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Ruff02 - Concurrent Succession Game

Spoiler :
change Alexandria to a caravel so that I can whip it and then send it to explore Greece. That is going to be MY target for these turns. I’ll play 20 and bend all my resources towards that end.

Pi-R: harbor>library; Kara: gren>cav; Jewish temple started at Giza. Trade Nat’l, Chem and 40g for Econ and Astronomy. Def Pact w/Germany. D’oh! I find 2 caravels down south, too. I also drop research down to upgrade some of our galleys to galleons and frigates.

Bombay: Buddhist Temple>frigate; Kolhapur: theatre>lib; Heliopolis: theatre>lib; Alexandria finishes the caravel and geos back to the market. Lahore gets GE and starts on Versailles: 3 more turns?

Kara: cav>galleon; Karachi: budd mon>observatory; Thebes: barracks>cav, I MM a bit here, turn off grow emp and work all those mines to get some more units for Greece. Abydos: temple;

3 units at Knossos, 2 lb, 1 xb; upgrade our ships, 1 frigate, 5 galleons.

2 longbows at Sparta; Herakleia has 2 longbows.

Lahore: veraislles>temple; Hiera: monastery>harbor;

T06/1680: kara: frig>frig; Lahore: temple>grocer; 20 million people, #1 in all categories that count.

T07/1685: more frigates; delhi: grocer>bank

T08/1690: more infra around the kingdom as the force readies to attack Greece.

T09/1695: Kara: frig>stupa; alex: market>grocer;

T10/1700: War is declared on Alex; our def pact is cancelled, but…I give him Nat’l to declare as well. The more we befriend him, the easier our victory will be.

1705: St Agustine born in Delhi, I merge him for more $$. 2 riflemen and a cav later, and Thermopylae is ours.

I tried to take Sparta but lost a battle I should’ve won! :mad: ahh well…

Argh…again, no Sparta.

Sparta is ours!

1735: Heliopolis starts on Forbidden Palace.

1740: 8 units later, Athens is ours!

1745: Corp>Assembly Line; Wall Street started in Delhi

1750: trade for Sci Method
Wow, I thought I was going to be the only one. Some stuff came up last night (besides the fact that I have been really busy lately) and I didn't get a chance to play. I might be able to play tonight, but then, as is in my signature, I'll be out of town for about 10 days. I'll see what I can work in tonight between pre trip packing, cleaning, etc. If I don't post by tonight don't wait on me though.
I had 20 turns of mainly building and researching. I teched all the way to replaceable parts (ie infantry), picking up astronomy (no more colossus but galleons) and Steel (cannons) on the way. I also build Versailles in the Western-most ex-Spanish city with the help of the GP Engineer, started Wall Street in Delhi (lots of Gold there). I also build a few settlers and founded 1 city. I have two settlers on goto's to possible city locations (1 on the Western tip of Spain and the other a nice fishing village).

I started the rounds by whipping everything in sight (well, almost). I then swapped to Free Speech (+2c from Towns) and Caste (heaps of specialists). Touring the cities, I hired specialist (some cities all Scientists, others all merchants, etc) in the food excess cities. During the turns, I popped a GP Prophet and two Scientist and kicked off a Golden Age - I still have a Scientist left.

Current Situation - cannons and infantry being built. Three galleons on German side of main island, with some troops aboard. Existing victorious Spanish army on Galleys in Western ex-Spanish city waiting to be upgraded (no cash for upgrades) and given new orders.

What I see in the near future is: Invasion of Germany with Eastern Army. Invasion of Greece with upgraded, veteran Western army.

Here are two screenshots - demographics after the Golden Age has finished ...

Known German forces (Note: we cannot see in Berlin) ...
Sorry guys, I've been really busy these past few weeks. Now that a few of my SG's have ended though I should have much more time for this.

I can most likely get this done tomorrow night but please skip me if that is too long of a time.
Knupp - I think that qualifies as a skip. We need to make a decision by tomorrow. If Chris can play tonight, that will give us three to chose from. Otherwise, just two.

I think we should all play each week with the person who's save was selected getting a bye (skipping a week). I have been finding this game difficult to 'stay' with due to the time lag.
Ruff ~ you could keep the 2 rounds thing going, as voting for 7 saves might get cumbersome (would we have instant run-off? are only 2 votes out of 7 enough to elect a save?)

why not just try normal SG rules: 24hrs from the decision re: the save (all people will post their saves w/their reports) to post a 'got it', 48 to play the save ~ anyone not in by the end of the 48, is skipped. that way, rather then each round taking a week, each round can take 3 or 4 days.
Well, it is friday, I assume we would not have amy more saves avalible to choise from.

So, I would voite in favor of PholkHero save.
Bouth saves are far from ideal in my eyes.

Reason - There was no point in any sci development after rifling finished.
German did not had anythiong better then LongBowman on defence and firles eat LB for breakfast, even unpromoted riffles.

If I played this turn set after rifling come I would set research on steel so our specialists research it, shot down %research, revolt to Nationalism/theokracy, trade for Astronomy and whipe Frigs fleet build cats and and draft a lot of riflemen even if I have to reaise culture % to do that why moving Galeys in direction of Bismark.
I am resonably sure that all Bismark Mainland will be mine or even Bismark dead befor 20 turns ends.

After that I would probably did the same with strongest competitor.

Game would be finished with domination win in 40-60 turns max.

Ruff just finished with same position but now with Infantry again Riffles and no other progress made.
PholkHero made progress, that why he got my voites.
I vote for pholkero's save.

ruff_hi said:
I think we should all play each week with the person who's save was selected getting a bye (skipping a week). I have been finding this game difficult to 'stay' with due to the time lag.

I agree, this SG is hard to follow, and I like your solution.
Its Voting Time!
pholkhero - votes for pholkhero
bobs' Wrath - votes for ?
Mutineer - votes for pholkhero
chriseay - votes for ?
knupp715 - votes for ?
Ruff_Hi - votes for pholkhero
radiopill - votes for pholkhero

pholkhero (4) and that is enough to win.

The next round, everyone except for pholkhero can play if they want to. Reports by Wed, decision by Thur or Friday, voting by Friday. I think this is a good move in an effort to keep everyone involved.
Mutineer said:
There was no point in any sci development after rifling finished.
I aimed to leave the germans alone and use them in diplo voting,and merely conquer the greeks and russians. we're at 50% pop already, backdoor diplo would be pretty easy.

edit: I can post the save in about 8 or 10 hours.
AHH..sh*t!! sorry all ~ i totally flailed on this!!
Spoiler Knupp's Report :
Alright, think I've been too broad with my goals and reports earlier so this time I am going for a clear goal that is obvious to see in my report. That goal this time is wiping Alex off the face of the map.

(0) turn down culture by 10% and raise science by 20% to get Assemby Line two turns faster. Then I renegotiate some deals. I don't like trading away resources for gold unless we really need the casy and right now we don't so I cancel some deals and don't resign them. Getting 5gpt when you don't really need it by giving an opponent a resource will help them more than you because there cities will be able to grow more giving all their cities much more gnp/production.

(1) Capture Delphi with no losses.

(3) Take Mycenae with no losses too.

(4) Germany takes Pharsalos. That will make my goal a little easier.

(5) Capture Argos.

(6) Capture Harklea losing a catapult.

(7) Finish up Assembly Line and start Biology.

(8) Whip a lot of places to help out new cities. :whipped:
Also, I'm building mostly factories in our core cities and granaries/lighthouses and forges in new cities.

(9) Corinth and Knosses is ours.

(12) Along with Ephesus. :)

(13) Burn the last greek city and Alexander is no more.

(14) Biology comes in and I start on democracy. Wall Street Finishes raking in a good extra 60 gpt or so.

(16) Capture Navajo, a barbarian city.

(18) Finish research on democracy and start railroad.

(20) I rushed the Pentagon with an engineer and there is only 7 turns left.

I haven't switched to emancipation yet because we need to whip some factories.

We can resign our defensive pak with Germany if we want.

I think capac needs to be our next victim. I don't like his GNP.

Assembly Line and factories had a nice impact on our MFG.

Seems that we are losing enthusiasm for this game. RL just keeps getting in the way for me. Any suggestions for getting this game going again?
Hmm. I liked your idea Ruff of having all of us play each turnset. I think we should continue with that idea. If we can get one or two more people to get this turnset done we can vote on those.

Anybody going to be done soon?
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