.
I think the idea behind this is very clever.
what about the idea of advances with attributes?
During the 'golden age'? Yeah, that could work. The limit of 4 turns per tech might be a problem. Might be better suited for Civ4, tho.

But hey, it's a good idea. Write up a proposal and send it to Firaxis. . . they worst they'll do is say 'no.'
Firaxis seems to have created the concept of specific golden ages with Scientific Great Leaders, which can increase science production in all cities for 20 turns. Perhaps a new "Cultural Great Leader" could do the same for culture.

What do you think of this "specific golden age" ability of Scientific GLs? Is it too unbalancing?
its not too unbalancing, i think one earns this great leader
Originally posted by The Economist
If they ever make a cultural great leader in say, Civ 4, they NEED to make one that looks like Elvis.

Hah, yeah! I can see the advisor now "Sire, due to our great culture, Nashville has produced a Great Leader, ELVIS!!" Let the golden age begin!
How would i go about proposing these ideas to Firaxis?
I would get in touch with TETurkhan. He recently sent a proposal to Firaxis for the C3C release. Ask him how he did it. I would guess that you write the idea up as completely as you can, but since I don't write proposals, I'm not exactly sure how to do that.

If'n it was me, I would go out to Hunt Valley, and find the bar that the Firaxis guys hang at, and start buying them some drinks. . .
PM TETurkhan

awaiting response

i dont really like the idea of CGL, how would you want them to work?
or the city gets a boost of culture for x amount of turns.

That could actually be pretty powerful, later in the game. If your capital is putting out 50 culture a turn, and you double it. . . that could be quite a boost.

Edit: And it's your idea. . . if you don't like something, I don't see a reason for you to send it. I mean, unless you want to be nice. . . but after all, this is your proprosal for the game. So if there are things that we would like to see, it's kinda up to us to do what you're doing.

Now, don't get me wrong, I appreciate the fact you're including my ideas in this. . . but if you want to just send up your thoughts, well, I won't be offended by that.
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