Rise of the Reichstag: A German IAAR


Nov 13, 2012

Louis motioned toward Drogo. He wagged a frail, weak, old finger at his half-brother to come near.

"Please," begged Drogo, "do not tell me that now is the time."

With a shallow sigh, Louis nodded in response.

Drogo came to his brother's side. The entire congregation watched as Drogo blessed the man, reciting prayers ensuring a quick passage to heaven. The priest stepped back, allowing his brother solace in his last moments. Suddenly, Louis' eyes opened wide, and he turned his neck upwards, as if straining to reach the afterlife. He let out a light cackle, knowing he had bested Satan. During his last seconds, he exclaimed, "Huz, huz!", spiting the Devil as his soul left the Earth. The entire room was silent.

Finally, after minutes of quiet mourning, Drogo spoke up. "Send a letter to Poiters," he commanded. "Tell them the Emperor is dead."

Post Index:
  • Chapter 1 - The Treaty of Verdun
    • Preface

Spoiler Series 1 :

We, the peoples of Germania, have long taken enough ridicule. Called "barbaric" by the likes of Caesar, the insults would not cease for centuries. It was considered a horrible fate, at least if you were a Roman, to be born to Germanic parents. But the line must be drawn here. Here and no further. No longer will we cower under fear of lies and slander of our ancestry. No. This is when we truly become proud of our heritage. People of Germany, you are called today to flock under one banner. You are called to unite together. We will not tolerate the days in which we were divided, easily poked by the might of Rome. Today is the birth of a new power, one that will come to rival (and surpass) the power of Rome itself. Remember this day, my brothers, for this will be a day looked upon with great pride by posterity. This is the beginning of an era.

-Otto I, First German King


Post Index:

Election of Turn 24 - Part 1
Election of Turn 24 - Part 2
Reign of Karl Hohenzollern
Election of Turn 28 - Part 1
Election of Turn 28 - Part 2
Election of Turn 28 - Part 3
Reign of Jakob Hohenzollern
Election of Turn 32 - Part 1
Election of Turn 32 - Part 2
Election of Turn 32 - Part 3
Election of Turn 32 - Part 4
Reign of Konrad Karling
Election of Turn 34 - Part 1
Election of Turn 34 - Part 2
Reign of Arnulf Karling
Election of Turn 38 - Part 1
Election of Turn 38 - Part 2
Reign of Konrad II Karling


Rhye's and Fall of Civilization Mod - 600 AD start

Spoiler :

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Good luck with your u-boat subs.

I want to see what will happen to Austria

PS: It's my birthday![party]:band:[party]:bday:

I want will happen to Austria

PS: It's my birthday![party]:band:[party]:bday:

Well if he is playing RFC Dawn of Civilization as The Germans then he will be Austria once the Prussians show up. Happy Birthday! :goodjob:
Happy subday!
even better, no Prussian spawn to screw you over
I know it's noobish but I thought it was stupid with the Prussians and worldbuilt them out because it was just irritating and I was looking for a fun game.
Election of 840 A.D: A Crucial Turning Point​

The sudden death of King Otto I has left Germany in utter chaos. 5 candidates have established themselves as the frontrunners for the Crown of Germany. You, the Reichstag, have had the power invested in yourselves to determine the fate of Germany. Will you lead Germany into the world's envy? Or will you cause the nation to crash and burn?

Starting Situation:
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Possible Civics Choices:
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Possible Technologies:
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Election of 840 A.D: A Crucial Turning Point​

1. -These candidates and many more in the future are not and will not be entirely historical. Many will be either purely fictional, real but anachronistic, or inspired by real people.
2. -Additionally, this game progresses on Normal speed, meaning each candidate will only rule for a short amount of time. (Each turn takes ten years until 1400, IIRC. The current year is 840)
3. -All locations (ex. 1W, 5N) are relative to the starting location.


Otto - Karling

Otto is the 18 year-old only child of King Otto I. As an only child, he drew greatly upon his father's faith in Christianity, eventually surpassing even his father's piety. He wishes to devote his cites to the Lord's work and develop ways of becoming closer with God. Often takes part in theological discussions. His ideal administrative capital would be Berlin (starting spot), and also wishes to establish Hamburg (3W, 1N) and Wien (1E, 3S) as local centers of activity. Prioritizes growth. Wants to limit the future rulers to the Karling dynasty (Monarchy), streamline the feudal system (Vassalage and Serfdom) and place the kingdom's hands in that of the Lord's. (Theocracy)

Heinrich - von Liudolf

Heinrich is the Duke of Saxony, Count of Dresden, and, as he calls it, a "proven administrator". Has ruled Saxony without incident for over a decade, now being in his mid-thirties. Commonly known by his enemies as "the Saxon". Served in the ranks of Otto I; he knows the military's importance. Desires to experiment with revolutionary ways of horsemanship. Emphasizes production. Supports Christianity. Would like to move the center of Germany to his capital, Dresden (1S). Also wants to strengthen the area bordering the Baltic Sea (Königsberg, 2E, 1N and Kiel, 3W, 2N) Wishes to establish kingship (Monarchy), though not limiting choices to only von Liudolfs. If elected, would change laws to support purchases of serfs themselves, rather than the land they are tied to (Vassalage and Slavery) and establish Christianity as the state religion (Organized Religion).

Björn - Munsö

Björn is a fierce Viking warrior and distant cousin of Otto I. Places great importance in naval supremacy. A staunch traditionalist, would stick to the old ways. (No civic changes) Despises the Christian religion. Would ensure naval dominance of the Baltic, founding the town of Stettin (1N) as his capital, as well as Memel (3E, 2N) and Aarhus (3W, 3N).

Jiří - Přemyslid

Chief Jiří of Bohemia was negotiating a treaty with King Otto, before his death, to add the rich, fertile lands of the South to the German crown. Has little claim to Germany, but promises to go through with the agreement if, and only if, he is elected. Patron of the arts and supporter of science. Christian, but does not see the need to establish it as the national faith. Is fine with Berlin (starting spot) as the capital, and wishes to establish the cities of Hamburg (3W, 1N) and Prag (2S). Would title himself King of Germany, Grand Duke of Dukes. (Monarchy and Vassalage). Actively participates in the human slave trade, and encourages fellow nobles to do so as well. (Slavery)

Karl - Hohenzollern

Karl is one of the most powerful nobles in the area around Berlin. Since King Otto I wished to establish the capital of the Kingdom in his land, believes that he should be the rightful king. Young, but ambitious. A charismatic leader, he always puts the needs of the common people first. Always comes up with efficient methods of administration and of military usage. Wants to make the populace happier, and believes converting them to Christianity would do just that. Agrees with many of Otto II's policies, (some believe they were half-brothers) except his excessive trust in God (Organized Religion) and confidence in the Southern lands. (Found Warschau (3E) instead of Wien)

Current votes:

Otto: 2

Heinrich: 1

Björn: 0

Jiří: 0

Karl: 6


Voting is over
Karl Marx
KarlGroucho Marx
Otto II - Karling Let us recreate the Carolingian Empire.
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