Rise Of Mankind Expansion

Sorry I missed this in all the new version excitement. I am have a look now.

Edit: The interface works fine for me but I loose all sounds. very strange

Edit: a bit later in the game and now the graphics are strange - I have the city screen UI but I am not in a city! Also the way the units and screen are moving have changed and I now have motion sickness. I will have to do a clean install as I think I may have some of my newer work in there as well.
OK, clean install and I now get the same error you have plus one more. I am getting an XML error about LEADER_LEONIDAS not found. I can't see anything else wrong. Sorry I can't be more help.
Hey, did you complete the Iraqui civ??? It seems not. There are some missed textures, units and the leaderhead Saddam, causing CTDs when trying to contact in diplomacy :mad:

Please revise it. thanx
I think I may be on the track of that XML problem. I haven't tested it with the Greek stuff yet but I was getting problems when I tried R.O.M.E. in 2.7Test1. So I checked every schema to see if there were any differences. You have VicinityBonusType tags in the Unit schema. I removed them and now it works OK.

Edit: Yes the Greek expansion now works under 2.7Test1 except for a non fatal error about an error with leader LEADER_LEONIDAS.

I haven't tested this under 2.63 or 2.63 WoC Lite.
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