Spanish Skirmisher

Anyone could fix it: you need to export the storyboards in Flicster, replace the backgrounds with the last colour on the palette, and then turn them back into flics. Not difficult, just a bit tedious.

This does, however, demonstrate the importance of testing your creations in-game before posting them.

Now we´re talking unit creator language.... But for starters I look at flc-files in Civ3FlcEdt so since I'm very lazy I still don't see where I get a Storyboard from. Is that just in Flicster or what...

I give it a try if no-one beat me to it...
Use Flicster. Load up the flic. Click the Export tab. Click Export. This creates four new files: a pcx storyboard, two palettes, and a storyboard info file. Open the pcx. Change all the purple background to the correct colour. Go back to Flicster and open the storyboard. Export it as a flic. Voila. Repeat for each animation.
This beats me.
Export and create Storyboards worked fine. Then I opened the pcx file in Paint Shop Pro X and the background was pink.
I did the same with your African Javelineer. Both looked the same. So where is the mistake. Your african hasn´t got any shadow backgrounds.
I guess I lost the issue inside the pcx-file.

Can´t find any palettes or anything. Just a fine picture like this


  • SSAt.pcx
    203.7 KB · Views: 79
  • Javelineer Attack.pcx
    198 KB · Views: 66
It's not working because you haven't ensured that the background is the last colour in the palette. It doesn't matter what shade it actually looks like, but which pallete index it is using. You need to use Fill Replace, or whatever the equivalent is in your paint program, to do this. You can check by opening the palette and turning that index into bright blue or something like that, and then maintain the existing palette indexes. If the background turns blue then it's the right index.

Here it is, corrected, so that you can see.


  • SSAtNew.pcx
    203.7 KB · Views: 73
You also need to make certain that the color used ONLY appears in the first/last color of the palette.
Paintshop Pro shows it one way, Photoshop the other. As I recall photoshop has them in the first color position in the palette while Paintshop has it in the last.
Thanks gents,
BUT after looking over my PSP program how palettes works I have to throw in the towel. Sad, it was a nice unit, but don't get this color business.

Hopefully someone will use it in their mod AND be able to fix the shadow.

Heck I managed once (years ago) to recenter a unit, but that easier. I did the Meiji Rifleman and did post it in the old thread for all to DL.

I don't think old creators mind if one correct an obvious fault. The creators in many cases could even be long gone....

best to you and thanks for your directives.

I did have a go myself, but I think that I did something wrong. It didn't work properly. I'd be happy to use it if fixed. :)
Look, here's what you do; open the storyboard, change the border to the same purple being used in the box around the dude. Then pick the last color in the palette and fill it all in.
Ok, so after watching this thread in lurker mode for the past few days and lazily hoping someone else would to the work and fix this great unit I decided to actually contribute something to the community. So here it is, the Spanish Skirmisher sans shadow box:

Actually I meant to fix this for personal use awhile ago, but never got around to it before now. Hope you can get some use from it now.
@ Odin - That's what I did, I think. It didn't work. :crazyeye: I must have done something wrong I guess. I normally don't have any problems with pallattes.

@ Leaven - Thanks. :) I'll download when I get home. Nice one.
many thanks Leaven.
It´s not easy with severals thumbs in the middle of the hand as myself.
Thanks Leaven!!! :D
Good work Leaven.

Maybe Plotinus could add it to the first post. :)
So he was, and he didn't say hello. I imagine that he's keeping a low profile so that Taskmasters and people like me don't try to pressure him into more RTW unit conversions. :mischief:

I always liked this unit, though I don't think that Gaias was particularly proud of it - and now that the pallatte is fixed I'll be sure to use it.
That's creepy. The thought of Kinboat on the forums for whatever reason came across my mind the other day. It was a strangely specific thought...
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