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Resident Evil Mafia (Game Thread)


High Elven ISB Capt & Ghost Agent
Jun 17, 2002
Night Haven, Vekta, United Systems of Korpulu
22/24 Alive

1. Rebel Jeb
2. Zack (Umbrella Agent, WOG)
3. civplayah
4. link16 (Innocent)
5. musical-mafia
6. Seon
7. Omega124
8. sprig (Innocent)
9. choxorn
10. remake20
11. Jarrema (Innocent)
12. classical_hero (Innocent, WOGed)
13. mgsmuhammad (Innocent)
14. Earthling
15. carmen510 (Innocent)
16. Takhisis (Innocent)
17. Ravus_Sol
18. flamingzaroc121
19. Duke Blackstone
20. DaveShack
21. Nictel (Innocent)
22. Kennigit
23. Darth Caesar (Innocent)
24. Arakhor (Innocent)

The Closet (Reserves):
1. landlubber

(Still accepting reserves, Please use the signup thread to place in a reserve request)
Day 1:

It's been a week since the T-virus outbreak has happened. Many of the 25 original survivors gathered around to make preparations to ensure they all leave Raccoon City alive. Though there plans quickly was shattered the night before when they found a body in the closet with three stab wounds and a bullet in the leg. The room appeared that there was a struggle recently. There were also an empty package of T-virus syringes lying next to the victim. Upon closer inspection, there was a note in the pocket:

"Please destroy this package, I don't want to see the world suffer the same fate as Raccoon City with zombie abominations all over the place. My life is in danger right now as I infiltrated Umbrella's research labs to sabotage there T-virus research. I barely made it out alive and more than likely, I suspect there might be some Umbrella insiders within our group that seeks to use the T-virus against us in order to silence us for good by making us into mindless zombies, or shoot us in the gut, or whatever means necessary to keep us silent. Again, Plea...." (The document abruptly ends at that point with the tail end of the "a" going off the paper as well as evidence of fresh blood splatter)

Spoiler :

CivGeneral was innocent

The innocence have mourned the death of there friend and swore revenge upon the perpetrators who have killed there fellow survivor. All while trying to survive and make it out of the city alive.

Lynch votes is bold
Retractions bolded and struck through
Votes for the empty package in bolded green.​

The game has now begun, and yes ingame deaths will have there unique pictures (eg. User's Avatars) in them :p
Ravus_Sol Random.org told me to say hi.
I haven't received a PM either. If that makes us all low-level Innocents targeted to die, well, whatever.
I would imagine that quite a few people haven't received their PMs.
Wait... this isn't a role mafia game?
It doesn't have to be. That said, I haven't received my Role PM. Or other people's Role Pms, either. :mischief:
Abstain, although I do notice that all the "their"s are misspelled as "there"s.

Intentional clue perhaps?

That's probably just unintentional spelling errors.

Anyway, I'm willing to bet that one of you who said they haven't got a PM are actually mafia trying to blend in with the crowd; I did the same thing in CG's Fallout Mafia about a year ago (as a mafia).

So, FOS: All the people who just posted

And, by the virtue of Random.org, Vote: Omega124
Erm, chox, if you say 'fos: all other players' then you're sure to have fingered someone who is actually scum-scum.
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