Six Hundred Threescore and Six

Will tommorow be particularly evil?

  • No! Gimme a break, thats superstitious nonsense!

    Votes: 36 41.9%
  • Yes it will! Im stocking up on duct tape!

    Votes: 7 8.1%
  • It will because of idiots who believe that crap, and will do stupid things as a result.

    Votes: 25 29.1%
  • One can only hope...

    Votes: 18 20.9%

  • Total voters
oh... it is like frenchs and basques count.

Berrogeitahamar = two times 20 plus 10 = Fifty.

LOL. It is a pity Fifty left OT. we could have called him berrogeitahamar.
Nothing of cosmic interest will happen on Earth that day.

On an unrellated note, I'm extending an open invitation to all for a little get-togeather that may or may not have something to do with resurrecting Lenin...


HELL, Mich. — They're planning a hot time Tuesday in Hell.

Tuesday bears the once-in-a-millennium date of 6-6-06, or, in brief, 666 — a number that, according to the Bible's Book of Revelations, signifies the devil.

And there's not a snowball's chance in Hell that the day will go unnoticed in the unincorporated hamlet 60 miles west of Detroit.

Nobody is more fired up than John Colone, the town's self-styled mayor and owner of a souvenir shop.

"I've got `666' T-shirts and mugs. I'm only ordering 666 [of the items] so once they're gone, that's it," said Colone, also known as Odum Plenty. "Everyone who comes will get a letter of authenticity saying you've celebrated June 6, 2006, in Hell."

Most of Colone's wares will sell for $6.66, including deeds to one square inch of Hell. Live entertainment and a costume contest are planned. The Gates of Hell should be installed at a children's play area in time for the festivities.

"They're 8 feet tall and 5 foot wide and each gate looks like flames, and when they're closed, it's a devil's head," Colone told The Detroit News for a Saturday story.

Mike "Smitty" Hickey, owner of the Dam Site Inn, wasn't sure what kind of clientele would show up Tuesday.

"We're all about having fun here. I don't think we're going to get the cult crowd, the devil worshippers or anything like that," said Hickey, whose bar's signature concoction is the Bloody Devil, a variant of the Bloody Mary.

Colone, meanwhile, has been in touch with radio stations as far away as San Diego and Seattle that are raffling off trips to Hell in honor of 6-6-6.

The 666 revelry is just the latest chapter in the town's storied history of publicity stunts, said Jason LeTeff, one of its 72 year-round residents — or, as Colone calls them, Hellions or Hell-billies. But LeTeff wasn't particularly enthused.

"Now, here I am living in Hell, taking my kids to church and trying to teach them the right things and the town where we live is having a 6-6-6 party," he said.

According to the town's semiofficial Web site, there are two leading theories about how Hell got its name.

The first holds that a pair of German travelers stepped out of a stagecoach one sunny afternoon in the 1830s, and one said to the other, "So schoene hell" — roughly translated as, "So bright and beautiful." Their comments were overheard by some locals and the name stuck.

The second holds that George Reeves was asked after Michigan gained statehood what he thought the town he helped settle should be called, and reportedly replied, "I don't care, you can name it Hell if you want to." The name became official on Oct. 13, 1841.
Yup got myself loads of ductape...probably going to abduct a hot teenage girl or two.
Corlindale said:
That's just one theory of its origins.
And I believe it was King Philip IV of France that was behind the massacre, and with the simple motive of greed. At least according to Wikipedia.
Don't believe everything you hear, especially not if the source is The Da Vince Code:)

i didnt get that from the Da Vinci Code, jerk, it was on the History Channel.
And dont believe everything you see on the internet, either.

Moderator Action: Warning for flaming.
Please read the forum rules:
puglover said:
Tuesday bears the once-in-a-millennium date of 6-6-06, or, in brief, 666 — a number that, according to the Bible's Book of Revelations, signifies the devil.
Am I the only one wondering just how this is a millennium only event, when they use the year format "06"? :p

Fox... pfft.
Bozo Erectus said:
Do you think tommorow will be an especially evil day?
Absolutely. There are primaries in California, and if you accept the negative campaign statements of the people vying for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination, a great evil will be chosen.
I don't think so. I think it was shown a while ago that 616 was the number of the beast, not 666. And as far as I recall, nothing happened on the 1st of June or the 6th of January.
leonel said:
I don't think so. I think it was shown a while ago that 616 was the number of the beast, not 666. And as far as I recall, nothing happened on the 1st of June or the 6th of January.

That's because it's 6/16, not 6/1/6. So we actually have 11 days until the world ends.
well I do take my chemistry/business/history finals tommorow...
I'm in an evil mood today... watch out for me tomorrow.
.Shane. said:
OMG! I just realized that, in 50 minutes, PST, it will be 6:06:06... that's right, the 6th second of the 6th minute, of the 6th hour IN THE PM!
Not to mention that in 12 hourse EXACTLY the same will happen in AM! The only bad thing is that they forgot to define the time zone.

Btw, we can easily enough avoid this date. Just a small switch back and forth between the Julian and Gregorian calendar will eliminate it for good. Something like the summer/winter time thing :).
I wonder if Brude Dickinson is going to be making any public appearances for "Worldwide Number of the Beast Day"? :mischief:

What nonsense. Remember all those Y2K nutbags? Same thing.
But if the apocalypse does happen on 6/6/06, I bet there's going to be a billion people in China saying, "Not fair, we don't even use that calendar! Our Number of the Beast Day isn't for another couple of weeks!"
Corlindale said:
...I do find it rather sick, however, that there are actually pregnant women who are begging doctors to somehow postpone their birth so they won't risk giving birth to the son of Satan:rolleyes:
They got it all wrong. It's babies CONCEIVED tomorrow that they have to worry about. :evil:

I think I'll join in too. Maybe mine will grow up to become the anti-Christ. :satan:
Cleric said:
Yup got myself loads of ductape...probably going to abduct a hot teenage girl or two.
What a coincidence. That's what I'm planning too. :groucho:
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