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Statue of Zeus'ed


one more turn addict
Jan 23, 2006
So, who's been clobbered by the statue of zeus? I want to see some screenshots. I'll post some of my own but I'm not at home presently.

I played a game with Boudica and was looking forward to constant warfare. Pangaea map, my direct neighbors were gilgamesh and charlemagne. Took out gilgamesh but it took a while. Charlegmagne built the SoZ. He REXed hard and was #1 in land. It took four wars and drove myself to economic ruin (literally, nothing in the coffers, 0% research, -198 gpt, every city had so many unhappy I was not working a single tile in my empire).

It was comical to see how powerful this wonder is in the hands of a protective leader. I had military superiority through every war but he had bundles of longbows in cities on hills and you need to throw a lot of units away to get through it all.

On the flip side, with the Great Wall, I did have 7 GGs by 1500 AD. Anyway the game ended with Charlemagne going down at the same time Mehmed showed up with a stack 60 strong close to a not very well defended Bibracte. Game over.

Seems it is impossible these days to play a game without a protective neighbor. That trait is nasty.
I haven't yet been a victim of it, but I recently built it and Chichen Itza. I'm practically begging someone to war with me.
Ive been bitten by the SoZ, serious unhappiness (my citizens & me), I thought it was just a change in BtS ... the last city I took before peace had the SoZ in it, typical, but it explained a lot.

Always check who built this thing b4 war, or build it yerself~
you should check out the current ALC, Sisituil's economy almost crashed because of it
The SoZ does not expire. I find it is a must build. Every game I have played where I didn't build, someone directly adjacent to me did. Almost seems rigged to burn you but I haven't played enough games making up what I'd consider to be a representative sample to back my statement.

I'll have to check up on the ALC. I believe it though. That thing ended my boudica game. All my units disbanding on the same turn Mehmed shows up. It was too funny to see every city working zero tiles due to unhappiness.
never seems to work for me.. Works against me. But my enemies never have problems, or is it only a Defensive wonder? where the weariness only effects them when they are atacking me? because... I'm usually the attacker, when i don't get it im always defending lol.

+20 unhappiness from WW... ouch.

I declared war, then 2 turns later, i invaded a city and got clobbered. Shortest war ever. Lucky, my opponent accepted peace, but i had to give the city back.

It worked for me. Isabella declared war and invaded, but got destroyed, so i stayed on the defensive. I could have attacked, but her cities had +12 WW from this war; most of her cities were full of angry people, so i just kept it that way for 20+ turns and her might empire disapeared from the planet. Later on, I declared war on her and she got WW unhappiness on the first turn! This wonder is VERY strong.
never seems to work for me.. Works against me. But my enemies never have problems, or is it only a Defensive wonder? where the weariness only effects them when they are atacking me? because... I'm usually the attacker, when i don't get it im always defending lol.

Ya, SOZ only works when war is delaired against you
Ya, SOZ only works when war is delaired against you
Actually it should work always - but if you are the attacker you likely kill most units on their territory - you don't get any WW from units being killed in your land and 2x0 is still 0 ;)
I had a nice twist once in a war with Hammurabi when I dropped a stack at Babylon to take the Apostlic Palace out of his control and I got SoZ in a bundle :lol: . After capturing that nasty thing I could keep the war up alot longer :goodjob:
If someone you're planning to war against builds it, I think capturing the city containing it has to be your first war objective.

Yes, in the 2nd Peter ALC I got bit by it. If I hadn't had a ton of gold in the treasury at the start of the war, and if I hadn't been running a SE so I could run merchants out the wazoo to reduce the impact of running the culture slider at 60-70%, it would have sunk me.

I think another way to reduce its effects is the "espionage siege weapon" that ShredZ suggested to me in the ALC bullpen thread: use a spy to send the city into revolt on the turn when your stack is ready to attack. The cultural defense goes down to 0% and all the units in the city suffer a substantial loss of strength. The benefit to war weariness here is that you're not sacrificing a bunch of siege weapons or other units in suicide attacks.
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