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SGOTM 9 - Smurkz

Got in two more turns yesterday. Plan to finish tonight.

Lots of fun with the Hold'em Moat.

Indians no match for our elite Modern Armor on Popcicle. Popcicle is now uninvadeable (except to Marines).

Sending new MIs and MAs to a transport (SmurkzPoint, maybe, SW of City for the Sages, near Carthage) to invade Oe-Hah.

Domination limit is 22 tiles away.

Pollution occurs on Smurkz (only) one tile per turn.

Building money makers; no more libs, unis, temples or cathedrals.
CommandoBob said:
Got in two more turns yesterday. Plan to finish tonight.

Lots of fun with the Hold'em Moat.

Indians no match for our elite Modern Armor on Popcicle. Popcicle is now uninvadeable (except to Marines).

Sending new MIs and MAs to a transport (SmurkzPoint, maybe, SW of City for the Sages, near Carthage) to invade Oe-Hah.

Domination limit is 22 tiles away.

Pollution occurs on Smurkz (only) one tile per turn.

Building money makers; no more libs, unis, temples or cathedrals.

Thanks for the update.
[IBT 1610 AD]
Not sure of what to do with Indians on Popcicle.
Ask for help.
********************** saved for discussion *****************************

Kill them all.
Wake up the MA on Popcicle.
eMA vs. vGuerilla, MA wins, takes 2 HP.
eMA 3/5 vs. rGuerilla, MA wins, takes one more HP.
Move worker on Popcicle to empty tile and fortify.
All land on Popcicle is either city or occupied.

Entremont privateer -> privateer
Forgot to take care of Shortcut1 and it shuts down! Buy a clown.
Richborough aqueduct -> bank, 12 turns.

Gift Aluminum 2 1615 AD

003 1615 AD

Unit Moves
Opened up the Hold'em Moat.
Buy a clown in Floroe.
Buy a clown in Coal Mountain, before it starves down.


Ironclad leaves from Nansmurkzet.
Indians enter the Hold'em Moat.

The Pentagramgon

Washington bank -> SE, 14 turns.
Entremont privateer -> privateer
Smuez Canal cathedral -> bank, 8 turns.
City for the Sages Pentagon -> MI, 2 turns.
Vladivosmurkz carrier -> jet fighter, 2 turns.
Smurkzland mass transit -> civil defense, 2 turns.
Smurkz Highway SE -> airport, 2 turns.
Science Squeeze hydro plant -> airport, 2 turns.
Coal Mountain library -> market, 13 turns.

Save Game. 22 tiles for a Domination victory.

004 1620 AD

Unit Moves
Add MA to Army in Meh.
Add MI to Army adjacent to Meh.
Shut the Hold'em Moat.
Will build transport in Smurkzala after MA. Will take 3 turns. Better protected on run to Oe-Hah.
Sauda wealth -> harbor, 40 turns.


Mongols attack Ulaanbaatar and die.
Carthage wants to talk. Refuse.
Indian galleon and ironclad head to Kristiansund.

Entremont privateer -> privateer
Augustodurum factory -> hydro plant, 11 turns.
Spicy Smurkz mass transit -> recycling, 6 turns.
SmurkzAtroid mass transit -> police station, 5 turns.
Smurkzacabana destroyer -> destroyer, 3 turns.
Missismurkzi army -> army, 6 turns.
Tromsmurkz hospital -> mass transit, 7 turns.
Smurkzala MA -> transport, 3 turns.
SteinSmurkz offshore platform -> mass transit, 6 turns.
Lamb on Broadway SE -> airport, 2 turns.
Smurknes bank -> SE, 5 turns.

005 1625 AD

Unit Moves
Destroyer joins Indian patrol, frees a destroyer to be Oe-Hah Escort.
MA and MI to Smurkzala, wait for transport.
Rush harbor in Sauda for 156 gold.

Coal Mountain on Tadpole about to have culture expansion.


End of Turnset 32 stats (in brief)
Genetics (1 turns)
39153 gold (+1513 gpt)

The save is >>HERE<< .
Finished five turns and called it quits. Just not enough time to finish the full ten turns. Played these turns fairly fast, at least for me, so there are probably several loose ends left.

The high points:
  • The Hold’em Moat is up and running.
  • The Pentagon has been built.
  • No more Indians on Popcicle.
  • Land units are massing in Smurkzala to invade Oe-Hah.
  • Harbor has been rushed in Sauda, on the NE end of Ostrich.
  • We learn Genetics next turn and can change the Palace build to Cure for Cancer in Ismurkz.

Some things undone:
  • The wall around Gift Aluminum 2 has not been reinforced.
  • Workers only used to clean pollution; not mine or irrigate.
  • Very little well thought out MM of any Smurkz cities.
  • The Smurkz Canal Moat has not been created.
  • Settler in Richborough is still there.
  • We just built an Army in Missismurkzi. It is empty.
  • We need more destroyers for Operation ollopA around Delhi.
  • Privateer placement does not feel right.

Some concerns:
  • Domination Limit:
    • Coal Mountain has a culture expansion next turn. I don’t think we gain any more coastal tiles from this expansion but I could be wrong.
    • If we capture Oe-Hah we gain 9 tiles. This will leave us 13 tiles, at the most, from a Domination Victory. Do we need to abandon or gift any more towns?
  • The build orders on the last two turns seemed wrong. Ordered some mass transit and recycling and one police station. These seemed to be the right things to build, but I am not real sure about that. Wanted to keep unit building cities building units and those building improvements to continue building them.

My notes are brief and terse, but I am not mad or upset. This was an interesting turnset and I wish I had time to play all ten turns, but I do not.
CommandoBob said:
My notes are brief and terse, but I am not mad or upset. This was an interesting turnset and I wish I had time to play all ten turns, but I do not.
When posting at 1AM with a wife tolerating your civ habit, it's good to be breif. ;)

Sound's like you did a fine job, and we're five turns closer to victory. :goodjob:

  • CommandoBob - Just Played
  • WarDance - UP!
  • zyxy - On Deck!
  • ControlFreak
  • Niklas - skip until March 21st
  • Methos - ghosting

I will look at the save in a bit, but you accomplished all the important things.

You gave me a little scare by leaving the "Great! Install a new Governor" line highlighted. :eek: Your later comment that the Alum 2 wall was not reinforced made me feel better. I trust that Alum 2 will still be in Carthage hands when I check the save so they can continue to trade aluminum to India.

The Domination Limit is getting very tight and there is really no reason to carry that much risk. We should decide what areas we want to unload and how to do that. Popsicle has too many resources to leave open, but we could fill it with units and not let anybody land there. All the remaining islands can be left open. Non of the AI should be able to get past the Privateers so the only threat is India. They should not be allowed to get resources, especially horses, oil and rubber (all give them 3 move units).

If need be, the southern part of Tad is fairly worthless. I just hate to abandon them after all of our painstaking MM to get the farms to their ideal state. :p
Got it! Will look the save over in a little while.
Some quick notes:
  • Make sure we have the right number of destroyers available to cover the unwanted Dehli tiles. We haven't moved any from the inland sea yet and it takes a while to sail out of there. Get them moving if needed. The faster we cover the tiles, the faster Apollo finishes. We don't even need a full boat of MA to attack Oe-Hah so let's get them moving ASAP. This project is about the only one that has any bearing on our competition at the moment and must be given the utmost priority.
  • I see that india is going to try again. There is a galleon/ironclad pair leaving Mo. Since the southern islands are all covered, I'm guessing they will land near Houston. If they do land on Tad, I would like to head them towards Seattle. If we put some culture in Smalltown America and/or pillage horses we can keep India from getting them. I think I prefer the pillage route so we have room to setup a moat system. The wines will go with Seattle which already has a harbor. We could also rush an Airport to hedge our bets, then proxy Seattle to India via Spain. That would give India one more luxury, and reduce our territory. The draw back is we're going to need more units on Tad to prevent attacks and will probably need to boost the defenses in Smalltown America since it will be a shared border. At the moment, we can't must much in the way of a wall of units on Tad. We have 3-4 turns before the galleon can make it there so we have some time to build the units we need. Pull the MA out of Seattle to entice the landing party. I am not in favor of letting them take the entire southern Tad Pennisula because the corruption will kill their communistic economy. It might also be good to mine the Seattle tiles so they can't grow that fast (more citizens, more corruption I think). Overall, I'm not sure if the addition of a 5th luxury to market cities overcomes the corruption hit to Communism. I think it does, but if someone want's to test it, go for it.
  • The pollution on the hill still needs 12 more slaves to finish clearing. There are nine slaves fortified by Canal. You can wake three more fortified slaves on Tad and transport them using the ship chain. They will be able to move to and finish the cleaning this turn. Then reassign the scientist so that Carthage (?) doesn't starve.
  • The privateer placements seem OK. I think we could use some more destroyers/battleships on perimeter defense around India. The ironclads are starting to get pesky and there's no where to heal boats nearby.

Once the boats are around Dehli, it would be good to recheck the apollo build. Also feel free to steal plans as needed. (You may want to wait until we lose visual on the galleon/ironclad pair.) The 4 turns have past since I tried to plan spies so you might want to try that again for the civs that we're at war with.
And another five turns of babysitting Ghandi done :).

I haven't looked at the save yet, but apart from operation scare the fishingboats there's not that much to do imo.
ControlFreak said:
The Domination Limit is getting very tight and there is really no reason to carry that much risk. We should decide what areas we want to unload and how to do that. Popsicle has too many resources to leave open, but we could fill it with units and not let anybody land there. All the remaining islands can be left open. Non of the AI should be able to get past the Privateers so the only threat is India. They should not be allowed to get resources, especially horses, oil and rubber (all give them 3 move units).

I say keep Tadpole as is, minus Houston maybe. Ostrich on the other hand isn't doing much for us. Oslo, Linkopipng, and Beorgvin are pretty worthless and could go right away. As for the other towns we really only need towns to hold the resources. There is 1 aluminum, 1 horse, and 2 rubbers. What about abandoning all the towns up there (except for the uranium towns which will be given away) and build new towns directly on top of those other resources? I suppose that just getting rid of the little islands might be easier and better though. We can cash rush a rifle or two on each one and I think that would give us coverage on all island tiles until we get around to sending tougher units to them, if we think tougher units are necessary.

Any thoughts on my pollution cleanup outpost idea by Smurkzcapulco?

Edit: If we need more units in a hurry to create a defense wall by Seattle we could draft a few. We could use the big towns on Ostrich to draft and ship them to Tadpole.

Edit: How many boats do we need to block Dehli's tiles? And have there been any boats in the inland sea? If not I will just send all those boats out and build some more to patrol there.

More Editing: if having our defensive units attacked causes war weariness, shouldn't we just build tanks from now on? They are plenty tough enough for defending against guerillas. I don't think we need more mech infantry. And with nearly 40k in the treasury I see no reason not to do more rushing.
Pollution cleanup is fine if you are so inclined, although we have all that we can handle for our workers on Smurkz as is.

I prefer to empty the islands (like I did the last time :p ) and just leave units in the place of the cities. My problem is I left settlers (created when I abandoned the cities) on the tile and someone used them to refound the city.:crazyeye: This time, I would rush a worker and abandon the city so no one is tempted to refound.

We need 8 tiles covered in Dehli. We probably want a few extra boats to immediately replace/cover wounded boats. I have not seen any boats on the inland sea, but they can be sunk quickly if you leave a few destroyers in there.

Drafting is fine with me but as you say, we'd be better off with MA than MI, so lets just build/rush some with cash. We really need units more than infrastructre so you can switch the Tadpole priorities as well. There is some decent production capability there including Entremont which can do MA every other turn instead of Privateers if need be.
That screenshot of Delhi in 1600AD is kinda funny btw..
Working any tile, even the mountain tile would give him more commerce than running 1 beaker scientists :p
This is probably pointless, but, what else is new? :D

What would have prompted Gandhi to change his citizen allocation from 1545 AD (12 spt gross) (>>Post #1138<<) to 1600 AD (6 spt gross) (>>Post #1167<<)?

The real question is this: can we affect his citizen allocation without direct miliary intervention?

Sadly, I think the answer to the first real question is that Gandhi is his own worst enemy.
Also interesting that he is working 2 normal coast tiles.. and leaves the coast tile with rocks on it unworked... :lol:
Perhaps he is using apollo as a prebuild for something else and trying to delay the completion as long as possible? :p
The Smurkz on Sunday - all the Smurkz' news

Project Jumbo, Mission Date 1625AD
From the Carpeted Corridors of SmurkzIntel, by our reporter who will remain anonymous because he pretends to be a spy.

With President Niklas still visiting Malaysia - rumor has it that he likes the country so much that he will stay and let VeeP ControlFreak take over his presidential powers, a notion that fills the nation with horror and outright fear - anyway, while Niklas is away, SID (Smurkz Intelligence Director) CommandoBob has issued a statement that India has shaken off its evil Communist ways and has emerged as a fledgling Republic, and that the perverted "First Comrade" Ghandi was ousted and replaced by the virtuous President Ghandi, of "vegetable curry" fame. It seems that the actual power takeover took place somewhere between 1550AD and 1600AD, but the precise date or mechanism cannot be determined. SIDCB denied rumors that his agency had anything to do with Mr Ghandi's power grab, saying that "If SmurkzIntel had anything to do with it, and I repeat that we didn't, then of course I would be very proud of causing such a change for the better, and the agents involved would be up for promotion. But of course, since we weren't, they aren't."
Independent observers, otherwise known as this reporters' two cats, say they don't really believe this statement, explaining that it "smells fishy".

Meanwhile, Indians are getting weary of the ongoing training exercises of their army with the Smurkz Moat Guards Division, claiming that the exercises are unhealthy for their troops, and that food poisoning - an explanation suggested by SmurkzIntel - cannot be the cause of the large number of Indian casualties. "Some of our guys are fasting, and still they die of food poisoning? This cannot be true, and SmurkzIntel is deliberately manipulating their intelligence!", says an indignant dr Singh, expert on Vegetable Foodstuffs from Delhi University.

:king: :king: :king:

So there's an explanation - India went from Commie to Republic, and War Weariness is kicking in. EDIT: As Delhi already has all happy improvements, the only thing that would help is more luxes (or Sistines, but that's not practical really). If we could get India to take over Barcelona (with furs and gems), or Seattle (with Wines), then that might help.
zyxy said:
India went from Commie to Republic, and War Weariness is kicking in. EDIT: As Delhi already has all happy improvements, the only thing that would help is more luxes (or Sistines, but that's not practical really). If we could get India to take over Barcelona (with furs and gems), or Seattle (with Wines), then that might help.
Ahhhh, I totally missed that Ghandi was in Republic again. That explains (somewhat) there new facination with commerce over shields since Republic gets extra coins per tile.

That definitely means we should drive the galleon to Tad and force their acquisition of Seattle. Barcelona would be a much longer boat ride for India but would be good too. Do we still keep 8 luxuries if we give up barcelona? If so, we could gift Barcelona and some surrounding cities to Carthage after the war and let them trade the extra furs and gems to India.
Here's what I've got so far.

1) Capture Oe-Hah. Paint a bunch of destroyers with garish purple and green. Drape seaweed over them and attach giant prosthetic serpent necks and heads to the prow. Drop leaflets over Indian lands warning of the dangers of sea monsters in Loch Dehli. :eek:

2) Try to entice Ghandi into going for Seattle.

3) Keep a handle on pollution.

4) Build more boats.

5) Build tanks instead of MI

6) Try planting spies.

7) Watch the domination limit. Get rid of the island towns but block them with units. By the way... I think popsicle could do with just one town in the center. That would be a 6 tile reduction, if I'm remembering the map correctly.

8) Build airport in Sauda?
ControlFreak said:
That definitely means we should drive the galleon to Tad and force their acquisition of Seattle. Barcelona would be a much longer boat ride for India but would be good too. Do we still keep 8 luxuries if we give up barcelona? If so, we could gift Barcelona and some surrounding cities to Carthage after the war and let them trade the extra furs and gems to India.

Barcelona has the only 2 gems on the map.
Here is Popcicle a few turns back, when the Indians invaded, on the tile between Grape and Orange.

Popcicle 1610 AD

Now (1620 AD or so ) those units are gone and a worker is on that tile.

What if we made the worker a radar tower and at the same time got rid of the two cities?

If we build one central city, we "lose" 6 Domination tiles, which is a good thing.

If we can build a radar tower and the cities disappear we can lose many more; fourteen, maybe even fifteen.

Never used radar towers, so I am not sure how they work and what restrictions are placed on them.
Radar Towers are disabled for this game.

I don't think we need to do anything with Pop. Getting rid of the two islands to the north of it lose >20 tiles. We'll have plenty of cushion, especially if Seattle and Barcelona start getting handed off.

Even if the only Gems are in Barc, aren't there 9 luxs and we only benefit from 8?
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