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Rhye's of Civilization - the fastest loading mod Expanded - PART II

I tried your mod and it's great, but (there is always a "but" ;) ):

1) Sea routes doesn't work (which is quite annoying, especially when you play as Japan, but I also faced some problems playing US and establishing empire on Caribbean). I've seen that Astronomy enables it for sea/ocean, but earlier coast-connecting would be nice

2) Attachment shows the beginning of the "settlers invasion". I played as China with full 31 civs. AI seems to be hardcoded to produce many settlers, even when it cannot found new cities until..it migrates. That's why I've seen many settlers next to my borders (I didn't colonize entire southern China yet) - everybody sends them to me: Scandinavians, French, Spanish, Dutch, Romans etc. Of course, this later ended in war: me vs world..

3) Weird colonization. AI is placing cities all over the world - France, for example, has one in Central Asia, one in Siberia, few in Africa.. What's going on??:eek: Where's corruption?

4) ZoC doesn't work :( I created Great Wall of China - well defended line of Barricades. But during my war against French they simply went next to them, no "ZoC attack" happened which made my Barricade useless (I had to attack them anyway :( )

5) Is it possible to get rid of Keshik's ability to cross mountains? Treating all terrain as road is enought for me, and not beeing able to counterattack is pretty annoying :(

BTW, I realy like new resource distribution and low quality terrain :goodjob: Excellent balance


  • settlers_invasion.JPG
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Keraunos said:
2) Attachment shows the beginning of the "settlers invasion". I played as China with full 31 civs. AI seems to be hardcoded to produce many settlers, even when it cannot found new cities until..it migrates. That's why I've seen many settlers next to my borders (I didn't colonize entire southern China yet) - everybody sends them to me: Scandinavians, French, Spanish, Dutch, Romans etc. Of course, this later ended in war: me vs world..

3) Weird colonization. AI is placing cities all over the world - France, for example, has one in Central Asia, one in Siberia, few in Africa.. What's going on??:eek: Where's corruption?

I dont think this is something special for this mod, they allways do it. Through disabling settling on wood and desert it is yet reduced, but you really cant get rid of it.
Yup. It surely reduces ability to settle, but AI doesn't know it - and keeps building a lot of settlers which it then send to colonize useless hills in Central Asia (surrounded by deserts). Maybe in some point priority for AI to make settlers should be lowered (if possible), maybe when certain number of cities on map is reached

The problem here is during middle-game I still see Korean cities like 2-3 big :( They focus on building settlers they send to useless lands, and their economy suffers..
Ah, another thing:

Keraunos said:
5) Is it possible to get rid of Keshik's ability to cross mountains? Treating all terrain as road is enought for me, and not beeing able to counterattack is pretty annoying :(

Are you sure the Keshiks treat all terrain as road? Ive played a campaign as Mongol and i dont think they treat all terrain as road (i even was a bit disappointed about them after having great fun with the mangudai).

Maybe i mistake this mod with something, but i dont think so ;)
Stazro said:
Ah, another thing:

Are you sure the Keshiks treat all terrain as road? Ive played a campaign as Mongol and i dont think they treat all terrain as road (i even was a bit disappointed about them after having great fun with the mangudai).

Maybe i mistake this mod with something, but i dont think so ;)

Probably my mistake - I haven't tried Mongols yet. But then they have to have some bonus, as they moved far too fast, withdrawing few tiles after attacking:confused:
My strategy when playing the Earth mod is to run around to the nearest 3 civs with my king, capture their worker, and hunker down until they make peace, building rode and bonus resources improvements in the meantime.

This works well me me at the mid-level difficulties. I haven't tried the higher difficulties.

I think your mod is good. It's definately fun and well written. Playing Israel is fun. Everyone hates you; kinda like that place in the world today.

The high cost to build settlers is a bummer. Can't seem to compete against the AI in settler building. I basically never do anymore and go with a strategy of just capturing enemy cities. There doesn't seem to be any comparison. The effort to build an army and conquere someone elses city far outweighs the effort to build one's own; that aspect of the mod seems out of balance.

Good job, and thanks.
Hi there,

I've downloaded the mod pack and attempted to run it but immediately get a text error in PediaIcons over PRTO_Statue_Of_Liberty, after which the program shuts down. I've come across this error when attempting to add new units but haven't tinkered at all with this mod pack.

Anyone have any ideas on how I can plough through this?

Many thanks

Congrats to Rhye and his team, and THANK YOU for such a splendid mod. It has everything you want and the majority of civ3 games I play are ROCX.

The replay abilities are immense. I have recently finished (and lost) several games at Demi-God level. First one:


Tough challenge, but I just love that civ. Starting location is not the best with degraded terrains, mountains, jungles and desert. It is actually potentially one of the worst out of the 31 available.

I decided it was impossible in the early ages to take on Egypt - they have more population, better units and are more advanced due to their proximity to so many civs, though equally limited in production. All I did was build a colony in Sudan, another in Erythrea and seek peace. It was then a long and laborious expansion towards the east and the south for a mere 6 colonies at the start of the middle-ages around Ethiopia, Erythrea, Somalia, southern Sudan and Kenya. Access to grasslands/plains for food, and hills/forsts for production proved very, very tough.

I then managed to colonize Madagascar (having the clear advantage over the AI of knowing the map), and attacked the Arabs in Tanzania and Congo (!) only because they got weakened, then wiped out, by a global coalition led by Russia and Japan around the XVIth century. This enabled a golden age with the victory of my Oromo warriors - cool.

I decided to try and capitalize on my 10 cities and be what Ethiopia has always been: a peaceful Nation as long as you let them be - also because I had no other choice, except maybe take on the Zulus which would have been tough, and painful also given that they were my "African brothers". And the world did let me be in peace, until the French violently attacked towards the end of the XXth century. I painfully managed to hold them off until the Japanese cultural victory in 2015, without losing a single city despite clear inferiority in technology and number (my navy and airforce got obliterated quickly and I was left with tanks and flaks defending my mountains).

I ended up ranked 10th/31 in the historiograph, 7 civs eliminated. A honorable score, though I was unable to build a single wonder. Final ranking was:
1. Japanese (cultural victory)
2. Russians
3. French
4. Chinese
5. Aztecs

Tough challenge, I recommend it. The more I think of it the more I believe the only way to a possible victory is to try your luck and fight Egypt early on, possibly with the help of Carthage and Middle-Easterners. Then build the heart of your heavy-producing cities (max 3) in the relatively rich plains of Sudan.

Another one of my recent games was with a civilization I very often play with, in any mod/scenario:


I was now on the other side of the fence from my previous game with Ethiopia. Early on Egypt has fantastic assets on its side: the food and commerce extravaganza of the Nile valley, a great unique unit with the war chariot and contacts with lots of civs for scientific and commercial exchanges. (Note: all cities quoted are as per real-life/historic location).

Again however I opted for a peaceful start and after building Napata in Sudan to block Ethiopia, I rushed to control the Suez canal with the city of Tanis, a port both on the Mediterranean and the Red Sea, in between 2 continents. The vast food ressources of the Nile around Thebes help me out-pace my neighbours in this race to settlement. Cyrenaica was conquered, as well as Tchad. I started the Middle-Ages around 1000ad with 5 solid cities and the build of the Pyramids was the start of my golden age. I had not fought a single war.

It was time to take on the old ennemy, Ethiopia, entranched in its mountains. My weapon of choice was the elephant-archers and within 5 long centuries the ethiopians were finally gone. They fought bravely. I was now controlling 9 cities by 1500ad, the whole of the nort-eastern part of Africa. It was time to turn to the Middle-East inspired by our new islamic faith.

Jerusalem, the sole hebrew city, was conquered around 1620ad. I then fought a bloody war vs the Babylonians but could never out-manoeuver them in the flood plains of Iraq. We called it off by 1780ad and I focused on internal development until the Chinese brutally attacked me in 1950 after having conquered most of Persia. I decided to form an all-islamic alliance to counter their "drang nar westen" - except for the Arabs who betrayed and sided with them! Within 40 years the Chinese had been stopped, but they managed to drag into the Middle-East battle scene many strong European civs. Slowly the Alliance crackled, and in due time the Ottomans and the Babylonians turned their weapons against me thanks to Chinese diplomatic efforts. I decided the Alliance was over, seeking peace myself with China despite the efforts of Carthage and even more so India to carry on the fight (the Indians were the only ones to take a city from the Chinese, in Iran). I then directed my anger against my old allies and in turn conquered Tehran, Babylon and Elazig in Turkey. By 2010 Ottomans, Arabs and Persians were gone and I fiested with others on the Arabs, managing to save Aden from the genocide carried out there by the terrible Chinese (they sacked in turn 5 arabic cities -what a reward for their alliegance to Beijing 60 years back : you never betray without paying the bill one day, in full).

No one challenged Egypt seriously in its heartlands and I managed to conquer Crete, Sparta and Athens from the Greeks in a blitz move that let them stunned, after having been dragged into the middle-east conflict for some obscure reason they had forgotten by then.

The Japanese called it a game (again) with a cultural victory in 2042ad, just over the French in culture and 8 years before a certain historiograph victory by the Americans.

I ended up ranked 5th/31, an amazing 17 civs having been eliminated. I then held 19 cities and 4 wonders. Final ranking:
1. Japanese (cultural victory)
2. Americans
3. French
4. Chinese
5. Egyptians

I had a great game in the Middle-Ages with my Ethiopian conquests and the Modern Times with the great wat of the Middle-East, which was superb fun and both diplomaticaly and militarily very enjoyable. However, I was too shy during Antiquity and the Industrial Era. Had I not stumbled over the Babs in the XVIIth I could have had that extra kick to really conquer the whole middle-east rather than share the rest of what the Chinese ended up leaving behind when they attacked in the XXth century. But I then lacked the production capabilities to flood the Babs with my lancers. I could at this point have opted for another strategy and gone for Carthage. In any case, victory would have been tough; my only chance was territorial expansion for a historiograph win. Despite my religious caracteritic and the handy monuments, I would have been no match for Japan or France in that respect. Finally, it should be said that the isolationist English ended up with 7 parts built on their spaceship.

Next contender will be Russia.

I tried downloading the mod from several locations (they all point to civfanatics files, though) and I get small files that are not valid zips. Any idea where to get the mod or what can be going wrong?

Are the extentions, perchance, something along the lines of .rar, .r001, .r002, etc?
In that case, it's a split rar file, you need to unrar the files by unraring the first one (.rar I believe) which will bootstrap the rest of the parts.
Someone may have posted on this before, but I can't seem to get the search function to help me much.

Anyways, I like the idea of the mod and the features, but I have a problem.

Every single time I try to play as the egyptians, my population grows to three, catches disease, and then /never ever/ grows above one again. I'm essentially crippled to the point where I can do absolutely nothing at all, because of the constant population drain every single last time my population ever tries to grow. Its completly insane...and after checking through the docs, it appears this is a feature. I like the idea of the mod, and all the hard work that went into it...but I don't see how anyone could possibly play as the egyptian civilization when its forced to either move its starting settler far away from...egypt...or never have a population above 1.
I got the installer from the site. The same site, however, has links for 'downloading by parts' which still point to civfanatics, and those files are corrupted. I guess those can be fixed, right?

While we are at it, why not remove the corrupt files altogether? This way, the links from the unmodifieable thread will at least result in error, which is better than providing a corrupt file anyway.


rodrigo_braz said:
I got the installer from the site. The same site, however, has links for 'downloading by parts' which still point to civfanatics, and those files are corrupted. I guess those can be fixed, right?

the site is pointing directly to the files, and they seem to work....

at least, this is the page I mean
lastofthelight said:
Someone may have posted on this before, but I can't seem to get the search function to help me much.

Anyways, I like the idea of the mod and the features, but I have a problem.

Every single time I try to play as the egyptians, my population grows to three, catches disease, and then /never ever/ grows above one again. I'm essentially crippled to the point where I can do absolutely nothing at all, because of the constant population drain every single last time my population ever tries to grow. Its completly insane...and after checking through the docs, it appears this is a feature. I like the idea of the mod, and all the hard work that went into it...but I don't see how anyone could possibly play as the egyptian civilization when its forced to either move its starting settler far away from...egypt...or never have a population above 1.

actually I don't know how I can help you except suggesting to lower the value of disease from the editor, but I recall that egyptians have always been played without many complaints. There's even a strategy guide in the site.
I've been trying to play all the c3 mods/scns before moving on to civ4.
I finally got around to trying this one and I think it is fantastic. At least
I enjoy it more than the original.

My first random choice was as America. Your strategy guide for them
is so correct - they really bring it on later in the game. I can only
remember hearing of "theatres" and "workshops" being built while still researching Christianity. I am not clear how but by the 3rd age I was
caught up and then stayed mostly ahead and got all but one of the
later wonders.

I was surprised that I had a big culture lead with none of the earlier
wonders and also at how undeveloped my neighbors were. I could go
on and on but it was a lot of fun and I think it is very well designed.
I will try it again but am not sure which civ again....

Thank you! :goodjob:
One thing I was going to say somewhere else is about something
I have not seen in c3c until this mod. In civ3 I always saw
enemy naval transports filled to the max with troops.
I've yet to see it in c3c

But in this game I did see the Germans drop a fully loaded transport
full of cavalry on the Mayans. Of course I had to back up the
Monroe Doctrine and send a couple of transports full of USMC
to repel the unwanted new neighbors and restore things as they were.

Had to do the same for my Haudenosaunee neighbors to the North
when Viking Knights appeared at the gates of Salamanca.
Eastern South America is full of Old World colonies but they
haven't bothered the Inca so I've left it alone. Besides I
have Manila and Java to protect and am eyeing empty Australia.

Thanks again..
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