Russia in multiplayer.


Feb 14, 2019
So Russia has probably been one of the more consistent civs to play especially in single player. Religion, Monumentality golden ages, Cossacks and insane GWAM generation

But what about multiplayer? I would like to ask the multiplayer community what they think of russia in multiplayer.

So how good are they?
Not a frequent MPlayer here. Russia was in almost every game. If neglected, the player usually spread strong religion and waited until Cossacks, then started fighting and eventually got crushed by another runaway. Quite solid. I hate them.
Not a frequent MPlayer here. Russia was in almost every game. If neglected, the player usually spread strong religion and waited until Cossacks, then started fighting and eventually got crushed by another runaway. Quite solid. I hate them.

Eventually got crushed by another runaway? May I ask what you mean? Do you mean they start fighting then get stopped?
Eventually got crushed by another runaway? May I ask what you mean? Do you mean they start fighting then get stopped?
Yes, kind of. Russia is industrial era civ, when they mostly want to go to war and contest the greatest competitor. Then they win or get crushed. From my experience. MP is very different from SP.
Yes, kind of. Russia is industrial era civ, when they mostly want to go to war and contest the greatest competitor. Then they win or get crushed. From my experience. MP is very different from SP.

Fair enough. What civs do you like or think are good in multiplayer?
Fair enough. What civs do you like or think are good in multiplayer?
Im not the one to ask, unfortunately. I've seen Greece dominate. Rome, America, Russia going strong (and ofc ppl are not playing the 'banned' civs, which are straightforward OP, the likes of Nubia, Scythia or Sumeria).
Im not the one to ask, unfortunately. I've seen Greece dominate. Rome, America, Russia going strong (and ofc ppl are not playing the 'banned' civs, which are straightforward OP, the likes of Nubia, Scythia or Sumeria).

Wow, which Greece was it? Gorgo or Pericles? Did you see all this in gathering storm?
Russia has a very good path to wining in MP. Build up culture and faith with Lavra so you can have corps at the same time you get Cossacks. Russia is a trap civ for new players that go for building Lavras right away without get classical units to defend.

So the idea is to build a military first then get the religion afterwards?
So the idea is to build a military first then get the religion afterwards?

Yes. Getting Lavra built early seems great but other players will be watching to see if you are getting great people points and will know your not building units and attack. The advantage Russia has is you are going to get Great works to get culture with the Lavra so if you miss out on the better religious beliefs you will do well.
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