Rhye's and Fall of Europe: Starting Information

Beta 3 is out, Civ 5 can kiss my !@#$ :D
D/loaded Beta 3

Can't start a new game though

The new game bit which usually comes up automatically when you load the mod doesn't seem to be working for me

Can't find a way to start a game on the menu

Is this a problem at my end?

I'm having the same problem. When I load the mod through the Advanced > Load a Mod thing, I end up with a screen identical to the RFC main menu (strangely, no music plays though). The civ selection menu doesn't pop up like I assume it's supposed to, and the Play Now option is grayed out.

And yes, I'm using BTS 3.19
So when you go to the main menu and to 'singleplayer', 'play a scenario' and then you can't choose 'RFCEurope' or what exactly is the problem?
Put it in Program Files, My Games seems to be buggy sometimes. It is also much easier to load the scenario from inside the scenarios folder. That works for me at least.
Another option is to launch the mod by double-clicking on the map-file inside the mod folder:


Actually this is how I launch the mod. I make a shortcut to this file on my desktop.
Moving the whole RFCEurope folder to the mod folder through Program Files did the trick. It now shows up in the Play a Scenario list. Thanks for the quick response.
@ Sedna

I think the problems are caused by the changes in revision 467 (and 469).

You're correct. I didn't notice because I keep the mod inside ProgramFiles. I guess there's no real benefit to putting the map in PrivateMaps instead of PublicMaps. I mean, it is a private map in the sense that it can only be used with this mod (i.e. it uses custom resources/terrain), but since it seems to cause more problems than the reverse I'll move it back.
Moved it to Program files and it works now, thanks!

BTW, i run the mod by creating a shortcut with the target:

"C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Civ4BeyondSword.exe" mod=\RFCEurope
I followed all that is written here, but nothing works : RFCE is launching, but nothing is written, and only 5 civs are available ! What can I do ?
Choose English Language before starting RFCE, all other languages aren't working in Beta3.
If noone tells me... I can't guess ! Now it works. But it would be easier for me if french was available...
On our working files it is actually working again and it will definitely work in the next beta version. I'm not quite sure if we can support french 100% because as far as i know we have no english-french translator at the moment.
Most thing are translated into French already. (we have had a Frenchman, but I have no idea where he's gone to) So it's possible you can play the game in French. (But it's possible that the UHV, UP etc. aren't translated yet)

If you want to translate things, please fill free to do so. Put the text in a text file (I prefer .txt) and post it in this thread. http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=332947
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