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Rise and Rule for Civ3:Conquests

Okay, so..I just need to create a biq in the editor at my dads and put it on a disk and put it into conquests/scenarios, along with the RAR folder, but not actually in the folder?
It is even easier.Just go to the .../Conquests/Scenarios folder at your Dads PC, look for the RaR 1.03 biq., copy it to disk.Put it in the same folder at your Moms PC; beside the RaR folder with the graphics etc., but not inside it.BTW, you could also download just 1.03 beta again, which is only an updated .biq.
(for a link see post #928)
Hi, all,
the last time when I read the read-me, RaR wasn't compatible with the French versions of CIV.
Has this changed since or maybe with some file rename I can manage to run it?
Sorry for not reading the 1000+++ posts to find the answer...
Take a look here:


Under "additional patches" you can find a patch to make the French version of CivIII/Conquests compatible with RaR (no translation, but all necessary files are found with it).It is for 1.02, however 1.03beta should work also, since only the .biq was slightly altered.

File renaming is theoretic option, too...but it is huge pile of work and kind of trial-error until every file is renamed.
Thanks Pfeffersack and Doc for the help, I let u know if it works
Haven't read through all the thread yet, so please forgive me if this already has been mentioned:
There should be something done about either the Barbs (what I would like less) or the tundra.
Happened now for the second time to me that I came up just one tile north (or south in the first case) of a large tundra area. So - as there was just plain grass, I walked some tiles until I founded my capital. Now, of course the victory point location (seems to be standard) was adjacent to the tundra. As the tundra area was really big, I was never able to secure that victory location, as the Barbs constantly killed off my units.

And now it comes! As the AI seems to have some kind of non-agression pact with the Barbs, finally one of them settled just next to it, regardless of the poor environment. Pooof, victory location gone :-(

My idea would be to make tundra 'unsettable', but give it 2 grass/1 shield. The other option would be to get rid of this misconcepted type of environment (misconcepted in C3C, not in RaR!)
Victories points are not a default RaR rule.Have you played another game with them on before? Then you might have missed to uncheck them.

Whats the barb activity in your game? And have you restored PTW behaviour via patrol line in the .ini? Especially if you play with PTW behaviour, I recommend to go down to "sedentary" or "roaming" on the higher levels.
AI should not have peace with them...only a fixed combat bonus (100%, I believe), regardless of difficulty.

Tundra is unsettable in Rar.You can only settle on it, if it is covered with forest.There is nothing we can do about this "hole", unless we would forbid settling on forest complete.But that would be a huge disadvanatge for the AI, which has no idea of chooping down forest for making a tile settable.
Nee nee nee, Vicory Locations are not standard. That was you. Could be the last game you started before was a VP scenario; in that case, just click on 'default rules'. We do not advice to play with this setting.

Tundra is not settable already. And, the AI has no pact with the Barbs; the reason those Riders come to haunt you is that you (assuming you play above Monarch) have no combat bonus against them; they just choose the weaker target.
But the one thing I do not understand: Why don't you settle there yourself? Not the capital, but a later city (or capture the one of the AI)?
I have finally won a RaR Sid victory. This was a cultural victory. I usually consider culture to be a sleazy way of winning, but I'll take it.

And no, I will not try DocT!
RAR just looks a lot like Call to Power 2.
Too much city improvements,like some
of the Conquests scenarios.It's overkill.

RAR is a nice mod,but I'll stay with the
original c3c.
Kal-el said:
Just goes to show you can't please everybody. :)

But the remaining 99% of us thoroughly LOVE this mod! Great work Kal-El & the RaR development team! :thanx: :worship:

I wonder if your work somehow influenced some of the features of Civ IV? :hmm:
Where i can dl RaR 1.03 beta ?
Some people think units like Explorer, Adventurer etc. are useless. Other people argue that they may be excellent pillagers and there is an example below.

It took me some four turns to deny all strategic resources and pillage all tiles around the capital of a Nr 2 empire using two armies of adventurers (and four Colonial Marines, but they were optional). I was lucky at the first turn of the war and I got 2 MGL's to create both armies :)

Best regards,

Slawomir Stachniewicz.


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