stability and religion

There are a few things that you can do to stabilize the empire.

1. State religion
2. Better government civic despot<hereditary rule<representation If you can get the pyramids and run rep it massively helps keep a big empire stable
3. Wonders help keep the people proud to be in the empire
4. Trade routes cut down on the distance penalty GLH helps more as would a cothon
5. Courthouse
6. Markets and grocers seem to help as well. I think any health or happy bonus building pays off for stability
7 Military police

I have found that if I only crank out troops I get owned by revolution, but if I build I do a lot better. The key is to expand and consolidate. I like to build so this works well for me.
A question - is it only government civics that help? For example, playing today, I noticed that barbarism doesn't appear to carry any stability penalties (nor vassalage or bureaucracy, for that matter) on the legal civics, with the top two tiers (nationhood and free speech) carry a small bonus.

Labor is the one that confuses me the most - Tribalism, the basic civic, shows no benefit or penalties, but slavery, serfdom, and caste system all show penalties in increased instability - meaning, if I read correctly, that if I move out of tribalism to any other form of legal civic (except emancipation, which comes very late) I will actually make my empire MORE unstable - is this intended this way? I do understand how these civics (slavery in particular) would lead to instability, but it lead to my last game me staying in Tribalism for fear of stability issues...

I guess the question, basically, is does Tribalism also carry an instability penalty of some sort, or is your empire really more stable under Tribalism than any other labor civic prior to emancipation?
I seems to be important to have a religion near the beginning of the game so you can build temples and whatnot. In my current game I haven't had any stability problems whatsoever and I'm leading the scoreboard by 500 points. Seems like the A.I. doesn't know how to avoid rebellions though.
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