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Staying Awake all night


Dec 22, 2006
Hi, I'm looking for tips on how to stay awake all night. I know most of you probably will think Coffee, but there must be other things. No I don't want to break the world record of sleepless nights which happens to be 11 nights. Thats impossible for me. But I want to stay awake all night so I sleep well tomorrow and regulate my sleeping pattern.

Does anyone here think they could break the world record of sleepless nights? Its 11 nights without sleep. The Record belongs to Randy Gardner -


By the way, I'm not advertising the idea of sleep deprivation because it has side affects and is dangerous, such as hallucination's, and micro sleep (where you black out or nod off for a few seconds) especially if your doing something like driving!

Man, I want to learn how to actually fall asleep quick at night, lol.
Trying to break a world record? ;)
What the devil? I've been trying to get more sleep!:crazyeye: I've tried this before and it is very hard. You may want to try sleeping for about four or three hours. Then it will help you stay up the next day. Good Luck!
First of, just becuase its recorded doesnt mean its the record. Second, sleep deprivation only has one serious side effect, body regulation. After so many days of being awake, your body stops regulating heat and you get really hot and fry your pad man, fry your pad.

To stay up, well for some people it comes natural, for others not, me, im all natural(its not cool kids, in fact, if your under 18 you should be in bed rite now, you have school tomorrow). But really, just never lie down, or sit back, or rest your head on anything. You should be good. Your body wont sleep while standing.
Hi, I'm looking for tips on how to stay awake all night. I know most of you probably will think Coffee, but there must be other things. No I don't want to break the world record of sleepless nights which happens to be 11 nights. Thats impossible for me. But I want to stay awake all night so I sleep well tomorrow and regulate my sleeping pattern.
In my experience that doesn't work, you're better off going to sleep at your usual time and waking up 2 or 3 hours earlier than usual.

Does anyone here think they could break the world record of sleepless nights? Its 11 nights without sleep.

My record is 4 days, I would never want to do more than that.
keeping my mind busy sounds the best advice. thanks. I have given a reason punkbass. Its to regulate my sleep the next night. I usually start having difficulty when I start "nodding" when I have seconds of sleep, my brain forcing mircosleeps on me.
JonnyB, its abit late for that, in england it is 4:00 at night, so if I sleep now, Ill wake late in the day, and I don't want that, so I cant go to bed at usual time.
well right now its 4am and i dont feel tired at all. if you have a playstation and a shootemup game, tahts my best advice. failing that, a PC shooter game, or something fast paced/good plot (think RPG)
keeping my mind busy sounds the best advice. thanks. I have given a reason punkbass. Its to regulate my sleep the next night.

Yes, but that's not a good way to do it. You'll almost certainly fall asleep well before your desired bedtime, throwing your sleep pattern even further off-kilter. It's 4:00am you say? Go to bed and set your alarm for 9:00am. It will suck, but if you stay up all day (even maybe have a short nap in the early afternoon) you should be able to get to bed at a satisfactory time tomorrow.
Water increases concentration, so maybe that'll help me. Yes playing a fast paced game is a good idea also. I have Halflife 2, but I can't play sounds because I'll wake the family.
trust me that is even harder for me, I cannot wake up. My brain is literally overpowers me and forces me back to sleep and sleeps through the alarm so I'm not giving it the chance. Ill stay awake till evening and walk the dog. Nap on a park bench maybe lol.
Water increases concentration, so maybe that'll help me. Yes playing a fast paced game is a good idea also. I have Halflife 2, but I can't play sounds because I'll wake the family.

Dude get headphones anyway, they work so much better than anything else.
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