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Rife Events Design Thread

Maybe quests for heroes? Kill Sphener with Mardero, kill the Avatar of Wrath with the Mithril Golem, hard combos? Reward would be to start a golden age and maybe add/subtract something from the AC depending on the quest.
Muris Clan has already been taken care of. The thread is for brainstorming new ideas. ;)

Come on. Don't leave us hanging. What does this mean? Are the loveable gremlins gone for good?


Also in related note; they really are not as bad as they may seem even with extreme unluckiness. Usually plenty of food to go around and if not, just make a few farms instead of the cottage spam.
Rock on. I predict the event will now spawn dirty hovels that will then spawn barb goblins and even more crap to adjoining tiles. :p
How about some Cult of the Dragon Events? I have a few I was thinking of using myself.

COTD Shrine
Requires no Pagan Temple in city.

Members of the Cult of the Dragon are demanding a pagan temple be built for their use in the city of %s2_city.

1 No etc... (Chance of unrest/unhappy citizens.)

2 Yes etc... (Get Pagan Temple, -50(?) Gold.)

3. Yes - we can call it performance art and charge admission (Balseraph, -50 gold get Pagan Temple with +1 commerce)

4. They can worship Drifa the White Dragon in a Temple of the Hand. Or become permanent ice sculptures in the Temple. (Illians, get their version, 50 gold, Temple +1 Culture.

5.6 - Yes etc... Sheaim, Kuriotates have cheaper cost since they are pro-COTD already.

COTD Preachers
Requires no Pagan Temple in city.

Members of the Cult of the Dragon have been preaching to the youth in %s2_city of the glory of dragons.

1. Warn parents and elders of these fanatics, and have the guard keep them off the streets. (Non-Order, Unrest event may occur later).

2. Have them publicly arrested and expelled from the city for being heretics. (Order, unrest event will occur).

3. Encourage them - they make wonderful street theater! (Balseraph - COTD Shrine event will occur).

4. As long as they exalt Drifa the White Dragon, they can preach unmolested. (Illians, - COTD Shrine event will occur).

5. Make sure our children hear the fire and brimstone version about Abashi the Black Dragon. (Sheaim only, +1 Happy 10 turns - COTD Shrine event will occur)

6. Let the children hear the stories of Eurabatres the Gold Dragon. (Kuriotates only, +1 Happy 10 turns - COTD Shrine event will occur)

7. Bah. Kick them out. They can go worship Acheron the Red Dragon somewhere else. (Clan of Embers only, 1-2 Disciples/Sons of Acheron appear. Or perhaps instead let them stay, get 1 of those units as Clan...)

Other events possible along the same line...
Maybe a Mechanos quest to destroy all the mana world improvements like Sirona's Beacon?
Something I've been wanting in FfH is a system similar to the wants and lifetime achievements from Sims. This could be done with quests, just need a good design on how to do this in a fun way.
Is there a way to keep certain types of events from spawning? ie:Do they have some type of category identifier tag?

For instance, on very early turns were it's impossible for a player to have discovered a religion, I usually get several events that would require a religion to benefit from. I suppose that's not all that terrible. But, it's a bit frustrating. General alignment dependent questions I can see. But, religion dependent events in the early game... not so much.

Supplies. And I don't mean the Engrish vocalization of a joyous, unexpected greeting. In other words, supplies are stated all over the place in build ques descriptions as a resource. But, they're rare things. I think I've only seen them three times. Once, as Scions and using their World Spell, once as either a reward for a quest or dungeon clear and then once in the hands of an AI Civ. Could some interesting events be constructed that have Supplies as one of the results? If some already exist, could some new ones be introduced? I don't want to see them too often. But, it'd be nice to see them pop up once every two or three games. It'd be a Major Reward, so pretty rare.. but not so rare as to be virtually absent from the majority of my games.

Late game increase/decrease Armageddon Counter events. (IF events can be triggered/coded like that.) There are some, already. But, an event popup that requires a signficant expenditure on your part to increase/decrease the counter an appreciable amount would be nice. For instance, there are times I would have dumped my treasury or sacrificed a city for a lucky counter change.

Unique unit events - Everyone likes getting a unit they wouldn't normally have access to. I love having dwarves or lizardmen from the dungeon explore quest, especially if I can use them to my advantage... But, what about some events that gave you access to one or two weak, but interesting, units? Maybe pull from the unit list for Sheam Gates, Beasts or Barbarians? No game-changers like uniques or powerful trolls. Just a chance at a couple of goblins, a minotaur, a tar demon, etc.. Oh, and assign them a "name" as well. Gives 'em some personality.

ie: "Frederica, the tranvestite tar demon, desires to join your faction! Pay 3,450 gold to build it a home or not?" "Frick and Frack, renegade goblin sages, desire to join your faction! Give them two units for "Experimental Research" or not?" "Mysterious portal opens within the private bathroom of The Risen Emperor. Allow this portal to remain open, potentially allowing the entrance of a hostile monster or benevolent ally, or close it forever by pushing the flush lever?"

In any case, more events are fun, so long as they aren't game changers or much too powerful. Random "Win" or "Lose" events are destructive and take the initiative out of the player's hands. So, small, flavor additions using random events are all I would ever suggest. IOW, much along the lines that they are designed around now.
Live Targets
Requirements: Archery Range

The archery range in the city of %s2_city has been found to be using live targets. Criminals are chained by an ankle and serve as moving targets for units training there.

1. Put a stop to this now, and arrest and try the Range Master! This is the very definition of cruel and unusual punishment. (Non-Evil, +1 Happy 5-10 turns).

2. Continue. As long as they are already condemned to die, their deaths can still serve society. (Neutral, Archery range +1 XP for new archery units, 1 Hurry Anger).

3. Using a leg chain is genius, and should make them even better marksmen. Give the Archery Range staff commendations. (Evil, Archery Range +1 XP).

(I'm not sure on how to set a building to give extra XP for new units - any help would be appreciated).
Some random events and lair results can are extremely powerful early game, spawning great people and golden ages long before you 'earn' your first ones. I don't know if that's intentional or not

Would be interesting to see random events giving you a choice to modify alignment. I don't know how drastic the changes will be for alignments in 1.4, but the 'broader' option hints at further expansion
Some random events and lair results can are extremely powerful early game, spawning great people and golden ages long before you 'earn' your first ones.

Here's an idea: combine the "great-engineer-captured-by-hill-giants" and "kidnapped-daughter" events, and make a proper quest out of them.

Spoiler :
The governor's daughter, a child prodigy, has been kidnapped by [goblins/orcs/werewolves/geese/etc] and are holding her prisoner. They say they will release the girl and leave your lands if you pay the ransom. However, your advisers say that this barbarian clan are not known for their honesty, and may not uphold their end of the bargain.

1 - Pay the ransom, and hope they return the girl. (Costs gold, 50% chance to gain a random great person)

2 - Send out a call to adventurers! Pay them whatever it takes. The army will back them up. (Costs gold, gain a random strong unit with a name and adventurer promotion, but limited duration. Spawn a unique goblin fort with strong barbarians held inside it. Killing the barbs and exploring the fort gives a random great person.)

3 - Continue. (Spawn the fort as above, but don't gain an adventurer.)

It's a quest, see. Even if you choose the "pay adventurer" option, you still have to do stuff to earn the reward. If you choose option 1, it's unreliable, you may have just wasted gold. If you want your guards to drag someone out of the wilderness, you're going to have to risk their lives.

I also think there should be more armageddon related events, minor ones that aren't instant worldwide one-offs or random and totally ignorable "burned-down-orphanage-minus-one-city-happiness-blah".

Spoiler :
(Requires relatively high AC, sorcery tech, and mage guild in a city)

A pair of unremarkable adepts, working in your city's mage guild, have somehow gained knowledge of dark rituals. They have escaped to the wilderness outside the city, and raised a great fortress. They have corrupted the land, and are now summoning evil creatures and undead against the city! Rumor has it that they are no longer human themselves...

1. Continue.

This will spawn 2 liches in an explorable mausoleum outside the city's culture, and turn the underlying terrain to hell. The liches have entropy and death 2-3, maybe other promotions. Exploring the lair causes it's own event:

In the traitorous mages' lair you find a small quantity of treasure, but also a strange and evil book. Bound in human skin and written in blood, it is clearly of demonic origin.

1. Read the book. It will enhance our knowledge on how to fight such creatures. (+x to AC, gain progress towards current research)

2. Burn the book! It is an unholy demonic object that must be destroyed lest it corrupt more minds.

3. Return the book to its rightful owners. (Requires evil, gains +1 attitude from Hyborem, requires the infernal to be in the game.)

I know it's an old trope, even in FFH: humans offered demonic power and knowledge in exchange for their souls, but it never gets old. Only this time the knowledge was offered to some of your own people, and it's an immediate physical threat to a city.
Here's an idea: combine the "great-engineer-captured-by-hill-giants" and "kidnapped-daughter" events, and make a proper quest out of them.

Spoiler :
The governor's daughter, a child prodigy, has been kidnapped by [goblins/orcs/werewolves/geese/etc] and are holding her prisoner. They say they will release the girl and leave your lands if you pay the ransom. However, your advisers say that this barbarian clan are not known for their honesty, and may not uphold their end of the bargain.

1 - Pay the ransom, and hope they return the girl. (Costs gold, 50% chance to gain a random great person)

2 - Send out a call to adventurers! Pay them whatever it takes. The army will back them up. (Costs gold, gain a random strong unit with a name and adventurer promotion, but limited duration. Spawn a unique goblin fort with strong barbarians held inside it. Killing the barbs and exploring the fort gives a random great person.)

3 - Continue. (Spawn the fort as above, but don't gain an adventurer.)

It's a quest, see. Even if you choose the "pay adventurer" option, you still have to do stuff to earn the reward. If you choose option 1, it's unreliable, you may have just wasted gold. If you want your guards to drag someone out of the wilderness, you're going to have to risk their lives.

I also think there should be more armageddon related events, minor ones that aren't instant worldwide one-offs or random and totally ignorable "burned-down-orphanage-minus-one-city-happiness-blah".

Spoiler :
(Requires relatively high AC, sorcery tech, and mage guild in a city)

A pair of unremarkable adepts, working in your city's mage guild, have somehow gained knowledge of dark rituals. They have escaped to the wilderness outside the city, and raised a great fortress. They have corrupted the land, and are now summoning evil creatures and undead against the city! Rumor has it that they are no longer human themselves...

1. Continue.

This will spawn 2 liches in an explorable mausoleum outside the city's culture, and turn the underlying terrain to hell. The liches have entropy and death 2-3, maybe other promotions. Exploring the lair causes it's own event:

In the traitorous mages' lair you find a small quantity of treasure, but also a strange and evil book. Bound in human skin and written in blood, it is clearly of demonic origin.

1. Read the book. It will enhance our knowledge on how to fight such creatures. (+x to AC, gain progress towards current research)

2. Burn the book! It is an unholy demonic object that must be destroyed lest it corrupt more minds.

3. Return the book to its rightful owners. (Requires evil, gains +1 attitude from Hyborem, requires the infernal to be in the game.)

I know it's an old trope, even in FFH: humans offered demonic power and knowledge in exchange for their souls, but it never gets old. Only this time the knowledge was offered to some of your own people, and it's an immediate physical threat to a city.

Spoiler :

"You have found a hamster. There's something special around it."

a) "It's a divine creature! Let's obey it."
no prereq

Hard to tell, whether it's good idea -
(-50% to +50%) temporary production modifier for every city
(-50% to +50%) temporary commerce modifier for every city
(-50% to +50% of pop) temporary happyfaces for every city
(-50% to +50% of pop) temporary health for every city

b) "Recruit it to army."
prereq: civ close to nature ( doivello, ~alfar )

Hamster unit with Hero promotion

c) "Hamsters and Tortoises are filthy creatures! Kill it."
no prereq

Wrath of mod leader - 50% chance of 2-turn anarchy
Misclick of mod leader - 25% chance of golden age

d) "Whatever."
no prereq

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

In AoI, your rangers had the capacity to lay traps. What if some of those traps were still about?

Event: Pit Trap
Trigger: Unit in forest tile
Text: Whilst exploring, your <unit1> has stumbled into an old pit trap.
Effect: Unit loses 20% of helath and cannot move next turn.

NB. Because the requirement for triggering condition is fairly low, this event should occur near the start of the game, thus making the constellation events a little more scarce.

A second event could be a quest that relates back to the involves the Orb of Succellus. It should trigger 33% of the time when the Frozen enter play and will trigger for all followers of FoL.

The High Priest of Leaves has a vision. The winds whisper tales of snow and ice. A shadow has fallen on Erebus. Yet the gods do not fail us. Even now they tell of a scared artifact that will protect us from the harshest effects of Winter.

o His teeth chatter from his incessant prattling, not from the cold. This sign means nothing.
o We must seek out this artifact, regardless of the consequences.

- Declares War on the Frozen and any followers of the White Hand. Places the Orb of Succulus in unoccupied close to the Frozen. Places four leashed Ice Elementals and two leached Frostling Archers guarding the Orb. Ideally, these units are friendly will not attack (and cannot be attacked by) followers of the White Hand religion.

The Orb has the same effects as in AoI - destroying blizzards and providing all units built in the city in which it is located with 20% cold resistance.
A second event could be a quest that relates back to the involves the Orb of Succellus. It should trigger 33% of the time when the Frozen enter play and will trigger for all followers of FoL.

The problem is, according to the Taranis lore in the frozen mod (included in RiFE), Succellus couldn't kill Taranis so he trapped him on an island using the orb, which kept the water warm and unfrozen and the archangel at bay (as in Age of Ice). However, the Liberation ritual specifically involves using ice magic to overload the orb, destroying it and releasing Taranis and bringing in the frozen. Thus, the destruction of the orb is the requirement of bringing Taranis back.

However, what could happen is that you get a quest to recover the remains of the orb, bring it back to a city, and build a ritual to restore it to power using a truckload of nature mana.
Why not have an event that triggers automatically when the Frozen are summoned. Just like the god slayer is spawned with Auric shards of the orb could be spawned in remote areas all around the world.

The strongest FOL player (and the one that holds the holy city) would get markers to where the shards are and a quest to gather them all and bring them to the FOL holy city (or maybe the Yggrasil) to recreate it.

If they manage to do that, they get a mighty artifact that does all sorts of cool things like:
1. If it is settled in a city (like a wonder) the entire team is immune to their lands being frozen and Frozen units take damage if they enter it.

2. If on a unit it gives the user the ability to cast a spell that unfreezes the surrounding terrain (range 1 or 2 tiles) and a bonus to fighting WH/Frozen units. Maybe also a bonus vs ice damage.

Given the new forum, I am not sure this is the proper place for it, but I'd like to suggest several events specific to the dwarf fortress improvements, inspired by if not referring to That Game. Some examples:

  • (Fully evolved fortress): Miners of our fortress settlement have dug deep and struck a strange material that glows with a soft blue light. [Mithril revealed]
    • Praise the miners! [Default option]
    • The Overlords have foreseen this! Excavate it all! [OO only, +2 hammers on tile]
    • This beautiful metal shall furnish my palace. Claim it all! [+200ish gold, maybe requires evil]
    • I have heard mad tales of this metal. Quickly, send engineers and materials to reinforce the militia! [-200ish gold, maybe requires neutral]
    • Are they daft?! Seal up the tunnel immediately! [Lose mithril, maybe requires good]
  • (Some number of turns later, same fortress): The miners have dug too greedily and too deeply, they have released demons sealed away by the gods of an ancient age!
    • Woe! Are there no survivors? [fortress pillaged, some number of hostile demons spawn on the tile]
    • They were no match for our preparations! The exploits of this fortress shall live on in infamy! [only available if you spent gold before]
    • Yes, yes! Show them freedom and they shall reward us! [Requires OO, receive a berserk chaos marauder, fortress pillaged]

  • (Requires a fortress that is not fully evolved and nearby unhappy city): The citizens of [nearby city] are unhappy with living conditions there and are migrating by the hundreds to the nearby dwarven fortress.
    • What can be done? A man must live as he wills. [-1 pop in the city, fortress evolves to the next tier. default option]
    • If they're feeling adventurous, we can oblige. [-some gold, receive settler]
    • Unhappy with life, are they? Claim their possessions and show them life can be worse still. [-1 population in city, +some gold, requires evil]

Some more generic events:

  • The cat population at the dwarven fortress has exploded; a dwarf can nary step two feet without tripping over one! What's to be done?
    • Nothing can be done. [default option]
    • Order the governor to begin butchering the excess population. Cook the meat and sell it to traders as exotic dwarven bread! [requires RoK, +1 commerce on tile]
    • Butcher the excess population and bring it to the city. [requires evil, +1 food on tile]
  • The militia at the fortress is infamous for its unconventional methods in defending the fortress from threats both above and below.
    • Commend them for their innovation! [default option]
    • Offer them an honored place in the military. Let them defend the empire as they have defended their home. [-some gold, fortress devolves one tier, receive Dwarven Defender with Drill II]
    • Kilmorph commends them for their innovation! [requires RoK, receive Dwarven Defender with Drill II and Blessed (no costs or devolution as with above)]
    • Hire them to train our military forces in these tactics! [-some gold, receive command post in nearby city, or possibly a great commander]
  • The fortress is famous for its high quality craftworks. Traders come from across the land to purchase trinkets churned out in mounds by the workers.
    • Taxes from this windfall will benefit us greatly! [+gold, default option]
    • Set up a dedicated trading post at the fortress. [-gold, +1 commerce on tile]
    • Gullible foreigners will pay a premium for the masterwork craft of a legendary dwarf! [requires RoK, +2 commerce on tile]
  • A series of unfortunate accidents has lead to the entire population of the fortress falling into a tantrum.
    • Dwarves are a touchy lot. [fort pillaged, default option]
    • This is terrible, an example must be made. Execute the governor and find one who can handle the job! [fort commander lost, requires evil or neutral]
    • Not all is at it seems. Commission an investigation. [-gold]
      • (Followup): The squad discovered a sole survivor, locked alone in the control room. [Receive Urist, dwarf warrior with hero promo]
One solution to constellation events at the start of FfH may be to come up with events with very low triggering conditions.

Old Road / Mine / Fort / Whatever

Trigger: Tile within Civilisation radius that does not contain any improvements.

Text: We have found an old <thing> from the Patrian era.


o Please update our maps accordingly. (Gain a <thing> in the relevant tile)

Prime Timber

Trigger: Forest or Jungle tile in Civ radius.

Text: Our woodsman have found a grove of trees of prodigious size.


o The bigger they come, the harder they fall. Fell them immediately. (+ 20 Hammers, not available to FoL)
o These trees are a blessing from Succellus. Let no man touch them. (+1 Happy, -1 Hammer on tile, FoL only)

Minor Prophet

Trigger: AC is between 1 to 9, Unique event.

Text: A madman wanders the streets of <city>. He promises that only death, destruction, plague and war await us.


o This is no affair of mine. Leave him to believe what he wishes. (25% chance of 1 temporary unhappiness in <city>. 25% chance that one unit in that city receives the Prophecy Mark promotion.)
o I will not tolerate such nonsense. See to it that he speaks no more of this. (Cost: 10 Gold. No effect)
o Such knowledge may yet be of use. Arrest him, but record his doggerel for posterity. (Cost 25 Gold. +100 beakers to Malelovent Designs - Evil or Righteousness - Good.)
This isn't a specific event proposal, just an idea for adding a bit more flavor to events. I stumbled across some lists of titles for local officials on Wikipedia, here, here, and here. I thought that incorporating at least some of these titles into events might be more flavorful than the generic "governor," so they're here for your perusal.

I imagine it's possible to vary these titles according to civilization and/or chosen civics, but that might be more programming trouble than it's worth. Might be easier to just have a title chosen at random, the way a city is, when an event involving a city governor occurs.

I wouldn't advocate using all or even most of these, since I think many of them wouldn't really fit the Erebus sitting, and anyway it's a lot of different titles.

Here's my list of a few that I think might be suitable:

Navarch (only for coastal cities)
Warden (or Warden of the Keys, for a LOTR reference)

Anyway, just an idea for how some more flavor might be added to some events, if the developers like it. I know the team's got bigger issues it's working on, but thought I'd post this just in case.

If you don't accept, I'll still keep playing RiFE. :)
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