Rhye's Catapult

Gonna try Greece. They usually get wiped out in my games... So, is Greece hard to play with? Will they survive? .... who knows
SilverKnight said:
Also good point. Um, maybe setting the limit a BIT higher, but not quite to the next level (so less than 17). How's that sound? Because I lose a LOT of level 3 guys to those barbs... :viking:

As it stands now, a human unit can achieve 10/17 experience from barbarians...level 3. I would propose allowing the barbarian units to give the human unit 17/26....level 4.

Its a shame that my level three praets are still getting killed by horse archers regularly!

Continuing my Roman game last night...

I was THRILLED to see that the European civs were spawning, as there would be no more barbarian invasions :goodjob:

Spain, France, England and Germany spawned perfectly. They all had tech leads over me, as they got feudalism and machinery while lacking a few earlier techs. Arabia is once again tech leader and unwilling to trade.

My armies were getting bored, so just like the real legions, Spain looked like a perfect battlefield. :sniper: The cities fell quickly to my praets and catapult, until the Spanish civ was reduced to only Cadiz. With a cultural defense of 50%, i moved my catapults in for bombardment, only to have the city fall to barbarians IBT :eek: Of course there were no barbs on the map, so it MUST have been aliens :scan:

So Iberia was mine, and since my Praets were getting restless, France soon followed. Leaving me to decide between starting a new game and trying to eliminate EVERYONE :lol:

I did notice that settling in certain locations yields automatic city names which I like, but was surprised to see that a new city settled in Northern Africa (on the forested hill west of Carthage) yielded the city "lol caesarea"
I had no time to play in the last week, damn. But tonight I had a dream with Rhye, who I've never seen in the real world but he was him. And without a reason he wanted to start playing Heroes 5.
Riker said:
I had no time to play in the last week, damn. But tonight I had a dream with Rhye, who I've never seen in the real world but he was him. And without a reason he wanted to start playing Heroes 5.

It sounds like your having withdrawals from playing this. I suggest you take the time and play. :D
052 with France

This is where rome and greece got lost...

Well, in 1485, I see that India and China are waaay behind,
still in the early middle ages, 5-6 tech behind.
And well, poor Hatsy is even more behind.

OK, it is historically fine, but as gameplay?
I'll sse how it turns out in the end.

I hav vall France and Italy, now also will have 2nd city in Canada.
Arabia is strong in tech.

I learn Gunpowder now and build universities
AI is still stupid about settling on islands

I see an England settler with longbow unit on Corsica.
Now, one tile is French, but he could settle on the other!

And the settler+bow is standing idle on the French tile...

EDIT: pic


  • rhye-corsica.JPG
    46.6 KB · Views: 88
V. Soma said:
AI is still stupid about settling on islands

I see an England settler with longbow unit on Corsica.
Now, one tile is French, but he could settle on the other!

And the settler+bow is standing idle on the French tile...

I have seen an Egyptian settler sitting on Crete for 2500 years. No one has claimed the square, yet they do not settle it.
Weird, sorry abt. Baltic complaint rehash. Guess I'm just grumpy. Thanks for the plotlist add, its a 'zomg fantastic' mod once you get how it works :p

Spain owns. I recommend it or Rome as the easy start civ. Maybe it more than Rome, since there are no barbs and it has a better defensive line.

Suggestion: Line of code that autowipes any city in England at spawn regardless if it will become capital and it is not on the sea

<- In favor of 17/26 w/ barbs

Technically at work right now.
There are two values;




in the GlobalDefines.xml file in the base xml folder that control the max XP received from fighting barbs and animals.

EDIT: V.Soma, when I installed something not too long ago, not completely sure what it was exactly, it reset all of the defines in the _Civ4Config file, I had to reset it to allow the debug mode, flying camera, python errors, and pretty much everything, you might want to check that.
Just remembered a pet peeve!

Can you make it so that movement from Central to South America is possible w/o ships? Its hard enough to protect that area w/o having to maintain three seperate fleets just to move my units. If there werent a corn deposit uncovered by jungle allowing me to make a canal waaaay before biology, I would have given up long ago.

Quick question: Do we have nearby civs hit with a culture loss when a new civ forms? Would make it easier to found better, more competitive cities for the newbie civs (read: Mongols).
Vishaing said:
There are two values;




in the GlobalDefines.xml file in the base xml folder that control the max XP received from fighting barbs and animals.

EDIT: V.Soma, when I installed something not too long ago, not completely sure what it was exactly, it reset all of the defines in the _Civ4Config file, I had to reset it to allow the debug mode, flying camera, python errors, and pretty much everything, you might want to check that.

This is exactly what i am looking for, thanks. Anyone else think this should be increased to 17 for barbs? Animals are fine IMO.

I also noticed that sometimes my _Civ4Config file resets. And the only thing I have added lately has been catapult.
17/26 max XP for barbs: agreed, at least for now. :goodjob: We can always change it back!

Riker said:
I had no time to play in the last week, damn. But tonight I had a dream with Rhye, who I've never seen in the real world but he was him. And without a reason he wanted to start playing Heroes 5.
Riker, you're weird and that's awesome! :D

Ok, my recap of the EXCITING Roman game... I had a TON of fun with this one. :D

*gets notes* *people in thread grumble, "Great, another book by SilverKnight"*

Ok fine, just the interesting points, I wont give away my strategy turn-by-turn. :p

  • Christianity founded in barb Yerushalayim, 50 AD. Excellent!
  • Qart-Hadsht or whatever never changed its name when it flipped to me.
  • I didn't settle a single city besides Rome! Mediolannum and Panormus (sp?) flipped to me, as did Qart-Hadsht. I spent all my :hammers: defending against barbs, and my economy was struggling due to my large army.
  • By 690 AD there were 4 Greek settlers and 4 archers on Crete; 5 each by 770 AD, and 7 each by 1060 AD! :eek: I wonder why they do that...
  • Also, noticed 5 Christian missionaries in Arab Yerushalayim from 700-710 AD, didn't seem to be moving, and I don't remember if they were there on my latest expedition.
  • I razed Lutetia for :gold: , just to see what happened, and my :culture: borders pushed past it (with a Great Artist) shortly after. Sure enough, the French units spawned one tile away, outside my borders, and founded three cities along the northern coast (Germany beat them to Denmark with Munich). They later attacked me, out of spite, I think. No siege equipment, just made money of razing thier land and XP off their meek swordsmen.
  • Economy :commerce: : With my Praetorian defense around the Alps and in North Africa, I couldn't afford any siege units or many additional attacking units without leaving my large, core cities undefended, so I sent expeditionary units into Greece when they declared war (for no reason) and made money off their towns. In fact, I was running between -13 GPT and -17 GPT the whole game until around 1000 AD, when I ran out of gold! At least I made enough cash through incomplete wonders to upgrade all my archers and a few Praetorians.
  • Religions :religion: : Oh yeah, and I spread Hinduism around Europe (even Vicky got it, but not through me), Greece is Christian, Arabia is Muslim, and so was Persia before getting wiped.
  • Barbs around the world: I was rat-holed for quite a while by barbs, but Egypt was nearly destroyed! They came back strong, and re-took ALL of their cities; now they're the world power, with me coming up in 2nd or third, depending on what Saladin is doing. Greece was powerful for a while with several large cities in the Balkans and Turkey, but couldn't stand up to my :strength: galley fleet and infantry raids. They managed to hold onto Byzantion the whole game. Persia seems like it had a hard time, and Egypt had extensive improvements near their borders, so I assume they got a handle on them pretty quick.
  • Two caravels with explorers, first one just made it to the Caribbean to meet the Aztecs, 1220 AD.
Me thinks that's it. Um... time to play some more!

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