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RR15 - Mills for D. Quixote

We might have to discuss what the allowed worker techs are. I'd be willing to allow sailing and writing for instance.
Ok, before this starts, workers techs are:


I'm willing to drop out any or all of the red ones if the players are against them.
ok I have a question regarding the rules.

does the 'we can't research anything' mean we should avoid progressing the research after worker techs as best as we can, avoiding especially this techniques:

1) we can't run scientist specialists
2) we can't build research
3) we can't run representation civic

what we can do is:

1) buying techs for gold from AI
2) getting techs through espionage
3) getting techs through tech trading agreements (be it peaceful ones or wartime ones)

maybe i forgot something, but i don't think we don't need to be much strict with the rules, just the intent of mapmaker and that is "avoid researching to best of your knowledge, ideally running that mandatory 1 bpt"
Yup, vranasm, pretty much that. Besides self researching techs, all is fair in here ( technically you might even research part of one tech to make the trade easier , but I wonder if that is not too gamey ... )

Oh and right, cottages ... :hammer2: .Pottery is a red tech as well then :D
ok now I am really confused... if the intent is to run 1bpt all times after worker techs then influence in tech trade is absolutely marginal and not worth saying anything about.

Otoh the wordings about making techs cheaper to trade feels like rolo counts with going more then 1bpt at points in the game...

oh that 100% gold slider means "0% culture and 0% espionage" slider too?

Don't want to nitpick much, but we really should make some direction that both teams can follow and be on the same terms.
Ok, I think I can be clear in here:

The rules mean that you should be running 100% cash at all times ( that is, 0% culture, 0% espionage and 0% science ). Nothing more. I never said anything about 1 bpt :D ,so ( unless the player feel it is too cheesy ) you can run specs to get some beakers going and cheapen the tech trade. This might be somewhat ... cheesy, if you get a AI that is friendly with you and that you can leech out ....
I don't know what the B thread says, but ours says 100% tax. :D I guess rolo is not prohibiting specs and rep for research nor building research, though I'd vote against it for purity reasons.

I don't know what the B thread says, but ours says 100% tax. :D I guess rolo is not prohibiting specs and rep for research nor building research, though I'd vote against it for purity reasons.

oh well... that should be clarified then.

I hope rolo let it check for isolation :)
We have to run 100% cash all the time AFTER worker techs - correct?

I vote FOR Pottery. Need some way to make money!
LK, the red techs are to stay unless there is a strong majority against ,and that is just because they are 2nd tier techs and some people might want to make things harder :D

nocho and vranasm, the text is the same in both threads ( Ctrl-C Ctrl-V :D ), and I normally do not shun anything that isn't explicitely shunned in the ruleset. The ruleset BTW is copypasted from rusten original game, so technically you should bug rusten for the ruleset loopholes :D

That said, I also feel that partly researching a tech to better trades is somewhat in the limit, in spite of not being against the letter of the ruleset. I can live with either allowing it or not ...

P.S Game checked for isolation. We have neighbours, don't worry :D
I'm fine with the list of worker techs

So we can run any of the specialists?
That is what we were discussing ;) By the letter of the ruleset I borrowed from Rusten, it is not forbidden as long as you don't get any tech by self-teching and you keep the slider in the 100% cash... Now I kind of agree with nocho that it is somewhat cheesy to do so, but again, if people agree with not having it, I'll add a clause in the OP stating that.
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