Revolution #2

All right, I've made it back from work and various other things after leaving at 5 AM yesterday, and with only 5 hours of sleep from Wednesday night, I'm exhausted. I'm dropping out for the evening now, but here's the good news. There's only two things left to be done for the update: The War of the Second Coalition and the Ottoman war. Everything else is 100% complete and I'd say between the two wars, the update will be up within 2 hours of when I wake up tomorrow.

Fear not, for if I fail to update this, I have hired an assassin to kill me as punishment. Therefore I have ample motivation! I've found workarounds for the difficulties I've encounted in updating, but a quick word: The updates will take a considerable amount of time to do, and I plan on dividing that time between two days for updating. We will not have updates the same night I start them.

I hope that makes sense. It was harder writing those potst coherently than the drunken posts I made during college.
As I said before I understand, this is quite the project and my own experimentations with modding all failed before they even begun...

And again, thank you for at least keeping us updated.

On a more aggrevated note: I'm honestly hoping not to have waited all this time to find myself utterly screwed! :p
I completely understand this is a HUGE NES there is a lot going on with multiple wars and a crap load of players, I just want everyone to realize that and not be like 'oh no update? LAMESAUCE!' and rage because this is big.
Completely unacceptable. I demand you post the update within 5 minutes of your pre-determined order deadline or I will hire my own assassin to kill your assassin for not being that good of an assassin and then kill you for not following my demands. Also, give me 1 billion dollars.
Cannot wait!
And now he has to do it again. The War for the Second Coalition is taking a lot longer than expected and the combat system may need some revision. Working out a new system for the fighting. However, the good news is this: the update will DEFINITELY be tomorrow evening. At most there's only two battles left in the war, and then one or two smaller non-war articles. After that, all that will remain is locating and copy/paste any treaties that may have been signed between the updates. Damn chores and stuff always get in the way, am I right?
News from the Americas

UNITED STATES PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS. New York City, New York, United States of America. Elections for the President of the United States of America went on this year after the debacle of Berkshire and the rise of the Muscogee in Georgia dictated the debates of the elections. Berkshire's precedent was heralded as a victory for the Democratic-Republican Party and decentralization. The Federalists argued against the move, and have grown ever more fervent in their support for a centralized government. The Muscogee War has been met with slightly different responses, though both parties believe that native independence must not be allowed. The Democratic-Republicans have called for immediate destruction of the uprising, citing the rebellion in Tennessee as a sign of things to come if the natives remain restless. The Federalists have called for a more moderate approach, crushing the rebellion but preserving some rights for the natives. The results ultimately came in and Thomas Jefferson (DR) has been elected President for a second term. The full intake of results is displayed below:
Spoiler :

1796 US Presidential Election
State Populations:
Berkshire: 2 (2 F)
Bingham: 2 (2 F)
Canada: 3 (3 F)
Connecticut: 6 (5 DR, 1 F)
Delaware: 1 (1 F)
Georgia: 2 (2 DR)
Kentucky: 1 (1 DR)
Maryland: 6 (3 DR, 3 F)
Massachusetts: 7 (3 DR, 4 F)
New Hampshire: 4 (4 F)
New Jersey: 5 (5 F)
New York: 8 (1 DR, 7 F)
North Carolina: 7 (1 DR, 6 F)
Nova Scotia: 4 (2 DR, 2 F)
Pennsylvania: 10 (8 DR, 2 F)
Quebec: 8 (8 DR)
Rhode Island: 1 (1 F)
South Carolina: 4 (3 DR, 1 F)
Tennessee: 1 (1 F)
Vermont: 2 (2 DR)
Virginia: 11 (10 DR, 1 F)
Democratic-Republicans: Thomas Jefferson
Votes: 49
Federalist: John Adams
Votes: 46

UPRISING IN TENNESSEE. Knoxville, Tennessee, United States of America. As the bloodshed in Georgia grows with the Muscogee uprising, another native group has risen in rebellion against yet another frontier state. Tennessee has entered into massive warfare with the Cherokee Nation, who have signed temporary alliance with the Muscogee in the struggle against the white man. The vicious actions of the Georgians in battle and the electoral victory of Thomas Jefferson have scared many native Americans into further resistance against the United States. Settlers have fled for the larger cities of Tennessee, faced with a determined foe, bent on driving them back east, across the Appalachians.

GEORGIAN ELECTIONS RAISE EYEBROWS. Savannah, Georgia, United States of America. As the western half of the nation burns in the fires of the Muscogee War, the people of Georgia not involved in the fighting and dying have participated in a general election for governor after last year’s land scandal. Devout Democratic-Republican, James Jackson defeated all other contenders in the elections, in what many Federalists have claimed to be rigged elections. Newspapers in other states as well as Georgia have claimed that Jackson bribed workers and set up facilities to assure his victory in the electoral contest. The war against the Muscogee continues to drag on as the nation struggles under the massive weight of its problems. Combined with a major slave uprising, the people of Georgia have grown understandably nervous as it faces great problems both internally and externally.

KENTUCKY ELECTIONS. Danville, Kentucky, United States of America. As neighboring Tennessee erupts into war with its native population, the people of Kentucky are very concerned that the conflict may well spill over their borders. The Democratic-Republicans, backed by President Jefferson, have promised to maintain the security of the state, and have pledged not to release the militia for any federal purposes until the state’s security is assured. The mass of Kentuckians have pledged their vote to the Democratic-Republicans, winning the gubernatorial position in a landslide for the state.

NOVA SCOTIAN ELECTIONS. Halifax, Nova Scotia, United States of America. As the northeastern part of the United States became more bitterly divided over the Berkshire issue and the possibility of sending troops to fight the Muscogee or Cherokee, the Nova Scotians reflected this turmoil in their elections. The reigning Democratic-Republicans took a different stance from the federal level of the party, calling for isolation from the ongoing conflicts. The Federalists called for immediate involvement in the affairs of Georgia and Tennessee to provide them aid in the dark times they face. Ultimately the Democratic-Republicans won out, and have returned to control the government of this state.

PENNSYLVANIA ELECTIONS. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America. The Pennsylvanian government continued to remain a beacon of the platform of states' rights this year, as the people overwhelmingly returned the Democratic-Republican party into control over their nation. The party was able to return, with support from the federal level as the region gave great support to the reelection of Thomas Jefferson. The government has pledged to do what it can to give aid to the troubled states of Tennessee and Georgia.

SOUTH CAROLINA ELECTIONS. Columbia, South Carolina, United States of America. The Parliament of South Carolina has held its internal elections for their own prime minister and governor of the state. The elections have been highly decisive as the aristocracy still offer their full support to the federal and state based Democratic-Republican Party. They have called to escalate support for the war-torn states and to build up the political power of South Carolina within the larger Union.

BERKSHIRE CRISIS RESOLVED. Pittsfield, Berkshire, United States of America. The great Berkshire Crisis, begun with the Treaty of Cheshire in 1795, was resolved after heated diplomacy throughout the year. Though militias and militaries stood mobilized for involvement by nearly a half dozen members of the United States, a treaty was brokered after New York offered its aid to the fledgling nation. Berkshire was able to gain its independence from both Massachusetts and Connecticut, as well as gaining entry as a full state in the Union. A constitution was created, modeled upon the republican lines of Massachusetts and New York and was fully approved by the populace. In the heady days after the crisis, a hurried election was held by the end of the year, leading to the success of the Democratic-Republican party in the state. Moves for any referendum on rejoining Massachusetts were soundly defeated by a whopping 92% of votes, and Berkshire looks towards a bright future setting its own course in history.

MUSCOGEE WAR. Savannah, Georgia, United States of America. Fighting in Georgia between the Muscogee tribes and the militia has escalated throughout much of the year. The Georgian militia was decisively defeated in several key battles, and was further distracted by a major slave uprising in the eastern part of the state. The slaves, using the opportunity given by the native uprising, launched a rebellion of their own, leading some whites to believe that the effort was secretly organized by the slaves over a number of years. The revolt was suppressed with difficulty by the overseers and the Georgian militia, but it bought time for the Muscogee to continue rampaging across the western part of the state. The Georgian congressmen have continue to plea for support from the federal government and other states, which have so far been unwilling to commit to the state's defense against the rebels.

QUEBEC LAUNCHES DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. Quebec City, Quebec, United States of America. The government of Quebec have offered a large amount of available funds from the state to any farmers who need loans, whether citizens or naturalized natives. They have encouraged a shift from subsistence farming to attempting to create a profitable good for sale overseas for the betterment of the nation. The efforts have also been made to fund the fishermen along the coast, and they have met with much popular support. The lower classes all offer great enthusiasm for the program, being the main beneficiaries. However, the wealthy, who foot much of the bill in taxes, have expressed severe disapproval at the government's new policy.

REFORM IN NEW JERSEY. Trenton, New Jersey, United States of America. The government of New Jersey has launched an extensive number of political reforms, beginning with the landmark Trenton Declaration then the establishment of a new state constitution. The Trenton Declaration has been seen as a major blow against slavery on the east coast, as New Jersey follows the few other states in restricting the profitability of the slave trade. A new state constitution has also been established, altering the state government to a more republican institution. See the attached documents below for further details. The documents have been met with varying degrees of appreciation or dislike throughout the nation, but no one seems to be on the verge of active rebellion for the dramatic changes which have taken place.

DEVELOPMENT IN DELAWARE. Dover, Delaware, United States of America. The government in Delaware embarked on a similar program to that of New Jersey this year addressing political change and the specter of slavery. Delaware has introduced a new constitution dramatically changing the domestic process of government. As part of the political reform movement, taxes have been increased on slaves, in an effort to discourage the practice and development. Both moves have faced some opposition from the old guard of politics, but has been graciously received by others. Press from other slave states have decried the tax, as have other press within the country.

ORGANIZATION OF HURON TERRITORY. Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America. The government of Massachusetts announced this year the establishment of the Huron Commission, a body of men set to legislate the Huron Territory in the western United States. The Commission is said to be highly friendly to the local Native Americans, forcing white settlers to purchase rather than seize native territory. A set price has been given for all settler purchases of land and development in the area. Unfortunately Huron territory continues to suffer from isolation from Massachusetts, as most settlers have been coming in from Pennsylvania or New York and don't completely recognize the authority of Boston in these matters.

POTOMAC COMPANY ESTABLISHED. Annapolis, Maryland. King Henry of Maryland has led an effort to help the infrastructure of Maryland develop and improve. The Royal Family has contributed some of its personal wealth and funds into the establishment of the Potomac Company, an organization working on plans to develop irrigation and a canal system along the Potomac River. Financial interests from both the northeast and Virginia have offered their approval for this, and have even offered loans to the Company and its future construction efforts.

News from Europe

DEATH OF CATHERINE THE GREAT. St. Petersburg, Russia. As a beginning to the catastrophes which have hit Russia through the course of the year, the Tsarina Catherine the Great passed away in early January. As the war against the Ottomans rages on, and rebellions began to rise throughout the country, many have strong belief that the new Tsar Paul is not capable to lead the nation through these troubled times for Russia. The apparent fixation with exotic cultures like Japan and India have also led to further concern about his sanity and much support with the upper classes has been lost for the monarchy. Through all the unrest and upheaval, Tsar Paul continues to hold the reins on the nation's course, though no one is sure how long this will last.

NEW MONARCH IN SARDINIA. Cagliari, Sardinia-Piedmont. After several months of failing health King Vittorio Amedeo III passed away in his home in Cagliari, leaving behind the monarchy to his son. The son has been proclaimed the new King Charles Emmanuelle IV, pledging to continue many of his father's policies. The Italian kingdom has offered continued support for the Second Coalition against France and has deployed further forces to the Continent to join the main Allied army in southern France. The new king has pledged that the unstable Revolutionary regime will be removed at whatever cost to preserve the status quo in Europe.

PIRACY INCREASING IN THE EAST ATLANTIC. Lisbon, Portugal. Merchants from across the eastern Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea have reported a dramatic increase in corsair activity over the past year. A significant number of merchant ships have been looted by these raiders, as most national navies have been committed to large scale engagements against other European fleets. Rumors claim that the corsairs are operating out of almost all of the states across North Africa, and the damages to the economies of Western Europe have continued to grow as the war continues against Revolutionary France, further decreasing the security of the high seas.

CHAOS ERUPTS IN RUSSIA. St. Petersburg, Russia. As casualties mount in the Ottoman Empire, and the monarchy's legitimacy falls into dispute, rebellions have been mounted across the Russian Empire. Combined with mutinies among the military leadership and a national uprising in Ukraine, it seems that Russia is on the brink of destruction. Combined with the death of Catherine the Great, as well as the bizarre tendencies of her heir, the nation's government seems greatly uncertain. Three attempts were made on the tsar's life throughout the course of the year, further escalating the situation. The tsar has so far refused to relinquish power or his position, causing ever growing concern in the ranks, but rewarding those who continue to follow him. The breaking point for many nobles was the vast expenditure of national funds, including over 60% of all standing resources, to heathens in India and Japan, which many viewed as justification for rebellion. As the political situation worsened, the basic infrastructure of the cities began to break down and riots soon broke out in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and smaller ones occurred elsewhere. As the army in Asia Minor tore itself apart, those at home were called into the cities to restore order. In order to preserve defenses from the rising chaos, several local governments have risen and declared independent states. The Don Cossacks were the first to lead uprising, as many of the disgruntled soldiers from the Persian and Ottoman borders marched through their territories. The Cossacks among the military simply went home, just to form up alongside friends and family to repulse those they had just fought alongside. The de facto military force which was assembled to repulse the scavengers soon became the core of an independent Cossack nation. As those assigned to prevent rebellion in Ukraine went back into Russia proper to restore order, the Ukrainian peasants once again waged a rebellion. Unlike the efforts from last year, this particular rebellion proved wildly successful, as those remaining in the region were overwhelmed. A military militia type force was assembled here as well, as those returning from the Balkan campaign collapsed into disorder after fighting the Ottomans. They managed to hold the returning, disorderly soldiers at bay, even recruiting some into their own ranks. The Crimean Khanate, still theoretically independent, has been able to restore its position as a full power with the downfall of Russian political power. The local armies were formed up in the region, as they rushed to defend themselves against Russian retribution. The Russian Black Sea fleet made a mad dash from the region, only to be forced to surrender to the Ottoman navy.

WAR OF THE SECOND COALITION. Paris, France. The War of the Second Coalition took a decisive turn this year, beginning badly for the Allies as Austria and the Holy Roman Empire bowed out of the conflict, signing peace with France. The French were able to use their assembled forces to launch and invasion of eastern Spain, which went fairly well until the Coalition launched an invasion of their own. The British and other allies invaded southern France from the Italian Peninsula, driving the French army before them. The French army was ultimately defeated in the field by the Allies, though reserve forces from the north, and the sheer amount of casualties taken by the Allied armies meant that they were unable to capitalize upon their victory. As both sides have gone into winter quarters it appears obvious that the war may yet go on for another year at the very least.

VENETIAN FORTIFICATIONS. Venice, Venice. The Venetian government has overseen the recent construction of several new and modern fortifications protecting the capital from overseas and land based attacks. Studies have been made of modern sieges and warfare, particularly from observers with the armies fighting in Spain and France. The plans call for a series of strong new forts, designed to showcase new Venetian military power as well as to provide protection against any who would threaten the city state's security.

CORSICAN KINGDOM ESTABLISHED. Corte, Corsica. The temporary republic of Corsica has been reformed into a monarchy under King Pasquoale, who has been given political support from both the Italian states and the United Kingdom of Great Britain. The international support continues to flow in as the unwed king looks for a suitable bride to achieve further legitimacy among the crowned heads of Europe. Offers have been made from both within the British monarchy as well as a number of eligible ladies from the members of the Holy Roman Empire and various Italian monarchies. The new king faces a large amount of competition as he moves to further develop the new Corsican nation.

News from the Near East

OMAN ESTABLISHES NEW AFRICAN HOLDING. Bari, Oman. Oman has set up a new trading post on the eastern African coast, on what the Europeans know as the Horn of Africa. The new settlement, known as Bari, is said to be established to assist with the growing efforts at trade with the local natives as well as creating new markets for Oman's greater glory and wealth. Slave traders have begun arriving in the settlement to introduce even greater wealth and prosperity for Oman's greatest export business. However, pickings have been slim so far for these entrepreneurs and the settlement remains an importer, struggling to survive off of a limited economy.

OMAN ATTEMPTS AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA. Zanzibar, Oman. Omani governors in Mombasa and Dar-es-Salaam have been instructed by the Sultan to begin efforts to develop an agricultural economy in the colonies. This effort has raised considerable resentment among the locals who feel that this causes extensive disruption in their regular lives. Local Omani leaders also resent the orders, feeling perfectly secure with the slave trade, the lifeblood of the Omani economy. Most of the orders have barely been carried out, as the locals stubbornly continue their old ways, believing, possibly correctly, that the Sultan has very little control so far away.

TRIANGLE WAR CONTINUES. Ankara, Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire and Russia continued to be locked in battle, along with various other allies throughout the course of the year. Russian involvement, not with much surprise, lessened as internal turmoil grew as the year went by. With supplies lacking and confusion in the ranks, the Russian armies ultimately beat a hasty retreat in Asia Minor. The Balkans are a different story as the dispersing Russian army wound up disintegrating into the countryside, causing destruction and devastation wherever they tread. The confusion has led to the formation of militias and protective groups as the Russian "regiments" take what they need in a most primitive form of banditry. In the east, the war has taken a new turn, as the Ottomans repulse the Persian and Georgian invasion, just in time for their Durrani allies to invade Persia from the east. The war continues to escalate as a war for Ottoman survival turns into a war for Persian survival.

News from the Far East

KING OF KHMER PASSES ON. Phnom Penh, Khmer. King Ang Eng of Khmer died this year, passing on control of his nation to his son, Ang Chen. King Ang Chen, educated and clever, is believed by some to be the man to lead Khmer from vassalage to Vietnam to independence. Ang Chen has denied these rumors and has continued to vow his loyalty to the King of Vietnam. Nonetheless he is viewed with much suspicion from the leaders of the nation to the east, and some have called for his abdication, though not yet a majority. Many have taken a wait and see stance, to see whether the rumor mongers are corrected involving this ambitious new King of Khmer.

DESTRUCTION MARKS END OF MARATHA-DURRANI WAR. Gujranwala, Punjab. The end of the Maratha-Durrani War has been marked by even greater destruction than that of the conflict itself. As they retreated from Punjab, the Durrani left behind nothing but ruins and tales of great atrocities. No stone was left overturn and unburned as they retreated west, destroying anything of possible value to Punjab. Thousands were killed by the Durrani tribesmen, and many more were taken back to the empire to be sold as slaves. The people of Punjab have blamed the destruction on the Marathi and many have risen in resentment, particularly with the rising efforts of the government to centralize the Confederacy. Peace was also secured with the kingdom of Mysore, on much more amicable terms. The Mysore ceded the Marathi victory in the war, and with graciously withdrew from the enemy's lands.

MARATHA MAKE MOVES TOWARDS CENTRALIZATION. Raigad, Maratha Confederacy. The Maratha have sparked what British observers have called the Indore Purge late in the year, after the withdrawal of the Durrani from Punjab. The throne of the local ruler, of the Holkar dynasty has been ousted by Maratha military forces, and many of the leaders sympathetic to the region have been detained. This has been the central government's first strike against the district princes of the Confederacy, and has been met with great disapproval. The district princes have recalled troops provided to the main army and have assembled their own local guards. They have submitted diplomacy to the government in Raigad to immediately restore the true royal heir to the throne or face open war. The British East India Company has offered its support to the district princes, also decrying the vicious attack on the Holkar. Gujarat and Punjab have also expressed disapproval for the move, but have not openly declared their support for the district leaders.

RULER OF DURRANI BEGINS RELIGIOUS HUNT. Kabul, Durrani Empire. Zaman Shah of the Durrani Empire has launched a great purge throughout the span of the Empire. Sunni Islam has been declared the sole religion of the empire and all others have been outlawed. Non-Muslims have been order to convert or be slain, and the military, returning from the wide-scale destruction in Punjab have continued their tendencies at home. Non-Islamic religious sites have been destroyed by the order of the government, including the Bamyan Buddhas and other holy temples and sites. Thousands have been killed, while others have fled into the hills to escape the extensive persecution. Irregular tribal conscripts have also disappeared, as many refused to take part in the attacks on holy sites, weakening the army. With the onset of a self-proclaimed jihad against Persia, the Durrani face significant unrest with the rise in fundamentalism from the government.
Military Campaigns of 1796

The Muscogee War
Participants: Georgia vs. Muscogee
The first battle of the Muscogee War went poorly for the Georgian militia at the Creek village of Thronateeska. Not expecting the full force of the tribal armies in a single battle, the Georgians were routed fortunately without many casualties. The natives counterattacked the Georgian militia as they attempted to regroup at Flat Creek. The Georgians were once again defeated, a militia regiment being destroyed in the battle, and they were forced to flee east, as the slave rebellion began. To make matters worse, a major slave uprising occurred in the eastern part of the state, as slaves rose up on plantations and slaughtered their white owners. In frenzied brutality rivaling that of the Santo Domingo uprising just a few years ago, the militia returned home, and managed to assemble locals to assist in crushing the attacks. The slaves managed to organize under a single charismatic leader, and engaged the smaller militia force in battle at the Battle of Twenty-Mile Creek. The slaves were brutally defeated, and those which remained fled south into Florida or have been welcomed into the ranks of the Muscogee Rebellion. Flush from their recent victory, the Georgian militia turned west once again, as the natives continue to maraud and raid settlements throughout the central part of the nation. In the depths of the Okefenokee Swamp, the natives ambushed and defeated the Georgian militia, destroying all but one scattered regiment. The natives have continued to run rampant across western Georgia, overrunning less organized militia forces.
Georgia: -2 Militia Regiments, -1 Irregular Regiment
Muscogee/Slaves: -4 Irregular Regiments

The Triangle War

The Balkan Campaign
The Russian army in the Balkans performed fairly well as the year began, marching south after receiving what was to be the last of their reinforcements. They engaged the Ottomans at the Battle of Burgas, where they decisively smashed the main Ottoman army and began to march south to place Istanbul under siege. However, at this time the supplies stopped flowing from the north and word at last arrived of the chaos which had befallen Russia. The army began to disintegrate, fighting among itself as various leaders attempted to salvage the situation. The army commander was shot by a deserting soldier, and those remained struggled to keep their forces together. While some managed to retain the cohesion to march back to Russia, they were routed by the Ukrainian forces or sent scattering back home. A large number of others have scattered into Ottoman territory in the Balkans, acting effectively as well-armed bandits. Very few Russian forces maintain much organization, but the Ottoman army remains equally devastated unwilling to remove themselves from the fortifications at Istanbul.
Russia: -4 Infantry Regiments, -2 Cavalry Regiments (-10 Infantry Regiments, -3 Cavalry Regiments, -2 Artillery Regiments from desertions, infighting, and other chaotic things)

The Asia Minor Campaign
The Russian offensive campaign in Asia Minor was considered moderately successful as no significant Ottoman force emerged for a pitched battle. Instead numerous small engagements were fought with various tribes throughout the Caucuses as the supply lines came under heavier and heavier attack. Unlike in the Balkans, the Russian army here did not collapse, but when supplies began running thing, fell back across the mountains, all the while facing tribal raiding and attacks on what supplies they had left. Part of the army even managed to break through the Don Cossacks and return north to Russia.
Russia: -12 Infantry Regiments, -5 Cavalry Regiments, -3 Artillery Regiments
Ottoman Empire: -1 Infantry Regiment, -3 Irregular Regiments

Iraq Campaign
The battle beginning the main campaign in the war was at the city of Baghdad which Persian forces hoped to capture for its famous riches and wealth within the Ottoman Empire. However, an army of Ottomans and their vassals arrived, fresh off the rout of the Russian forces in the north. The Ottoman army won the battle, splitting the Persians from their Georgian allies. The Persians were forced to withdraw from the Empire, as the Durrani invaded from the east, posing a more dire threat to their security. Without orders to pursue the Ottoman army instead moved north to engage the remnants of the Georgian army. The Georgians were decisively defeated not far north of Baghdad, though they did manage to inflict light casualties upon the Ottomans. The Ottomans, exhausted from the previous battles were unable to follow up with an invasion into Georgia proper.
Persia: -1 Irregular Regiment, -3 Infantry Regiments, -1 Cavalry Regiment
Georgia: -3 Irregular Regiments
Ottoman Empire: -4 Infantry Regiments
Tunis: -1 Infantry Regiment
Algiers: -1 Infantry Regiment

Eastern Persia Campaign
Very late in the year a new campaign was launched in the course of this war. The Durrani Empire, after withdrawing from Punjab and launching its religious purge, invaded eastern Persia, rampaging through the countryside. The local tribes did what they could, but overall people are flooding west with tales of great brutality at the hands of the invaders. The Persian army did not arrive in time to fight a major battle at any point this year, but many anticipate a tough fight for the Durrani in 1797.

War of the Second Coalition

Caribbean Campaign
More fighting occurred in the Caribbean Sea this year, as the French continue to garner support for invasion of Coalition colonies. The Batavian Republic has given full naval support to the French in the region, providing the aid of their local fleet. This has led to a full scale naval engagement at the island of St. Kitts, where the Spanish navy intercepted the French fleet sailing south towards South America and the Portuguese and Spanish colonies there. The Spanish decisively defeated the Dutch fleet and sent them scattering across the Caribbean back to their home ports. The French forces were captured onboard ship, surrendering when it became obvious that escape was impossible.
France: -7 Sloops, -5 Transports, -4 Infantry Regiments, -1 Artillery Regiment
Batavian Republic: -8 Men-of-War, -1 Frigate
United Kingdom: -2 Frigates
Spain: -7 Men-of-War, -2 Sloops (+5 Men-of-War, +5 Transports, +1 Artillery Regiment from captured in battle)

Invasion of Spain
The French at last launched an anticipated invasion of Spain this year, threatening the largest member of the Second Coalition remaining on the Continent. The first engagement was between the French X Corps and the Spanish East Army during the Battle of Girona, where the Spanish attempted to block a French advance into Catalonia. The French successfully broke through the Spanish blockade, advancing into eastern Spain and towards the town of Llieda. As the French X Corps marched into eastern Spain, the main French army was moving from the city of Andorra. They were shadowed by the Spanish West Army, preventing linking up with the detached Corps. As it appeared that the French were to besiege Llieda, the Spanish discovered that France intended instead to encircle and destroy the west army. Using the golden opportunity, as the X Corps artillery and other forces were absent from the main force, the Spanish attacked north of Llieda in the hopes of destroying a large part of the French army. The French X Corps was decisively defeated and prevented from meeting up with their main force. See the Invasion of Southern France campaign below for the further details of Spanish military operations.
France: -8 Infantry Regiments, -7 Cavalry Regiments
Spain: -2 Militia Regiments, -10 Infantry Regiments, -6 Cavalry Regiments, -1 Artillery Regiment

Invasion of Southern France
As Spain and France clashed in titanic battle, another large offensive was launched, this time by the Second Coalition. An assortment of Allied armies, from the Italian states, Britain, and Sweden, all pressed west from Sardinia-Piedmont to invade Southern France. They were met at the city of Nice, where an army under General Bonaparte met their advance. The Coalition army managed to smash the French defense at the Battle of Nice, pushing forward to Marseilles, where the French army attempted once more to prevent the advance westward. In a pitched battle, the French were humiliatingly defeated, when a failed cavalry charge led to a total rout of the army. The general was shot by his own soldiers while trying to reassemble his forces which were effectively eliminated from the rest of the year's campaign. As the British and Italian armies moved in from the east, the French X Corps in Spain faced having their supplies hurt by the advance. Leaving behind a small force to detain the Spanish army, the full force of the French was turned against the British and their allies. Aware of the potential magnitude of the upcoming conflict. The Spanish eastern army assaulted X Corps in the hope of meeting up with the British and decisively smashing the French army. The battered French force managed to hold back the Spanish advance, though they were forced to cede the ground regardless as the western Spanish army marched behind them. In what would be perhaps the deciding battle of the war, the Allied and French armies met in full force near the town of Narbonne. The Battle of Narbonne was truly the decisive conflict of the year, as the Allied forces routed the French army and essentially consolidating their control over Southern France.
France: -31 Infantry Regiments, -13 Cavalry Regiments, -6 Artillery Regiments
United Kingdom: -9 Infantry Regiments, -2 Cavalry Regiments, -2 Artillery Regiments
Naples: -3 Infantry Regiments, -1 Artillery Regiment
Papal States: -8 Infantry Regiments, -1 Cavalry Regiment
Sweden: -3 Infantry Regiments
Spain: -13 Infantry Regiments, -8 Cavalry Regiments, -2 Artillery Regiments

Great Battles of 1796

Battle of Baghdad
War: The Triangle War
Participants: Ottoman Empire, Tunis, Algiers vs. Persia, Georgia
Ottoman and Allies: 11,000
Persia and Allies: 18,000
Summary: The Battle of Baghdad began when the Persian army met the main Ottoman force in the east in major battle while preparing to sack the city. The Persians opened the battle with an attack on the Ottoman right, which they were well prepared for. Concentrated fire and grapeshot routed the Persian tribal irregulars sent against the line, though the detachments from Tunis and Algiers were overrun and destroyed by the invaders' sheer numbers. After the Persian irregulars were routed, the main regular force moved up and a vicious stalemate ensued, while the Persian riflemen inflicted a heavy toll upon the Ottoman battle line. In an attempt to break the Ottoman lines, the Persian cavalry charged upon the Ottoman left, only to be brutally repulsed with half their forces destroyed. As Ottoman fire intensified upon the right flank, the Persian forces were torn apart by rifle and artillery fire. An Ottoman cavalry charge on the Persian right ultimately broke their line, and the Persians were forced to flee the field.
Ottoman Empire: 3,000
Tunis: 1,000
Algiers: 1,000
Persia: 5,000
Georgia: 1,000

Battle of Girona
War: War of the Second Coalition
Participants: France vs. Spain
France: 31,000
Spain: 29,000
Summary: The French army advanced along the eastern coast across the Pyrenees to meet the Spanish army at the town of Girona, blocking the way to any further inroads into Spain. In order to achieve a successful invasion the Spanish army needed to be removed, despite their positions dug in on a series of hills and mountains. The initial French artillery barrage proved highly successful, though they did suffer some casualties in Spanish counter-battery fire. The infantry advance met with heavy casualties from Spanish firepower, both from cannons and small arms, as they attacked on the Spanish left and center. As the French moved forward, a large Spanish force moved up to outflank them on the French left. Fearing for a rout, the French commander unleashed the cavalry reserve upon the advancing Spanish, and quickly made short work of the Spanish infantry. The Spanish deployed their own cavalry and a bloody horse battle with sabers and pistols ensued on the Spanish right. As the cavalry were locked in battle, the French and Spanish infantry on the center and left fought a brutal engagement, and the French showed their superior skill as two Spaniards fell for every single Frenchman. Faced with growing resistance, the French moved up their cavalry reserve as they regrouped on the left flank, preparing for another assault on the Spanish cavalry. The fighting on the Spanish left grew ever more, as the Spanish artillery reserve entered into battle, bringing grapeshot to bear on the French lines and causing a heavy toll of death upon them. As disaster appeared imminent for the French army, a desperate cavalry charge was launched against the Spanish cavalry on the Spanish right, and they successfully broke through the lines, forcing the Spanish to retreat and cede the battlefield.
France: 11,000
Spain: 14,000

Battle of Narbonne
War: War of the Second Coalition
Participants: United Kingdom, Naples, Spain, Papal States vs. France
Second Coalition: 65,000
France: 57,000
Summary: With the Allied army advancing rapidly from the east, and the Spanish army beginning to move up from the south, the French were in danger of being caught between the two in southern France. However, the French commander saw a moment for decisive action. Leaving behind a delaying force to slow Spain's army, he managed to convince the British commander that the Spanish were closer than they actually were. Therefore he brought the British to battle before they were truly ready near the town of Narbonne. With Spain's army over 36 hours away, even by quick march, the French were confident about their ability to smash the British expedition then turn around to defeat the Spanish. The British took up position east of the town, awaiting the arrival of Spanish reinforcement, while the French launched a frenzied assault against their old enemies. As in previous battles, the British took up positions on the center, and their Italian allies on the flanks. The French, aware of the lackluster Neapolitan and Papal performance in previous battles heavily engaged both armies breaking them in the first round of combat. Unwilling to abandon their positions, the British commander ordered his troops into a reinforced square, hoping to hold his ground until the arrival of Spanish reinforcements. As the cavalry pursued the routing Italian armies, the remaining French forces turned to destroy the British lines. Doggedly the British remained in position, facing massive artillery bombardment, though counter-battery fire managed to hurt the French. At the end of the first day, the British remained dug in upon the hilltops, as the French encamped waiting for the next day's battle. The morning of the next day began with heavy bombardment, destroying the remaining British artillery pieces. The French followed up with a massive cavalry charge, which left two out of every three British cavalrymen dead or missing. As the day wore on, most of the British soldiers became casualties or prisoners, but they managed to inflict a hefty toll upon the French as they continued to charge what they were beginning to call "The Lion's Den." Then past noon, the tide changed as the Spanish army at last began to haphazardly arrive in the south, setting up battle lines and forcing the French to divide their attention. The French and Spanish armies engaged once more, and the French managed to bloodily repulse the Spanish attack. As the Spanish came close to rout, the French were unexpectedly charged by the British forces, who had long since run out of ammunition. The battered French force, down to less than 20% of their original fighting strength, were forced to retreat, particularly with the arrival of the Spanish cavalry.
France: 33,000
Naples: 3,000
Papal States: 6,000
United Kingdom: 11,000
Spain: 21,000

Battle of Nice
War: War of the Second Coalition
Participants: United Kingdom, Naples, Papal States, Sweden vs. France
Second Coalition: 39,000
France: 27,000
Summary: This battle was the first to occur when the Allies launched their invasion of southern France. Nice was the first objective to be assaulted along the French coastline, and a multi-ethnic army met the French in open battle. On the Allied right, the Swedish army formed up, on the center the British Expedition confronted the French, and on the left, the Italian states mustered their various forces. All groups began their attacks at roughly the same time to varying degrees of success. The Italians proved the most successful, the British moderately, while the Swedes were devastated, with heavy casualties. Hoping to forestall defeat, the French general launched a major cavalry offensive against the advance enemy, hoping the shock would rout the attackers. The attack successfully swept the Swedes off the field, while routing the Italian cavalry, though it was held at bay in the center by the British. The remaining Swedish forces were only preserved by hasty action by the British cavalry, which held back the French attack. An opportunity was then seized by the British cavalry commander, smashing through the French cavalry and outflanking the main enemy force. The remnants of the French army then moved west, as the Allies took the city, and the ground.
United Kingdom: 4,000
Naples: 2,000
Papal States: 3,000
Sweden: 3,000
France: 9,000

Battle of St. Kitts
War: War of the Second Coalition
Participants: United Kingdom, Spain vs. Batavian Republic, France
Second Coalition: 39 ships
France and Allies: 28 ships
Summary: The Coalition and Batavian fleets were the main opponents here as they met to prevent a French effort to invade South America. The Dutch were able to fire off the first volley in the conflict, successfully destroying a Spanish Man-of-War when the gunpowder stocks were ignited. A sloop was also disabled during the first stage of the firing. The battle was intense as the fleets closed ranks and soon engaged in ship to ship combat. Ultimately the Spanish emerged victorious, seizing the Dutch flagship and taking control of the vessel. Several French transports were also seized, and the troops onboard forced to surrender and their arms captured by the Spanish military.
United Kingdom: 2 Ships
Spain: 9 Ships
France: 12 ships
Batavian Republic: 9 Ships

Important Documents of 1796

Involuntary Servitude Act
Affects: Delaware
Spoiler :
-Henceforth, slave is considered a luxury asset.
-Although the rights of those who wish to maintain these assets may do so, any further import is restricted.
-Those who wish to maintain or import are subjected to luxury tax.
-Those, however, who sell the slaves out-states will be eligible for governmental financial aid to cover for losses or other new businesses.

New Jersey Constitution
Affects: New Jersey
Spoiler :
1) The State Assembly, composed of 250 representatives, elected by the people every 2 years, evenly distributed over the population of the state shall meet in capital of Trenton to raise taxes and borrow on the credit of the state, appropriate funds, pass legislation to promote the order, security and general welfare of the state and its citizens and appoint the ministers of government, including the Governor and his lieutenant.
2) The Assembly shall elect a Governor, who may be removed by a seven-tenths majority vote, to execute the will of the legislature. The Governor shall conduct diplomacy on behalf of the state, command the state militias and chair the State Assembly, casting a vote in the cast of a tie. The Governor may veto legislation, if he see fit, requiring a two- thirds majority to be overridden.
3) Judges, Justices and Magistrates shall be appointed by the Governor and approved by
4) Amendments to this Constitution may be made with a two-thirds majority in the State Assembly and a then a majority vote of approval during the next election.

The Trenton Declaration
Affects: New Jersey
Spoiler :
-The Import and Export of Slaves Shall end as of December 31, 1796.
-All children born to slaves freed and contracts of indentured servitude to be instituted as of January 1, 1800.
- All sales of slaves ended to be ended by January 1, 1805.
-All remaining slaves in New Jersey to be freed by Christmas Day, 1810.

Treaty of Dharwa
Signatories: Maratha Confederacy, Durrani Empire
Spoiler :
1. All hostilities between the Maratha Confederacy and the Kingdom of Mysore shall cease immediately
2. The Maratha Confederacy and the Kingdom of Mysore shall agree to pre-war borders.
3. The Kingdom of Mysore shall pay an indemnity of 2 EP to the Maratha Confederacy for damages incurred during their war of aggression upon the Maratha Confederacy.
4. The Maratha Confederacy and the Kingdom of Mysore shall agree to respect a period of peace for 10 years.

Treaty of Goshogawara
Signatories: Japan, Russia
Spoiler :
-The Bakufu shall permit the Russians to trade with Japan through the city of Goshogawara.
-Such trade will be monitored and handled by the Tsugaru Clan.
-The Tsugaru Clan will lease plot of land to the Russians for 50 years in exchange for (30 EP). The first payment (15) shall be received in 1796, while the second (15) will be received in 1797.
-In addition to these lump sums, the Russian Empire will also deliver a small amount of tribute annually to the Emperor (2 EP). After these 50 years are up, the terms of this treaty may be renegotiated if needed.

Treaty of Raleigh
Signatories: North Carolina, Nova Scotia, New York
Spoiler :
-North Carolina will trade 95% of its cotton production to New Yokr.
-The other 5% of production will be sold exclusively to Nova Scotian merchants.

Treaty of Sawakin
Signatories: Funj, Ottoman Empire
Spoiler :
-Funj shall provide 2 EP to assist the Ottoman Empire in their war effort.
-The Ottoman Empire shall cede all territories south of their outpost at Swenet to Funj.

Treaty of Springfield
Signatories: Massachusetts, Berkshire
Spoiler :
1. Massachusetts shall support the admission of Berkshire to the Union as a separate Free state.
2. Massachusetts shall tolerate and shall not curtail Berkshire's autonomy, and shall not seek to apply Massachusetts's laws on Berkshire's territory, or send troops into Berkshire's territory.
3. Berkshire shall not allow any troops other than its own army on its own territory.
4. Berkshire shall, every time it holds elections, have a clear option on the ballot to hold a referendum on the reunion of Berkshire with Massachusetts, and shall hold such a referendum if 40% of those who vote in the election vote for a referendum.
5. Berkshire shall immediately hold a referendum on the reunion of Berkshire with Massachusetts if it does not hold an election for a period of five consecutive years.
6. Any such referendum or election to hold a referendum shall be free, fair, and binding.
7. Any such referendum shall require a simple majority to pass.
8. A joint commission, with delegates from Berkshire and Massachusetts, shall be set up to ensure the free and fair nature of these referenda whenever they are held.
9. Berkshire will not encourage any further secessions from Massachusetts's territory.
10. The Treaty of Cheshire is null and void.

Diplomatic Pouch

To: Ottoman Empire
From: Georgia

We seek to end our vassalage with the Persians under the current circumstances. If you allow us limited autonomy like that of your other vassals, we will make our peace.


Once more I apologize for the delay in the posting of this update. Thanks to Justo's introduction of Mount and Blade to me, I've lost sleep and updating time to this addictive game. It's all his fault. In seriousness however, I've never moderated an NES with this many players and things to keep track of. Excuse the "birthing pains" for now, as this is a hell of a start to this NES's life.

In regards to national goals, with apologies to those who have joined us in the first update, goals will not be provided again until 1800. This is mostly because I don't have that much time between updates apparently, and I believe it will be easiest to keep track of this way, since I'll be redoing everyone's Goals every five years anyways. Completed national goals will also (from here on out) be assessed every five years and points will be given then as well.

@conehead: for a project of the size you're considering for the canals, I'd say you're looking at a total of 10 EP, unless I greatly misunderstand your objectives and ideas for it.

@Karalysia: I found your conversion idea bit implausible for this point in time. Wait 20 years or so, and I think that there'd actually be some sort of possibility for this action, without facing a military coup. If you wish to go ahead, I'd be MORE than happy to demonstrate the ramifications in the next update.

@Heraclius79: I saw no confirmation of your coalition you would have assembled according to diplomatic orders. Therefore any orders in regards to that have been rendered moot.

The Erie Canal will cost 8 EP.

@Nuclear_kid: You're welcome to take Austria at this point.

For those wondering about Hamburg's "plans" you should know that I didn't accept his orders due to unrealism and the fact that if he tried any such thing, he'd be invaded in less than a minute.

Julius Ghandi's reservation for Poland has been dropped due to failure to send in orders.

World Map
Oh yes, I have decided to give Europe it's own stat post, separate from the lesser peoples of the world.
Great update! The detail is phenomenal. You've got me rooting for the Muscogee, and with the detail you're providing, I'm smelling TTL blockbuster 2 centuries from now.;)
Austria is mine fools ;)
To Batavian Republic
From Great Britain:

We had been under the impression of Dutch neutrality in the war, especially since you had issued no declaration of war. We now see that is not the case. The United Kingdom of Great Britain declares war on the Batavian Republic.
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