Speculation on enemy AI's. {Long}


Oct 31, 2005
BC, Canada Land
This thread was inspired by this General Forum Discussion Thread.

Note that all of this is speculation. So please input any information you have on the way that certain empires played on your games.


America -

George Washington: {Financial & Organized}

Probably the weakest early AI in the game. Without a doubt, this man will be the first one to be conquered in most games. Sometimes you won't even see that 8th or 9th civilization on your map, because George Washington got destroyed before you even got the chance to meet him.

This is due to a weak AI trait combo. While in the hands of an intelligent player, this is power, to the computer who seems to favor farms and forests over cottages, and slow expansion over rapid sprawling. These trait combos are absolutely useless.

Later on in the game, hes still very timid. Although the Navy Seals can pose a problem on Island games. Hes been known to sneak attack and take a city using the Navy Seals before you can counter, or defend.

Franklin D Roosevelt - {Industrious & Organized)

A very strong peace-time AI. Although hes practically useless if somebody declares war on him any time before the Industrial Age. If he is left to his own accords, he'll probably be the one to beat you to the construction of The Hanging Gardens, The Great Lighthouse, or The Pyraminds. :mad:

This is why hes my least favorite AI to play against. He never falls behind in technology despite not having the same boosts that a player would have.

Thankfully hes one of the least likely people to come up against in a random game. You normally have to directly choose him, otherwise you'll get Washington instead.

Again Navy Seals can pose a problem on Island games. He like Washington been known to sneak attack and take a city using the Navy Seals before you can counter, or defend. He is a lot more aggressive than Washington too. Probably because hes in a better state to actually fight than Washington is by the Modern era.

Arabs -

Saladin - {Philosophical & Spiritual}

The AI does not utilize these traits very well. Although he has the annoying habit of changing his civics every 20 or so turns, which can clutter up your screen with "Saladin has changed to <Who the heck cares!>" messages.

Still, you would expect him to be a powerhouse in pumping out Great Leaders. To the Contrary hes actually very aggressive. More often than not, you'll see him rush you with waves of Musketmen and later on Riflemen.

He is probably the easiest to befriend out of all other AI's. Especially since his favored civic is one that is also very popular for warmongers. {Theocracy}

You should have no problem with him all throughout the game. Hes a pushover.

Aztecs -

Montezuma - {Aggressive & Spiritual}

Thank god this guys UU is useless. Hes probably the hardest person in the game to befriend, and he will attack you the moment you leave any city open. Luckily for you, by the time he gets his Jaguar's, you'll have Axemen which are more than enough of a counter. One Axeman could take out three or four Jaguar's before actually dying. Even if they have the Forest or Jungle bonus up.

He will also be the one to demand the most things from you. Let me make it clear to you. This guy can not be appeased. He will continue to take and take from you until you have nothing left, and then he will attack you. Do not give in to his demands. Instead kill his entire army once in battle, and he'll wuss out for the rest of the game.

It's amazing how intricate the game's AI is in this regard, as during my peaceful games, he always backs down after one major stomping on his army...

Although the game states that he prefers Police State, he is almost always found using Universal Sufferage. Weird huh? You'll also notice his country-side completely covered in cottages more often than not. You know what that means, right? PILLAGE!

Barbarians -

Barbarians are a pushover AI. They're meant to be. I don't think it is possible for them to ever go higher than the Rifleman unit in terms of military technology. Although they can beat you to the construction of the space ship. {Weird huh?}

Barbarians can only be a problem if no civilization in your game expands across the world. Barbarians will start to band together their borders through the use of building Castles for Culture, and when that happens... well, then they act more like a real civilziation on AW.

Still... Even then they're weak. Always with only 3-4 defenders... A cinch to destroy.

China -

Mao Zedong - {Philosophical & Organized}

One of two Isolationists in this game. For some reason he almost never trades with the human player. At least the bugger-ball never traded with me. He also seems to be one of three leaders that almost never get picked in the random civ Generator. Almost always you get Qin Shi Huang instead.

He definitally does not use the Cho-Ku-Nu properly, so you should definitally not worry about a 4+ first strike + collateral damage onslaught if you see a stack coming your way. In fact, you'd have to be playing on Immortal Difficulty, because he rarely attacks. Ever.

I'd state that he is a peace-time AI, but really hes more of a do-nothing AI. Like Tokugawa.

Qin Shi Huang - {Industirous & Financial}

Wow. Definitally in the top ten rivals for the space race. Although he tends to lean towards military technologies. I usually skip Military Tradition in favor of quicker growth, and he'd have communism, military tradition, and rifling, while I in contrast had Rifling, Electricity, etc... Made for some good trades, because this guy will trade almost anything.

Which makes him a great friend to have. The best part is, hes very very easy to befriend.

It seems his prefered civics are Representation, Caste System, Mercantilism, or Representation, Emancipation, and Free Market. I've played against this guy in about 80% of my games, so I can really attest that hes your best bet for an easy bloc alliance partner.

Again, the AI does not know how to use the Cho-Ku-Nu properly, so there is nothing to worry about if you see some headed your way.

Egypt -

Hatshepsut - {Spiritual Creative}

I've had a lot of bad luck when starting near by her. She has the uncanny ability to shove 20 war charriots up my arse whenever I do something even slightly bad to annoy her. It seems the thing she hates the most is when cultural borders impede on her borders. Which is awesome since thats an actual factor in whether the AI decides to declare war or not.

She is very aggressive, but thankfully she is also very easy to appease. If you're on her bad side, just switch to her religion and she'll never bother you again. Just a side-perk of the religion system; but it works best with her.

Shes very timid after the time of the Chariots are over, so if you can weather the storm without too much of a hitch or loss, you could easily counter her with spearmen, or pikemen to dominate her.

In most of my games, she tends to choose Heredity Rule, or Representation accompanied with Nationhood. I guess shes worried about happiness. Weird. :confused:

England -

Queen Victoria - {Expansive & Financial}

She shows up a lot less than Elizabeth when you play random games.

She has probably the fastest growing AI of them all. She spreads like a virus across the land. If you start off as her neighbor, I would suggest either blocking her expansion routes by keeping her from an open border, or I would suggest directly attacking her and stalling her growth. You can easily do so just by using one warrior to steal her worker {On harder difficulties}, and then camping that warrior on a nearby high defense tile. She'll waste her time attacking the warrior. When your warrior eventually dies, just declare peace, and your job will be done. You stalled her tremendous growth rate.

Later on, you'll notice shes fallen behind in the technologies, but at the same time has all of her cities litered with Cottages->Towns. If you're an opportunist, I'd suggest taking advantage of this and pillaging a few of those towns for some quick cash.

I just would not suggest doing this during the Industrial Era when she has the Redcoats, unless you yourself have Marines. Redcoats are deadly and in a rush they can do a heck of a lot of damage.

Queen Elizabeth - {Philosophical & Financial}

She does not grow any where nearly as fast as Victoria does, but at the same time, shes a Great Leader producing machine. Shes also one of the ones who you'll be most pressed to keep up with in the space race. On the harder difficulties, I'd like to suggest warring with her if you find yourself in an up coming space race. Because more often than not, she will be one of the ones to snatch victory from you unless you intervene.

Shes probably one of the most Docile AI's in the game. I've never seen her declare war before. It's usually another civilization who declares war on her. She also has the habit of getting Emancipation notoriously early; which really screws you up if you don't have Democracy yet.

France -

Louis XIV - {Creative and Industrious}

Probably the most annoying Civilization AI in the game. At least in terms of difficulty. He has the knack to do the right thing at the right time for his civilization; and the wrong thing at the wrong time for yours. I hate losing cities to this guy because he pumps his border cities full with culture.

I hate it even more when he brings a stack of Musketeer's to pound on the Macemen in a border city defended primarily by Castles and Walls.

I hate it the most when he zooms through the end game to snatch a space race victory from you.

This guy can do it all, and he will make you mad. I suggest early wars on him if you can, that way you at least shut him up.

There are very little flaws in Louis XIV's AI. Easily one of the best, if not the best one in this game.

Napolean - {Aggressive & Industrious}

A warmonger. Not a very good one, but a Warmonger never the less. Hes not smart enough to wait for opportunities by the feel of things. Instead he makes large stacks of Macemen, War Elephants and Catapults and charges for the nearest city. I think hes more like most real life players, in that he never bothers with strategic planniong, relying more on brute force through numbers with whatever technologies and units that are available.

Later on in the game, he loses all of his strength, it's as if he goes imputent in his old age.

Not a very good AI for what should be represented as one of the five greatest warmongers of the past.

His main strength is his ability to keep up with technology. He could steal the Space Victory if you're not looking. However, don't count on him to beat you to any wonders though. He never bothers. Even with his Industrious trait.

Germany -

Frederick - {Creative & Philosophical}

I never get this guy. I always get Bismark. In all of my games, I've never ONCE gotten Frederick in the random rolls. The only time I ever played against him was when I chose the leaders of whom I have yet to face off against.

In my 'one' game against him, I'd say hes an isolationist peace keeper. He rarely makes enough money to keep his cities afloat, let alone keep up with the technology. He makes a fair ammount of Great Prophets, but I'd definitally rank his AI along the, "Iffy" area. Although, it might have just been his starting location. This is the only leader I have no experience in fighting against.

Bismark - {Expansive & Industrious}

This guy is a monster when he gets his Panzers. Make sure to cripple him long before he gets the chance to reach this point in the game with a good financial foundation and production output.

Scary part is, it's difficult to war against him in the Medieval ages, due to the fact that hes one of very few enemy AI's that actually bother to get Metal Casting before they enter the Classical Era. Those forges give him a very nice production boost which can help him defend himself if you're not smart.

The worst part about him is hes a fast expander. I imagine thats why it brings up his key flaw. His slow research. Because he researches Metal Working, and over-expands, hes wasting alot of time due to having very little beakers on a high cost technology, when he could have been grabbing Writing, or the Alphabet.

Greece -

Alexander - {Aggressive & Philosophical}

The biggest opportunist in the game. This bastard will take every chance that you give him, and he will do it with a vengeance. When you reach the higher difficulty levels, he will be one of your two mortal enemies. :mad:

His biggest strength is the Phalanx, which compliments his stack of combined arms perfectly. I'd vote him, "Most likely to steal a city early on and make you restart."

Unlike Caeser, he runs out of steam once the Industrial Era comes. Probably because the increased production other civilizations enjoy make his traits obselete. Aggressive and Philosophical just don't mix. =/

Inca -

Huayna Capac - {Aggressive & Financial}

A fly in the ointment. The nuisance that you just swat away. His AI is hamstrung by indecisiveness. He should do what every real person who plays as the Inca's does, and attack the nearest neighbour to steal a worker, and a city or two! The Quechua doesn't last very long, and without it, the Inca's aren't a warmonger, they're a kitten with a tuba. Their existance makes no sense.

Another gripe is that they rarely take advantage of the Financial Trait. He rarely builds cottages, and when he does, it's usually on plains without a river adjacent. The ******ed AI should put it by rivers for the extra commerce bonus...

Just a very bad AI all together. I rate it as one of the worst.

India -

Mahatma Gandhi - {Industrious & Spiritual}

Bastard. This is the guy who makes all the religions behind your back. If he starts with a gold, gems, silver or any other form of precious metal which gives +commerce right away in his city tiles, then he will be the one to get all three of the early religions. Always. Doesn't matter what difficulty. It just happens this way.

He will also be the one who steals away The Parthenon, the Pyramids, the Oracle, The Hanging Gardens, The Versailles... pretty much every wonder up until the end of the game. Which by then you should be foaming at the mouth looking for his blood.

His big weakness is the same weakness that most builder players have. His military is weak as he rarely works on it. He almost never adopts Theocracy or Vassalage. Rarely builds Barracks... Good thing too, because it makes taking him over out of spite that much easier on you.

Definitally one of the best Peace-time AI's.

Asoka - {Organized & Spiritual}

Geeze does this guy ever expand. He usually has 6-7 cities by the time you have 3 on Monarch difficulty. He really makes good use of his traits too, as he likes to micromanage between civics to get the best possible result at the best time. This really boosts him up the ranks by grabbing easy technology very quickly. Throw in his love for Universal Sufferage, Free Speech, Emancipation, Free Religion, Free Market, and lots and LOTS of Cottages/Towns, and you got a money making, tech researching Machine.

He'll definitally be one of the guys who will steal the space race from you if you're not looking. So keep an eye out for him.

Another great peace-time AI.

Japan -

Tokugawa - {Aggressive & Organized}

Bad trait combination. Bad UU. Bad starting technologies. Bad choice in civics. Horrible case of doesn't-invade syndrome. A severe case of xenophobia.

The worst AI in the game. The WORST AI in the game. Nothing compares to this brand of crappiness.

He will always be the one at the bottom of your ranking scores. Even on Always War hes useless. Because even though he builds up a huge army, he rarely uses the damn thing.

Just a bad AI. Nothing else can be said about how bad this AI is, except that it's the worst.

Mali -

Mansa Musa - {Financial & Spiritual}

This guy makes perfect use of his traits. He like Asoka likes to micromanage his civics at every possible opportunity. He'll also find a liking towards Universal Sufferage, Freedom of Speech, Emancipation, Free Trade, and Free Religion. Throw in the huge ammounts of cottages he likes to build, with the Financial attribute, and you'll get the guy who is usually #1 in the space race game if France or India is not there.

Hes not very aggressive though, and he tends to have a very weak army after the Skirmishers become obselete. I wouldn't suggest an early war with him due to the Skirmishers. They're simply too tough to crack through without War Elephants.

A great peace-time AI.

Mongolia -

Genghis Khan - {Aggressive & Expansive}

Pretty helpful trait combination. The AI utilizes it well 'when' the mongolians actually bother to go through with an attack. They like to declare war, but they rarely ever war. When they do, it's usually a miniature stack of obselete units. How boring.

The only time the Mongolian's are really dangerous are when they try the Keshik rush, but... again, they rarely attack. Let alone actually declare war in the early era.

Genghis overall do very little special, and do a lot very poorly.

Not a very good war-time AI. They feel like a place-filler.

Kublai Khan - {Aggressive & Creative}

I don't really consider him a war-mongering AI. Hes much more of a peace time AI who knows how to defend himself. A VERY good AI when it comes to keeping it's own arse out of a sling. It's probably the only one with enough brains to combine arms in defense. It's not rare to see Two Axemen, Two Archers, and Two Spearmen defending only one city.

Still. Kublai suffers from the same issues that Genghis does. They rarely attack. Let alone actually declare war in the ancient era when they have their Keshiks. The Keshiks are an awesome UU and they just waste them!

Kublai is nothing to worry about. Unless you try to take him over. Then you better bring lots of suicide catapults.
Persia -

Cyrus - {Expansive & Organized}

This guy is an annoying bug just waiting to be squashed. He will always put a city right beside your border in a poor attempt to screw you over.

I just don't understand the logic of Cyrus' AI. He keeps trying to widdle out a couple extra cities from places that no other sane person, let alone an intelligent AI would ever build.

Then when you declare war on him, you notice hes got like 7 freaking cities that're all sprawled around like a ******ed baby was the one who did the placement. Who would plant in the middle of the desert anyways?

In the later era's, 'If' he gets established, he tends to do nothing. He never declares war, he never demands anything. Hes basically a nobody from the Renessaince Era Onward, and a bug waiting to be squished prior to the Renessaince.

Rome -

Julius Caeser - {Creative & Expansive}

Who hates Caeser, raise your hands!?

<Everybody raises their hands>

Yeah, this guy has the most aggressive AI of all of them. Even more aggressive than Alexander. I think hes angry because Firaxis gave him the lamest dialogue in the entire game. Either that or hes tired of wearing fruity purple robes.

Whatever his issue is. He will praetorian Rush you on the later difficulties. It is not easy to fend off a Praetorian Rush when you're barely defended. It gets worse as you lose city after city and find you can't keep up with his production. I think Caeser is the only one who actually conquered one of my civilizations!

He doesn't stop later on in the game either. He'll rush you with Riflemen, Marines, and Mobile Armor. He shows little to no relent, and once you've made him an enemy. Thats it.

Hes not as impossible to befriend as Alexander is, but he can be a pain. If you give in to his demands, he usually starts to like you.

Your best bet against him is to build alot of Axemen if you see him live near you.

Russia -

Catherine - {Creative & Financial}

Another one of the best peace-time AI's out there. The catch is, shes also very capable at sneak attacks. Especially if you're on an Island game. She loves to attack via-ships. More often than not, you'll see dozens upon dozens of galleons headed your way all filled to the brim with Musketmen, and Macemen, or later on Riflemen, and Cossacks.

During peacetime she is more than capable of keeping up with you and the other AI civilizations. There are often times where if she gets a decent starting location where she'd beat Mansa Musa to the Space Race. Shes also one of very few AI's who actually uses spies properly. In fact. I think she is the only one that I've seen that actually builds the Scotland Yard national wonder! So she may very well be the only one to use spies to any effect.

I think shes one of the few AI's that is crucial to befriend. When she becomes your enemy, she has the annoying habit of never letting it go. She'll attack you, then after you declare peace, and those 10 turns are up, she'll attack you again.

Thankfully shes also one of the easiest AI's to befriend. Really. I've gotten friendly with her, without even having the same religion with her.

I've noticed that her favorite Civic is Emancipation. Like Victoria, she likes to grab it early. Which can really screw you up if you're no where near learning Democracy yet.

Peter - {Expansive & Philosophical}

Don't let this guys traits fool you. His brand of expansion is not early rush. He likes to expand at the expense of his neighbors. He does it almost as aggressively as Caeser and Alexander do at that. Only he has the tendency to wait until he has the upper hand in units. Which is why you'll see him swarm your territory with Cossacks, even though you've had over 6 millenia of peace with him prior to this moment.

Hes also notorious for 'always' going for the worker chop strategy. Something which legitimizes the strategy as legal and not a bug. Because if the AI can do it, it's meant to be done! Because of this strategy, he almost always has 5-6 defenders in his city, which makes him bad to attack in the very early game, even if you're the Incans.

His downfall is that once Cossacks are obselete, he pretty much goes docile. I've never seen him start a war in the Modern Era.

Spain -

Queen Isabella - {Expansive & Spiritual}

Usually the last one to build a settler in the early game. If you start with her as your neighbor, it's extremely easy to box her in before she can expand.

Her strength in the early game is that she is normally the first one to grab Buddhism and Priesthood. Which makes her a candidate for getting the Oracle before you do. Which can really anger people {Like Me}, who rely on the Oracle for a free Metal Casting technology.

Regardless, she is normally very easy to contain. She rarely starts wars throughout the game, and her agenda in peace time revolves around culture, and religion/culture related technology. She might sneak in Broadway from under your nose, but she rarely ever grows at the rate that Asoka or Ghandi would.

I rate her as a pushover AI. The only time she is dangerous is when she is left to her own accord on her own island with a lot of space... If she has even one neighbour, she usually gets squished into a corner, or is conquered before you even know she exists.
Dairuka said:
Persia -

Cyrus - {Expansive & Organized}

This guy is an annoying bug just waiting to be squashed. He will always put a city right beside your border in a poor attempt to screw you over.

I just don't understand the logic of Cyrus' AI. He keeps trying to widdle out a couple extra cities from places that no other sane person, let alone an intelligent AI would ever build.

Then when you declare war on him, you notice hes got like 7 freaking cities that're all sprawled around like a ******ed baby was the one who did the placement. Who would plant in the middle of the desert anyways?

In the later era's, 'If' he gets established, he tends to do nothing. He never declares war, he never demands anything. Hes basically a nobody from the Renessaince Era Onward, and a bug waiting to be squished prior to the Renessaince.

I concur
eh u got louis traits wrong, he is CRE IND, no one in the game is CRE ORG, which is what you listed louis as
gah sorry about the double post, it said invalid post topic, so i did it again?
It's curious but I see lot's of people get Louis XIV wrong. I liked his traits so much that I bought the bastard (I mean I played him one time). My easiest victory so far. Fast city expansion and lots of wonders can't be bad.

Gotta say that my experiences differ somewhat on these leaders:

Alexander: yes, he's a warmongering bugger, but I befriended him in my last game and it was quite useful to have him pick on the other AIs in turn. It was probably useful that I converted him to Hinduism (my religion) early on.

Caesar: Only had him once (that I'm aware of) and he did nothing. Possibly due to him not having a good position on the map.

Mao Zedong: I always seem to get him, never Qin. I didn't had any trouble trading with him in my last game.

Hatshepsut: I've had her several times as my nearest neighbour. Sometimes she's friendly, sometimes not, probably down to religion as you say. I haven't noticed her being that aggressive though.
Sorry. I wrote down Mao Zedong, Cyrus, and Louis' traits wrong. I'll correct them right away.

Thank you for the input Diamond Geezer.

What I'm going to do is collect the information input by other people's speculations, and perhaps make a comprehensive, "vs AI" guide, with what to expect, as well as strategies against certain leaders. It will all be based on the information that is provided.

So please, submit your experiences. Screenshots would also be highly appreciated. Thank you. =)
Franklin D Roosevelt - {Industrious & Organized)

A very strong peace-time AI. Although hes practically useless if somebody declares war on him any time before the Industrial Age. If he is left to his own accords, he'll probably be the one to beat you to the construction of The Hanging Gardens, The Great Lighthouse, or The Pyraminds. :mad:

This is why hes my least favorite AI to play against. He never falls behind in technology despite not having the same boosts that a player would have.

Thankfully hes one of the least likely people to come up against in a random game. You normally have to directly choose him, otherwise you'll get Washington instead.

Again Navy Seals can pose a problem on Island games. He like Washington been known to sneak attack and take a city using the Navy Seals before you can counter, or defend. He is a lot more aggressive than Washington too. Probably because hes in a better state to actually fight than Washington is by the Modern era.

Well... I got him as the closest neighbor in both my Emperor and Immortal Space race wins and he was always at least pleased, as I converted to his religion (but then captured his holy city with culture :D). He never caused any problems to me - always a few or more techs behind (except until middle ages). To me he seems like no threat and I only get a good "shield" before other AIs can get to my borders... And I did beat him to Hanging Gardens in both games.
I read through this writeup, and one thing that become clear as I went through it is how almost utterly opposite some of these descriptions are to my actual gameplay. Esp. in the categories of "I never see this leader"....I almost always play against Roosevelt and Mao. And I have had Mao sneak attack me with an amphibous assault in the middle ages on a world where there had not been any previous war except by China. Weird, weird, weird.

In my last game, I did the "random personalities", and that seems to have helped. You never know what you are going to get next to you which adds some fun to the game.

In the "normal" game, I have been completely crushed underfoot by a Greek-Japanese team, and I have been completely overrun by an aggressive Mali outfit. I have also made the many of the tough AIs into client states (such as the Mongols, Greeks, Romans). And in one game that I won, Isabella had the largest empire and cities everywhere.

I think so much of the personality and "opportunity" really rests with the first 50 turns for these leaders and the struggles (or lack thereof) they face.

What is interesting is how some of us always get certain leaders and others never get a leader (I have yet to play against France or Persia for example)
to the computer who seems to favor farms and forests over cottages

Hmm, this isn't true. The AI chops down all of its forests and goes heavy on cottages.

On Saladin:

I find him very difficult to befriend. He always has too many enemies so if I want to befriend him I have to piss off 2-3 other civs.

On Hatepshut:

I agree with almost all of this. Has to be the easiest civ to befriend after Gandhi.

On Gandhi:

I find Isabella is better at snatching up all the religions. Gandhi does take all the early wonders though.

On Tokugawa:

Yep always last in score and usually pisses off enough civs that they eliminate him in the middle ages without any help from the player.

On Mansa Musa:

I think he blows away both Gandhi and Louis in technology. I don't know how he does it. He even pisses off every other civ in the game but still maintains an insane tech pace so they all leave him alone.

On Catherine:

I have trouble befriending her.
Cyrus- always seems to be a beast when I play (noble). He sits around in 3rd or 4th place until the modern ages when he goes beserk and takes over half the continent. Always is my buddy tho :)

Izzy- always has a different religion than me and thus is always pissed off at me for the whole game. Declares war on me around 3 or 4 times but its always phony because I never start near here. Shes pretty weak anyway.

Washington- I disagree with him being weak. He seems to do really well when i play against him. Maybe its because he gets good starting positions. I dont know.

FDR- I never see him either. That's weird.

Saladin- He always hates me, but everyone else loves him. He's won diplomatic victories 3 times already.

Monte- Insane. Completely insane. And always dead before industrial (from me or all the AI's gang up on him after he declares war on one)

Alex- tied for most aggressive with Genghis, but unlike Genghis, Alex actually has updated units making him tough to fight.

Huayna Capac (Wayne)- Always starts next to me for some reason. Always declares war early and gets slaughtered... He's not too bright. When he survives my onslaught, he turns into my worshipper and starts begging for stuff. Sometimes I feel merciful and kill him off. He's really a pain- he contacts me every turn.

Tokugawa- never seen him have open borders with anybody. He never trades either making him always backwards and sucky. Perennial loser.

Mansa Musa- My best ally always. Very peaceful and and very willing to trade with you. I feel sorry attacking him when I decide to play a war game. Biggest pacifist in game.

Genghis Khan- insane like Monte but he has allies sometimes. Always has most units but they are obselete. If you befriend him, he's pretty trustworthy unlike Alex and Monte.

Nevermind- its impossible to befriend Monte...
Great guide. One thing I didn't see mentioned was with Queen Isabella. It seems like she is one of the most likely people to demand that I convert to her religion. I don't know if I'm the only one with this experience, but I try to get rid of her early so I'm not stuck between converting religions and fighting a war I can't afford.
ggalindo001 said:
What is interesting is how some of us always get certain leaders and others never get a leader (I have yet to play against France or Persia for example)

Wow! I think Cyrus has been in every game of mine except three!

I agree about france, i don't think ive ever played with them
Well, I will agree with you as far as Caesar goes-he is an SOB to start off next to-even in later ages. Oh, and he also knows how to make good use of naval blockades and naval pillaging-so be sure to have a good navy if you have ANY coastal cities at all. Alexander, though, I am not so sure of. Sure I don't trust him-possibly because he is taking so many choice resources-but he HAS come to my aid on more than one occasion to take out some very nasty barbarian threats. Also, I have found Montezuma to be much more of a threat than what you suggest, even after the Jaguar. He has come at me with stacks like you would NOT believe, and knows how to force you into dividing your forces by making a multi-pronged attack.
Anyway, just a few thoughts.

Montezuma. I want to comment on this guy, I foam at the mouth with rage when I see him in games for his crimes against me, he is crazier than he looks and we all know how damn crazy he looks. Insane. I took half his empire once, not long after he sneak attacked with massive stacks from his remaining cities, it just wasn't possible, and he knew my armies were on the other side of my empire. He actually makes me scared, someone hold me.

Okay he's not always that bad, but in a few games he just really loves to single me out for sneak stack attacks.
Monte is a strange cat, I think he plays turn by turn what he wants. If one turn he wants to trade for your cows, he'll do the trade but the next turn he'll just as happily attack you and lose the cows, if he weren't at war with you when he realized he lost the cows he'd prolly try and trade again... And he always has a HUGE army. The trick with Monty is to keep him attacking someone else. In one game I was next to him, I had +17 relations with him, and the opportunist bastard attacked me with an archer and an axeman from a galley at my farthest city from him, which I'd left undefended because an archer was due up next turn. Of course he didn't know that so he DOW'd and landed his 2 units...next turn my archer popped up and he suicide attacked anyways, nearly won would have won if he'd had 3 units. Fortunately I was able to convince the American sot go to war with him so his armies headed off to conquer the Americans while I ate up his southern borders and sued for peace while his northern front was a battle zone.
Shillen said:
Hmm, this isn't true. The AI chops down all of its forests and goes heavy on cottages.

Washington - at least in my games, has a nasty habit of building nothing but farms.

Thank you for the input Shillen. Especially on Saladin. In one of my current games he seems to be forced into a corner by both Bismarck, and Hatepshut.

He does seem to be an outsider, much like Tokugawa. Hes definitally not an isolationist, but hes definitally a war-monger. I think hes really easy to befriend because I'm almost always running Feudalism, and Theocracy during mid game when blocs are usually made, and yes. He ALWAYS has enemies, and it's always his neighbours. Probably pissed because of his huge cultural border expansion. I'd love it if more people could share their experiences when playing against Saladin.

ggalindo001 said:
I read through this writeup, and one thing that become clear as I went through it is how almost utterly opposite some of these descriptions are to my actual gameplay.

There are always circumstances. However these speculations are based on what is the usual outcome. I myself have had instances where Mali was in last place, with Tokugawa on the top. I'd like to attribute that up to Japan having a successful war. Not to mention his starting location had Horses, Iron and Two Health Resources... Not a bad place to start.

ggalindo001 said:
Esp. in the categories of "I never see this leader"....I almost always play against Roosevelt and Mao.

As with speculation comes some opinion/editorial based ideas. I just played a game where I took over Frederick, one of the leaders whom I never play against without directly having them take part in the game in the custom game option.

ggalindo001 said:
And I have had Mao sneak attack me with an amphibous assault in the middle ages on a world where there had not been any previous war except by China. Weird, weird, weird.

I never said he never wars. What I did say is that he fails to use the Cho-Ku-Nu properly.

ggalindo001 said:
I think so much of the personality and "opportunity" really rests with the first 50 turns for these leaders and the struggles (or lack thereof) they face.

This is very true. Yet they follow the same algorithmns that make them unique personalities every game. This is regardless of starting location, or opportunity.

ggalindo001 said:
What is interesting is how some of us always get certain leaders and others never get a leader (I have yet to play against France or Persia for example)

Indeed. Perhaps it's just the luck of the roll, but Frederick has thus far been the rarest leader in every one of my games. I've played against him twice now.

Elponitnatsnoc said:
FDR- I never see him either. That's weird.

Thank you for your list. It helps. =)

And yeah, neither have three of my other friends. I'm beginning to wonder that it may be this way for every game, and is not just luck? Maybe the game has a thing against people with the middle name Delano.
No I've never seen FDR either. But I always get France (except when I play her of course!), Louis more than Napoleon. I've also had Frederick several times, and Bismarck also, so I guess I must get Germany a lot. I seem to see a lot of Europeans (I always play Continents - is this a reason?).

Current game I got Tokugawa as a neighbour. Started off with good relations having converted him to Buddhism (my state religion), but then he started asking for stuff, so after I got rid of Czar Peter I carried onto Toku - get your retaliation in first as they say! AFAIK he's not been at war with any other leader (and not likely to now...).
I see Frederick a rather fair amount.
He's not so great.
Doesn't build a strong military, and is certainly not opportunistic. I had no horses or bronze, was pinned in by his culture, and was forced to rush ironworking for resources. He let me build an army of swordsmen and axemen and roll all 4 of his cities on Noble.

That game I remember so vividly as I figured it was going to be over really fast due to my poor starting loc, but Frederick prepared 4 great cities for my empire to blossom into. ;)

I regularly eliminate him in my games where he's close to me as his cultural trait rates as high threat to me.
Washington- rarely see him
FDR- same as above
Saladin- see him often, usually peaceful
Monty- Haven't seen him in a game
Mao- seen him once
Qui- More than Mao, usually advanced
Happy- a pain in the donkey, usually demanding me things
Vicky- only once
Elizzy- often seen her, usually plants cities in jungles :lol:
Louis 14- A pain in the donkey, but only once
Little Corp- Have seen him only 2 or 3 times
Fred- onlly 3 times, stupid and wierd
Bisy- haven't seen him
Alex- Quite often, usually small and christin
The Inca Guy- Seem him 'bout 5 times, usually, normal
Asoka- A pain in the donkey's donkey. Gets all the religions
Ghandi- Even worse, smart and religious, goes for space
Toko- bad... seen him quite often, small...
Mansa- smartbutt, religionbutt, and moneybutt
Gengis- Haven't seen him for a while
Kublai- same
Cyrus- in all of my games!!!, goes for bad city spots, usually cramed in the corner of a continent
Cathy- dont see her
Peter- same
Izzy- In pain in the donkey, makes everybody her religion, aggressive (!?!?)
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