Is that little green island still available?

If so, put me down for it, and call it the New Avalon Alliance.

Empire name:The League of Supremacy
Emperor Name: Supreme Lord Scott
Government (Monarchy)
Stone Age
Continent and Location (The square on the pennisula of the top right continent.)
Economy: Stagnate
Navy n/a
Army n/a
Capital name: Supremeville
Empire Name: Kingdom of Atlantis
Emperor or King Name: King Warrius I
Government: monarchy
Stone Age
Continent and Location: Central Island(Grassland)
Economy: Stagnate


Expand across the island
(The name of the Island will be Atlantis)
(Capital's name is Atlanta)
-Expand army and navy size
-Send settlers eastwards and to the coasts surrounding my area )so no one can land north,south or west of Bleckede)
Wow, thread has been up for less than 2 hours, and 24 posts already! That is more than 1 post every 5 mins here!
Of course, this one helps on that count.

Did anyone take anything BUT monarchy?
Anarchy has take Depostim
(Arg! No I have to change)

Switch that to-

Empire Name: Amazonia
Emperor or King Name: Queen Warria I
Government: monarchy
Stone Age
Continent and Location: Southern square on NE Island(Rainforest)
Economy: Stagnate


Expand across the Rainforest
(Name the forest Amazon)
(Name Capital Amazonia)
Jeruslam, Jehuda was just built as one of the first civilized cities in the world.
The island was called "The Holly Land of The Jews", and the people where peacfull.
But God, didn't wanted a King, but the people wanted and god needed to give one.
He choosed Shmu'el, after him came David, than Shlomo, but when the son of Shlomo, Rehav'am came to power, the 10 northern tribes left the main country and built their own.
Soon the two countries, Jehuda and Kingdom of Israel fought, and Jehuda the bigger and stronger won and ones again united the Island.
But the island was too smalle, and unhealthy for all the deserts and mountain so the Jews build ships and sailed to other islands, good islands full of rain-forests (yes Expand to northern island).

The orders have been given and done.
Ill join too :)

Official Empire Name: Nation of Grand Pheonicia
Known as Name: Pheonicia
Emperor Name: King Ribb-Addi Baalbek
Government Type: Ancient Monarchy
Age: Stone Age
Economy: Stagnate
Army: Small
Navy: Tiny
Airforce: N/A
Capital City: Baalbeck
Location: NorthernWestern most Square of NorthWestern Continent(1).
"Continent" sorry. Continents are just big Islands anyway
A Pillar is errected on the site that Supreme Lord Scott decendended from the heavens directly in the middle of the capital Supremeville.

The people are allowed to do as they wish, as long as they do what Lord Scott wishes.


Start expanding to the North and south along the coast.
Immediatly start the training of new troops
King Ribb-Addi of Pheonicia had led his peoples down from the harsh mountains into the fertile grasslands of the far north.
There he and his people built a city, which his people in thanks for his leadership named Baalbeck.
The city of Baalbeck was nestled in a fertile valley near the northern coastline, through the centre of the valley ran the River Tibur, which Baalbeck was situated on the side of.
The city grew, and the surrounding lands were always able to provide for the peoples of Pheonicia, however they thirsted for more, they wanted not to just to survive but to prosper.

-Send settlers north, east and west to colonise along the northern coast.
-Begin training troops to enlarge army.
The First Prince of the Avalon Alliance glanced around him during a brief lull in the carnage.

He couldn't believe it had come to this.

The people of Albion had many decades ago joined forces to build a strong capital on the island in the centre of Albion island, naming it Avalon, as that central island was called Avalon Island. The lake the island sat in the middle of acted as a moat, separating Avalon Island from the rest of Albion, making it a perfect site for a strong capital.

And Avalon had been strong, but peaceful. Andrew Avalon, First Prince of this small nation had toured all of the country, finding that now everyone had begun to forget which tribes they had been in to begin with, and instead think of themselves as Alliance citizens. Little had he known that his brother Paul had forged links with those who still thought of themselves as part of the Avalon tribe, which had inhabited Avalon Island well before any capital was built, and who the First Family was drawn from. But those who he had met didn't think it was a good thing that Avalons now had so much power, but rather that Avalon Island was theirs, and no outsiders should be allowed into it, or even to claim to have a capital there.

So while Andrew was touring the Alliance, Paul rebelled, taking Avalon Island with him. Some of the rebels had worked their way into the Prince's Guard, Andrew's own regiment, and tried to assassinate him, only being stopped by Justin Allard and Ardan Sortek, the first the son of a close friend, and one of his son's best friends, and the latter being a close family friend.

Now with Avalon in his hands, Paul had massacred every non-Avalon in the city, and had also killed every Avalon-borne who didn't believe in the same thing as the cult that Paul had created from his new supporters.

They were fanatical, and Andrew had to raise an army from all over the Alliance to support his attack on Avalon.

And here he was, assaulting his own capital against a determined opponent.

The Avalon Guard, who had recently renamed themselves the Avalon Avengers supported his push into the centre of Avalon, with him at the head of the Prince's Guard, as always. Quintus Allard, his friend in war and peace, was at his side, leaving those Avengers.

They charged towards Avalon Palace, and barged through the doors. Finally, the end was in sight. But then the cultists inside charged at them, weapons held high. The Guard closed around the Prince to protect him as the Avengers charged forward with Quintus at their head, their cries of vengeance and anger echoing in the huge reception hall.

Then it all collapsed on top of them, with Paul at the other end of the hall shouting that Avalon would always be pure.


The collapse of the huge Palace on top of Avalon Hill (everything on Avalon Island seemed to be named Avalon, the new First Prince thought, desperately pushing away the sad thoughts of his father) had sent debris tumbling down the hill, and started landslides on once side - the side heading into the main area of Avalon.

The debris and the landslide had buried most of Avalon, killing many hundreds of people. but mercifully missing the main body of troops which was charging towards the hill, or the death toll would have been in the thousands.

It was later discovered that Paul had removed the pillars from the foundations of the Palace, and put timber there instead to keep the Palace up.

As hundreds of soldiers had piled in through the doors, as Paul had planned, the weight had been too much, and the timbers had snapped. The Palace had fallen, taking with it Andrew Avalon, Paul and Quintus Allard.

Martin Avalon, just 18 years old had been declared First Prince of the Avalon Alliance. He had now set about rebuilding Avalon, and called it New Avalon as was fitting, and not being crowned until the work was finished. The Alliance's name was changed to the New Avalon Alliance, and the Avengers became the New Avalon Avengers.

A new regiment, the Alliance Guard had been formed to protect the citizens of the Alliance at all times, just as the Avengers protected those of New Avalon.

For this would never happen again, Martin vowed, as he walked down the steps of the rebuilt Avalon Palace wearing his new crown.

New Avalon Alliance
Capital: New Avalon
Ruler: First Prince Martin Avalon
Ruler's Age: 18
Government: Monarchy
Technology Level: Stone Age
Mood of the Population: Grieving for Andrew Avalon
Economy: Stagnant
Armed Forces of the New Avalon Alliance(AFNAA)
Alliance Army(AA):
Alliance Navy(AN):
Regiments of New Avalon:
Prince's Guard(CO: First Prince Martin Avalon)
New Avalon Avengers(CO: Justin Allard)
Alliance Guard(CO: Ardan Sortek)
Flagship of the Fleet:
HMS New Avalon - Admiral Hanse Davion of the 1st Alliance Fleet and Prince's Champion
Other towns, plus their contribution to AFNAA
Tharkad - Tharkad Thumpers(CO: Katrina Steiner)
Donegal - Donegal Dragoons(CO: Grayson Death Carlisle)
Coventry - Kell Hounds(CO: Morgan Kell)
New Syrtis - New Syrtis Fusiliers(CO: Michael Hasek-Davion)
Robinson - Robinson Rangers(CO: James Sandoval)
Kathil - Kathil Uhlans(CO: General of the Armies Morgan Hasek-Davion)
Skye - Skye Rangers(CO: Ryan Steiner)
Sarna - 2nd Alliance Fleet(CO: Victor Steiner-Davion)
Kestrel - 3rd Alliance Fleet(CO: Kai Allard-Liao)
OOC: Someone likes MechWarrior and BattleTech uknem :lol:
I take the easternmost city on the southwestern desert-mountains continent. It's perched on a beak-like peninsula in the middle of a desert.

Rest posted soon.
Capital City: Sahanth
Sultan: Sahiv fahn-Atiq
Government: Monarchy/merchant oligarchy
Economy: stagnant
Tech level: Stone Age

The capital city of Sahanth was bustling with activity, the perfect location making it almost as great a trade depot as New Avalon as galleys dotted the seas for miles around, bringing foodstuffs, wine, and manufactured goods and leaving with Sahanth's fabled luxuries. The mountains ringing the city were rich with glowing emeralds and the smell of premium incense constantly envelopped the Bay of Sahanth to the north. Sea salt was extracted along the shallow beaches and the plumes of the ostriches that roamed free along the desert shores were in high demand in the North and East. In short, the citizens of Sahanth depended completely on trade - though its scientists were working hard on desert farming projects, most of the food came from distant lands.

Sahanth's might had recently declined, however, and the population clamored for a new enterprise. The galleys of the majestic Sahanthan fleet are currently being fitted up for a long trip and a voyage of exploration to the Eastern isles is expected. Rumors from Avalon speak of a distant continent called Zoere where grassland and food is in abundance. If Sahanth could colonize this [perhaps imaginary] continent, its prominence among the nations of the world would be assured.

Meanwhile the people are content to live under a monarchy whose primary task is to organize the great merchant expeditions which bring fame and fortune to the city. Sultan Sahiv fahn-Atiq is a benevolent ruler and much loved by his people.

The army of Sahanth is minimal, although most have well-trained camel mounts, but Sahanth controls both a great merchant marine and a large navy to protect it. Sahant is pouring great effort into scientific learning and hopes to soon uncover the mysteries of long-distance sailing and desert farming.

Sultan Atiq has called for a great expansion of our people. Settlers from the great city are founding new towns all over the main desert [also called Sahanth] and farther up and down the eastern coast along the mountains. Our navy is fitting up, as already reported, for an expedition to discover Zoere [the southeasternmost continent of grassland].

In diplomacy, the Sultan wishes well to the other nations of the Sahanthan continent and also to the Archipelago of Persus which lies to the west. We wish for nothing but to strengthen our trading bonds with these nations, with New Avalon, and with our customers in the North and East.

Let me end with the customary greeting and parting words of our people: Prosperity and happiness be with you!
Queen Warria looked from her roof-top place. Below was the grand capital of Amazonia. Thousands of Amazonians lived here. The people were warrior like. But unlike other civilizations it was ruled by a Queen and women. They believed that the women, the givers of life should be the ones with power not the men. They were mostly hunters. Some farming had recently been taken, but not in a large scale.

They felt the need to spread. The warrior women set out to find habitale spots. A many were found and settlers would be sent.


Expand across the Rainforest
(Name the rainforest Amazon forest)
(Name Capital Amazonia)

Many people signed up within a few hours! More then I expected! I will soon post what is left (if there are any, lol), and if I have all orders I will udpate (that is if every nation has been taken and orders have been made, if not I will wait until tomorrow).

Ok, so I went through and I tried to get each of the nations right, and starting locations. For the most part, you guys did good with not taking a taken city!

Here are the nations (also on front page). Nemesis, I need you to post using the template so that I can post you nation, but you got your island. Phonecia needs to pick another location without a color.

Oh, and remember - You cant name any sea's right now, only land formations (deserts, mountains, continents). Only one has been named by now.

Anarchian Empire
General Chris
Stone Age
The upper left hand area of the top continent
Economy: Stagnate
Military: Trained
Army: Small
Navy: Tiny
Captial: Anarchia
Color: Red

King Gray Davis
Stone Age
Southenmost square on map, west continent
Economy: Stagnate
Military: Trained
Army: Tiny
Navy: Small
Capital: San Francisco
Color: Yellow

Viking Empire
King St. Olav
Stone Age
north east on the North east continent
Economy: Stagnat
Military: Trained
Army: tiny
Navy: Small
Capital: Trondheim
Color: Green

Siederian Empire
King Alexander I
Stone Age
Northern location on the biggest continent
Economy: Stagnate
Navy: Tiny
Army: Small
Color: Light Blue

Empire Name: The Holy Trindic Empire
Pope Eric VIII
Stone Age
SE Position on NW Continent
Economy: Stagnate
Military: Trained
Navy: Tiny
Army: Small
Capital: Erindia
Color: Light Green

King Rehav'am (øçáòí)
Stone Age
on the half desert\half mountains island
Economy: Stagnate
Military: Trained
Navy: Small
Army: Tiny
Capital: Jerusalem
Color: Pink

The League of Supremacy
King Lord Scott
Stone Age
The square on the pennisula of the top right continent
Economy: Stagnate
Capital name: Supremeville
Color: Blue

Queen Warria I
Stone Age
Southern square on NE Continent (Rainforest)
Economy: Stagnate
Navy: Tiny
Army: Small
Capital: Atlanta
Color: Drak Grey

Nation of Grand Pheonicia
King Ribb-Addi Baalbek
Stone Age
Location: TAKEN
Economy: Stagnate
Army: Small
Navy: Tiny
Capital City: Baalbeck
Color: Orange

Republic of Sahanth
Sahiv fahn-Atiq
Stone Age
Location: easternmost city on the southwestern continent
Economy: Stagnate
Army: Small
Navy: Tiny
Capital City: Sahanth
Color: Light Grey
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