Resources: Locale.ConvertTextKey


Jun 21, 2008
Hi all,

im in the process of writing a guide about how to include new resources into the game.

So far i'm quite sucessful and got the following working:
- Resource in the Civopedia
- Resource distributed on the map
- (Custom) Resource-Icons showing in the Tech-Tree, Civopedia, and on the Map
- Resource Usable, Improvable, and Consumable

For this i had to mod some .lua files which came with the game, even made one modular (not the AssignStartingPlots yet - thats a big one) so with that change all resources added in the future should work without any further customizations of lua.

But now i want to show the resource icon in the TopPanel.
Currently all i get is a white dot.

TopPanel.lua excerpt:
if (bShowResource) then
    local text = Locale.ConvertTextKey(pResource.IconString);
Thats around line 162.

The pResource.IconString is defined in the Resource.xml and looks something like [ICON_RES_XYZ]

The internal lookup is obviously stored in CivVIconFontMapping.xml
For Iron it looks something like this

But _nowhere_ i am able to specify which .dds file that IconFontMapping should use.
I wanted to make this modular, but i also can't find the function definition of Locale.ConvertTextKey anywhere. :confused:

The only thing i found was a file called "icudt44l.dat" in the "/Locale" directory ... and i hope its not in there, cause that one looks encrypted.

Has anyone more information on this? Thats the last step of including a new resource successfully i need.

Thanks in advance

PS: I will create a full tutorial on the steps i did so far soon.. have to sleep now ;)
Oh well, i found the position for the Icons that can get rendered in Text Strings:

Its Assets/UI/Fonts/FontIcons/FontIcons.ggxml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <textures width="256" height="256">
        <texture name="" src="" allowcolor="1" alloweffects="1" inuse="1" />
    <styles count="1">
        <style name="">
            <layers count="1">
                <layer tex="" />
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         <!--- lots more follow -->
        <metainfo pt="0.000000" width="256" height="256" alphabias="64" maxsize="256" bestfit="0" pow2="1" freetype="2" fontsrc="" />
            <set name="GlyphSetAscii" />

As you can see it uses an image called "" which is encrypted or something, i can't import it into Photoshop. Well i can, but it looks like a mess.

Now i'm really lost. We could overwrite this <texture> entry to point to a new dds, but then we need one with ALL the icons normal Civ5 has, and add our own.

It also looks like there could be more than 1 texture, but there is no reference from <glyphs> as to which texture its using, so i guess that won't work.

Searched all .lua files but there doesnt seem to be a reference to any "glyph" anywhere in the code.

On a sidenote i found out that Locale.ConvertTextKey() does not convert the text [ICON_RES_SOMERESOURCE] to an image, that seems to be done in the Controls.setText() or some unknown following function inside setText().

(I traced the result of ConvertTextKey and it was [ICON_RES_SOMERESOURCE])

The only thing that cheers me up at the moment is the <toolonly> part, which COULD mean theres a tool somewhere out there for the creation of this <glyphset>.

I'm not saying i give up, but this is a major setback.
Kyoss, my copy of FontIcons.ggxml looks different than yours:

Spoiler :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <textures width="256" height="256">
        <texture name="" src="" allowcolor="1" alloweffects="1" inuse="1" />
    <styles count="1">
        <style name="">
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        <import ch="790" src="D:\artdev\Civilization5\UI\Icons\Font Icons\PNG\320.png" originx="0" originy="22" />
        <import ch="800" src="D:\artdev\Civilization5\UI\Icons\Font Icons\PNG\321.png" originx="0" originy="22" />
        <import ch="801" src="D:\artdev\Civilization5\UI\Icons\Font Icons\PNG\322.png" originx="0" originy="22" />
        <import ch="802" src="D:\artdev\Civilization5\UI\Icons\Font Icons\PNG\323TradeGold.png" originx="0" originy="22" />
        <import ch="803" src="D:\artdev\Civilization5\UI\Icons\Font Icons\PNG\324TradeWhite.png" originx="0" originy="22" />
        <import ch="804" src="D:\artdev\Civilization5\UI\Icons\Font Icons\PNG\325Team.png" originx="0" originy="22" />
        <import ch="805" src="D:\artdev\Civilization5\UI\Icons\Font Icons\PNG\326Team.png" originx="0" originy="22" />
        <import ch="806" src="D:\artdev\Civilization5\UI\Icons\Font Icons\PNG\327Team.png" originx="0" originy="22" />
        <import ch="807" src="D:\artdev\Civilization5\UI\Icons\Font Icons\PNG\328Team.png" originx="0" originy="22" />
        <import ch="808" src="D:\artdev\Civilization5\UI\Icons\Font Icons\PNG\329Team.png" originx="0" originy="22" />
        <import ch="809" src="D:\artdev\Civilization5\UI\Icons\Font Icons\PNG\330Team.png" originx="0" originy="22" />
        <import ch="810" src="D:\artdev\Civilization5\UI\Icons\Font Icons\PNG\331Team.png" originx="0" originy="22" />
        <import ch="811" src="D:\artdev\Civilization5\UI\Icons\Font Icons\PNG\332Team.png" originx="0" originy="22" />
        <import ch="812" src="D:\artdev\Civilization5\UI\Icons\Font Icons\PNG\333Team.png" originx="0" originy="22" />
        <import ch="813" src="D:\artdev\Civilization5\UI\Icons\Font Icons\PNG\334Team.png" originx="0" originy="22" />
        <import ch="814" src="D:\artdev\Civilization5\UI\Icons\Font Icons\PNG\335Team.png" originx="0" originy="22" />
        <import ch="815" src="D:\artdev\Civilization5\UI\Icons\Font Icons\PNG\336Team.png" originx="0" originy="22" />
        <import ch="816" src="D:\artdev\Civilization5\UI\Icons\Font Icons\PNG\337Team.png" originx="0" originy="22" />
        <import ch="817" src="D:\artdev\Civilization5\UI\Icons\Font Icons\PNG\338Team.png" originx="0" originy="22" />
        <import ch="818" src="D:\artdev\Civilization5\UI\Icons\Font Icons\PNG\339Team.png" originx="0" originy="22" />
        <import ch="819" src="D:\artdev\Civilization5\UI\Icons\Font Icons\PNG\340Team.png" originx="0" originy="22" />
        <import ch="820" src="D:\artdev\Civilization5\UI\Icons\Font Icons\PNG\341Team.png" originx="0" originy="22" />
        <import ch="821" src="D:\artdev\Civilization5\UI\Icons\Font Icons\PNG\342Team.png" originx="0" originy="22" />
        <import ch="822" src="D:\artdev\Civilization5\UI\Icons\Font Icons\PNG\343CityState.png" originx="0" originy="22" />
        <metainfo pt="0.000000" width="256" height="256" alphabias="64" maxsize="256" bestfit="0" pow2="1" freetype="2" fontsrc="" />
            <set name="GlyphSetAscii" />
I have no idea what this "artdev" folder is (as it doesn't even exist on my hard drive), but it seems to my uneducated eye that you should be able to add something in the <imports> section, and then reference that, eh?
You have to unpack assets with Nexus to get the relevant files, and then extract the originals in a more useful format with a tool that's floating around here somewhere to see the file. You apparently can't actually modify it in a mod, though, and devs have admitted (on the wiki somewhere, I think) that you can't add FontIcons or IconFonts (are those interchangeable or something? It's confusing) as only one mapping can exist at present. I believe the notes for the upcoming patch suggest that they may have fixed this (which is requisite for a number of things, in fact). Roll on the new patch... *taps foot impatiently*
With some Lua work you could write a function to replace the tooltip with your own window and add all the font icons you want to. Of course, something like this rightly belongs in an XML file, not the exe, in the first place
With some Lua work you could write a function to replace the tooltip with your own window and add all the font icons you want to. Of course, something like this rightly belongs in an XML file, not the exe, in the first place

I tried doing something like that, by editing a custom font (but will be black and white logo because windows doesn't support colored fonts) but I dont know how to load a font in lua. another way is to load the logo directly from a file but I also have no idea how to load a picture in lua.

There is another solution which is:
- Unpack pfk using nexus
- unpack using DDSunpacker (you can find it somerhwere in the forums)
- then edit fonticons.png then save as dds
- but then you need to pack the files again in pfk format --> cant be done

here is the stupid fonticons :



  • fonticons.png
    69 KB · Views: 936
I'm not sure how to do it, honestly, but my intuition says it should be possible. You can define labels and images in xml, and it should be possible to use them as templates for a lua script to define your tooltip. Then you could create an XML to hook certain strings to icons as a replacement table and make your lua script do the replacement.

I'm not saying it would be an easy task, mind, just that I think it's possible.
I've found a way to get your icon font into civ5 and put a little chrome icon instead of iron (it's a new icon, not replacing the iron icon as you can see from attachment 2).

Screenshot is in the larger attachment. Example of fonticons is in the smaller attachment.


  • CivImage.jpg
    148.7 KB · Views: 163
  • fonticons_example.jpg
    37.2 KB · Views: 197



<glyph ch="81" u="66" v="154" width="22" height="22" a="0" b="22" c="0" originx="0" originy="22" />

Main thing is to extract all FPKs with Nexus and then DELETE FPKs.

Extracted files will be used instead of FPKs, so you can edit file which is actually used is game, and add your icons.
Here is my new if you want to try it. It's saved in DXT3, but I think it should be saved in more compatible format for Civ5 to get the best look.


    27.8 KB · Views: 96 head is spinning.

This is exciting news, so if I understand correctly the ch="81" is the part that dictates how many icons in the file?

Have you verified if this breaks anything?
Damn, nice discover.
Well done.
those files are not in the Virtual File System, you tried with VFS property set to true in moddbuddy ?
Found another thing. You don't have to extract files from FPKs nor to delete them. Copy your fonticon file as or some other name and make change in FontIcons.ggxml:

<texture name="" src="" allowcolor="1" alloweffects="1" inuse="1" />

Result is the same.

So, copy your new with new name.
Then, you can make two batch files: CivV_originalfonticons.bat and CivV_alternatefonticons.bat. Or more. Each of them will copy apropriate FontIcons.ggxml which you want to use in your mod, then start CivV within batch.

I'll try something like that tommorrow.

And, yes, this is not modding of a game. It's hacking. But it will work for my needs until the source for dll comes out.

Thanx for atention.
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