Requests for new components (and features)

Is that even possible to do in the SDK? Where is it controlled in the XML?

I just discovered it. It's in CvUnitInfo. <iGroupSize>, <iMeleeWaveSize>, something like that. In CvUnitInfo there are functions like getGroupSize(), so just define some setters should be enough.
That is not possible with the SDK. There used to be a mod called 10-man formations that did this, but it put a huge strain on to graphic resources. IIRC it's handled in Civ4Formations.xml or some such. The mod is still around, and I'm sure could be easily adapted to BTS. I was going to add this to BAT, but Ethnic Diversity has something already like it, just not as heavy as the original. I just searched the web for the formations mod, but didn't find it solo. Many of the older Mod packs for Warlords and Civ4 contain it though. It's called either 5-man formations of 10-man formations by Anhu. I remember Anhu working on this, and he had a real PITA getting formations to look right, and I think he got pretty good so he was able to do phalanx formations, and things like that.

edit: Here is the link for the original, and here is one slightly more updated by Sezerth. stmartin if you're willing to update this to BTS, I'll add it to BAT. I do not think it will be added to BUG or BULL though, as it's a major graphics change. You'll probably want to go with SeZerth as I believe his is the more udapted of the two, as well as being 10-man while the first is 5-man.
I doubt that it would be. That's probably part of the graphics engine and we don't have access to that.

Never mind.

No, it's handled with the XML. Very little is controlled by the graphics engine actually.

This is the URL for the most recent version I found. It's the complete mod comp, for BTS. There maybe some small changes to make it work with 3.19, but I think it's going to be fairly easy to winmerge this to make sure no stats are changed.
Hehe, thanks alerum68. I'll check that.


What I propose is totally possible with SDK, int fact it's a breeze, just a simple setter function and we could read player's choice and update unit model accordingly in real time. It's not to increase the unit's group size by OUR judgement, it's to let players choose how many units model he/she would like to see with the game's unit. So the performance issue is not a real issue, since it's always the PLAYER that make the choice, if player feels the game become slow, he can always choose to use smaller group size, even two models per unit, that will be smaller than original BTS. This user choice is why I propose it to go with BUG.
I think it would be easier to handle this with XML and python, and use a scroll bar, or drop down menu to allow the player to put how many units woud be need. however, this will require more then just changing 1 value, as you have to change several xml files to get the formations to set properly.
Only use XML and Python will not enable player choice, since we need an API to actually change the group size and wave size in real time. Of course reading player input will need python. As to changing Civ4FormationInfos.xml, I havend't checked that file yet. I experimented with changing iGroupSize and iMeleeWaveSize in Civ4UnitInfos.xml, change them both to 8, the effect is pretty good. However, changing Civ4FormationInfos.xml as well may provide even better effect.
Are you checking out any of those other Mods? They have some really good formations in there, as well as 10-man formations, with a general. Really looks good.
A feature that I always desired is to have different "icons" (I don't know the true name of those things) for resources that have improvements on them.
Now you have icons with grey border for resources on neutral territory, and icons with coloured borders for icons owned by one player. But there is no distinction for resources used with improvements and resources not used.
One way to differentiate can be to change the black background with a light grey one.

But anyway, is it possible to act on those "icons" in some way?
Well, I admit I want EF to put it in BULL so HoTK can use it,hehe.

Now I see that may not come true, also I discover formations can change according to promotions, that's what I'm pretty excited about, so I'll give it a go myself when other more important things are done.

Sorry alerum68, I don't have time to convert any formation mod for BAT. However, navy seal's formation mod component is for BTS, you can merge it into BAT if you want.

You can set the maximum lines in the scoreboard in the options screen. It will always show you in the scoreboard. I still plan to add a scrolling scoreboard at some point.

:confused: Do you remember that I've already made a scrolling scoreboard for BUG? :confused:
I would like to ask for a new CivIVAlert alert, resources. Would be great to have an alert whenever the AI is prepared to trade away a resource!
I recently asked about this feature in the Q/A thread but I figured I would post about it here.

Could the mouseover for your flag, that currently shows the BUG version info, have the leader/trait info restored to it. When playing random civs/leaders you have to figure out your traits.
Could the mouseover for your flag, that currently shows the BUG version info, have the leader/trait info restored to it. When playing random civs/leaders you have to figure out your traits.

I still have not seen this bug. When i hover over the flag using BULL and BUFFY (which includes BULL), I see both the BTS/BUFFY/BUG/BULL versions and the leader's traits. Do you have any non-standard game settings selected?
Could the mouseover for your flag, that currently shows the BUG version info, have the leader/trait info restored to it. When playing random civs/leaders you have to figure out your traits.

I still have not seen this bug. When i hover over the flag using BULL and BUFFY (which includes BULL), I see both the BTS/BUFFY/BUG/BULL versions and the leader's traits. Do you have any non-standard game settings selected?

I have BAT 2.0 installed. I was using advanced start, random civ, random leader. But I just tried it with a Play Now (which resets game settings, right?) and the trait info was still not displayed.

Edit: I just tried choosing my civ and leader, and the trait info still wasn't shown.
I have BAT 2.0 installed. I was using advanced start, random civ, random leader. But I just tried it with a Play Now (which resets game settings, right?) and the trait info was still not displayed.

Edit: I just tried choosing my civ and leader, and the trait info still wasn't shown.
I haven't been able to reproduce this - can you post a screenshot?
I haven't been able to reproduce this - can you post a screenshot?

Just to be clear. I have no previous installation of BUG. I d/led and installed BAT 2.0. For the screenshot I stared civ, loaded BAT 2.0 mod, click play now and hit ok to everything after that.


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