Sercer's Rise of the Republic PBEM


Oct 1, 2006
I'm starting this thread hoping to get at least 4 (me included) people to play AOTR. I think it's a great scenario, and I want to test my skills against fellow civvers.

Anyone who wants to play can PM me, or post here if they want.

My vision for this game is the following:

Playable civs:
Carthage: soul warrior
Ptolemaics: sercer88
Greece: greygamer
more if needed, but these 5 will have it the easiest.
if you want to play anyone else, just ask.

Difficulty: Regent (yeah, it might be easy for some, but I like it that way)

This PBEM will not use accelerated production

If there is anything you want to add to this, please, post any thoughts on the matter, as I am just wanting to play AOTR, PBEM, anything...
Hey I am game for a game, no preferences as I haven't played this scenario before but I'll have a run through before we start. Very at home with the early era and I like the modified early age techs.
Sorry, it's actually Age of the Republic.

The link for the Age of the Republic scenario is here:

EDIT: I don't think we should use accelerated production. At least, that's what the readme suggests. However, I don't know if the creator was thinking about MP games when he/she said it.
(sorry Industrialg0d, I don't know if you are male or female!)

@ soul warrior and greygamer: I will draw names out of a hat from the 5 civs listed, how's that sound?
Drawing names out of a 'virtual' hat is fine. As I haven't even downloaded this yet it is a good a way to pick a civ as any. AP works well in games where you want to get all the techs and expect high attrition rates, so turning that off will force players to think more carefully about their goals. I'd suggest we go with the scenario as the readme says, unless you can get the advice of the scenario designer that is.
@ greygamer and soul warrior: look at first post to see who you are.

Because nobody (who has actually posted) has objected, we will not be playing accelerated production. This might slow down gameplay a little bit, but encourage us to maximize our cities as soon as possible;)
maybe, 1 more person? I'll wait a few more days, as I think this scenario would be more like: the more (humans) the better.
A few more days is fine, gives me a chance to have a walkthrough in the scenario. Though I am sure the 'real' game will play quite differently.
Yeah, pretty much in single player, the AI never builds workers. Because of this, they can never make their economy grow, until they can build marketplaces. But most civs are far from building those sort of things, and the ones who can have already had the markets built for them, so they can't get any better.

I would like to see what would happen if this game were played by humans because...some things the AI does is just STOOOOPID:rolleyes:
would like to see what would happen if this game were played by humans because...some things the AI does is just STOOOOPID

Human players might build up their economy better but can also be STOOOOPID too :hammer2: especially Doh!
Well, I guess we'll start with only 3 human players...

So, I'm trying to start the game...

(BTW, PM me your emails, and I'll email you guys a list)

...and I just now realize that only 8 players can play in this scenario in multiplayer!! There are something like 16 in the single player game!!!!! That's annoying. Also, every time I try to start (with only 8 civs) the first player to come up is always Carthage...and...I'm not playing Carthage, soul warrior is.

Hmmm. Any thoughts soul warrrior, greygamer? Also, for starting the game purposes: Are you male or female?

Well, my findings are depressing:( :mad:
I think that 8 is the maximum for MP games, which explains why there are two flavours of some scenarios combining nations to bring the total down to 8

Here is what the scenario designer has to say

mp is most definitely outta the question since i refuse to reduce the number of civs.

So I think a major rethink is necessary on what we want to do about this. I am quite happy to play a different scenario based around this theme that is suitable for mp.

I am pretty new to MP/PBEM so not the right person to offer advice on which is a good scenario.
mp or pbem?
i thought we were doing it PBEM?

order of players turns is automatic.

i dont mind starting this, unless you want to pick CARTHAGE?
i will have time probably tuesday... maybe earlier.
depending on workloads.

my email is troykemp AT gmail DOT com
PBEM is a form of MP, you can start the scenarion with more than one player but any civs in excess of 8 disappear from the game just leaving the developed terrain around where their cities used to be. An example of how a scenario can be adapted to cope with this is the Napoleonic one that comes with Civ Complete with some nations combined into locked alliances, effectively controled by one player (ie. Britain, Holland, Portugal & Kingdom of Naples)
So Age of the Republic is for soloplay only.
sorry guys, I don't have Rise of Rome, and, I really don't want to download it either. I guess my first attempt at starting a PBEM has officially FAILED:sad: :blush:
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