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[Scenario] Earth January 1942

the save function is overridden to allow the mod data saving. you don't have a notification message when clicking on save menu ?

and no new saves visible if you go to the load menu after ?
Did you make a new version with v.12 of gedemons mod ? I think germany wasn't able to build tanks yesterday when I did a quick test.
Did you make a new version with v.12 of gedemons mod ? I think germany wasn't able to build tanks yesterday when I did a quick test.

Yes it has all the v.11 units and v.12 units. The German thing with the tanks is really wierd, I honestly have no idea what is wrong there.
Yes it has all the v.11 units and v.12 units. The German thing with the tanks is really wierd, I honestly have no idea what is wrong there.

I think the German tank problem is fixed in v.14.

I gave the wrong class to Panzer IV ausf H when copy/pasting units code making it and ausf G unbuildable.

I've not seen the no reinforcement bug, in my test with Germany on 10 turns game, I was getting reinforcement, had to switch some cities to "we need you" process to help getting more personnels, but units were healing, at low rate but they were...

Someone with this bug, please post the Lua log of a full turn where you've noted no healing at all.
to next turn faster you can put stratigic view and end turn
after you put can back regular view
to next turn faster you can put stratigic view and end turn
after you put can back regular view

Sorry, but if you do that, your turn will go faster, yes, but important function for the mod won't be called, and it will break the retreat (from combat and from cities), interceptor override and subhunting features.
This scenario now contains a very serious bug for germany, they get no reinforcements... reinforcemence seem to work fine for Russia and Japan though so seem to only affect germany atm.

Playing v.14

How do I get the LUA log you want posted?
as pointed by mathi, it seems to be a problem with the paratroopers, once it get very damaged all units won't be reinforced, I'll make a fix for the end of the week.
I deleted the paratrooper and it seems to be working now indeed.

Btw, can you guys add events like the 'reserves calling' in the europe map ? The AI need every help it can get ;-)
Alone at last; time to savor the cool summer breeze. Each day brings more glorious news than the last. Yesterday, Cairo fell. Today, the Soviet winter capitol Novosibirsk surrendered. Fortress Europe is ready for anything the allies have. Soon, we may even revive Sea Lion. Yes, 1943 holds much promise. Strange, has it been a year. Yes, almost a year since Hermann's plane went down. He was a good friend and I'm sure the war would have been much shorter were he with us.

But what will tomorrow bring, oh yes, a review of my new uber weapon the America Bomber. It is a strong German wind blowing these days, a Nordic wind that chills the world.
G'day, Nice work on this. I've been playing as Japan, updated to v14, and have been unable to build any aircraft or ships. I have carriers tooling around with battlegroups but no aircraft.

I was just forced to abandon my first round on this map. I was in Round 53 and the game hung itself up. Which is a real shame as this mod is just awesome and was working rather well even though turns took over 3 minutes.

But I encountered some things that were rather odd and bad for the feel of the game:

1. I was playing as UK and the US did almost next to nothing to contribute to the war. As the UK i sucessfully invaded Europe, liberated Africa and started my push into Asia. The same goes for the USSR. But not so Uncle Sam. I only saw some skirmishes with Japanese or German naval units but that was about it.

2. China was losing big time against Japan. And what was the best idea the AI had? To move several units all across to map to aid the USSR against Germany. D'uh!

3. The French were really passiv even though they succeed in taking back cities in Africa. After that they did nothing.

I don't know if this has something to do with the mod or is just because of the vanilla AI...
G'day, Nice work on this. I've been playing as Japan, updated to v14, and have been unable to build any aircraft or ships. I have carriers tooling around with battlegroups but no aircraft.



I've been trying to figure this out myself but while I did do some personal modding for Civ IV I'm having problems getting my head around how Civ V works. I've been reading Kael's modding guide but until I have the time to actually sit down build something for myself I think I'll keep missing stuff. Anyway back to my problems here

trying to figure out why I can't build aircraft or ships. Looking in the Defines1942 file I see this


Where do I find this? The only GameInfo folder I can find is in the core game install area (program files/steam/steamapps/common/civ5/assets/GamePlay/XML/GameInfo) and I can't find anything there wrt to the mod. AFAIK all the mod info should be in MyGames area under MyDocs, correct?


I've been trying to figure this out myself but while I did do some personal modding for Civ IV I'm having problems getting my head around how Civ V works. I've been reading Kael's modding guide but until I have the time to actually sit down build something for myself I think I'll keep missing stuff. Anyway back to my problems here

trying to figure out why I can't build aircraft or ships. Looking in the Defines1942 file I see this


Where do I find this? The only GameInfo folder I can find is in the core game install area (program files/steam/steamapps/common/civ5/assets/GamePlay/XML/GameInfo) and I can't find anything there wrt to the mod. AFAIK all the mod info should be in MyGames area under MyDocs, correct?


The files you put in your mods folder contain all the information, Gedemon made all the units through SQL (Instead of XML), so the Zero unit should be in the new aircraft sql file in the SQL folder.

And the 1942defines file is probably what is wrong, in regards for not being able to produce units, I guess I could look into it.
Hmm okay so the unit details are all in the SQL. Unfortunately when I try to open the sql stuff with SQLite I get an error message stating the file is either encrypted or corrupt. PLease tell me mod files are not being encrypted?

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