Set Snoopys Terrain as default


Mar 8, 2004
Is it possible to use Snoopys terrain or any other mod as default rules for civ3/conquests?
Yes, that's kind of the whole point of installing them.

If you read the instr. when you download the mod (or find instr in the c&c forum) you'll see that you are actually replacing the terrain files with the modified files. The game is accessing the files as if they were the originals, so after the initial DL/install, you don't have to do anything else.

The readme said to put the snoopy files in the "scenarios" folder - which is in the "Conquests" folder. Then, when you get ready to play a new game, instead of going to "New Game" on the main menu, go to "Civ Content." There you will have a list of scenarios and scenario maps. Select the snoopy terrain one and it will send you to a world selection screen to proceed as normal.

I have read that it is not safe to mess with the default editor file that the game runs on. So in other words, it might not be safe to simply save the snoopy terrain under the name of the default editor. I have not tried to- instead I do as explained above. I have, in the past, tried to make changes to the default editor, simple ones, such as changing Civilizations' colors. I get lock-ups and other odd things.
That's not what you do. Instead, copy the art in the Terrain folder: .../Art/Terrain/ to back it up, then copy Snoopy's files into the Terrain folder. Overwrie everything. Snoopy's Terrain will be your terrain in all games.
Originally posted by MMRegent
The readme said to put the snoopy files in the "scenarios" folder
That's fine if you want these graphics only for new games started as a scenario but if you want them to show up for your Succession Games or GOTM or any others, make a backup and overwrite your default graphics files.

Originally posted by MMRegent
I have read that it is not safe to mess with the default editor file that the game runs on.
Uh, there's an entire mods section on this forum that would state otherwise. Just backup your stuff and if you ever install a mod with bugs that you can't live with (as opposed to the bugs that ship with the installed version ;) ) then you can just copy your originals back in. Scenarios are a great way to get altered functionality without having your vanilla game modified but if you want global changes, then you need to modify the global files.
Good points about just switching the art. I'll do that.

As for the modifier. I'm a bit confused. A while back I wanted to change all of the civ colors to my liking. I first made a copy of the default, put it in a safe location, and then changed the colors in the default. I made **absolutely** sure that there were no contradictions in the colors -(so that both a main and alternate color of any civ were unavailable).

What happened was this - if I changed one civ's color (Americans) it was fine, but when I changed others, I would get a lock up on the first or second turn every time. I did enough testing to pretty much determine that that was the problem. I don't understand why it did that.

I've been apprehensive ever since about chaning the default. Especially since the thing I changed was so benign.
But the files in the /snoopys/art/terrain folder are completley different to those in the /conquests/art/terrain folder. There are 32 files in snoopys and only 22 in the default... So what should i exactly do? What i tried was replacing conquests.biq with snoopys.biq and replacing the /terrain and /cities folders, but after that i couldnt start a game, it announced some missing .psx files.
how exactly does one replace the art, since it seems that the snoopy files aren't identical in name and number with the default one.
If I just "replace ALL the default art with all the snoopy art, or all of one folder - what if there are things in the original that snoopy does not change, and therefore not include?

And what about the fact that there is art for Civ orig and art for C3C too? which do I replace, the orig?
The only files that will be overwritten are those that Snoopy's Terrain replaces. A number of the art files in Snoopy's Terrain are modified city graphics, so those go under .../Art/Cities instead. They are, however, already marked as such in the Snoopy folder. Things that aren't overwritten DO NOT affect the game's graphics.
"Things that aren't overwritten DO NOT affect the game's graphics."
But that is exactly the effect i want. When copying snoopys terrain graphics to the civ C3C folder there are NO files overwritten because they have totally different file names, so do not affect standard game graphics.
I want to start a "New Game" or "Quick Start" and have those graphics.
no, they dont. The files im working with are labelled Sn00pys TerrainGW (C3C), so they are for conquests. And as stated above, 32 snoopy files stand against 22 conquest files, and for sure they are NOT the same names like the default ones. Im to lazy to post them, so just believe it.
Maybe an example from the cities folder:
Conquest default:
I want them to be the default graphics for civ. So i can do a quickstart game, or new game without having to waste time loading the scenario (And have snoopys graphics).
Well, what I did, was make a backup of all my art\terrain and art\cities files, then copied snoopy's over the originals. worked like a charm. :)

Just remember: DO NOT DELETE any of the original files - just overwrite with Snoopy's. Anything not changed by his art will still remain that way.
Originally posted by Buana
I want them to be the default graphics for civ. So i can do a quickstart game, or new game without having to waste time loading the scenario (And have snoopys graphics).

While I can understand you wanting them as your default, the time it takes to start a scenario compared to the length of a scenario is so trivial...
hmm.. I just did like you said. I copied the files from the Sn00pys Terrain (C3C)\Art\Terrain and Sn00pys Terrain (C3C)\Art\Cities to the Conquest\Art\Terrain and Conquest\Art\Cities folder. but there were no changes in graphics. And i cant imagine why there should be any. The files snoopy provides have totally different names than the original files, so how should civ know to use them???
And, performig this, there were !NO! files overwritten. They are just named differently. You are talkin about overwriting/copying over them but... as stated. In conquests\art\terrain there are now
52 files (22 original+ 32 snoopy files).
sure, but i sometimes do a lot of restarting to get a good starting position, and going every time through the setup, especially on my slow machine, consumes time that could be better spent on crushin some AI :D.
How are the files different? Can you delete the old ones, then rename the corresponding snoopy's file to the old name? IE junglesNEW.pcx to jungles.pcx

I had to do that with at least one of the mods I installed....
Should probably be having this discussion here...

Snoopy's Terrain Graphics Modpack v4.1 Thread



Terrain Modification

If you are unsure if you will like this mod or if you wish to go back to the original terrain files sometime, then you must first back up the original files before you use these. If you do not, then you will have to reinstall Civ3 to get the originals back.

Unzip the files directly into your /Art/ directory. All the correct directories are provided so your unzipper should unzip them correctly.
Overwrite all.
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