Sons of Mars IV

The Empress of Japan has been asked by her parliament, her army, her companies and her advisors to ask for a alliance with Australia so that both our powers will grow strong!

Capital: Richmond, Virginia
Government: Confederal Presidential Constitutional Republic
Motto: Deo Vindice (Under God, our Vindicator)
Great Seal:

Leader: President Alec Perry
Language: English
Currency: Confederate Dollar
Religion: Christianity
Anthem: Bonnie Blue Flag

Link to video.


more later :D
Question about the mechanics Tani. You stated that the focus of the game would be on naval power, but if that's the case, why do land units get two relevant investment choices (offense and defense) as opposed to the navy's sole investment choice?
Well, not so much focus, as much as there's a bias towards naval power given the capacity to launch nuclear weapons from the sea, block trade, land on other continents, etc.

As for the research choices - I reasoned since the bulk of the fighting will be done by armies they probably could use some more focus. Whereas an army can dig in pretty well, too, I don't really imagine a navy or air squadron doing that.
Your imagination must just suck then.
The Nice Federation

Government: Representative Democracy
Language: French is the Official Language, but several others are used locally
Currency: Merk
Economy: Mixed, but leaning heavily Free-Market
Capital: Nice
Social Situation: Liberal, although this varies between states

Well, not so much focus, as much as there's a bias towards naval power given the capacity to launch nuclear weapons from the sea, block trade, land on other continents, etc.

As for the research choices - I reasoned since the bulk of the fighting will be done by armies they probably could use some more focus. Whereas an army can dig in pretty well, too, I don't really imagine a navy or air squadron doing that.

Fair enough, thanks for the clarity.
Your imagination must just suck then.

I... don't think planes erect walls around themselves in mid-air or navies do the same on the water. Whereas an army can dig in very, very well given a short period of time and a good whipping.

Unless we're talking some serious sci-fi stuff beyond the scope of this game.
He might be referring to stuff like SAM and anti-air defenses, but that isn't really diverse enough to warrant a whole new field of research.
Oh, I forgot you plebeians don't know how to create magical force fields. Ahaw, ahaw ahaw.
Well, we do, I don't know about the rest of you losers.
Japan asks Australia and CSA if they may desire a defence pact with our imperial realm?

To this end our peoples may require a alliance so that Japan can be safer, while our enemies are certain to be deterred by a military alliance.

The Empress will have her empire rise and rise!
If I may, can we please hold off on diplomatic diolouges until after the game has started?
Emirate of Egypt:

Spoiler :
As for the research choices - I reasoned since the bulk of the fighting will be done by armies they probably could use some more focus. Whereas an army can dig in pretty well, too, I don't really imagine a navy or air squadron doing that.

In modern warfare, Air Power is more important. See Operation Desert Storm. The Coalition kicked Saddam's ass only by using their Air Power. Their land operations were minimal, since the Iraqi army had been destroyed by the bombing.
In modern warfare, Air Power is more important. See Operation Desert Storm. The Coalition kicked Saddam's ass only by using their Air Power. Their land operations were minimal, since the Iraqi army had been destroyed by the bombing.

Air power alone cannot be set to claim. Your bomber that claim a land and Saddam did face a opposition with a technological advantage. In this game anti-technology is a great consideration, especially with notion that stealth bombers are not fully stealth; there was a research done by a British university which founded a peculiar way of detecting American stealth bombers. There are radar systems that could be used to help detect air stealth technology. Air power alone, like sea power alone, mat not lead you to conquer a isle. It can give a advantage if your the only side with air power but that does not deny the overall importance of land armies.

Anyway to Tani: this research thing mean I can have service-to-air technology in my land forces? :D
Air forces and navies can't occupy land.

That is all I will say on the matter. :p
In war, destroying the enemy army is of more vital importance than taking over land. Air Power (and Naval Power in coastal areas) should be used to pound the enemy forces, until their morale drops to zero and all of their defenses are destroyed. Then, the army moves in to trap and destroy the enemy army. Once the enemy army is destroyed, then you can occuply land.

So, Air Power is very important. That does not mean that the army is not important, but having air superiority can destroy an entire army without a troop being killed. Compare WWI, for example, where massive armies clashed, to the swift destruction of the Iraqi forces in operation Desert Storm. In one case, the casualities were huge, while in the second case, once the army moved into Iraqi held Kuwait, the enemy army was effectivly destroyed by the Coalition's airpower and the army just moved in to push out of Kuwait the remains of the Iraqi Army, which allowed the Coalition to win losing just a few men. So, Air Power is very important in modern warfare.

A country having huge armies but lacking Air Power can be easily defeated by a country that has a smaller army but a better Air Force that manages to achieve Air Superiority.
And that is why air power is in the game. I never said it wasn't important, just that armies do the actual occupation and so require more tactics.

10 players... I think I'll wait until we get about 15.
Claiming in England North.
Will pick territories in a minute.

Also we now have two SoMs running in IOT: LET THE CONFUSION BEGIN!
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