To get all of them on same turn need to delay them to t102. Doable...but I don't see the point?


  • Pyramids in JD, have to run the GE from IS to JD hence 1 turn delay, possible loss of Pyramids
  • GLH in IS, no delya required, 0 cost
  • Collosus in FC, delay from t99 to t102 by building a lighthouse, cost = 6 commerce, no extra chance of loss of wonder).

That's how we would do it...
Losing the Pyramids because we're showboating ... yeah I can see that as being a good risk to take.... ;)
oh, I think it will be a lot more demoralizing to do it one at a time.

I mean, collossus, then pyramids and GLH right after each other, while fighting a war? it will make them cry ;)
Collosus gets built at the end of our next turn; anyone want to do anything special to commemorate it?
Well, we are the cult of the triple alliance, and we'll have triple the wonders, so I'm thinking we should wait till all three are built.

I kind of want to post a "this space reserved for future announcements" when it's built, but I'm not sure it's a good plan.

as a first cut on an announcement:

The Cult of the Triple Alliance follows up on it's stunning Oracle build with the triple threat of Collosus, Pyramids and Great Lighthouse.

The Collosus:

Said Cult figure AT - "Well, we found this funny weed in the jungle and we were smoking it, dude. And then Memphus says "we should build this TOTALLY huge guy and Krill says "Dude, that's a great idea" then Memphus says "People will come to see it and throw money on the water and we'll collect it" and Krill goes "DUDE!! What a totally kick-ass idea!!" and Memphus says "We'll call it The Colloseum" and Krill goes "Dude, that name sucks - how about the Rathaus?
and Dreylin goes "Rat House?" and General_w goes "combine them - the Ratoleum". But all we remembered was to combine them, so we got Collosus - eh.
On the theme of major intoxication giving us the idea of building it, a mention of someone being passed out and the statue was based on how they'd fallen onto the ground.
And the Great Light House to guide the way home at night, after the evenings spent at the Pyramid Pub for a wake for a dead units.
The Cult of the Triple Alliance follows up on it's stunning Oracle build with the triple threat of Collosus, Pyramids and Great Lighthouse.

The Collosus:

Said Cult figure AT - "Well, we found this funny weed in the jungle and we were smoking it, dude. And then Memphus says "we should build this TOTALLY huge guy and Krill says "Dude, that's a great idea" then Memphus says "People will come to see it and throw money on the water and we'll collect it" and Krill goes "DUDE!! What a totally kick-ass idea!!" and Memphus says "We'll call it The Colloseum" and Krill goes "Dude, that name sucks - how about the Rathaus?
and Dreylin goes "Rat House?" and General_w goes "combine them - the Ratoleum". But all we remembered was to combine them, so we got Collosus - eh.

That's pretty funny!:D
Or, we could go with pyramid power.

"SANCTAN scientists have investigated claims that the square-based tetrahedron-like object known colloquially as a pyramid has vast powers, including sharpening Cult axes made dull with contact with Kaz chariots, preserving food for use by Cultish axemen in their righteous war vs. Kazahstan infidels and make SANCTAN workers redouble their efforts. While the majority of the claims have turned out to merely be the ravings of diseased minds, we have discovered that the craps tables we installed are making people happier, and funding scientific research for many of our residents - including, oddly, the ballerinas. "
Awesome. Just need one more and we can release these.

The pyramid one is comedy gold.
I like this a little better:

SANCTAN scientists have investigated claims that the square-based tetrahedron-like object known colloquially as a pyramid has vast powers, including sharpening Cult axes made dull chopping up defeated Kazahk chariots, preserving food for cooking on fires made by the wood in destroyed Kazah chariots, and providing extra energy for Cultish victory dances around the fires made from Kazahk chariots. While the majority of the claims have turned out to merely be the ravings of diseased minds, we have discovered that the craps tables we installed are making people happier, and funding scientific research for many of our residents - including, oddly, the ballerinas.

We beat out cav for Oracle, right? do we think they are building the lighthouse? We could tweak them, if we want.

How about:

For the lighthouse...

"The creation of a wonder dedicated to light might seem strange for a super awesome civilization based on the Tao of the Ninja, as the perception is that Ninja's prefer the dark. This is simply not true - Ninja's work best in the shadows, striking from where they are unexpected and snatching the prize right from under the noses of imperialistic running dogs.

We create a beacon of light to speak for the thousand points of light, of all the community organizations that are spread like stars throughout the Cult, doing good. We illumine the people and the programs that are the brighter points of light, and we ask every member of the Cult to become involved. The old ideas are new again because they are not old, they are timeless: duty, sacrifice, commitment.
I like them all also!
Anything we want to say next turn if we do manage to steal Music? Maybe a video? News article? We get Music next turn if Kaz don't and if they do we can get CS in 1 instead...pretty funny really.
We could just post a clip of "We are the champions" ;)

To be honest, it may well be that Kaz didn't go for Music at all, so such a clip might go over everyone's head.

We should maybe not. Besides - we still have to hold zero for a 3 or 4 turn until the artist gets down there...
Hehe, we get walls in Zero eot t113, so if Kaz don't move up next turn they aren't going to be able to take it without getting insanely lucky (ie taking alot of 10% battles and winning).
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