[SDK MODCOMP] Civ4 Comunity Core Project for Warlords

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Ya know I was seriously about to send out a rescue party and see if you were still alive!...

I'll send you a new code dump as it contains a fix or two.
(I forgot to merge an entire file in)

What I could seriously use some assistance on, and think it might be a priority is the display problem we are getting. You had mentioned you made some changes to the way things are displaying in order to show XP bonus and other bonus a bit better. Ok well im noticing a lot of display issues all of a sudden.

- Civics
Some (not all) negative state religion modifies show as -12387978634

- Tool Tips not working

- Some combat modifiers showing up (just as display in the combat log as %d%

Secondly XML loading is causing an exponential growth of the XMLlog file, I'm concerned about this being a possible memory leak and slow down.

Initial reports are good about me closing off the isConnected removing the issue of nuts religious spread and bad contact.

I finally figured out what that empty box is in options. Looks like you created a define for merging in 3 square radius but never finished it :)

That Invisible Unit bug is a nightmare!!! Me and Girkies went around and around in it for hours and got nowhere.

Dales Combat Mod has some SEVERE bugs in it. Mexico is debugging the C++ like a mad man, if he ever gets it working properly we might want to consider

Me and Roamty are now able to do wonder movies. I'm doing still ones, he's been doing video... So you will have video's for the wonder pack.


Got some design specific stuff in the forum thread you might want to take a gander at....

Reguarding WLTKD I'm fine with that change but lets remember our mission statement that if we change game rules we someone give an option.

I'm working on a CCCP/XL specific version of Talchas's Excel XML editor. I think we should package it once I get the sheets all working (Got Promotions, and Unit Classes)... Kael is right about the community needing better tools.
Apologies for the newbie question coming here -

What exactly does this CCCP thing do? If I install it in my Custom Assets folder will it enable a load of mods (that I don't necessarily want, say)? Or, if I understand correctly, will it actually enable nothing unless I then manually enable them through the "Global_defines.xml" file?

Any help/small tutorial would be much appreciated. :)
Yes the CCCP's features are default off and require activation in some way to produce any change in the game play (baring any bugs ofcourse). Most features are done through new XML tags which are always optional. Other effects act through the GlobalDefinesExt.xml file and their are also some new CustomGameOptions.

The current Build has a know bug which allows you to contact other players you shouldn't and if I remember correctly I acidently left one value on the GlobalDefines the EXP_NEEDED_POWER at 1.7 rather then 2.0 so you will units getting their promotions at lower values then normal (1, 3, 6...). Just change it back to 2.0 for the normal rate of promotions (2, 5, 10...). Both will be corrected in the next release version.

Using the CusomAssets method is the easiest way to play around with the CCCP on your own, it keeps it seperate from the contents of your mod which makes the mod smaller and easier to upload. To use one of the new features create a copy of the apropriate XML file in your mod (say for example UnitInfos.xml), read the Schema to see the new tags, their easy to spot because they have minOccurs="0" after them which makes them optional. Insert the new tags in the correct place (the order must be exact). Then load up the mod and check the Civilopedia for a reference to the new tag in the object you added it too. To change a new GlobalDefine I recomed editing the CustomAssets content directly for now as it always overrides. If you want a CustomGame option to be defaulted to on even when you dont go through the CustomGame screen you need to edit the CustomGameOptions.xml and set the <Default> tag to true (1)

To see the CCCP in action check out Ket's XL composite mod which incorporates each release into the mod package for maximum convenience, Ket's mod should be run with an empty CustomAssets folder to enshure you have the latest Dll running.
Ok, thanks for that. So, if I was wanting to use the Custom Domestic Advisor Mod, the Great Generals for Barbarians Mod and a Unit Allegiance Mod, would this be possible through the CCCP?


Edit: Also, for the Great General with Barbarian mod, do I still need the actual mod download, or does simply enabling the xml in GlobalDefinesExt.xml do that for you?
GreatGenerals is completly assimilated into the Dll, no outside files are needed (the .ini files Lopez used were just control switches for efects in the Dll, I moved the controls to XML but they continue to act in the same manor, this is the pattern I will follow with many future additions)
The Customizable Domestic Advizor is a Python screen so it will be nessary to download that seperately, their should be no conflict with the CCCP and any existing screen modifications, the new screen can be in the mod folder with the CCCP in customAssets and it should work fine.
UnitAlegence mod I belive is a Python EventManager driven mod if I remember correctly, it will need to be DL and put it into a mod, again invoking a mod with modified Python wont conflict with the CCCP.

Only in a situation ware your trying to use a combo SDK/Python mod such as Tegs Unit Statistics is their much chance of a conflict. Fortunatly his mod is supported by the CCCP (but not included), you must activate the UNIT_STATISTICS_REPORTING boolean to make the Dll send out the information to Python AND have his modified python their to catch the information and make use of it.

As a general rule any mod that dose not contain its own modified Dll can be run ontop of the CCCP without a conflict.
The next version will support the CDA widget, its already in the working code for next release but were hunting some bugs now and will probably include some other mods by Lopez too. Expect the next release before next weekend.
I might be late on this reply...
I added the widget code to my last code dump...
My .dll is the CCCP with some small changes....
(I'm not sure we that far diff im just 2 versions ahead of him as he is bug hunting and designing the new spy system)

My entire mod is a test bed of CCCP goodness...
So would there be anything unusual in the game if I were to use your dll with the CCCP? All I want to have is the custom domestic advisor and the great generals mod for barbarians.

I'm not 100% sure but you can give it a shot....
There is an XML file in the CCCP assets that controls great generals you need that as well...
Na, doesn't work alas. It's going to need a .dll that can deal with both of these mods. I'm not to sure how to make a .dll that copes with the custom domestic advisor and the great generals mod... is it fairly straightforward? (<-- doubt it)
I'm not sure WHY it did not work....
Can you give more information. Did you install the python needed for CDA correctly? you dont need any python for great generals Impaler built it all in.
Ok, to start with, I'd copied the original custom domestic advisor (CDA) mod into the required locations. I then installed the CCCP. Since then I copied and pasted files from the composite XL (CXL), these being specifically -

The python files corresponding to the CDA.

These were copied over the original CDA and CCCP files.

What else am I requiring from you CXL mod?
Ok you should just be able to pull my .DLL (I have the widget set in mine)
GlobalDefinesEXT and the CDA advisor screen that goes into python/screens

What problem are you having...?
Do not copy my python directory.
Use the python directory that comes with TheLopez's file.
If I use TheLopez's CDA python directory the interface returns but most of the CDA doesn't work properly with the CXL's DLL file. The only time I can get the CDA to work as intended is with its own DLL file.

Edit: In fact, with the original CDA and the CXL's DLL, the game doesn't work properly when I start a new game. Units fail to move and settlers fail to settle. So I can't even see whether the CDA would work because I can't actually create a city.
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