Single Player bugs and crashes - After the 23rd of September 2013

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I tried again, because the "Modifier" dll came back up, and this time they work, so it must be the modifier that is not working correctly, i have noticed this lately, even if sometimes you DONT make a change the modifier dll pop-up shows up??
It took me a while but I finally figured out that by 'modifier' dll you mean the recalculation popup. It doesn't take much in terms of a change (any xml or dll) to cause the recalc popup to come up. I haven't seen it recently acting incorrectly but I recall Koshling fixing it at some point when it WAS coming up regardless of any changes. Unfortunately if it IS acting up again it's something I wouldn't know how to fix easily.

Also... the recalculation mechanism shouldn't have any effect on the display functions. So I'm not sure what happened there.

But some of the techs still have alot of those empty spaces (dots)???
Yeah, that's probably from the buildings those techs unlock. I'll have to work a bit at fixing those.

Just found out that the Alt/Ctrl/Shift does NOT work when you are in the buildable pop-up area, when you have nothing in the queue area, thats where i believe i was doing this before???
'buildable pop-up area'... Do you mean the city prompt popup like you're showing in your image there? I'm not sure if it WOULD work in that section. I MIGHT be able to fix it if it isn't but it's not advised to use that list anyhow in C2C right? If I don't have information hidden in hotkey pages then the display would simply be toooooo long so if I can't get the hotkey pages to show there then that's a tough issue to resolve. Again... I can test and see if there's something that CAN be done. Maybe there is - I'm not sure yet.

In the city panel itself where you can queue up your units it should be working properly at least.

About the problem with diplomacy, is just a duplicate < from copy paste, now fixed ... about diplomacy, i´ve seen that the most of custom leaders have not a unique one, wich is a pity
Strongly agree. There's a number of minor bugs this is introducing to have so many unfinished diplomatic settings as well. This was meant to be resolved by completion of the Leader Archetype project.

@ TB is there something messed up in the Classical Era for Promotions???

I usually get a NEW unit with at least 1 promotion available to him, and now even my Warlord doesnt get any promotions either in Classical this has happened before also, i fought like 15 fights and won all, and nothing in the promotions for him?? I build a new Healer and (nothing) doesn't do much good as a disease healer if he doesnt at least have the minimum one??

EDIT EDIT: @ TB ok when i RE-started the dll modifier pop-up was there again and this time the promotion at least for the Warlord attachment was working but not for normal built units??
There shouldn't be anything happening at classical specifically.

I think what you're experiencing (aside from the fixed bug for the Warlord - by which I THINK you mean Great Commander if I'm following you correctly) is that xp awards for starting units are a little tougher to come by now considering the awards have been split somewhat.

Of course, Great Generals used to provide XP for ALL units but now GGs in the city are awarding only to Combatants (which does NOT include Healers and Law Enforcement which are Civilians instead) and Great Hunters settled in the city only provide XP for Explorers (Recon and Hunters).

Never fear however. There IS a way to get extra xp for Civilians though, as well as a number of other types, and that's stemming from specialist assignments. Citizen specialists will provide +1 XP to Civilian units built in the city so when you're building Healers and Law Enforcement it might be wise to shift your specialists over to Civilians as much as you can to load up those units coming out.

This will slow your GP production a LOT of course and will greatly reduce your yields and commerces and such coming from your specialists so it should be done on a very temporary basis only when building Civilian units. It might even be best to not train these units from your primary military production or great person birthing cities for this reason.

This means further cause to specialize cities has been introduced. Anyhow, now that you have that tip, take note of some of the other interactions taking place between specialists and unit XP. Quite an interesting arrangement we have there now.

Now... if you have plenty of xp and your units are able to level but they don't have access to any promos... that's fairly odd but I'd be interested to see a savegame to evaluate it with.
These are the XML errors I am getting on starting up the game.


  • C2CMineErrors.jpg
    76.5 KB · Views: 44
There should only be 4 files in the Mine Warfare folder Specialist, unit schema and a game text file. Plus a zip so we can reinstate everything if we ever get the mod working.
French translation bug :

  • Some building description in city screen are strange (Parasite (Rats) or Grand Festival de la Mer).

    Screen cap is with Nature Altar (Rice)
  • Chief Funeral Pyre is not translated ^^' ("Feu Crématoire du Chef"?)
  • 2 promotions have the same name "Manoeuvre I" and "Sea Animal Hunter' is not translated ("Chasseur d'Animaux des Mers" if you want to add it)


  • lot of comma.jpg
    lot of comma.jpg
    243.9 KB · Views: 34
Non repeatable CTD at EoT report; after updating to SVN 6981 yesterday I was able to play for several hours and not 1 CTD at EoT. Good work team/T-Brd. :goodjob::thumbsup:

JosEPh :)
I´ll post here my adds too, for easier acces
Baka civ (Pygmy) as requested ... Phyton file not added


  • Baka.7z
    145.7 KB · Views: 36
Non repeatable CTD at EoT report; after updating to SVN 6981 yesterday I was able to play for several hours and not 1 CTD at EoT. Good work team/T-Brd. :goodjob::thumbsup:

JosEPh :)

Rockin! Thanks for the note on that :D

Now... if I can ever get the dang SVN to let me update the FPK someone recently messed with (PLEASE NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER mess with any of our GIANT FPK files again!!!!! Just start with a smaller one and build into that... leave it alone! It's been 12 hours I've been trying to update so I can commit a fix and it STILL hasn't gotten past this point because an internet flicker during the hour load time will pause all further progress then take another hour to let me know it's not going anywhere and I need to start all over again! If we're going to mess with a major FPK, please at least no more often than ONCE in a given cycle!)
Now... if I can ever get the dang SVN to let me update the FPK someone recently messed with (PLEASE NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER mess with any of our GIANT FPK files again!!!!! Just start with a smaller one and build into that... leave it alone! It's been 12 hours I've been trying to update so I can commit a fix and it STILL hasn't gotten past this point because an internet flicker during the hour load time will pause all further progress then take another hour to let me know it's not going anywhere and I need to start all over again! If we're going to mess with a major FPK, please at least no more often than ONCE in a given cycle!)

It was someone called aztur but here at the forum he is called Sparth.
You can Look the svn until your commit is done.


But I also realized too that I usually copy from the commit notes over to the post here so if I wait the 15 minutes it takes to commit before I start the post I'll probably end up messing myself up with another copy at some point during that time so that's usually why I start the post here - I can of course have the submission of the post wait until the commit completes though.
French translation bug :

  • Some building description in city screen are strange (Parasite (Rats) or Grand Festival de la Mer).

    Screen cap is with Nature Altar (Rice)
  • Chief Funeral Pyre is not translated ^^' ("Feu Crématoire du Chef"?)
  • 2 promotions have the same name "Manoeuvre I" and "Sea Animal Hunter' is not translated ("Chasseur d'Animaux des Mers" if you want to add it)

Things are added and changed faster than the translators can keep up with. If you notice and can provide translations that would help but as I only did 1 year of French back in the 1970's you will need to be exact like in your last two in the list for me to have a hope of fixing things.

edit Perhaps we need a French Translation thread like we do for Spanish, German and Italian. I could only find and fix one of those you mentioned.
Since you don't have access to update the SVN it does make it hard to keep updating that python file. I am not sure what to do here.

@Hydro as a bug fix I want to change all the icons of the Tales of sea creature units. I have attached my proposed blank template and an example of what I will probably be doing with it. Can you make the blank template into a button it will require a bit of tidying up of the image including shrinking it a little bit to fit within the borders. Thanks. It will mean yet more buttons for you to do when I get this back.

Ok I made the alpha channel for it and then applied it to your example to make a proper dds. So now the button/icons should be scroll shaped rater than the normal button shaped. As long as you make them like the Tales of Marlin example you gave, it should be the correct alpha layer to match the scroll.
I get this error using the latest svn.

Assert Failed

File:  CvGlobals.cpp
Line:  5215
SVN-Rev:  6978
Expression:  stricmp(szType, "NONE")==0 || strcmp(szType, "")==0
Message:  info type LEADER_WRUB not found, Current XML file is: modules\Custom_Civilizations\Neanderthal\Neanderthal_CIV4DiplomacyInfos.xml
I get this error using the latest svn.

Assert Failed

File:  CvGlobals.cpp
Line:  5215
SVN-Rev:  6978
Expression:  stricmp(szType, "NONE")==0 || strcmp(szType, "")==0
Message:  info type LEADER_WRUB not found, Current XML file is: modules\Custom_Civilizations\Neanderthal\Neanderthal_CIV4DiplomacyInfos.xml

Dont know why, looks good to me??
2 more EoT Non repeatable CTDs. Minidumps below. Didn't get more than 4 turns in before they started up again.

2 more EoT Non repeatable CTDs. Minidumps below. Didn't get more than 4 turns in before they started up again.


Hmm... I'm not getting any information from these at all... not even a call stack display that shows anything in the dll. This could mean an art issue perhaps, or I'm not using the right update to match to the one you generated these on.
My Rogue attacked a Scout, and the Scout withdrew...into the tile that I attacked from.

I realize this is a camo unit special case, but I really think defender withdraw should be in a direction away from the attacker - at least when possible. Any chance this will be done?
Ok I made the alpha channel for it and then applied it to your example to make a proper dds. So now the button/icons should be scroll shaped rater than the normal button shaped. As long as you make them like the Tales of Marlin example you gave, it should be the correct alpha layer to match the scroll.

I am sorry but I am completely confused by this. There is a BMP file in there with my template (TGA). What do I do with it?
I am sorry but I am completely confused by this. There is a BMP file in there with my template (TGA). What do I do with it?

I was showing you the alpha channel template. You should get DXTBmp you could totally do these yourself easy.

If you had it you could make your button like the TGA and then open it in the DXTBmp and then add that BMP as the alpha layer. And then save it as a DDS.
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