Sevomod: Feedback

I agree with the previous post, except if it's too dificult to implement. In that case leave it be.

The same should happen when a city has enemy combat ground units in its cultural borders or in its 20 surrounding production tiles.

Is there any way to separate land earned commerce from sea earned commerce? If there is, ships would only blockade sea commerce and ground units would only blockade land commerce.
hs1611 said:
The same should happen when a city has enemy combat ground units in its cultural borders or in its 20 surrounding production tiles.

Yes it always struck me as strange that city trade is not affected by enemy units in the fat cross.

@Titi: Please do because it will be german beer which means the best ;)
Shigga said:
@Titi: Please do because it will be german beer which means the best ;)
You just gave me motivation! (although we may disagree on the best origin for the beers ;))

@Good Sauce
Nice idea! I like it!
Ah, now you got me curious...

What country can beat germany, with it's "Reinheitsgebot" (precept of purity) of 1516 and it's 1200+ different breweries today, on the quality of beer? :D

(sry for the little highjack ^^)
This is the best mod. Don't get me wrong. It's amazing. Every other mod adds more, but they always add so much more that you end up with waste (useless units) or confusion of another sort...

The only problem (different from lack of genius... there's always further improvements that can be made...) that I see is the global market civic because it removes every other tile improvement as useful projects

There's no longer a reason to use any strategy other than universal-suffrage/free-speech/global-marketting and building cottages on every square that will support them (including grassland/hills)

The AI seems to have noticed this as well... my automated workers build nothing but cottages and I think the other civs do it too

with this one exception... it's amazing :-D
doompigeon said:
This is the best mod. Don't get me wrong. It's amazing. Every other mod adds more, but they always add so much more that you end up with waste (useless units) or confusion of another sort...

The only problem (different from lack of genius... there's always further improvements that can be made...) that I see is the global market civic because it removes every other tile improvement as useful projects

There's no longer a reason to use any strategy other than universal-suffrage/free-speech/global-marketting and building cottages on every square that will support them (including grassland/hills)

The AI seems to have noticed this as well... my automated workers build nothing but cottages and I think the other civs do it too

with this one exception... it's amazing :-D

Are you useing the last patch?? You prob are useing the one with the +1food bonus for the cottages no?? Download the last patch(patch d?)! He changed it to a +25% food to all cities! Then it dont overpower the cottages ^^
By the way, I think Trade Routes shouldent be changed. But if its to change something, maybe you need to make a ship(or caravan unit) to get a trade route, but after you make the trade route in other city(the cities of your own empire dont need it) nothing changes from the normal civ4..Maybe and just maybe if a enemy is around your city(right in the sqms around your city, because if he is more far, Im sure that a trader from this city knows more about this territory than the soldiers, and then he still can go out of the city) then your trade routes cease for time being, but then it would be a big hit in a already bad economy affected by war...Or maybe only 1 trade route ceases...

And the system of CIV CTP was about RESOURCES TRADE, this thing of trade routes even without resource trade is new and there is only in CIV4 I guess..At least not in CIV CTP...
Two more suggestions:

1. Ataturk's (Turkish Leader) portrait needs some change. He shouldnt have a beard! How about using TAM style two dimentional portraits? I totally admire the great work that goes into making these animated portraits but having a stylyzed picture of the real leader would be cooler than another generic roosvelt portrait for Ataturk.

2. Battleships have always been overpowered in civ. They looked menacing but other than the fact that Japan surrendered on the Missouri, they played almost no part in our planet's history. In WWI thay were sank by mines and cannon fire in Gallipoli, in WW2 there was the battle of Jutland, a skirmish between battlecruisers. And that's it, none were built after WW2. Again, they look menacing but they ve been this useless.
Arlborn said:
Are you useing the last patch?? You prob are useing the one with the +1food bonus for the cottages no?? Download the last patch(patch d?)! He changed it to a +25% food to all cities! Then it dont overpower the cottages ^^

Thanks :-D

However I've foudn one more question... Isn't progressive essentially a toned-down version of spiritual? Or is the description wrong?

It certainly seems to make leaders such as Wang Geon seem fairly useless... spiritual/progressive

It's probably me that's being stupid again, I'm sure.... I just like to know these things
Progressive has not only the advantage of only one turn of anarchy, but also gives you for each city with size 8+ a additional free specialist. But your right the description is wrong, the specialists are not mentioned :-/

So in my opinion progressive and spiritual isn't that bad combo. I think it would run really good, if you can catch 2 or 3 religions, spread them and build up temples and monastries everywhere (both buildings cheaper with prog.+spirit.). With spiritual you can then switch between your religions, so you always can choose, with which neighbour you want to be friends. Later, you switch to religious freedom and have the happiest citizens you can imagine :)

Okay, sounds a bit risky this strategy, especially to get all the religions and spread them without loosing time (missionaries aren't cheaper :-/ )... and according to the changes (upgrades) of the other 'leader-abilities' (spiritual seems not to have changed, both don't give free unit promotions...) this combo seems really to be underpowered... but maybe on a prince-game without floodplains in the beginning really challanging!
Ahaha! Portugals music makes it seem like Alfonso is hitting on you with the faces his George Washington model makes.

Also I'm loving all the tribal music for the older civs. And is there any chance of adding more flavor units to the mod?

And actually, Battleships did play a very important role in the planets history. They were Sea-based artillery platforms which meant massive mobile firepower for a few miles inland. And before torpedoes could be used effectively they were quite effective at keeping nations without battleships trapped in their own ports.
All right. I'm done complaining, because I can't find anything more to complain about. There are no errors.

At this point, all that can be done is make it better.

First on that list, I think, Sevo is surely already aware of. When will the mastery victory, a brilliant idea, find it's way into sevomod?
richieelias said:
And actually, Battleships did play a very important role in the planets history. They were Sea-based artillery platforms which meant massive mobile firepower for a few miles inland. And before torpedoes could be used effectively they were quite effective at keeping nations without battleships trapped in their own ports.

Theoretically true! Can you name an actual conflict where this played a major role? Couldnt find one in wikipedia. Here is the link:

The fact is the era of the battleships lasted a mere 50 years from 1890s to WW2. In civ4 and Sevomod battleships defeat nuclear submarines and AEGIS cruisers which is totally absurd.
Oh I'll definitely agree that battleships shouldnt still be effective past nuclear subs. In fact, they should appear earlier and start diminishing in effectiveness shortly after carriers and bombers.

Just beacause no single battleship singlehandedly turned the tides of war didnt make them any less effective. Just think how WWI would have been had Germany been able to move their fleet out to sea at will to wreak havoc on british shipping from the start of the war.

Also, keep in mind that 50 years is quite a long time. Ironclads (as used in civ4) werent around for that long but theyre still in the game.
Good Sauce said:
On trade routes and the importance of a navy


I like this idea, actually (the 50% loss with a "blockade"). Easier to understand and less complication for gameplay. And since trade routes become a major part of gameplay you could cripple economy with a good blockade. Getting the AI to use it might be tough...but I'll think about it and see if there isn't some way to make it work.

solanacea said:
Theoretically true! Can you name an actual conflict where this played a major role? Couldnt find one in wikipedia. Here is the link:

The fact is the era of the battleships lasted a mere 50 years from 1890s to WW2. In civ4 and Sevomod battleships defeat nuclear submarines and AEGIS cruisers which is totally absurd.

Yeah...I guess that's prolly true. Battleships played roles in major land bombardments, but not so much sea-based battles. I'm allowing some liberties on this one I guess.

Shigga said:
Thank you. I tried again, too.

to #1: have you tried changing the sorting of the list, then highlighting and clickinig on view? Bc when I DO NOT change the sorting it shows the correct city. When I sort, for example, by culture rate, click on a city and on "view" it does not show the correct city. I suspect it shows the city that was on the same spot in the initial sorting, but I have to check again. Has anybody else encountered that phenomenon? :)

to #2: What is the effect? It shows the "production"-part of the city detail screen below the advisor list, right? So why doesn't double clicking open the whole city detail screen? I use the list a lot and I mean A LOT and I keep on stumbling over this because it contradicts the intuitive usage... very annoying.

to #3: Yeah I looked that up thank you :) The word "domestic" just slipped my mind ^^

It would be so great if this could be solved along with the gp-chances-pop-up inclusion. Actually Sevo, if you achieve this i give you my word I will actually send you a beer via mail ^^

This sorting problem has been around for a while. I'll look into it--I don't know that I ever really tried to fix it.
don't forget, battleships were what nuclear weapons are today: hardly used but a great deterant.
so they did play a major role in the worlds history; mainly as Britains means to keep their role as leader in the world; and later as Germany's way to break the gridlock; not by actually fighting; but by threathning Britain supremacy of numbers and firepower ...

@ Titi

doesn't everbody knows Belgian beer is the best? ;)

well apperently not Our Eastern neighbours ...

I get the feeling that another added resource would be welcome...hops! Of coursed adding 1 health and 1 happiness per brewery, maybe with a production penalty for having too many of them...:crazyeye:
I like that Coffee was included as a resource. I can't think of a war over coffee, but I know it is an important resource. However, if you want to add a good resource, how about Tea?

The British Empire without Tea?

They didn't call it the Boston COFFEE party. ;)

Instead of just making it more of the same, why not establish some dependence on it? IE: When you build a certain structure it requires the tea resource, if that resource goes away then that structure starts costing you productivity, representing your dependence on it AND giving the user an advantage when they do have it..
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