Show me the money!

Donny Brook

Sep 9, 2004

Where is all this commerce coming from? I am not in a GA and I haven't even built a marketplace yet. I know the MoM is giving me a few tourist dollars but otherwise, I don't see where all this money is coming from. A glitch? It's the only city among 300 where I have this unexplained win fall. Unmodded, off-the-shelf C3C so I'm not missing patches or anything weird like that. It's just a normal game.
Looks to me like it is all from the MOM. Tourist dollars are really kicking in. I don't know the exact details of Tourism because I'm still playing PTW and there is no Tourism in that version.

Edit: Daeron is correct. I missed that the first time around.
I searched on "tourist" which led me to some 20k and OCC threads. Now I can see how a city can get some astronomical bonus multipliers. It seems the tourist attraction income is bonused up along with the base commerce, right? I've never done a 20k or OCC, so I guess I've never had a city with hundreds of beakers but now I understand it.
Three science improvement buildings, and several extra commerce from the Museum of Mausollos. That's all science and luxuries there, none of it it's money. You wouldn't half of that if you had the tax slider at the same the science slider lies at there.

For an OCC game, might I suggest Tiny Chieftain? (o.k., that's the easiest type) If you didn't see it before, here's a game I played back in February
They should show the exact amount of money a building givs you shown with a number.\/\/
I've had a 200+ beaker city before. It was my capital, had Copernicus', Newton's, and SETI, with Lib, Uni, and Lab. All of this with Democracy, and you've got one hell of a science city. Of course this city paled in comparison when I did 0% beaker runs to get money. (Plus Coperni had a little bit of tourist commerce)

Lolmath, I think that's a 450% multiplier... holy sh*t.
I played and OCC and was nearly ruined at the end... I was getting millions from tourism and commerce, and also a large amount thanx to the commerce bonus from the colossus and being republic, then I discovered flight, and just when I was beginning to research fission, the colossus became obsolete, and my economy fell to the gound :sad:
I think that'd be a bit hard when you're playing at 1440X900 res. :p

EDIT: I think the black border around the screen makes up for that...

EDIT 2: Tee hee.

Spoiler :
This is from my current game. :eek:

View attachment 222206

Could have been better if I had built more of the tourist wonders. I'll try to build' em all and then I'll post another image. This isn't so bad for a normal game.

Edit: I was searching for the best civ to build the most wonders without triggering a golden age, or at least build all wonders that can become tourist attractions without giong into an early GA. Then I found that Shakespeare's doesn't mention for which type of civ it can trigger a GA. Anybody knows?

Edit again:

Now, this is more like it :D 4 hours after the previous game.
View attachment 222229

A better planned golden age allowed me to build 3 more wonders. Only missed 2 of the tourist wonders, the Pyramids and Statue of Zeus. This was the turn before I won by 20K. I think this is as good as it would get. SETI program and a research lab would give even more money, but the Colossus would have been made obsolete, and the commerce bonus lost.
China might work well. Pyramids+Colossus=GA for Carthage. Not many militaristic wonders which become tourist attractions.
The Pyramids and Statue of Zeus will start a GA for China. Both are tourist attractions, and they are on the same branch of the tech tree. Or even the Great Wall alone. It is useless, but it is cheap, and for the only purpose of getting money from tourism, this is a very good wonder to have. So no luck with China either.

A couple of hours later, with SETI program, research lab and Colossus obsolete... not bad for a standard game
View attachment 222246

It's a monster!!! :run:
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