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When rebels declare war/peace on someone, rebel's name is not displayed in notification. It looks something like ' declares war on Russia'. Does anybody have this problem? BNW, no other mods besides Revolution Modpack. Tried on English and Russian languages.

Yes, but there are conditions where either that sometimes doesn't happen, or it rectifies itself. Can't remember at the moment specifically, but it is common in my games too. Doesn't break anything, just looks odd.

Another wonky occurrence to note.... rebels will sometimes ask for aid (units etc), but then it isn't possible to actually gift them (no selection option). Basically it isn't possible to interact diplomatically unless they take over a city and gain full status. Seems like a neat feature though, if it's intended that you can help them when they're "stateless".

I love this mod, but I've had a few issues (maybe they're features) with rebels spawning more rebels and falling back into rebellion after establishing independence. For instance, I had one instance of Arabian rebels successfully taking territory and declaring independence as a new city state, only to once again flip back into rebellion, declare war against Arabia again (for some reason), losing all the influence I accumulated with them while they were an independent city state, and getting renamed as the "Arabian rebels rebels".

If this was a new rebellion against the previous rebel state I could understand, but why would the "rebels rebels" declare war on Arabia again? Are there any settings that might be causing this behavior? I have create new city states and raging rebels enabled.

Try without the 'raging rebels' option, which is on by default in Advanced Custom Startup (near the bottom).
Yes, but there are conditions where either that sometimes doesn't happen, or it rectifies itself. Can't remember at the moment specifically, but it is common in my games too. Doesn't break anything, just looks odd.

Ok, so the bug is confirmed. I tried to fix it some time ago but with no luck, seems that Rebel Civ's name updated after DeclarePermanentWar() function call. If i call DeclarePermanentWar() from FireTuner Lua console during player's turn, i have a correct notification.
this mod was working great for the beginning of the game, then i keep getting "Civ stopped working crashes" the only other mod i am using is religion mod. and those dont affect each other. I then play without the mods, and game works fine but it still shows the cultural diffusion on tiles without it even enabled

About your crashes, I don't know the solution, but I know it's not exclusive to this mod.

Check out this link: http://steamcommunity.com/app/8930/discussions/0/864971765694383290
Here, people are discussing how thousands of other players are having similar issues to yours and brainstorming for a solution.

About cultural diffusion still showing, are you playing on the same game that originally had the mods? If so, try starting a game from scratch and see if the problem persists.
Just a suggestion, but it might be nice to have a siege mechanic added to the mod.

For example, recently I played a game where Russia decided to settle a new city six tiles away from my capital. Not surprisingly, they didn't take long after that to declare war on me. After some troop movement, I ended up surrounding Russia on 4/6 sides of its new city with units, with mountains taking up the other two tiles. Although I did end up taking the city, it seems more likely the residents would have given up long before the point I whittled the city's HP down to 0.

My point is, situations in which the city is either surrounded by units and/or mountains, or in which the city has no workable tiles, should logically result in that city either defecting to the invaders or simply entering a state of rebellion after a certain amount of time. After all, if you were cut off from the rest of the world with nothing to do, wouldn't you feel a little restless?

Then again, this really is a minor thing, and I'm not sure if others would like this in the mod. It was just bugging me that there was no way to actually siege a city other than simply attacking it over and over.
<checks the topic a week later>
<realizes no one else has made a post since September>
...er, hello?
<finds no sign of life>
Is this topic dying? I mean, not a single post besides mine in 36 days kind of depresses me...
Is this mod ever going to get updated? I can see there have been a lot of bugs found since July, but no updates? That's a bit disappointing, as I really like the premise of this mod.
It's just been you and me here for at least the past four months, Bridger. Noone else has posted since September... :sad:
It's just been you and me here for at least the past four months, Bridger. Noone else has posted since September... :sad:

Thats realy sad its a realy nice mod but realy cpu activ, at least when i played it before BNW lol.
But give him time he is busy and has many projects and i only can asume how time intensive the coding and bugfixing must be.

Great mod:goodjob:
multiply the assumed number by ten and you'll get an accurate total underestimation :D

this is not dead, but I've been away a few months and need to decide how I will manage everything from now.

as there is still no official support for mods in MP, that'll depend a lot of my current test on that issue, there is a growing possibility that I'll merge all my Civ5 mods in one, and work only on the resulting modspack and the WWII total conversion.

there are a lot of pro and con in a modspack but in the end it's what can be ported to MP (and how) that will dictate the future of all my mods.
Gedemon, since you dropped by (and thank you much for that), I had a question about a couple of your mods and how they work together.

I have not played the Revolutions yet, although I'd like to, but am I to understand that this is sort of merger between the Cultural Diffusion and Hex Conquer and Release (plus, of course other improvements)? I have been using the Hex Conquer mod, really like it, and I like the idea of the Cultural Diffusion as well, but they would seem to conflict, especially in terms of "culture flipping" tiles.

Is there any point in playing the Cultural Diffusion with the Hex Conquer if there is no cultural flipping? Can they actually work together with culture flipping?

Thank you.
If you don't use the "conquer tile" option of Cultural Diffusion, they should work together.
This mod provide too much free experience. You can build city far away from home land and send your forces for training. It is possible to do this thing:
1 any unit consumes 1 population from city
1 any rebel unit consumes 1 population from city?

I mean in real life people is same resource as other, like oil and iron. More people in state means more mobilization resources. It is stupid when one city can have same army as whole empire.

Yeah, i know my english is very bad, but i`am working on this.
In my todo, there is the linking of a rebel unit to a city population and a counter:

if the counter is reached (say 10 turns), the rebel unit disapear and the city does not lose population.

but if the rebel unit is killed before the end of that counter then 1 population is removed from the city
In my todo, there is the linking of a rebel unit to a city population and a counter:

if the counter is reached (say 10 turns), the rebel unit disapear and the city does not lose population.

but if the rebel unit is killed before the end of that counter then 1 population is removed from the city

Is it possible to make this system actual for player units? - 1 my warrior > - 1 city populaton?
Is it possible to make this system actual for player units? - 1 my warrior > - 1 city populaton?

could be, but it would be limiting at a 1/1 ratio I think.

but I'm more likely to port the economy system of my WWII mod, with "personnel" created by cities and needed to reinforce ("heal") units.
Does anyone know if the latest version of Revolutions still supports the latest version of Emigration?
Gedemon, is this mod updated for BNW?
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