Single Player bugs and crashes - After the 24th of February 2014

faustmouse's building buttons are not showing up at all for the GP to build. All the shrine ones are even the ones you can't build in the city but they are greyed out as expected.

I think TB changed the XML but the Scout could not upgrade to a Guide because of the XML in the Subdue Animals unit infos file had it upgrading to a tracker. All you need do is uncomment that code to see the problem.

From the code it looks like the two tags used should be working.

Faustmouse's buildings are listed in the Can Construct section under Special Abilities in the pedia.

I removed the Guide from the Subdue Animals unit infos file cleared the cache and the Guide is shown as Upgrade in the Pedia.

I don't know what i do wrong:confused:
From the code it looks like the two tags used should be working.

Faustmouse's buildings are listed in the Can Construct section under Special Abilities in the pedia.

I removed the Guide from the Subdue Animals unit infos file cleared the cache and the Guide is shown as Upgrade in the Pedia.

I don't know what i do wrong:confused:

I couldn't see the Guide as a valid upgrade in the upgrade chart page of the pedia and in-game I can't seem to upgrade scouts into guides or any other recon for that matter. You might be looking in different places and if you're finding that the WoC is working properly then perhaps its something else entirely. hmm... very strange.
I couldn't see the Guide as a valid upgrade in the upgrade chart page of the pedia and in-game I can't seem to upgrade scouts into guides or any other recon for that matter. You might be looking in different places and if you're finding that the WoC is working properly then perhaps its something else entirely. hmm... very strange.

Did your change make you see them in the upgrade chart page?

One thing i noticed about those Buildings is there a reason why they have iMinLatitude set to 0?
Did your change make you see them in the upgrade chart page?

One thing i noticed about those Buildings is there a reason why they have iMinLatitude set to 0?

Good question(s). I'll have to look into that first one when I can get back into the game again.

BTW, I'm aware of a crash situation some further playtesting discovered in my last commit. I'm fixing it right now.
New bugs on v34
Most of these aren´t bugs but work as intended. For a player new to C2C it is very difficult to understand these things as the in-game documentation is often quite inadequate. I would really ask the team to work over the CivPedia texts and/or the hover texts to include any important information.

cities cannot build airports but they are required to build other buildings
Not sure about this one, my cities always could build airports (when the requirements are met).

also , a critical resource Manganese cannot be mined or found anywhere except worldbuilder
Manganese is not a map resource. The manganese mine can be built in a city when other ores are found in the city vicinity (can´t remember which ones).

also food inside cities is wasted (too much ) , some big cities waste 2000 food
That was introduced recently to stop cities from growing too quickly. When the overproduction of food compared to city size is reduced overtime (when the city grows) then the wasted food will be reduced, too.

farmscraper (farm) improvement doesnt allow to get rice or whatever grain
That´s not the purpose of farmscrapers (to my understanding). If you want the resource you should build a farm.

a critical building , commercial spaceport , cannot get built due to latitude
That´s true and I don´t like it, either. If you had a late game civilization that is only located in the far north or south you were in big trouble.

bug buildings arent buildable , even if you place bugs and forts on them on map
Bugs also are no map resource. You can only build them if you have silk in the city vicinity (a debated topic, too).
TB and others, I had to "split" some elements in the unit upgrade page of the pedia to stop it being a confused mess. This means that sometimes units may appear in two places in two different upgrade paths. I did the splits when everything was upgrading to everything else so it may not be necessary any more.
I get this error it is caused by the Akkadian Civ.
Assert Failed

File:  CvGlobals.cpp
Line:  4861
SVN-Rev:  7175
Expression:  strcmp(szType, "NONE")==0 || strcmp(szType, "")==0
Message:  type ARTSTYLE_MIDDLE_EAST not found

Pef said:
also , a critical resource Manganese cannot be mined or found anywhere except worldbuilder
Manganese (like lithium) can be build with salt and iron (or lead for lithium)
They can be build easily if iron (or lead) are in city vicinity and tou build Dessalination Plant

Alert bug : I have EACH TURN an alert about malaria building auto-build in some cities... Even if the building is not built....

In Pedia, in ressources, you cant see which building req this ressource in city vicinity.


With -24 disease, I have lot of disease buildings.... I have this problem in more than 1 city :/

Even recalc dont remove them :(

No problem with Crime building. But when I moue over Disease building, nothing about an "Exist above YYY disease".... Maybe why they are never unbuild?


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Did your change make you see them in the upgrade chart page?

One thing i noticed about those Buildings is there a reason why they have iMinLatitude set to 0?

Good question(s). I'll have to look into that first one when I can get back into the game again.

BTW, I'm aware of a crash situation some further playtesting discovered in my last commit. I'm fixing it right now.

Forget that about iMinLatitude i was thinking it goes down to -90.


With -24 disease, I have lot of disease buildings.... I have this problem in more than 1 city :/

Even recalc dont remove them :(

Because it takes More than a small -# to remove the disease buildings. If a Disease like Dysentery for example shows up at +150 it will take a -150 to remove it. Not a -24.

Disease Bldgs Do Not disappear at 0 disease. This is why if you are effectively fighting disease you must have -200+ numbers. Then you will see those buildings starting to come off the list.

No, another city with less than -100 for at least 20 turns still have nearly all disease. Even Common cold...

Yes, it just takes a bit! And what gamespeed are you using? Eternity? The longer the gamespeed the longer it takes to get the buildings to be reduced/removed. It's not an instantaneous removal once you hit 0 or below. I wish it was!

You have a Golden age for 800+ turns! How is that Not a bug! Even on Eternity? Holy cow! That's unbalanced to say the least. :crazyeye: In fact whatever gamespeed you are using is Totally unbalanced! Ren Era at 64 BC Yikes!

Have you tinkered with the Mod?

No, another city with less than -100 for at least 20 turns still have nearly all disease. Even Common cold...
Yeah probably a bug I'll need to look into.

Yes, it just takes a bit! And what gamespeed are you using? Eternity? The longer the gamespeed the longer it takes to get the buildings to be reduced/removed. It's not an instantaneous removal once you hit 0 or below. I wish it was!

You have a Golden age for 800+ turns! How is that Not a bug! Even on Eternity? Holy cow! That's unbalanced to say the least. :crazyeye: In fact whatever gamespeed you are using is Totally unbalanced! Ren Era at 64 BC Yikes!

Have you tinkered with the Mod?

No... he's simply using the completely game breaking Heroic II promotion that I keep asking to have the golden age length from combat victory reduced severely on. You can simply get full length golden age after full length golden age with this promo. If done right, why ever spend a turn outside of a golden age?
No... he's simply using the completely game breaking Heroic II promotion that I keep asking to have the golden age length from combat victory reduced severely on. You can simply get full length golden age after full length golden age with this promo. If done right, why ever spend a turn outside of a golden age?

Yep ^^
And with some barbarians cities with 100+ weak units.... I will try to have 1000+ turns. But except for Anarchy, Golden Age are not so wonderful than in Civ IV vanilla...


Well, maybe not exactly a bug, more a report about a diplomacy issue.
When they dont want to give you something, they realy dont want, no matter what..


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It is it no longer possible to play witout the Alt Timelines.
Assert Failed

File:  CvGlobals.cpp
Line:  5215
SVN-Rev:  7179
Expression:  stricmp(szType, "NONE")==0 || strcmp(szType, "")==0
Message:  info type BONUS_ATOMPUNK not found, Current XML file is: xml\Units\CIV4UnitCombatInfos.xml


Alert bug : I have EACH TURN an alert about malaria building auto-build in some cities... Even if the building is not built....

Malaria is slightly different to other diseases and has been changed recently a save showing this problem would be useful. However I can't run maps larger than huge.

BtW I thought all autobuild buildings were removed once you did not meet the requirements for them!

Malaria will be different, once you have it you will be stuck with it until you find a cure and eliminate it from your lands or get the cure from someone else or there is a UN campaign to eliminate the disease costing 10% of each members GDP over 10 turns:D

No... he's simply using the completely game breaking Heroic II promotion that I keep asking to have the golden age length from combat victory reduced severely on. You can simply get full length golden age after full length golden age with this promo. If done right, why ever spend a turn outside of a golden age?

I have stopped the Heroic II promotion from giving a golden age if you are already in a golden age. I did it before the release:crazyeye:
It is it no longer possible to play witout the Alt Timelines.
Assert Failed

File:  CvGlobals.cpp
Line:  5215
SVN-Rev:  7179
Expression:  stricmp(szType, "NONE")==0 || strcmp(szType, "")==0
Message:  info type BONUS_ATOMPUNK not found, Current XML file is: xml\Units\CIV4UnitCombatInfos.xml


Correct, Alt Timelines and Custom Civs are linked into the core.

EDIT: ALOT of the Alt Timelines and Custom Civs are linked together into the core.

If WE are worried about memory then alberts2 and TB need to get with Koshling on "HOW to fix memory problems."
They should not be if they are supposed to be modular. For example any unit that requires BONUS_ATOMPUNK should either be in the module or have the AndDependency tags set. Being in the module is best for people who at a later stage have to change anything. The techs for the alt-timeline are another good example and should have this done so that they do not show up in games that do not have the module.
Recently there was a complaint that the Worldview buildings were unbuildable by Great Prophets. I have noticed that some are buildable by captives. Also noticed that captives can be converted into workers, war units, settlers, or immigrants - a wonderful idea! I have used all of these successfully so far except immigrants. My immigrant doesn't have an action button for joining a city, and I can't find any hints about the mechanic in the civilopedia. Is this mechanic broken, or am I missing something?
Recently there was a complaint that the Worldview buildings were unbuildable by Great Prophets. I have noticed that some are buildable by captives. Also noticed that captives can be converted into workers, war units, settlers, or immigrants - a wonderful idea! I have used all of these successfully so far except immigrants. My immigrant doesn't have an action button for joining a city, and I can't find any hints about the mechanic in the civilopedia. Is this mechanic broken, or am I missing something?

WorldView buildings are not meant to be built by GP only captives at the moment. GP can remove them.

Immigrants can only settle in cities with less that 7 population. It should be coming up in the hover over. If you have a save showing this please post so I can have a look but know that my machine wont handle map larger than Huge.
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