So when will this 'Patch' be available?

the only answer we can give you is unfortunately "when it's ready" and you'll get it on Civ4 official site.
FYI--under "Advanced" on the startup menu after starting the game, there is a "update" utility there.

Of course, you get the "no update available" at this time.
wow, youd think after two and a half weeks of being out on the shelves they'd have a patch for this problem that somehow wasn't noticed in testing (did they test at all??). Or at least they could let us know when its coming out so I can decide whether to wait out the patch or return the game before the store won't take it back.
I'm surprised this forum is so bare. Doesn't everyone want this patch? I read there would be a patch last week but it didn't come. Does anyone know the 'industry standard' for how long a game is out before a patch is expected?
Dang I'm full of questions today.
I don't think I'll play another game until the patch comes out...I only played it once-- a 10 hour game.

Shame's got GREAT potential. My first Civ game..
sooo do we get the patch on the advancent menu where it says updates??? or on the civ4 official site?
twelvetime said:
I'm surprised this forum is so bare. Doesn't everyone want this patch? I read there would be a patch last week but it didn't come. Does anyone know the 'industry standard' for how long a game is out before a patch is expected?
Dang I'm full of questions today.

A patch this important should have been released already since its so essential to how the game does financially. How do you sell a game that a huge part of the market cant get to function?

Firaxis is certainly aware of the problem, and one can only assume that they are and have been doing their best to fix it - which makes me worry that a real "fix" to the problem isn't possible and that all they'll be able to do is sort of stop the bleeding. hugely disapointing, I mean how flashy do the graphics need to be on what is essentially a souped up board game??
I suspect, given that Thanksgiving is approaching, they're going to wait until the 28th or so. Since so many of us will be otherwise occupied, we won't really be bothered by not having the game working over Thanksgiving, and they might as well postpone it a bit more so they can work through the holiday to meet the deadline. Any later and the lack of a working game cuts into Christmas sales, especailly if a second patch becomes necessary.
well it could come right before thanks people are too busy and that their servers are not hammered by everyone trying to get it all at once.
Well it would be Nice to have it by Thanksgiving because allot of us have a extra day off or two to play.

Well between Naps I suppose! :D
I've dealt with everyone from CIV 4 Tech to ATI to Dell and all of it was an utter waste of time. At best this is a Beta version. I've played every single one of the CIV games including the expansion packs. This one is such a dissappointment. I don't think a simple patch will help. I want my money back!!!:mad:
thanksgiving?! what a lame excuse if that's the case. 95% of the planets population don't celebrate that :p

GAH i wan't a patch sooo badly :(
This game does feel like it was shoved out of the door. I just realised that they didn't include the classic palace editing - what's up with that? I know it's not a big deal but why take it out?
I would be pleased with an official word of a patch. I'll I've heard/read is just rumor.
Big Ev said:
I would be pleased with an official word of a patch. I'll I've heard/read is just rumor.

agreed! Firaxis' and Take 2's silence is the most disturbing part of this whole thing
Because they don't want to make promise on when the patch will be delievered and then find that they have to delay it or accidently deliever a buggy patch. So bear with them. They will get a patch out at least before the month is over.
I'm playing on the lowest graphics setting. I had been able to play on a higher graphics setting, but then when I start building railroads, it slows down. All my land looks like dessert, and I can't see any commerce or hammers, just pieces of bread. There is no green on the landscape. All the animals look like oval shadows wandering around. Sometimes the resources are completely missing and I don't know until I hover the mouse over the land or my workers inexplicably build a pasture in the midle of nowhere.

Having said all that, I probably played for 20 hours last weekend. It's possible that having so many issues seeing my resources is making it even more challenging. Though, when this patch arrives, I doubt I will want to do anything else (like I want to do anything else anyways).

And I hope they don't wait until after thanksgiving. I am looking forward to visiting my family and playing multiplayer with my brother for hours and hours.

I'm sure my graphics problems won't keep us from playing, but it will suck if his works and mine doesn't.

Gato Loco said:
I suspect, given that Thanksgiving is approaching, they're going to wait until the 28th or so. Since so many of us won't really be bothered by not having the game working over Thanksgiving, and they might as well postpone it a bit more so they can work through the holiday to meet the deadline.

Yeah, but the rest of the world doesn't give a cr*p about your thanksgiving holiday...
oh you bitter UK people calm down. Sorry we mentioned Thanksgiving. The majority of the people working on this patch are in the US. So that means it will revolve around the US Holidays. I hope they get it out in advance but saying that the majority of the world does not care about our thanksgiving doesn't change the fact that the people working on the patch do care about our thanksgiving.(they live in the US)
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