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Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire

I agree that the Samnites either need to have a lower spawn rate and thus be more annoying or Bovianum should be thrown out altogether (and I know that's not going to happen! :) ) I don't know if 4 is so good, though, because I don't remember what it was in previous versions, but once those Samnites get a unit every time they win a victory and that builds up it gets quite annoying and so there needs to be a careful balance.

I agree that ANY Gauls should be badass, but in the current form of RFRE the Cisalpine Gauls are just suppose to be absorbed, otherwise newbies and not-so-great players (me) can't get their warmachine going on their games.

Carthage SHOULD have a stronger navy... even though I was enjoying the ability to move around- I do not worry much about that aspect and I should! since the earlier versions of this MOD Rome's navy has been tweaked and since the Corvus is good now, I think Carthage still needs a slight advantage, at least in numbers?

There's nothing wrong with Mod'ing a MOD, CyberChrist, but I agree it's hard to tell how to adjust the REAL game, when diverging too much.

My game is going well so far with my slight modifications...
@ Gringoesteban
that was quite a review of things. Well done. Had you spent any time playing on a 'clean' version, i.e. no mods to the rules? How did that compare to this modded game?
Re: Maximus.
Could he be generated by a wonder with a swawn rate of , say, 251(or whatever no. turns to time it right) which is already prebuilt in any of the cities on the Iberian penesula?

I'm not a great player but I do think that it is really difficult to keep pace with events early in the game. And, ideed, now I'm into the early fourth century and there is a whole lot of nothing happening! The crisis of the third century has so far meant unhappy but manageble citizens and about three HN attacks from the north. Could Germania and Scythia be mutually separated by some kind of impassable terrain in order to funnel the HNs down towards the player?
blitzkrieg80 said:
There's nothing wrong with Mod'ing a MOD, CyberChrist
Heh heh, no of course not - I do that myself all the time. ;)

blitzkrieg80 said:
...but I agree it's hard to tell how to adjust the REAL game, when diverging too much.
My point exactly :)
CyberChrist said:
You should try playing this scenario with ONLY fixes to actual errors in it ....perhaps you should base your suggestions in relation to the default v0.9 and not in relation to a completely oversimplified version - or at least keep your modification a little more controled.
Most of my changes had been suggested by me and others in previous posts. I believe that many of them are on the list to be incorporated into the next beta version.

For the most part, in my opinion, my changes were excellent additions to the game, improving gameplay substantially. Things like making Maximus buildable, giving the Player a reason to invade Britain, putting in Imperial Roads to speed unrealistically slow movement, making Limes worth building, etc. You and all other beta testers are free to disagree. Admittedly, some of the changes swung things too far in the Player's favor, but I pointed them out.

The "default" BIQ for the game has changed substantially from v0.6, and therefore making changes to the default version is part of the whole modding and beta testing process. The only difference here is that I made changes to my own BIQ rather than waiting for Pink to send out a v0.91. Pink is on vacation, so what's wrong with me trying out some new ideas?

You need to understand that I played v0.6 well into the Fall of Rome part of the tech tree, but then the game crashed due to a missing Constantinople Wonder splash. Then I played v0.8X and it crashed to the desktop late in the game for an unknown reason. Then I played v0.9 and it crashed to the desktop in 377AD. At that point, I deinstalled RFRE and Conquests and Civ3 from my computer and re-installed all software from scratch. After doing that, I began v0.9 a second time, but had to restart it yet again due to the missing Sinope resource. I have spent a lot of time playing RFRE, and I have a good base of knowledge to try out new ideas.

One of the issues with Civ software is that it is not possible to change a BIQ in the middle of a game, so it would be impossible to change only one or two things from the default v0.9 setting if one's goal is to test a variety of modifications. The game simply takes too long to play. One has to make the changes he thinks are relevent, test them, and then provide feedback. People are free to go into the BIQ and change things, or play the default version. Whatever rocks their boat.

To my knowledge no one has actually completed (won) this game, so had I not tried to build the spaceship, no one would know that there is a bug in it.
You are missing my point. Playtest and Re-Mod to your hearts desires.

All I would like is for this scenario to 'feel' right and be as historically accurate as possible - and some of the core modifications you have described/suggested seems more likely to me that they would make the scenario 'feel' less right and be less historically accurate.

Having said that then there is no doubt that the situation with corruption, troop movement and conquest motivation needs to be dealt with and improved - but without sacrificing 'feel' or accuracy. ;)
The Maximus unit is an easter egg, a joke concerning Gladiator the movie... it doesn't need to be in the game, otherwise what's the point of an easter egg?
blitzkrieg80 said:
The Maximus unit is an easter egg, a joke concerning Gladiator the movie... it doesn't need to be in the game, otherwise what's the point of an easter egg?
True enough, but since Gladiator is one of my favorite movies, I figured what the heck and gave myself one Maximus unit. Besides, many of the AI civs have "king" units (namely Hannibal, Cleopatra, Pontus) so why not let Rome have one, too. No big deal. Maximus doesn't really add anything one way or another to RFRE, but it is kind of cool to have him wandering around the map picking off stray AI units....
Well, greetings all, glad to see the thread is well and alive. Very alive even!
I have a lot of catch up to do, both at work and with RFRE, but with restored forces thanks to the fresh air of the Alps, I am going to try to compile all these suggestions and prepare our next little patch. Thanks a lot for the various summaries of important issues and game experience! Excellent! Indeed, I won’t be digressing into 0.9xx patches. With my free time running dry, I think I am going to let go 1.0 quite soon, and somewhat put the thing on a break after (unless one of you take the flag from there of course ;)). Nonetheless, 1.0 will be a well finished version; it just means I am not going to take in many new ideas/concepts once 9.1 is out.
Well, let's get on it!
Don't get me wrong- we can put Maximus in our games if we think it'd be enjoyable, but I just don't think that it should be in the regular game. It's simply not historical.
blitzkrieg80 said:
Don't get me wrong- we can put Maximus in our games if we think it'd be enjoyable, but I just don't think that it should be in the regular game. It's simply not historical.
Yeah, I agree. After playing various versions of RFRE, I figured that I would add Maximus to one of my games to spice things up a little bit, but certainly he isn't "historical", the unit is too powerful, and hence he should not be in the game.
gringoesteban said:
Yeah, I agree. After playing various versions of RFRE, I figured that I would add Maximus to one of my games to spice things up a little bit, but certainly he isn't "historical", the unit is too powerful, and hence he should not be in the game.

I dont agree on the fact that Maximus is too powerful. If you only get one, even with an attack of 15, you just need a bit a bad luck to loose it when atacking a barbarian unit with a def of 10.
:hmm: I've tried to download a few times now - but only receive a 14k 'web-page' named RFRE.rar

Is this my bad?
what you do is have maximus spawned from a prebuilt wonder at the historical time, and then have it go obsolete with the next tech.
If a new civ captures a city with a unit producing wonder, does the timer get reset? If not, you could make the roman capture some specific city to get maximus.
If Maximus should be included (as a playable unit - for the flavor) then it would probably be better if he was produced by a small wonder that:
- is made available at the appropriate timeline tech
- goes obsolete on the following timeline tech
- cost 0 shields to build
- produce 1 Maximus every 20 turns.

Wonder would then only just have time to produce exactly 1 Maximus unit before going obsolete.

A prebuild wonder would not work as Maximus would appear much too soon (175BC with current time progression) since slowest unit generation time for improvements possible is 1 each 100 turns.
Well, the people have spoke :) so if we're going to add Maximus, I think the tech he should come with should be around or the Philosopher of the Stone... maybe expire with Commodus... like the movie, eh?
Lol, what is all that craze about the poor Spaniard. If you folks want a Maximus in-game, you should add an immobile unit in Rome which in time (Philosopher on the throne) can be upgraded to the Maximus unit. For obvious reason, that unit will require 100 pop, so as to avoid an attack of the clones. Upgrading will be expensive, and that immobile unit, although I will add it in the BIQ, will not be placed on the map in the official version. Fell free to add it if you want to.
Found just two minor errors. In the Civopedia for the description of Civitas, both the links for "triumpus" and "Constitutio Antoniniana" lead to Invalid Entries. Not that its really that important, its just that this mod has such a thorough description of everything, and feels extremely complete.

Just have to say once again that this is a great civ3 mod, one of the best there are! :goodjob:
Will you ever do civilopedia's for the techs? It will make it easier for the Roman player to know what to conquer at each point.
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