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staznesV: Gateway to an Alternate World

all things considered, you should; I take the fact that my last war in an NES, as Illyria invading SIcilly went of flawlessly, and when I tok charge of the Dacians, repelled the full determined might of Das in the same NES.
lurker's comment: Mmmm.......egotistical insults.....tasty.....
Let me guess. Xen was to be Tartessos? Or some other random Iberian power? Sorry, couldn't resist. ;)
Let me guess.

No, you can't. You are banned from guessing.

all things considered, you should; I take the fact that my last war in an NES, as Illyria invading SIcilly went of flawlessly, and when I tok charge of the Dacians, repelled the full determined might of Das in the same NES.

Well...I...um...took on an impoverished Hungary in Das' NES while doing only a marginal percent of the actual work, while my allies took the nation for me!!! That counts..for something, doesn't it?? :(
FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT......*cough* I mean, break it up you two. Xen, your welcome to join elsewheres.
@NK- somthing much more appealing to me then Minoa, Tartessos, or even Rome could ever offer for me.

@Panda, considerign that you (appernetlly) did none of the work, no :p
Xen said:
@NK- somthing much more appealing to me then Minoa, Tartessos, or even Rome could ever offer for me.

Ah. Must be that you got yourself an atlantis. :coffee:
@Azale; nah, I'm pretty infatuated with being that particuler nation at the moment, and cant really see myself doing anythign otherwise; europe, as always, has becoem cramped as hell, and I just dotn find any other areas of the world to hold all that much appeal for me.
North King said:
Ah. Must be that you got yourself an atlantis. :coffee:

about damn time I did too.
North King said:
Actually (sorry to give you more work Azale ;) ) I'm finally going to play a traditional European nation for once. Well, not really traditional... But it's going to be in Europe. :p

Tribal Fuedalism
Capital: Muscat
Ruler: ?/North King
Economy: Stable
Army: 500 Spearmen, 500 Archers
Navy: 50 Galleys
Culture: 1
Education: 0
Notes: Salzburg is so named for the large salt mines of the city, a massive source of income, due to the highly prized nature of salt in these times. It is centrally located in Europe, also, which means it has the potential to become a burgeoning trade center. It is also highly defensible, being in the Alps as it is.

Location: Austria, just a little west of Vienna. Should be on a good atlas.

Perhaps the capital of Salzburg should be Salzburg? ;)
@xen, let me guess, atlantis ;)
Xen said:
about damn time I did too.

I don't see why you can't pick something like the British isles, they're about the same, just different climate... :coffee:
North King said:
I don't see why you can't pick something like the British isles, they're about the same, just different climate... :coffee:

what are you going on about? I'm not playing as Atlantis to be an island :rolleyes: I'm playign it because of the mythos behing the entire legend intruiges me; somthing Britian most decidedlly dose not have going for it.

if it dosent interest me, I;m not going to play as it; perhaps you enjoy going about, and beign all sorts of nations; nothign wrong with that, in fact, its probabley a better form of play then I engage in; but I simpley wont stick with a nation if it dosent hold a certian flame to itself, and most of the world just has no flame to it at all in regards to me. Atlantis not only has such a flame, but it burns brighter for me then any other, or any historical nation dose.
heh, you people arent giving me a whole lot to work with here for the first update...
@Panda, considerign that you (appernetlly) did none of the work, no

Actually, he trampled the Hungarian puppet state of Bosnia-Serbia.

(But, interesting as it is to note, Xen, Panda wasn't exactly serious there...)
So is there like going to be an update at some point?
das said:
Actually, he trampled the Hungarian puppet state of Bosnia-Serbia.

(But, interesting as it is to note, Xen, Panda wasn't exactly serious there...)

I shoudl think youd be more interest in the fact that i troubced you with the Dacian forces in your folly bound invasion, rather then what panda said, but whatever.
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