Space Needle, Etc.


Dec 28, 2005
On cover, on website, not in the game.

Firaxis is sofa king. We todd ed. :lol:
On the other hand if the Space Needle is a world wonder then so is the St. Louis Arch, Tower of Pisa, Empire state building, Corn Palace, etc. etc.

I mean it looks neat and stuff but it is hardly wonderous.

But yeah, don't like it? Mod it.
What do you mean? I think all my major cites (15+) have space needles in the modern era. I think it is part of the city graphics.
Someone else lives in Seattle eh? Space needle all the way! Though its a dime a dozen now a days it was quite impressive when first it hit the scene.

Ah who am I kidding I've lived here all my life and I've never been up it. Its a tourist trap with an expensive restaurant. Its not even near downtown as it is often depicted.

All that in my mind = not a world wonder.
Some sorta tower as a national wonder would be nice to have. CN Tower, Space Needle...a few just suddenly slipped my mind but you get the idea.
How about a 'Crazy Tourist Trap gee-gaw' generic attraction so every city can have one.

drjones said:
How about a 'Crazy Tourist Trap gee-gaw' generic attraction so every city can have one.


Yeah I like that, call it "Disney Land" national wonder.

+1 :) per city on this continent cultural value of 8 or thereabouts. This could be a decent way of adding a little nation wide happiness.
Esckey said:
Some sorta tower as a national wonder would be nice to have. CN Tower, Space Needle...a few just suddenly slipped my mind but you get the idea.

The Eiffel Tower perhaps? Which adds a free broadcast tower to every city? Yeah it would be nice if the game had that. The space elevator is kinda the ultimate tower.
Or maybe the Empire State building as an industrial era wonder. You know...first "modern" skyscraper or somethings like that. I don't know. Just more ideas to ponder for the upcoming expansion pacs
I always thought it would be rather cool to have a 'continous wonder' in form of the World's Tallest Building. At some tech a civ that discovered it would get the the Wonder. It would start off being relatively inexpensive, and it would start off getting a fair amount of CP and $. Then another civ would have the ability to build it, a bit more expensive and the same CP/$, and the older one would get then only 25% of its original amount. Repeat ad nauseum.
I thought there was somthing missing that I saw on the cover... Anyways, there are so many wonders in this game it wouldn't be a wonder if the programmers forgot to put one in when they were coming up with the ideas. Or just some communication problem with the box design and the game concepts. Anyways, maybe it will be in an expansion?
How about Berlin's Fernsehturm? It could become available with communism and provide more culture, and the Eiffel Tower would repair your relations with other civs, just like in Civ 2 or was it Civ 3?
BirraImperial said:
How about Berlin's Fernsehturm? It could become available with communism and provide more culture, and the Eiffel Tower would repair your relations with other civs, just like in Civ 2 or was it Civ 3?
Civ 2
(10 char)
Red Boxer said:
I always thought it would be rather cool to have a 'continous wonder' in form of the World's Tallest Building. At some tech a civ that discovered it would get the the Wonder. It would start off being relatively inexpensive, and it would start off getting a fair amount of CP and $. Then another civ would have the ability to build it, a bit more expensive and the same CP/$, and the older one would get then only 25% of its original amount. Repeat ad nauseum.

Thats a pretty cool idea, actually. Very realistic with countries always vying to claim the new tallest building. If they made it a specific skyscraper, it shouldnt be an American one, since people are already complaining that so many of the modern wonders are American.
drjones said:
On the other hand if the Space Needle is a world wonder then so is the St. Louis Arch, Tower of Pisa, Empire state building, Corn Palace, etc. etc.

I mean it looks neat and stuff but it is hardly wonderous.

But yeah, don't like it? Mod it.

This isnt totally true. First off when the Space Needle came out it was quite impressive for the time. It was built after the 1962 world fair and in my opinion did have sort of a "civ like wonder" effect. Before it Seattle and washington state was known for Boeing and lumber, thats it. The Space Needle became a symbol of technology and the future and helped to change the city's image to one of being hi-tech and progressive. People think of Seattle now and they think of Microsoft,, RealNetworks, Starbucks (not really high tech i know) Sierra and a slew of other places come to mind. This wasnt true before the 1962 world fair.
naf4ever: the CN tower still trumps the Space Needle though :p ;)
But it would be neat to have a "world's tallest building" and the wonder would change depending the kind of tech you have.
Errata said:
Thats a pretty cool idea, actually. Very realistic with countries always vying to claim the new tallest building. If they made it a specific skyscraper, it shouldnt be an American one, since people are already complaining that so many of the modern wonders are American.

It should be whatever is the worlds tallest buildibng when they make the game :D .

Kinda like they changed Hoover dam -> Three georges to reflect the new worlds largest.
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