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seeking opinions: buy now or wait?


Mar 8, 2015
I find myself torn at the moment, so I thought I'd turn to you guys for advice regarding this game. The Civ fan in my wants to rush out and get it. It's new, so there's that appeal. The graphics look nice. The new systems look intriguing. All of this has me wanting to pick it up today.

On the other hand, I convinced myself to take a "wait and see" approach and I'm not liking a lot of what I'm seeing. Game balance looks out of whack, the Diplomatic system looks like it was an afterthought, and the AI appears to be downright embarrassing. Overall, the game looks like it was rushed out the door in an unpolished state, which is something I don't forgive other developers/publishers for, so I don't see why I should be anymore lenient on Firaxis for doing the same.

All that said, I still find myself on the fence. And that's where you guys come in. Would you guys recommend the game in it's current state? Or should I wait and see if Firaxis gets their crap together and fixes the game's more glaring issues?
well the AI is just terrible so if you want to play it will be very very easy.
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If you held off for this time already, you may as well continue to do so until we hear something from Firaxis about their intents. There has been zero indication about what they are busy working on, and it may or may not address your/our concerns.

I would though pick it up if it goes on sale during the holidays (not really sure about the history of civ going on sale so early). The game is rushed yes, but it's not flawed. It will get better over time.
The only reason to wait is if $60 is too much to spend on a game. This holiday season feels too soon for the game to be on sale, but I guess you never know. Otherwise, I suppose you'd be waiting for Steam's Summer sale.

Other than that, yes, I'd recommend the game in its current state. It has its warts. The AI is a pushover, and I hope and trust they'll fix that, but the AI isn't the only reason to play the game. This is a more complete game than Civ V was at launch, and it seems to have the replay value the series has always had. I've already finished 2 games and will probably start a 3rd soon.
Thanks for the replies, all. I've decided to hold off until Firaxis cleans up their mess. Much obliged for the feedback.
Anyone waiting to play until the game is perfect has a long wait. Wait for years until they're done with all expansions and patches. People suck on those Civ VI and V memberberries a bit too hard. :)

Better to go ahead and have the game and form one's own opinion. I bet even folks posting here to say "wait' have already played over 100 hours.
Well, I haven't quite played a hundred hours, but I've played enough to investigate the game and to feel very disappointed with it. I was expecting some rough edges, but I was not expecting it to be quite this far off being a finished product. I can see there is potential for it to be developed, but I personally don't find the game satisfying at the moment, so I've gone back to Civ5 for now. Just my personal feeling, of course. :)
You can buy the game now, and - even with the stupid AI - enjoy it at least for 50 hours or more until you find that the challenge isn't that great.

Or if you don't NEED it right away and want to save some money, wait for either a sale or a combined purchase of the core game + expansion. By that time, either a patch, expansion or mod hopefully has taken care of the AI to some extent, and you will enjoy it all the more for it.
I'm with mbbcam:

I personally don't find the game satisfying at the moment, so I've gone back to Civ5 for now. Just my personal feeling, of course. :)

The game does have potential and I'm prepared to wait for a Patch/DLC/Expansion. In the meantime, it's back to Civ5 for me as well ( I need to finish off a couple of games).

Remember, Civ5 had teething problems and growing pains too :undecide:. Even when a patch is released for Civ6 it may not please everybody :(.
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Well, I haven't quite played a hundred hours, but I've played enough to investigate the game and to feel very disappointed with it.

But the real question is, do you regret those 100 hours? Would you be happier if you could go back in time and not play the game?
Wait unless you're terrible at strategy games and won't notice the abysmal AI.
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