RFC Plays on its Own?


Aug 11, 2007

I've just started to play RFC and love it. I fail all challenges but am still having fun. tee hee Whenever I switch civilizations (from India to Rome) or any switching, after I move one unit my turn automatic moves along, before I even move all units. Is this a bug? This only starts to happen after I switch civilizations. What's going on?

Also RFC seems so hard to make any of the challenges.

And what is the difference between and RFC unlocked scenario and not?

And what is the difference between a scenario and a Mod?

Thank you,
Hello, I do not know about your issue but I can answer your other questions.

RFC is not too hard to make the UHV's, as long as you start playing knowing you are after those challenges.

unlocked scenario allows you to play any civilization from 3000 B.C.E. or 600 C.E. In the case of the 3000B.C.E. it autoplays the game to the year the civilization normally starts.

A mod usually alters the gameplay of civilization, while a scenario uses the pre existing gameplay to create something. That is you could theoretically make a map of Europe and play as the Roman Empire without modding the game. However the majority of times the scenarios change some aspects of the game.
Switching civs undoes any changes you may have made in the "Options" menu, even though they appear to be checked. This is a known bug. Simply go to options, and uncheck and then recheck all of your options and it will function normally.
It's set to the AI settings, the AI auto ends it's turn the second all units are moved or skipped/fortified/sleep/sentry.

To fix it, do what Positronic said.
Not all... but just "Wait at end of turn".
Thanks, I set the Options to "Wait at end of turn", so far that's worked.

Any ideas on what civilization I should start with, I keep getting killed. I need someone with iron near by. Having lots of fun, but wish I could make one challenge and beat off the barbarians.

Thank you,
Rosy ;)
Rome has iron right next to it.
Rome has very good territory, but it faces lots of barbarians later in the game who can take poorly-defended cities. A good choice to familiarise yourself with RFC is Japan, who can choose their fights and are at very little risk of attack. Playing as one of the big European empires lets you experience more of the game's new concepts like colonisation.
if you don't overexpand outside Italy, the peninsula is quite easy to defend from the barbarian hordes.
To fix the auto-ending turn you can simply reload the game, AFAIK. Just save and reload after switching.
And it's entirely possible to get the Great Wall as Rome, so you only have to worry about your cities in Africa and Asia (if you have any).
Rome is great... but the UHV's are close to impossible... With all those barbarians, its hard not to lose a city, unless you build the Great Wall, and getting the Western Roman Empire isn't easy either.... I would go with Japan, as there isn't much action, or Persia for a challenge... unless you want to colonize, then it's your choice of Spain England or France, although France has no Iron unless you build Metz and kill Bona Mansio (Frankfurt)
Strange, I find the Roman UHV to be one of the easiest.
China has some iron and copper, and you can avoid most other wars until the Mongols come, but if you're going for the UHV, you might have some issues.
I find Greece actually to be fairly easy to defend from barbs (even without the GW), and there is iron next to Athens. The UHV can be pretty easy too.
I personally hate barbs (I need to be able to make peace with my enemy...), so I generally avoid ancient civs. Consider some European civs, great for colonizing.
I personally hate Natives... If your Egypt, or Mali or Carthage, they can come from no where, and there added movement bonus doesn't help either... In the Americas, Dog Soldiers can kill most of your units for awhile, and they're capable of taking cities... Barbarians usually kill me as Mali, so I agree with them being annoying... I prefer being Mongolia, only because it's so easy to make China collapse, due to the fact that Beijing is always nearly empty in my games, and they don't have much units to attack back... the only disadvantage is the Technology behindness, but you catch up really quickly...
I like China a lot, but it'll take a few plays to figure out where the barbarians are coming from (swordsmen from Tibet, horsemen from Mongolia). The UHV is very difficult, but one of the joys of RFC is that you can totally ignore the UHV if you want and still have a good time.
Have never done a UHV condition on purpose :goodjob:.
I've been playing Rome and get the barbarians under control, then Spain pops up and then France and they take over my land and go to war with me and I never recover. Anyway around that? One time I tried switching to Vikings but have to start all over. Does anyone eventually pop up on Viking land? I've also tried Greece, does anyone pop up on Greece land. I still haven't met any challenges. I try and am still having lots of fun.

What does UHV mean? Is that the challenges?

Rosy :)
I've been playing Rome and get the barbarians under control, then Spain pops up and then France and they take over my land and go to war with me and I never recover. Anyway around that? One time I tried switching to Vikings but have to start all over. Does anyone eventually pop up on Viking land? I've also tried Greece, does anyone pop up on Greece land. I still haven't met any challenges. I try and am still having lots of fun.

What does UHV mean? Is that the challenges?

Rosy :)

Spain and France are designed to take your territory. You can either build an army to beat them back (station it outside their spawn area) or you can cut your losses. Since you know you are going to lose them anyway, make sure to build your primary economic infrastructure in cities you're going to keep, like Italy, North Africa and the Balkans.

No new civ will ever arise inside your nation's core. Vikings have Scandinavia all to themselves, but Russia will arise east of the Baltic States. As Greece, Turkey will pop up later in the game, and they will try to conquer your land, but they don't actually get your European cities.

UHVs are the 3 goals you can achieve to win the game. Get 2 and you trigger a golden age. Most UHVs are designed to be challenging to new players, or as a puzzle, but you can look at guides to complete them on the Wiki.
Thanks Panopticon that helps a lot.

I was able to beat off Turkey. Yeah! I've killed off the Mayans but am surrounded by Independent Cities. How do I cross into them? I'm having so much fun. Does the game end if I don't win any of the UHVs? I've got one left I'm trying to beat.

Thank you,
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