Requests for new components (and features)

I really like the advanced tooltip information provided (like how many beakers a +%Building actually will provide).

I think it would be great if for universities, courthouses and theatres the current number already built (and maybe even in production) could be displayed so you know how many more you got to build till Oxford, the FP or Shakespeares are available.

Maybe something similar could be done for temples/cathedrals. The cathedral tooltips could show how many can be build before more temples are needed and the temple tooltip could say how many cathedrals can be build at the moment.
- Take the city governor's choices for worked tiles and specialists into account whenever turns to complete a new unit/building is shown.

That would be pretty tough to do without actually swapping the tiles. I'll look at the function, though.

- In the military advisor, extend the width of unit list to fill available space so lines for units with lots of promotions don't wrap.

Yes, I still need to finish up this screen, and this is part of it.

- In-game slider for camera scroll speed. This can be changed in CIV4DetailManager.xml as far as I know, but the option isn't presented anywhere.

You can't change any of the XML values for things outside of Global[Alt]Defines.xml in-game. The objects that are created from those XML files have no functions to set their values. :(

- Collapse the units shown on a tile's tooltip as much as possible.

I still want to build a popup screen that will allow you to inspect all the units in a scrolling table with promotions and other values split out. Would this cover it for you?

I've been playing Legends of Revolution lately so the scoreboard is much taller than I'm used to

You can set the maximum lines in the scoreboard in the options screen. It will always show you in the scoreboard. I still plan to add a scrolling scoreboard at some point.

I want to know how many turns it will be until I can whip something.

I wrote the code to calculate this information two years ago, but I never found a good way to present it. It would show you all of the population-change points including the first point at which you could whip. I wanted to have a third bar under the production bar.

However, when Ruff added the tick marks it seemed fairly moot. You can count the tick marks before the whip mark pretty easily. However, there is a minor bug where the whip marks are incorrect when you haven't put any :hammers: into the item yet.
I still want to build a popup screen that will allow you to inspect all the units in a scrolling table with promotions and other values split out. Would this cover it for you?
Basically, I need to know at a glance how many units of each type are on a tile. Showing that on a popup would be better than counting lines on the tooltip, but I personally wouldn't use the table at all - just the total unit count. Actually, what I'd really like to see in the tooltip would be a header showing the static aspects of the unit, followed by an indented line showing the other stats. For example, if I have a stack of gallic warriors plus an archer and a couple spearmen, I might see:

Gallic Warrior 6:strength: [^] (7)
1:move: [o][o]
1:move:[o] (5)
Spearman 4:strength: 1:move: [o] (2)
Archer 3:strength: 1:move:

That looks lame on the forum, but I hope you can see what I mean. [^] is the guerilla promotion icon and [o] is combat. All gallic Warriors have 6 strength and start with Guerilla I so that's shown in the header. I have one warrior with full movement and Combat II, five more with full movement but only Combat I, and another that's moved this turn and has Combat I. The two spearmen have Combat I and are combined onto one line because their stats are all the same at the moment.

You can set the maximum lines in the scoreboard in the options screen. It will always show you in the scoreboard. I still plan to add a scrolling scoreboard at some point.
Well, the scoreboard is something that I need to have open at all times, with all civs shown, so that's not an option I'd personally use. Maybe I'll reconsider if I ever have a couple dozen civs in a game like I've seen in some RevDCM screenshots. I just meant that the taller scoreboard makes the problems with the other parts of the UI more obvious.
The tabular view is really designed to help asses an enemy SoD that you cannot inspect by selecting the units and looking at the plot list icons.

What you suggest is doable--difficult but possible. The aspect of pulling all common attributes up to the heading row might be the trickiest. This would make a great modcomp for someone with good C++ skills since there is very little SDK knowledge necessary.

If anyone is interested in making it, I'd gladly provide the details of how I would build it and any SDK pieces you'd need--really just a few fields from CvUnit and isHasPromotion(). However, with my very large backlog of features and releases, I don't see tackling this myself any time soon. Dunno, it would be kinda fun though. :)
However, when Ruff added the tick marks it seemed fairly moot. You can count the tick marks before the whip mark pretty easily. However, there is a minor bug where the whip marks are incorrect when you haven't put any :hammers: into the item yet.
Well, the tick marks are technically correct because they take into account the double whip penalty for whipping from zero hammers. In the end, they aren't what you want, so I would have to agree they are incorrect.
Well, the tick marks are technically correct because they take into account the double whip penalty for whipping from zero hammers. In the end, they aren't what you want, so I would have to agree they are incorrect.

They are not correct because they show you the future thresholds where you can whip for X population. The only tick mark that is correct is the one for 0 :hammers: if it happens to be exactly on a threshold. All the others are incorrect. :p
squabble squabble squabble squabble - but ok, you are right.
squabble squabble squabble squabble

Hey, if you're gonna try to argue that you are "technically" correct, expect me to call you on it when you're not. :mischief:
ok then - let me say that I am technically correct! Those tick marks calculated from the total hammers less the hammers generated by whipping 1 population point. So, the calculations in the whip calculation are 100% correct!
Spoiler :
the only problem is that that my logic is wrong :D

Its just like coding, first step is to get the code to compile and then you try and see if the calculations are actually what you intended ... finally, was your original thinking correct?
guys is there any sort of notepad function in BUG? I'm sure one of the hints and tips on startup mentions this but i may be getting confused with reminders.
Im just after something where I can tag for example what im planning to use each city for, or maybes even an ingame notepad that will allow me to make notes on my overall strategy. see im a forgetful bugger and i keep on forgetting whether ive earmarked a city for use as a cottaged oxford or a wall st gp farm, and im always losing my notepad. :( I know you can put tags on the strategy layer, but i find them ugly and cluttering, and unlike the dotmap they can't be turned off...
BTS has a built in function called sticky notes. Press Alt + S, and then click on a tile and it will allow you to put a note for that tile, or city.
When you have vassals, the displayed AI attitudes toward you don't include the effects of averaging with their attitudes toward your vassal(s). This makes for some funny screenshots but more importantly means you have to do some work (anti-fun!) to figure out their real attitude.

What would be the best presentation for BUG and BULL. First, it's probably important that you be able to easily see both an AI's attitude toward just you and the combined actual attitude considering your vassals--either at the same time or easily switching back and forth. Thus an option seems out of the question as it's too cumbersome.

In BULL, the attitude hover could easily show both since it won't take up that much more space:

Friendly (Pleased) towards EmperorFool​

However it also shows an Attitude Icon on the scoreboard and on the F4 : GLANCE and INFO tabs. We'll probably add it other places as well (F5 : SIT-REP tab needs it). There's not much room to have a checkbox on these screens, and showing both icons next to each other would confuse most players and be difficult to fit.

Does anyone have any bright ideas?
is showing this information anti-unaltered? Can you work it out using vanilla BtS? If so, where does it become apparent? What are the consequences of the different attitudes? From the screenshot, boudica was friendly to you but less so when a decision was required (ie defensive pact). If all of the above was correct, I would show ...

Friendly to EmperorFool (Pleased to team)

... but only show the 'team' part if it was different.
is showing this information anti-unaltered? Can you work it out using vanilla BtS? If so, where does it become apparent?

No, it is a simple average of the visible attitude levels (not the hidden numeric attitude value) a rival has towards you and your vassals, rounded down. For example, if Ghandi has these attitudes

  • You: Friendly
  • Mansa Musa: Pleased
  • Cathy: Annoyed
he will show his attitude toward you as Friendly but act in all ways (e.g. diplomacy) as if he were Cautious. Given that you must have met your vassals and the rival, all of the attitudes are visible.

However, care would need to be taken when showing the attitude toward a rival that had vassals. It should only take into account vassals that you have met and can see the other rival's attitude towards. For example if Ghandi had two rivals himself, but you had met only one, it should not consider the unmet rival when calculating Cathy's actual attitude toward him. Having said that, don't you automatically meet all vassals of a rival that you have met?

BTW, I haven't checked yet if attitudes toward your vassals are similarly affected: Does Ghandi treat Cathy above as if he were Cautious instead of Annoyed? If so, I would want a similar feature for vassals.

I would show ...

Friendly to EmperorFool (Pleased to team)

... but only show the 'team' part if it was different.

I like that, but I would want a different word from "team" since that has a very specific connotation in the game (signed PA or started out as a team).

Friendly towards EmperorFool
(Cautious due to Vassals)​


Annoyed towards Cathy
(Cautious due to Master)​
Having said that, don't you automatically meet all vassals of a rival that you have met?

Yes, you do. My last game I met 3 other Civs as soon as I met Shaka, which was a bit of a prelude to how the rest of the game went. ;)

I was just wondering if this could be possible. After learning about fogbusting vs spawnbusting and noticing how you can have the "move radius of some units show up as well as city radius around settlers. Would it be possible to have like the option for units to show their "spawn bust" radius. I know fogbusting is related to ligh of sight which is easier to notice but spawnbusting radius isnt related to LoS just how many squares around the unit. This might not be something you want to show the WHOLE game so a way to just toggle it on and off in game would be preferable. I KNOW it sounds lazy but I DO sometimes miss an odd square hear and then when Im trying to spawn bust and a little spawn bust radius graphic would save time of having to count all the squares of every unit on busting duties. It could save some time early in game easpecially on the larger maps.

Also I dont know if this has ever been suggested b4 but is it posible to get "whip messages" everytime the pop number changes? Maybe I am missing something BUT like say I have a 6 pop city thats building something. As soon as I can whip it for pop 3 I get a message. BUT if I would rather wait til I can just whip for pop 2. I have to keep remembering to go back and check cuz I wont get any new messages after the initail "I can whip for pop 3". Like after "athens can whip such and such for pop 3" there is never anything like "athens can NOW whip such and such for pop 2" and so on.

Maybe it not THAT big a deal for say a 6 city and pop 3 vs 2 but like say a largis city with a big wonder and like the FIRST whip msg is like for pop 8 or 7. It would be nice to get a new message when it gets to like lower pop whips and not have to remember to check or try to remember the "ticks" and stuff.

Yeah I know I am getting lazy BUT its BUG Mods fault for getting me spoiled hehe :p

Humongous thread. I must admit I didn't read all, but thought I'd just throw in a feature idea. Most often when choosing what to research next, I go to research tree and look around. Would be great if one within the tree view could also see what techs other AIs have already tech'ed (as far as you know anyways from trade screens). That would make it much easier to see what you can research and possibly trade afterwards.
A quick idea:

would it be nice if player could change a unit's group size (how many unit model displayed as a unit) and melee/ranged wave size(how many unit model fighting at one time) in BULL?
A quick idea:

would it be nice if player could change a unit's group size (how many unit model displayed as a unit) and melee/ranged wave size(how many unit model fighting at one time) in BULL?

Is that even possible to do in the SDK? Where is it controlled in the XML?
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