Slowing Down Research?

That reminds me of one strange bug when I rolled myself an auto-start with Rome... after it was done loading, I saved the game, opened the worldbuilder and took a look around the world...

...and noticed that Babylon was in the modern era with Infantry units garrisoned in their capital in 750 BC. I have no idea how they did that or what caused it, haven't seen it once ever since.

I don't know how either but I bet it involved The Oracle some how ;)
is that technically possible o_O I know some players out there can make it to space into the BC on settlers, but Babylon in RFC having infantry in 750 BC ?

Did you check the replay ?
agree with tiberias, europeans do not need tech bonus, they have a LOT of possibility of exhanging because of the civ proximity.

Ps:Tiberias, you should have post your problem in the "minor suggestions thread topic". In all case, i'm going to make a big resume of what it could be good to see in the next version(especially to make the gameplay better). The list will be in the minor suggestion tread.
Tiberias, which version are you playing?

Eek! Double-checked and I am, in fact, on the outdated 1.181. :o I'll update and see if there are any changes . . . although I'm sticking with my suggestion on toning down the European bonus a bit, as they have a huge advantage thanks to tech trading.
That has also been changed, tech brokering is now off, and I have to say (since I switched to 1.184 only some weeks ago), that the research pace indeed is quite a bit slower.
Babylon armed with Musketeers in 1290 A.D.

wait, you think that euros don't need tech bonus, but then you report this kind of things, which is exactly the reason why euros have that bonus. Besides, tech costs change with time, for all civs.
is that technically possible o_O I know some players out there can make it to space into the BC on settlers, but Babylon in RFC having infantry in 750 BC ?

Did you check the replay ?

No, and apparently I forgot to take a screenshot and the save was lost in one of my purges, too. Real shame, because now the only proof is my word. And to be honest, would I believe this if someone else told me the similiar with no evidence?

To answer your question though, on technical terms it's impossible^infinite. The only reason I can think of what caused it was my fiddling around with the civics and changing Representation to be enabled with Printing Press and giving +50%:science:, :culture: in capital and +1:commerce: for every Hamlet, Village and Town. That doesn't answer any questions though and I've long since changed that effect. Simply unbelievable.
I once played a 3000BC start game as Turkey and beelined for Liberalism, which I got to ahead of any of the existing civs but was quite surprised to not get a free tech.

I had to go through worldbuilder to learn that Greece had previously researched Liberalism, although they subsequently collapsed well before my spawn as Turkey.
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